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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16210391 No.16210391 [Reply] [Original]

Hey anons, retard here still trying to learn how to cook by himself. I’m trying to make some fried fish and I was left wondering a couple things.
1. my dumbass bought those spray frying oil things and I don’t think they’ll work for this kind of cooking(pls correct me if I’m wrong with this). Should I use butter instead to try to fry it?
2. I don’t technically have flour to cover the fish with, would a precooked cornmeal work?

>> No.16210408
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If you want it like pic related, the fish will have to be at least partially submerged. Spray oils won't work at all. Butter won't help either, the milk solids will burn at high temp. Get some cheap canola or peanut oil.

>> No.16210419

Thanks, I will make a run to the store and try to make some tonight

>> No.16210434

dont fry in butter lmao

>> No.16210469

If you are "learning to cook" why are you starting with deep frying

>> No.16210530

If he has a decent thermometer, it's pretty foolproof.

>> No.16210538

What kind of fish

>> No.16210542

This guy was considering frying in butter
You underestimate the common fool

>> No.16210548

i'd recommend coconut oil, actually. canola dries shit out a lot & peanut oil is stronger-tasting stuff/is better used for more complex dishes. cononut oil rounds-out the palate whatever you're spicing/marinating your fish with nicely, and even prevents flaking since it's so dense & encapsulates moisture well.

>> No.16210559


deep fried and coated like in fish and chips?

or like semi submerged in oil?

if you're going for deep frying as a newbie cook, don't make the mistake of getting the temperature way too high.

and go out and get some flour.

>> No.16210562

Oh great, the coconigger is back. Coconut oil is garbage and tastes like your mother's dried up, yeast infected Cunt.

>> No.16210767

Find a recipe and follow it to the letter, retard

>> No.16210770

>frying food
do americans really

>> No.16210793

>canola dries shit out a lot

>> No.16210801
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>> No.16210807

op when u use oil later please please please make sure it gets up to temp
additionally, be as careful as humanly possible. oil is fucking terrifying.
t. heard multiple stories of niggas getting fucked up from fryers at work

>> No.16210824

How do i make onion rings

>> No.16210853

Lard or palm oil is the shit for frying. If that's not a possibility, sunflower oil is still acceptable.

>> No.16211123

either shallow fry or get one of these small counter top deep fryers.
For shallow drying in the pan olive oil is ok, but I’d generally recommend beef kidney fat for both, types.
Don’t get canola oil, it is going to make your dick fall off.

>> No.16211173

Remember to add an ice cube to your oil after its hot and before you put the fish in. stops it from sticking to your pan and breaking up.
Good luck fren

>> No.16212284

>Call 9-1-1 before following this advice.

>> No.16212517

Why though? You can deep fry in an ordinary pot just fine. An appliance is more parts, more annoying to clean, uses counter space and the cheap ones don't even manage temp that well in my experience.

Mechanically it's not that different from boiling except that you need a thermometer to watch the temp. I just use the same one I use to temp the meat after frying. Just pay attention and don't be a retard about it, and there's nothing to be afraid of.

>> No.16212562

>palm oil
You make Pongo cry

>> No.16212885

coconut oil is great for fish
die in a fire you fucking tastelet sperg