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File: 67 KB, 555x416, this-is-gas-station-food-in-germoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16208308 No.16208308 [Reply] [Original]

German gas station food. Better than Japanese 7-Eleven food?

>> No.16208315

>no fischbrötchen

>> No.16208327

7-11 has absolutely peasant tier bread but their hot menchi katsu and frozen food are pretty good
I prefer the old circle K stores which had random Pasco meme pastries like donuts made in the image of Hatsune Miku’s hair cube things that nobody know what they are supposed to be.
Mini Stop is the current top tier of Japanese convenience store food, their X-fries never get soggy and the spicy crunky chicken is excellent. The pastries are also very good, the triple color donuts are the best convenience store donuts

>> No.16208338

it's so interesting. As far as I can tell, there are a lot of German-speaking people on this board. But they never boast about anything

>> No.16208344

its really a tragedy, the Japanese convenience store chains all consolidated within the last ten years and without the competition we no longer see cutting-edge products like compressed chicken wafers, zebra pucks, and 500ml cartons of liquid creme puff

>> No.16208359
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Oh yay bread!

>> No.16208372

What? Mini Stop is 3rd, maybe 4th.

Lawson is top, followed by FamiMa. 7-11 and Mini Stop are tied for 3rd.

>> No.16208396

That looks better then some trash i would get from Uber. Thats why i use DoorDash!

>> No.16208398

bread is our first monkey invention. all it takes is grinding a seed to a fine powder. wow. such smart monkey.

>> No.16208415

These are usually cold, dry and look way better than they taste. Most germans go for a sausage with mustard and a bread roll + some coffee at gas stations. Sandwiches are usually overpriced and they often dont have as many options as on this image.

t. german

>> No.16208425

im not sure what you're talking about. the world is supposed to move on past "uber". unfortunately automation comes with a call center. the very thing that investors hate the most. people have weird questions. like: why does my cat become bioiridescent after listening to Philip Glass?

>> No.16208474

lol. get a bratwurst on a brötchen and you will have a much cheaper and tastier gas station meal.

>> No.16208483

ok kevin

>> No.16208518

The Germans always had a way with gas.

>> No.16208617

No it's horrible it tastes like shit kys

>> No.16208634

Are you talking about market share? I’m talking about quality of food. Mini Stop has great food, but not a lot of market share.
Lawson has… what kind of original food do they even have? Karaage-kun? Everything else is generic. I can’t think of anything that I would intentionally go to lawson’s for. They sell concert tickets I guess.
Famima has famichiki and maybe some refrigerated pastries. Nothing special, but ok.
I have been living as a bum for a long time and I knows me conbini scrounging.

>> No.16208643
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Mini Stop is all greasy shit (at least the two near me) that is always old and stale. Lawson is the tits, especially Natural Lawson with all the healthy food options. It's always fresh and tasty. The special Lawson brand devil onigiri is fucking great.

>> No.16208651
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Any prepared food is almost always going to be a ripoff. Looks nice on the outside but the toppings are halfed and moved outwards, and usually they dump a whole lot of sauce on it. Or these are dry as fuck.

If its not strange hours, you're better off getting some food from a convenient store and assembling your own sandwich.

>> No.16208653

when i went to germany I usually got wursts at the gas stations, mostly because my german wasn't too good.

>> No.16208682

don't forget leberkassemmeln, at least in bavaria
those are hard to fuck up so even gas station version are pretty good albeit overpriced

>> No.16208683

Healthy food? Good grief. When I’m going to the conbini it’s usually to get max calories for minimum effort and money and for that the mini stop deli where they air-fry your food for you when you order it is great. The ham and Camembert bread roll that they have in the bread section is basically the best survival food conbini bread that I’ve ever found.
Maybe I would be looking for natural conbini food if I was a Japanese office lady trying to find a husband but I’m an old man waiting for death so point me to the greasy meat and let me mumble my way out the door into the night

>> No.16208701
File: 24 KB, 600x333, WURRSTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Guten abend mein Anon was haetten sie denn gern?"
"Wie viele?"

Yea I can imagine staff talking about you later that evening.
>Anon bought all of the wursts!
>All of them!?
>Wonder if they make some WURSTSSALAD!

You know, I think I've seen gas stations that also had pizza ovens and such.

They're almost like tiny grocery stores, just 3 times as expensive.

>> No.16208934

I think cheese and beer probably preceded bread. Grinding that shit to flour is harder than you think.

>> No.16209208

>2-3 Euros
Cheap and tasty looking
If sold in Japan, it would be a great success.

>> No.16209234

Why are you even buying gas station food? That shit's disgusting and expensive, whichever country you go.

>> No.16209239

If you think 2-3€ is cheap for beard with thin sliced meat on it, your probably from Switzerland.

>> No.16209256
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I'm Japanese.
Of course I was born in Japan.
If you buy it in Japan, it will cost you about 4 euros.

>> No.16209268

The old people on this board are always so easy to spot and always so terribly depressing. Lonely, misbegotten husks of people babbling into the ether to no one in particular.

>> No.16209274

God you old people are pathetic. Get a life.

>> No.16209277

Lil' monkey fella

>> No.16209283

Why do you old fucks post on these boards don't you have a family to raise?

>> No.16209292
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That 'bread' looks fucking STIFF and CHEWY and likely doesn't pull apart easily AT ALL.
Fuck off kraut, your sandwich bread is shit.

>> No.16209298

Why are zoomers so fucking cuntish
Imagine that was your grandma you're bitching out. This is why kids need to be beaten.

>> No.16209307

I’m pretty old but nobody ever seems to call me out for it, possibly because of moderate mental retardation and a psychological disorder causing me to dump huge blocks of racial slurs and violent ideation which possibly comes off as some kind of avant-garde shitposting performance art.

>> No.16209312

shut the fuck up you gooky eyed discount store slobodan milosevic, your grandmother should be beaten with a basket full of negro children

>> No.16209349

I spent my 20s going to college, concerts, parties, doing drugs, and banging out hippies, punk rockers, and art school chicks. Wtf are you doing here? Don't you have a party to go to?

>> No.16209351

I am from Switzerland and have been to Japan twice and Germany countless times so heres some observations of mine.

-German sandwiches may be expensive (debatable) but they are pretty voluminous and filling (unless you are a Drachenlord tier fatso) so you get something for the money.

-Japanese bakeries and cake shops are excellent. Same level as Western European ones.

-Sandwich choices in Switzerland at gas stations or small shops are comparatively limited. Thinking of the few gas stations i regularly go to, there's unironically a larger chocolate choice lel.

-I have never seen Currywurst being sold at gas stations which is too bad since its tasty as fuck and "warms" you on the inside, which is perfect if you need to drive.

>> No.16209479
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>When I’m going to the conbini it’s usually to get max calories for minimum effort
Is it about POPLAR?

>> No.16209488

>the absolute corpse pallor of that karaage
boy I hope that’s just bad lighting

>> No.16209572
File: 121 KB, 800x625, karaage ben.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope that’s just bad lighting
Best of all, Poplar offers free extra rice!

>> No.16209606

>especially Natural Lawson with all the healthy food options.
>going to a conbini
>picking a healthy option
You do you, bro.
I can proudly say the *healthiest* food I ever buy from one is probably onigiri with green tea or coffee.
Otherwise I go for fried, bready, meaty, sandwichy, otsumami-y, and alcoholic stuff. And cigs.

>> No.16209625

Dunno, this >>16209268
seems more like a strokepost

>> No.16209649

Fuck off, Aiden, Ayden, and Brayden. This site is older than you. It’s ours. Go make your own.

>> No.16209658

t. dilate seething tranny

>> No.16209685

gay niggers eat pigs and fly on penises made from ham and brown ham, because they’re gay niggers

>> No.16209692

if I ever made a questionably legal shell company, i think I would call it Hammond Brownham, Associates

>> No.16209715

Most bakeries also charge you around 2€ for a bread roll with sausage, cheese, eggs etc., salad and remoulade or butter.
It's only cheaper if it's a plain bread roll with a frikadelle, leberkäse or something similar.

>> No.16210661
File: 3.58 MB, 540x404, ConsiderateCanineEnglishpointer-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just point at shit when it's inside of a display, people don't mind for the most part if you look like someone studying abroad or doing business here.
You can also just ask them in English how it is called when you have it in your hands, people love it when you try and speak their language.

>Anon enters the gas station area, parking his horse directly in front of the door
>He enters the door, letting a deep grunt escape his mouth
>the two female customers inside the gas station mutter under their breath
>"who is this man?"
Ja bitte?
>he says again, this time with a stern look on his face
>the cashier lady gets visibly sexually aroused
D-Diese hier?
>W U A R S T S
>Anon says, this time smiling a bit because he knows his words are finally getting through
>the cashier lady can't take her eyes off anon
>never once before has such a presence entered this gas station
>the other two customers approve of his purchase, nodding
>the cashier finally manages to get her eyes off anon, turning around to grab some wursts
>She smiles, looks back, and smiles again
>she goes to grab a wurst, then she remembers she forgot something
>dopamin rushes through her body while she musters her courage to ask her next question
W-wie viele?
>Anon smiles as he delivers his final strike
>A L L E
>the two customers look at each other
>never has anyone dared to make such a bold order
>what a man anon is
>the cashier hastily turns around again, moaning a bit
>she grabs all wursts she can find stacking them up
>anon leaves the gas station with about 20kg of wursts in his arms
>he once again grunts softly while exiting the door
>all three ladies watch him leave

This is an actually commercial here. The dude wants Teewurst from the Rügenwalder brand, but still.

>> No.16210676


>> No.16210680

genuinely why is america such a shit hole? why cant we have this? I wish there was a more nuanced answer than "nonwhites" or "greedy rich white ppl" depending on who you ask

>> No.16210768

I once had a Leberkässemmel in Austria and they just put two slices, each a millimeter thick on it. Any Austrians here? Is that a regular occurrence there or were they fucking with me?
It's a Leberkässemmel only if the meat is thicker than the bread

>> No.16211319

It's just a bunch of sandwiches. Doesn't America have sandwich shops? I'm pretty sure I had some good ones in NYC.

>> No.16211328

>Any Austrians here? Is that a regular occurrence there or were they fucking with me?
Usually they ask you how thick you'd like it. I'm sure you could have complained and they'd add another slice. You're paying by weight anyways.

>> No.16211743

>why don't Germans boast about their food???
Gee, I wonder...

>> No.16211772

It just looks like normal sandwiches. The same kind of display as from Kroger, which always suck and i always regret buying.

>> No.16211987

when i read this i pictured it in my head as being like that scene in Terminator when Arnold walks into the gun store and tries to buy all the guns
then I watched the video and my image of Germany is shattered

>> No.16212032

Are Germans really ok with this? I thought non-americans wanted shops to only sell one kind of thing

>> No.16212054

The fuck are you talking about, German sandwiches are expensive?
The shitty ass migros chicken sandwiches cost like 3.50 dude, German shit is a fuckin steal compared to that.

>> No.16212241

>unfortunately automation comes with a call center
Sadly, this is the utopia/dystopia we have created. A tag line for the ages.

>> No.16212252

You can only get rid of the call center once general artificial intelligence comes online. And when that happens, we're all pretty much dead. Fuck you, investors.

>> No.16213270
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It certainly isn't Kosher!

>> No.16213726

kek, how did you imagine Germany before you watched the video?
60s-90s Germany is completely cheesy everywhere you look.

>> No.16213735

They're fine with it. I used to live near a Mini-Mal that was like a tiny version of a Wal-Mart.

>> No.16213764

A lot of gas stations have little delis attached to them or a subway or burger shop.

>> No.16213937

turns out... lil monkey prostitute

>> No.16213938

I've only ever been to german supermarkets and the stuff they had there was, admittedly, pretty damn good. Me and my brother bought breakfast there when visiting Germany.

>> No.16214073

>Better than Japanese 7-Eleven food?
Yes because I can taste both through a picture of one, you dope.

>> No.16214083

if only you americans could stop boasting about your disgusting fast food garbage in every other thread

>> No.16214267

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.16214775

go away hillary we all dislike you

>> No.16214824

As far as we know, bread was being made with wild grains 14000~ years ago while dairy cultures started about 10000 years ago. Not sure about beer, but I think mead could've been made longer since it's less complicated than making beer.

>> No.16214861

Gruel and unleavened flatbreads probably predate beer but it's not clear if leavened bread or beer came first. They probably developed hand in hand.

>> No.16214871

They fucked with you.
1.5 cm is standard but like the other guy said, most will ask you how thick since you pay by weight.

>> No.16214935

is this pasta?

>> No.16214976

Aral got decent food, not amazing but decent.

>> No.16215198

The sad contradiction of zoomer posting. They act like it's odd that older people are posting when it's far more pathetic to be here while young.

>> No.16215433

I can tell you where to get the best Döner in my Stadt

>> No.16215490

I've been to plenty of gas stations in Germany and most are not like this

>> No.16215501

Yes it has been for a while.

>> No.16215502

>No fleischkäsweckle

>> No.16215509

And the bread is always stale

>> No.16215675

for me, it's the 7/11 jamaican beef patty

>> No.16215719

Ah, endlich einer der weiß wie es richtig heißt.

>> No.16216913


>> No.16216945

>people love it when you try and speak their language
have you been to France or Japan

>> No.16217507

Those sandwiches are dry af and the bread is always off.

>> No.16217513

Some cultures just aren't appreciative of effort.

>> No.16218858

>no sprickel von vorhaut grubenhauser

>> No.16219293

> Motorwurst.

>> No.16219316

I always imagined it as being more stompy and shouty and people are either fat guys wearing lederhosen or muscley guys with square jaws wearing coveralls
I assumed the women were somewhat large proportioned and often carried wrenches but I might be confusing that with the East German Olympic team

>> No.16219318

Europeans produce more saliva in their mouths than other races. That's why bread products in Europe are drier, while bread in Asia and other places are more moist.

>> No.16219353

Maybe in the Bavarian countryside, in the cities I went to it was all skinny hipsters, Turks, and "refugees"

>> No.16219460

Both, yes.
I know of the whole "japs view foreigners like monkeys at a zoo" thing, but my experience was, that all of the uni students i met appreciated it when I tried and learned a few words.
Of course 99,9% of all conversations were in English and the Japan and be breddy strange and autistic at times but the whole filter gaijin thing is not as bad as people who have never been to Japan make it out to be.
Or maybe they just behave badly when they visit there. Then I understand why the Japanese might react negatively to them.
(also maybe the older people hate on foreigners, but then again just don't talk to them lmao)

As for the french, they can honestly go fuck themselves to hell and back.
I love their food, i love their music but as people, they drive me up the wall.
>Try to speak even one word of french in France
>They get angry
>Speak something other then french in France
>They get angry
>Join CS:GO match with 2 friends
>Speak English in Voice chat
>Speak German in voice chat
>make an ass out of the French fucks
>oh crossiant, baguette hon hon, la Paris
i am sure they can be completely normal and sweet and whatnot but I've yet to meet a nice Frenchman

>> No.16219466

>Hatsune Miku’s hair cube things that nobody know what they are supposed to be.
What are they supposed to be anyway?
Thought they were antenna.

>> No.16219521

I’ve lived in Japan for a long long time and can state with some authority that if you can speak Japanese to people at a level where they can at least communicate with you, you will be treated 1000x better than the typical “gaijin”
It may be different for Indians and southeast asians but the typical “gaijin” treatment of white or whitish people is 99% the Japanese person being afraid that they can’t communicate important information with you and wanting to avoid the situation altogether.
It was a long time ago but I believe the Japanese text on the donut package actually said something like “Hatsune Miku’s hair things that we don’t really know what they are”

>> No.16219566

You don't know how glorious mettbrötchen are

>> No.16219697

>authority that if you can speak Japanese to people at a level where they can at least communicate with you, you will be treated 1000x better than the typical “gaijin”
Isn't that the same in every country?

>> No.16219781

probably yes. But I’m just saying the “Japan treats foreigners badly” is, in the case of westerners at least, mainly a language barrier issue.
people get mad about “Japanese only” signs without realizing that in most cases they mean “we cannot speak languages other than the Japanese language”

>> No.16219911

The Japanese like to make up the rules in advance.
They don't even think about why there are rules, they just get angry!

By the way, what would happen to me if I kept shouting in your country using only Japanese?
Would I be beaten up and thrown out of the restaurant?

>> No.16219919

Worst Korean hands typed this post.

>> No.16219920

umm, I’ve never tried it but I think normally the way it works is that you get asked to leave and if you continue to shout and be belligerent they call the police and the police come and a crowd of cops takes you away and at that point you begin to have a somewhat bad time

>> No.16219933

I'm using a translator and it looks like it was posted by a Korean?

It's the same in Japan.

>> No.16219939

I speak Japanese fine, like B2 level. Doesn't stop people from being racist to me.

>> No.16220023


>> No.16220079


>> No.16220155



>> No.16220172


>> No.16220179

once i went to the onison and the men there made monkey noises at me even though i am not that hairy i just have very wide masculine shoulders.
and also the japanese school girls kept flashing panties at me at all the tourist temples. wtf

>> No.16220183


>> No.16220189

>guy 1 asks a serious question
>guy 2 answers in a ridiculous and stupid way
>guy 1 hits guy 2 on head
>crowd explodes with laughter

>> No.16220202


>> No.16220213


>> No.16220241


>> No.16220295


>> No.16220378
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Anons, this thread was about German gas station food.

>> No.16220389


>> No.16220445

>Note that this is a cooking show.

>> No.16222213

Nice guy providing for his village

>> No.16222426

Doesn't posting stale copypasta get old? I mean, do you giggle yourself to tears every time you do it? It seems like such a waste. Why not do something original, or have you no personality of your own?

>> No.16223760

When you say something original, do you mean original like the teachings of Aisha which were wholly original and not based on the teachings of the Prophet?

>> No.16223792

Say what you will about German food, in general, but you CANNOT knock their bread.

>> No.16223870

I had a sandwich from a gas station I desperately wish I knew how to copy of any of you Germanfags know it.

It was a baguette with brie and arugula/ rocket and it had a what seemed like a Mayonnaise based sauce on it but was orange in color.

That shit was amazing but I don't know what it was.

>> No.16223873


german bread is god tier

everything else is fucking cake compared to it

also salami Brote from a gas station that is busy enough that some one makes them through out the day because they sell out is amazing

bread butter salami pickle mustard

it's fucking heaven bros and I miss it

>> No.16223923

What is the gas station food in Germany other than bread?

>> No.16224273

Sausages and pizza.

>> No.16224308


>> No.16224317

Germans will die out soon. The majority of people here are from the southern Hemisphere. Even if they are german, they try to act like a turk or arab just for the sake of fitting in. Pathetic creatures

>> No.16224339
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>go to grocery store in 5 different german cities
>none of them have cold beer or even 6 packs, everything is just dusty old single bottles
why can't europeans afford to refrigerate their beer? i don't wanna go back to my airbnb and wait 3 hours for the fridge to make my beers cold.

>> No.16224386

Every store has cooled cans. Germans don't buy 6 packs, but crates though. So there's no reason to cool them.

>> No.16224404 [DELETED] 

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.16224460

Shut up bitch

>> No.16224509
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>cans of garbo like carlsberg and heinies
no thanks, if i wanted bud light i'd stay in burgerville
goddamn it's not even just germans, every time I go to eastern/central europe it's the same thing. refrigerate ya damn beer fuck sake

>> No.16224525

>Go to German gas station
>they offer a soup lunch
do Saxons really?

>> No.16224534

>Every beer in gas stations is cold

The germans are poor, thats why.

>> No.16224584

Stores don't like to pay the electricity bill to cool every brand of beer they have. Usually the cheap ones get cooled since lower class prefers to drink theirs right away.

Every decent German has at least a crate of his favourite beer stocked at home. So there is no need to buy it cooled. Also beer tastes less good of you refrigerate it, have it get warm while you store it and have it refrigerated again.

>> No.16224605

sounds like germans are just poor

>> No.16225296

Ah, thanks for the insight. I've only been to Japan for a few weeks so it's nice to hear from someone who has been there longer than me and has more knowledge about the people there.
When did you visit?
Mortar newer stores have a refrigerated section with 6-packs or at least a big fridge with cold beer mostly somewhere near the registers.

>> No.16225297

Any German know this sandwich?

>> No.16225301

The only things Germans get better than anywhere else is Doner, and it was the turks that gave you guys that one.