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File: 748 KB, 1169x986, vegan 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16202252 No.16202252[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

vegans are right you know

>> No.16202265

OP here, I'm trans btw :)

>> No.16202272

Why are chickens cannibals? Why do chickens engage in harming a third party for it's enjoyment or secretions?

>> No.16202294

why are they so fucking dense? nobody's argument against veganism is "omg dog cute!" i hate these fucking people

>> No.16202304

>nobody's argument against veganism is "omg dog cute!"
what is then

>> No.16202313

If I could I would raise dogs for food. That is, if the meat is any good. I would have loved to have tried Polynesian poi dog.
>t. has a pet animal of which the same breed and species I kill for food. I have actually eaten the relatives of my pet :) Now seethe.

>> No.16202322

You do realize you are just further helping the global elite continue to gain power by their well planted distractions from the real issue (global elite, the ones who profit the most off of factory farms) Find middle ground with your opposition, and fight class warfare. This goes for all races, sexual orientations, religions, genders, diets, nationalities, cultures, etc. The real war is class warfare.

>> No.16202323

Dogs are regularly eaten in cuisines. There isn't an animal that's considered totally taboo to eat in all the Earth except the human, and even that has exceptions to the rule. Veganism has no leg to stand on that there's a double standard to carnivore diet.

>> No.16202337

I think most meat eaters don't believe cows/chickens/pigs are worthy of any moral consideration. If they did, they probably see veganism as a significant personal sacrifice that isn't worth it (the cost of never eating meat outweighs the benefits of saving some animals).

>> No.16202364

the argument usually isn't against the ethical objections that vegans make most being valid if a bit overblown but the fact that its much easier to be healthy eating meat and dairy (if you can tolerate it)

>> No.16202423

That's why every kid should be taught to live and survive in the wilderness. City faggots don't have any idea on how to survive without their corporate masters and their stupid trends.

>> No.16202436

Fuck animals. That's the argument against veganism.

>> No.16202444

This. During the Great Depression, if you were too scared to hunt for food then you went hungry, period. My great-grandfather kept his family alive on ducks, squirrels, geese, and just about anything else he could shoot and drag home. Picky, finicky fucks should be considered soup stock if civilization collapses, no one's gonna give two shits about your dietary fee fees.

>> No.16202450

cats are cute but I would still eat cats
I prioritize the lives of certain animals over others
I do not care, animals have souls so they'll eventually reincarnate as a human and get to play with the rest of us anyways

>> No.16202454

no its the fact that humans evolved eating significant amounts of meat and meat is more nutrient dense or perhaps the most nutrient dense food for us especially organ meats

>> No.16202480

Dumb priorities. So you would eat humans if they are nutritious?
>n-no that's illegal blabla
so just say fuck animals

>> No.16202492

Modern humans are so inundated with chemicals from their diets I probably wouldn't.

>> No.16202496

I don't care what janes think as long as their moral reasoning doesn't affect me or society in any way.
are they right? yes, no, who cares

>> No.16202505


>> No.16202517

Exactly, sadly these faggots don't understand what hunger really is. They don't understand what nutrition is. They prefer to be given pills and serums than actual food. They are lost and totally mindfucked by their degenerate city culture.

>> No.16202537

Wow you're so tough I bet you get a raging 3 incher when you hunt your game from the drive thru window.

>> No.16202550

>why yes I do eat a mcTendies combo meal every friday with my morbidly obese family
cool beans

>> No.16202551

You don't even understand the difference between humans and animals. Pls stop embarrasing yourself.

>> No.16202558

Relevant in the sense we probably taste sour.

>> No.16202561

Did you think this was funny when you posted it?

>> No.16202571 [DELETED] 

Go back>>16202444

>> No.16202572

Humans are animals. Ones like you should be caged.

>> No.16202580

You do realize that we are not living Inna Great depression right now, right? Sure, if shit hits the fan and I must go hunt small game, I will. But I can walk 5 minutes to any of the 6 grocery stores around me.

>> No.16202581

Go lose weight.

>> No.16202585

Preparedness for the eventuality is worth its weight. Kids should be taught to hunt and fish as standards, everything from the killing to the cleaning to the cooking/storage of.

>> No.16202590

Pffff go eat humans then. Fucking idiot, you would be smarter than me if you weren't eating propaganda here and there.

>> No.16202594

There's nothing you can consume for sustenance that isn't a living thing. Not my fault vegans are out of touch with the natural order. Cope.

>> No.16202601

You're an apologist for the global pedophile cabal. Go eat a Ford Escort on the expressway

>> No.16202621

>a living thing
don't play dumb, obviously the difference is that animals feel pain and plants don't

>> No.16202630

I mean, what is your def of eventuality? Within some large time from of hundreds to thousands of years, yeah. Within a single person's life time? That is a stretch to day you know with certainty shit will hit the fan bad enough in your life time.

>> No.16202637

Excuse the typos I am lazy and phone posting

>> No.16202641

Not only can you not prove that, it's also irrelevant. Or is there a pain threshold that's more morally acceptable? Foie gras ducks are electrocuted in water before harvesting them, and are rendered incapable of feeling pain prior to butchering. Yet nothing is done for entire plants of leafy, living greens - which survive for weeks after being ripped from the earth


>> No.16202644

Claiming plants somehow feel and perceive pain on a conscious level is peak cope.

>> No.16202645

none of these are convincing arguments

>> No.16202653

How many mental gymnastics you did to get that conclusion? If you want to buy pills™ from your corporate masters to get 1/4 of the nutrients you can get by eating one beef that's your problem.

>> No.16202660


Basically I'm just gonna eat it (the animals!)

I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH I know.... I know....

It's just that I'm gonna eat it is all!!!


>> No.16202684

Only a vegan could think vegan “arguments” hold any semblance of coherence.

>saying “I just like the taste” is to say “Killing is okay because I like the flavor of the dead body.”
I totally agree. Saying I like the taste of meat is to say I like the flavor of parts of what used to be an animal. How is this a ‘gotcha’?

>wall of text equating eating meat to someone killing your dog and eating it, which is a clincher because we know you love doggos
Am I operating a dog-farm where I raise dogs as a commodity to be sold as meat? Did this person buy one of my farmed meat-dogs?
Then why the fuck would I have any problem with him using it for meat?

>nah man, I'm talking about your pet dog. The one you feel is part of the family.
So someone illegally entered my property/residence, stole a family pet, and then killed/ate it?
Yeah that’s fucked up, and there’s a good change I’d shoot him during the attempt.
Well shit, what a coincidence; turns out if I enter someone else’s property to poach a cow so I can take it home and eat it, I can face some serious charges (if I’m lucky enough to not be shot during the crime).

Of course if you have even half a brain, you know not to argue with vegans. It’s like any other religion; using reason to argue against a faith is beyond futile.

>> No.16202685

It could be tomorrow, it could be three generations from now. The 'when' doesn't even matter; it's the 'if' that matters. Basic survival in the absence of civilization is a timeless set of skills that ought to be carried on through lineages regardless of the state of the world in which they grow up or the tech level that world possesses. They could have Star Trek replicators make stuff from literal nothing, the security of knowing you can catch, scale, bone, and cook a fish if you had to is more valuable than any magic.

>> No.16202688

You can't prove that other living things don't feel pain. You're just trying to justify taking vegetable lives, when in fact you kill far more innocent things when eating a salad. You're being close minded to accepting vegetable lives as worthy of respect, simply because you can't comprehend how they operate. It's the same excuse people use to eat fish.

>> No.16202692

Keep coping. Go neck yourself, nonce.

>> No.16202700

Cool. Go get laid.

>> No.16202722
File: 110 KB, 1200x1800, Pan-Seared-Steak-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't read, will still eat meat, cope and seethe

>> No.16202741

be honest with yourself anon, do you actually believe plants feel pain or do you just say that as an excuse. they don't have brains or nervous systems.
>in fact you kill far more innocent things when eating a salad
not even true, because the pig or cow or chicken you eat ate many times its own weight in plants

>> No.16202761

That's wild, and the plants they ate probably consumed nutrients derived from worm castings from dead animals. It's almost like life works in a cycle of living things consuming eachother endlessly

So the moral argument for veganism is that animals have brains or nervous systems? What about that makes it immoral to eat them?

>> No.16202764

>meaningless mass reply
>tries to make a smug point
Unfortunately you’re just a faggot. It’s probably best you don’t have a dad, as if you did, he would be disappointed.

>> No.16202773

Any dad in the world is by far more disappointed by having a faggot vegan for a child, I assure you

>> No.16202783

My Father doesn't give a fuck what I eat as long as I'm not a sniveling homo. Sorry for your situation, queer.

>> No.16202798

Is it because he's been dead for years and you're projecting?

>> No.16202802

Touch a nerve? Sorry you to have to slurp daddy's sausage for a grain of his approval you fucking failed abortion.

>> No.16202816

Sure, I can't argue against that much. I guess I'm not going to kill animals and eat them regularly just because society has the chance of collapsing at a point. That's my opinion on the matter.

>> No.16202821

This is low effort bait at this point. You are only sad at this point.

>> No.16202824
File: 381 KB, 2500x1667, 1519155106-flank-steak-horizontal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


didn't read still eating meat, cope, seethe, dilate

>> No.16202829

Did you think posting meat would be some ultimate gotcha?

>> No.16202833

I hate these vegan/anti vegan threads.

>> No.16202835

It's wild that you can't decisively say what the point of veganism is

>> No.16202838
File: 447 KB, 3000x2000, foolproof-slow-roasted-pork-shoulder-recipe-995300-hero-01-b6f9d889a0cf4189acad5faaba7f95b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy cope
still eating meat

>> No.16202842

Yeah you definitely have a dead dad

>> No.16202850

ending meat consumption won't end suffering, there is no "meat" and "vegetable" industry, agriculture is agriculture. if no one ate meat, there'd be more humans working long, painful shifts farming
there is no easy answer to this issue

>> No.16202856

dead or absent

>> No.16202858

Here's how I see it. It literally makes zero difference when an animal dies. If you can give it a good life and humanely kill it then it makes zero difference. Most wild animals die a gruesome death they don't consent to anyways.

>> No.16202859

>this projection to deflect from the fact he eats meat to please daddy
Lmao. Your dad fucking hates you.

>> No.16202861

tell me why i should care about a non-human, or a currently non-extistant human for that matter

>> No.16202865


You will never be a woman

>> No.16202869

You don't have to care about anything. You've never even had a paternal figure in your life that didn't completely reject you.

>> No.16202871

The point is to cause less uneeded suffering to sentient being you midwit.

>> No.16202876

Please post another image of meat. It's helping your cause

>> No.16202884

So you're saying if you remove the ability of animals to experience what we consider sentient, it's cool to eat them?

>> No.16202905

I had roast lamb yesterday, fuck it was delicious.

>> No.16202928

If something was truly autonomous, similar to a plant, then sure. I know you're trying to bait me into some kinda gotcha moment and you will claim animals don't think, but there is plenty of evidence out there to suggest otherwise.

>> No.16202931

I eat meat but I always think it's fucking weird looking one of these things in the face. Is there a person in there? Obviously not a person but there's a being of some kind. Thinking and feeling and going about its way. I could just as easily have been born a lamb. Maybe I will in the next life. rmyt

>> No.16202933

Just make sure they are dead before you eat them. Idk why vegans make it so complicated

>> No.16202941

Damn I never thought of it that way guess you're right

>> No.16202944

Well an animal without it's head attached doesn't tend to experience sentience.

But regardless, you're claiming it's the level of sentience that makes it moral to eat something?

>> No.16202945

I'm sure you will be delicious with roast potatoes and gravy.

>> No.16202949

>a good life and humanely kill it
if you buy your meat from a grocery store or a restaurant the animal did not have a good life at all, nor was it killed humanely.

>> No.16202953

I doubt "you" will be reborn. Maybe some abstract for of "rebirth" happens when something eats your body so maybe youd be a worm or a grub or even a plant. But the idea of a militant vegan being reborn as a cafo animal would be kind of funny

>> No.16202956

>if you buy your meat from a grocery store or a restaurant
I didn't.

>> No.16202967

don't lie. it doesn't count if you and your uncle went hunting that one time when you were 12. like all Americans, >99% of your animal products comes from factory farming and you know it

>> No.16202969

Exactly, which means if you actually care you will find a local farmer and buy meat you can be sure lived a good life and was humanely killed. It will be more expensive and less convenient, but you can obtain better quality than most any market will sell.

>> No.16202976

I'm sorry, but why is this even an argument that needs energy expended towards it? The purpose of the animal is to be consumed, one way or another, it's feelings are irrelevant and don't produce much good flavor

>> No.16202984

I am working on a quarter beef from an acquaintances personal steer slaughtered at a small local facility. My pork was given to me as excess from a pig wholesale (some pieces of half a hog, didn't pay for it but it was also slaughtered at a small local facility)

I do all the poultry myself. I do plan to do my own larger animals too someday. But for now I know of some good small scale farms and abattoirs.

I've never gone hunting.

>> No.16203010

it is curious how everyone on the internet acquires their meat exclusively from local humane farms but >99% of the 10 billion land animals slaughtered in the US per year come from factory farms

>> No.16203024

almost as if they are making it up. or have been to a farmers market once, and ignore the countless times they went for fast food instead.

>> No.16203034

The funniest part to me is that foie gras production comes from three farms in the US and their standard of living is absolutely bounds better than any other livestock farm that isn't a 10 cow mom and pop

>> No.16203041

What is your point? If something is dead ofc it has no sentience. You think you were being clever or something?

Not the level of sentience, but if it has sentience at all.

>> No.16203042

If you watch videos of the birds theyre force feeding it almost seems like they enjoy it.

>> No.16203044

That doesn't exist unless you are a flyover where any retard keeps animals on their vast wasteland they call home on the range.

>> No.16203050

What's the most sentient living thing that it's moral to eat?

>> No.16203051

I never understood the dog argument, I wouldn't mind trying dog/cat meat

>> No.16203054


>> No.16203055

Maybe a muscle or clam type animal, since it's nervous system doesn't even have a brain.

>> No.16203059

That's because the breed (especially the ducks in the US) are a blend of Peking duck and Muscovy - so it has the larger mass of one, and the food binging desire of the other, which migrates. Biologically, shoving things down their throat isn't unpleasant for them, not that they have to - mostly the ducks run up at feed time

>> No.16203063

Im in california north of the bay area and there are probably at least 30 excellent options within an hour of me. Another option is finding a butcher that sources their meat from a good farm.

>> No.16203067

Would it be more moral to eat a million animals which we can't prove lack sentience, or a single very large sentient animal?

>> No.16203073

Is it similar with the geese? Don't both geese and ducks naturally fatten up their liver to store energy for migrating?

>> No.16203074

So there are no levels of sentience to speak of, all sentience is of equal moral importance. Are braindead animals good to go, then? Can we scramble their brains in the womb?

>> No.16203075

That is debatable. I lean towards the side of caution, that's why I won't eat bivalves even. Some might argue it's better. It all boils down to something that science can't definitively prove or disprove

>> No.16203076

Are you also anti abortion?

>> No.16203079

You are meddling with them right from being conceived, so I wouldn't say that makes anything better.

>> No.16203080

And if science were to prove that plants experience sentience, what then?

>> No.16203087

But we're sparing a liveform from experiencing suffering, isn't that the whole point of eating vegan?

>> No.16203089

>Dead body of a once living creature
So are plants, are vegan actually retarded?

>> No.16203090

No, I don't think life begins at conception.

>> No.16203093

Well, if that were ever proved, vegans would have to reevaluate everything. Of course it's impossible to not cause any suffering then. The only reason people would stay vegan is the health effects side of it, which is a whole other debate I'm not trying to start.

>> No.16203094

So youd eat a fertilized egg?

>> No.16203100

Why isn't your decision based off science in regards to what could be ending a human life?

>> No.16203102

If you would let them live without eating them, there wouldn't be a reason to scramble their brains as you claim

>> No.16203103

I'm one person on the internet, not everyone on the internet.

>> No.16203104

Okay, so here's the plan. We scramble the brains of our current livestock. We're restarting agriculture from the ground up. Then we scramble the brains of their implanted offspring, when it's a zygote. Now we can re-implant fertilized braindead zygotes into braindead mother animals in a permanent cycle

>> No.16203111

Yeah I like the ethical debate more. I think the most important things with an diet is balance, of which many folks could afford to eat less meat either way.

>> No.16203110

Yeah,but I don't think eggs are healthy for you in the first place so I don't eat them as well.

>> No.16203114

Every time we try to make progress we just end up making shit worse. I say we stop this nonsense and stop trying to change shit all the time.

>> No.16203119

The def for life is not well-defined and up to interpretation. And my interpretation is that conception does not mean alive

>> No.16203121

Do you really know of someone who was otherwise perfectly healthy but then ate eggs and it destroyed their health?

>> No.16203134

Everything dies and gets eaten eventually. Doesn't a captive bolt pistol provide a much more humane death than cancer or being torn apart by a pack of wild wolves?

>> No.16203138

"That is debatable. I lean towards the side of caution, that's why I won't eat bivalves even. Some might argue it's better. It all boils down to something that science can't definitively prove or disprove"

>> No.16203145
File: 27 KB, 125x115, 0908786754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I raise chickens for pets and for eggs, some of whom I love dearly.
I eat chickens because they are walking birds of gains and fuel my physical growth.
Yes I would eat my pets that I love if it came down to it. Non-humans are all edible.

>> No.16203150

eat what you want who cares

>> No.16203159

“A peasant becomes fond of his pig and is glad to salt away its pork. What is significant, and is so difficult for the urban stranger to understand, is that the two statements are connected by an and not by a but.”
— John Berger

>> No.16203164

Why do they always use a picture of an infant lamb? Yeah I mean I get it they're cute. But half the lamb in the US comes from australia or kiwiland, not exactly known for factory farms with their mega size outback stations and tidy hill farms respectively. And it's certainly not killed as a newborn.

>> No.16203185

I just don't care about the ethical aspects of my eating habits. I desire meat, so I eat it. If a vegan objects, it's their right to feel as they wish, but if they try to interfere with my affairs, there's a place for their flesh on the dinner plate alongside the pig and cow and chicken.

>> No.16203216

No. I don't think eating a few is going to destroy your health or anything. It's like drinking a little soda. Having a half a can every other week isn't going to really harm u much.

>> No.16203219

Why don't I shoot you in the skull at 30 because from then on out your quality of life will deteriorate using your logic?

>> No.16203220

Will you eat his flesh and tan his hide?

>> No.16203221

Are you really claiming that an animal like a pig is not alive? I'm talking about things that don't even have a brain

>> No.16203234

Are you claiming that an animal that doesn't have a brain doesn't experience any level of consciousness?

>> No.16203243

I don't think I'm in any position to be torn apart from a pack of wild wolves, but if I have cancer, I'm totally pro-euthanization. I'd feel a lot better about being taken out if someone was going to use my parts, though, which is why I'm opting for sky burial

>> No.16203249

Im trying to point out a vegans hypocrisy.

>> No.16203254


>> No.16203258

Humans are much more important than animals. Sorry that I value the life and survival of my own species over that of an animal.

Don't care, you're wrong either way

>> No.16203257

I'm pro euthanasia too. If someone is suffering I'm for it.

>> No.16203263

Well you suck at it

>> No.16203268

I would argue that all life experiences consciousness, whether or not it possess an inherently modern design (our brain) in which to yield or inform said consciousness.



>> No.16203295

Like I stated earlier, it's really impossible for us to know for sure. Worst comes to worse I am still causing suffering to plant life and they know. If everything still suffers like you claim, I need to harm something in order to live and I would still go with the plants. One,because I feel it's healthier. And two, because animals show it more and it hurts me to see that. That is being speciest, but it's no better than what a person who eats meat and most in this thread think

>> No.16203311

true but whats the relevance? also im not that other dude youve been arguing with

>> No.16203360

Hey, you know, maybe the buddhists/hindus are onto some shit and keeping the cycle of life at arms length is good karma, so death just seems like some cosmic force to those that die by our hand and can't interpret exactly why it happened

>> No.16203395

How can you compare something so nutritionally devoid like soda to a literal bodybuilding foundational food like eggs?

>> No.16203402

not that anon but
>it's only wrong to kill if it feels pain
If you were born with the inability to feel pain, you still wouldn't want someone to kill you
All life avoids harmful stimuli. Even plants. All life does the best it can to survive. The only truly moral way to eat is to exclusively eat fruit and also plant seeds of those fruits regularly to ensure they reproduce.

>> No.16203413

Which, if you seriously which to pursue a super moral lifestyle, would be the views of jainism

>> No.16203425

Jains consume milk and avoid certain fruit like squash due to the knife they would need to cut it "representing violence".... In other words its a stupid cult where you live your life in terror of pain and suffering and violence for a made up afterlife (reincarnation)
When we die we return to the void that unified us all before we were born.

>> No.16203429

I used to be really afraid of oblivion before realizing that everything BEFORE my life was oblivion too, so it's not really an "unknown"

>> No.16203441

Never said it was an unknown.

>> No.16203444

I didn't say you did.

>> No.16203454

>directly equating murdering a person to slaughtering livestock raised for the purpose of slaughter and consumption
I almost feel bad for vegans. If they’d just accept their diet is functionally a religion, maybe they could try to formulate arguments that don’t sound crazy to someone who isn’t already a follower of their faith.
But orthodox veganism is still in its infancy, and still thinks it’s core teachings are self-evident.

>> No.16203477

Interesting view. Never thought of it that way.

>> No.16203484

One is full of heart clogging cholesterols that is scientifically proven to be harmful to us. We make all our own cholesterols, ingesting it is too much. Soda is just sugar water and phosphoric acid. Not good either. They both suck. And you are a mental midget thinking eggs are the foundation to working out,it's only culturally a foundation.

>> No.16203486

No, they're not. All animals are to be killed, all animals are to be eaten, if not by humans than by another. You're not saving anything by converting the world to veganism, you're exterminating millions of livestock and probably wiping out numerous domesticated species once their utility runs out. Or if you're extra degenerate you'll let them lose on their surrounding environments where they'll do as the wild pigs have done and further devastate ecosystems.

All advanced lifeforms subsist by consuming other lifeforms. There is nothing morally wrong with killing and consuming an animal. Veganism is based on an assumption that a life isn't worth living if it ends prematurely or suffers, but that is the condition of nearly every creature that has and will ever be born. Only a dumb urban monkey could delude themselves that this isn't the case.
Veganism is inherently nihilistic and can be discarded out of hand for that reason alone.

>> No.16203488

Yeah,that is peak no suffering. Only picking fruit and not killing the plant you eat from. But pretty much impossible in this world

>> No.16203489

I don't know where the exact delimitation is, but I know that plants are a-ok but land mammals are not.

>> No.16203498

You do realize all the studies trying to link dietary cholesterol to heart disease came out inconclusive at best, right?

Heart disease wasn't even medically significant until the advent of people turning industrial seed oils into "food".

>> No.16203497

>I value the life and survival of my own species
complete non sequitur. in no way is our life and survival at stake.

>> No.16203501

>comparing natural life to unnatural meat industry
You are a fucking idiot.

>> No.16203516

the peak of no suffering is to make your own clothing from scratch, avoid all electronics, and live off the land

>> No.16203521

What other advanced life forms have you experienced? You moms mangled pussy doesn't count

>> No.16203532

Ketolard detected.

>> No.16203551

There is no difference. Life is life. If lions had thumbs and bigger brains they'd be doing it too. It's not unnatural because humans put their hands on it.
You're welcome to protest conditions in factory farms, but that's a big difference from veganism, which precludes every form of livestock rearing and consumption.

But even a pig in a cage is experiencing a lot less terror and pain than many animals do in nature.

>> No.16203562

Shut up and eat your kibble, slave.

>> No.16203647

Why is it vegans need to spend their time trying to convince others to join their cult? If it's so great, why don't you just keep it to yourselves and enjoy. Oh that's right, it's because like all dumb ideas, you need others to validate your shitty ideology so you don't have to face the fact that it's makes no sense and goes against all logic

>> No.16203661

yet you cannot formulate a coherent argument in favor of eating animal products

>> No.16203672

Your pig in a cage example is literally the allegory of the cave.