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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 253 KB, 1242x1242, 45331521_2385409128154051_5273841852301180928_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16199232 No.16199232 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Slavic cuisine so underrated?

It's rich in flavour, fat, protein and is tasty as fuck. Also great hungover foods, such as thick soups. Even a vegetard can find something for himself there.

>> No.16199235

Because of McCarthyism

>> No.16199241


anyone who pays attentions to ratings, critics, reviewers, food youtubers, tv chefs or food columns is a fucking retard just die already PLEASE

>> No.16199268

The one in left top is called 'barszcz'

>> No.16199821

Looks good but I don't know any slavic people and I think I'd fuck it up if I tried making it myself

>> No.16199871

Not exotic enough to be interesting to Ameritards, not "Western" enough to be considered high cuisine by them either. Simple and delicious for the most part, though, try it if you haven't.

>> No.16200113

I never really tried slavic food until I met my wife who's Kazakh. Her mother cooks and sends us some from time to time and it's all comfort food for me now.

>> No.16200263

barszcz, uszka, pierogi, gołąbki

>> No.16200585

>not "Western" enough to be considered high cuisine
Ah yes, the peak of western cuisine: frogs, snails and pasta with tomato sauce and minced meat.

>> No.16200595

Bc it’s honestly bad
Doesnt stand up at all to the great world cuisines (Tuscan, Szechuan, Sicilian, Provençal, etc.)
It’s literally just poor person shit with a mouthful of sour cream

>> No.16200596

yeah, it doesn't beat boring red soup, dough wrap #1, dough wrap #2, and dough wrap #3.

Suck up to the fact that slav food is boring dogshit.

>> No.16200599

>It's rich in flavour, fat, protein
>posts perogies which are just carbs on carbs
Perogies are eastern europes butter chippy sandwich, just potato wrapped in bread. The fact that that is the most iconic slavic dish says everything you need to know about their food.

>> No.16200600

You clearly don't know anything about it, you uneducated tastelet.

>> No.16200601

shitty bait

>> No.16200605

He's not wrong. I know you third-worlders might think it's "kino" because babushka made it for you; but it's not.

>> No.16200606

>Perogies are eastern europes butter chippy sandwich, just potato wrapped in bread. The fact that that is the most iconic slavic dish says everything you need to know about their food.
Except you can stuff it with anything, you fucking retard: from quark, through spinach to meat. This board should finally admit to being cooklets, just like /fit/ should admit they don't actually lift any weights.

Bunch of LARPing homo losers.

>> No.16200608

I’ve lived in Russia and Poland and been in just about every Slavic country
Enjoy your “dumplings”

>> No.16200609

It's always made me sad how every foreign cuisine is popular with the yuppie hipster crowd in my city except Slavic food. I guess it's not "ethnic" enough to put on Instagram.

>> No.16200618

Sounds to me like you got beaten by some eastern euro gopnik

>> No.16200625

thats not what i was talking about

>> No.16200637
File: 61 KB, 640x427, Pierogies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enjoy your “dumplings”
"Thanks?" They're delicious.

>> No.16200639

Pelmeni and pierogi are both in op image
You watch too much youtube

>> No.16200646

noise larp tho

>> No.16200650

Are you expecting more from a board that is 80% picky eaters and people that argue about fast food?

>> No.16200655

I really like polish food

>> No.16200657

I wish. Fell for the le travel meme in my 20s

>> No.16200673
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>> No.16200678
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>> No.16200691
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>> No.16200698


>> No.16200700
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>> No.16200704

>Except you can stuff it with anything
And yet they choose to stuff them with potato, just like bongs choose to fill sandwiches with potato in spite having the option to use literally anything else.

Perogies are butter chippie sandwich tier food.

>> No.16200706
File: 63 KB, 754x617, Polish_paczki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16200717
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>> No.16200722
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>> No.16200849

It's not friendly to modern kitchens.
How do you make a great pie or long-stewed soup? Right, you cook it in an oven. Brick-layed oven that takes up half of the house.
It's usually more convenient to just fry something on a pan, and slavic food lacks in that department.

>> No.16200887
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I had a friend growing up who's mom was a polish import. She'd have us eating sliced kielbasa cold - and I thought it was fucking delicious.

Perogies are fantastic, especially home made. I've got nothing bad to say about slav food, but I do wish I was familiar with more of it.

>> No.16200930

Poland is cool but the further you go east the worst it gets.

>> No.16201172

I love slavic foods. Especially chicken cutlets.

>> No.16201186

You clearly don’t and are just spouting nonsense because you had a cheeseburger stuffed pierogi once and enjoyed it.

>> No.16201221

seems like a recurring theme with europe, nay, the world

>> No.16201257

What's the difference between pierogi and vareniki?

>> No.16201326

I make borsch all the time. Its easy and lasts two or three days. I like making pierogi but it takes too long. I'm going to try the cabbage rolls next, thanks

>> No.16201381

i like bigos a lot