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16192939 No.16192939 [Reply] [Original]

Why are American soda aisles so boring? There’s 0 variety. Why are energy drink brands the only ones making different flavored sodas?

>> No.16192942

Stores stock whatever sells the most. If there's not enough demand for odd soda flavors they're not worth taking up shelf space.

>> No.16192952

HOW THE FUCK is there THAT MUCH demand for coke and pepsi. Theres always Like two rows dedicated to just coke and pepsi and the three other shitty overly sweet sodas those two monopolies produce and then theres like a few Ginger Ales and then the rest is diet soda. WHO IS DRINKING THIS SHIT. What demand is there seriously how many people actually fucking GENUINELY ENJOY pepsi its so FUCKING boring
I could never imagine buying like one of those giant 2 liter bottles of like, coke zero cherry flavored. seriously who fucking buys that. they deserve to be killed

>> No.16192958

it annoys me so much because i actually want different flavored things and retarded fat NPC’s are perfectly happy drinking the same 3 trash soda brands for the rest of your life
i cant even imagine like who buys this stuff at the supermarket. why. i only get coke when i go to mcdonalds

>> No.16192977

the average person who likes soda picks a brand and stays with it until they die (of diabetes)
t. used to be one of those people

>> No.16192998
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cause you're at fucking walmart and not a dedicated candy/soda shop.

>> No.16193020

There's thousands of sodas out there.
Just order a variety online

>> No.16193027

It’s mostly marketing my guess

>> No.16193037


>> No.16193038


>> No.16193040
File: 242 KB, 1328x818, TBB5613_ProductImages_Waterfords_LiteFruity_V3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I'm 30, I drink flavoured sparkling water. I prefer the subtly and calories or it.

>> No.16193046

>soda aisles
and entire aisle or more dedicated to soda?

>> No.16193061

>Posts flyover land beverage instead of la-cock

>> No.16193071

I'm Australian. I've never even seen LaCroixs.

>> No.16193110

They are pretty good. No artificial sweeteners or anything.

>> No.16193185

>HOW THE FUCK is there THAT MUCH demand for coke and pepsi.

They're the two most popular kind of pop in the world. Of course there's that much demand for them.

>> No.16193193

Who gives a shit about soda

>> No.16193202

>Why are energy drink brands the only ones making different flavored sodas?
To be fair most of them just outright suck and taste bad.
Say what you want about the Coke company but they got their recipes down to perfection.
I fucking WISH some energy drinks would be as palatable as a coca cola product.
Also fuck soda in general.

>> No.16193287

more or less every new flavor fails. Every year dozens of new ones are released, some are flash in the pan, others are just shelfwarmers. They invariably get cancelled or the big chains remove them from shelves because of poor performance, nothing really get a chance anymore. Most new products get about 3 months to prove themselves, even if their performance is fair or average it's not good enough, everything that doesn't becoma a big seller gets discontinued.

>> No.16193419


>> No.16193466

he never misspelled soda, anon. he said pop, which is the correct one-word synonym for soft drinks.

>> No.16193486

scented water

>> No.16193501

Americans drink soda like milk or water. They don't see it as an interesting treat once in a while.

>> No.16193509


>> No.16193538


>> No.16193570
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>calling pop soda

>> No.16193606
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>> No.16193631

he's actually right, companies fight over visual dominance of aisles like crazy

>> No.16193687

Came here to post this. Faygo is incredibly based.

>> No.16195262
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cuz yanks dont have fantastic local-only flavours of soft drink, like based L&P

>> No.16195269

Yes we do.