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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 69 KB, 700x700, 1607824924984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16189719 [Reply] [Original]

You DID try the BTS meal from McDonald's right?

>> No.16189723

>literally just a ten piece nuggy meal with meme sauce

Keep it

>> No.16189726 [DELETED] 

they look like lesbians. Is this K-Pop

>> No.16189733

can you at least choose your drink this time or are you forced to drink only sprite again?

>> No.16189739

Is being a Chinless homosexual supposed to be hot in worst korea?

>> No.16189745

Chicken nuggets, fries, and a drink?
How is that different from the chicken nugget combo?

>> No.16189747

Do they eat 1 nugget and 1 fry each?

>> No.16189752

I'm pretty sure you're forced to drink a Coke for this one

>> No.16189762 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 600x600, 1612726812418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forced to drink a Coke

>> No.16189767

Disgusting, I hate Coke

>> No.16189781

I don't usually go for dykes, but the one on the right is kind of hot.

>> No.16189796

ACTUALLY the lady is with me BUB

>> No.16189798

yeah her chin implant does it for me

>> No.16189810

So you're all mad because you eat McNuggets and now people will think it's because you like BTS? Is that it?

>> No.16189818

ya man
could taste the korean culture in the deep fried chicken nuggies yum yum

>> No.16189819

I don't order the ten piece meal. A growing man needs at least 50 nugs to get them from lunch to dinner.

>> No.16189959

>nuggers, coke and fries
How much of a fucking mindless drone do you have to be to fall for this shit

>> No.16189979

its the same marketing technique as the happy meal, same food just with the "new character from new movie" toy of the month. They now market it to older audience too since the market has been trained since childhood.

>> No.16189999

>noooooo you can't just order food that tastes good and is convenient to eat, that's what THEY want you to do
Stop me.

>> No.16190017
File: 32 KB, 873x417, 12564696964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry im too busy commenting on their youtube channel

>> No.16190020

Unfortunately anon I can't stop people from being npcs who fall for the most low effort marketing ploys imaginable

>> No.16190023

Are those BTS? Why should I care about those lesbians

>> No.16190033

Because if you don't you've lost touch with youth culture and will never pick up another 16 year old.

>> No.16190040

I’m married. Is this what zoomer teens are into? I could at least see the appeal of N Sync, backstreet boys, and the jonas brothers, they at least looked like men

>> No.16190041

They look quite ..... flamboyant

>> No.16190042

>Why should I care about those lesbians
Because it's pride month (almost), you fuck.

>> No.16190045

16 year old girls don't want you to be interested in their boybands

>> No.16190052

Is korea like the USA where their teen pop and tv stars all get diddled? Is there a korean Weinstien treating bts like Maccully culkin?

>> No.16190087

uh the most based combo you can get

>> No.16190093

> no toy included

>> No.16190108

the toy is a way to associate a hamburger with a film, when normally they wouldn't be. For the """adult""" version they use a promotional tweet to tie the burger to the music celeb. Still the same marketing strat based on the same physiological research. Tie product to positive media character.

>> No.16190122

Shitty badly outdated style "celebrity endorsement" marketing.
>weez fame! you buy!!

>> No.16190129

why are teenagers so obsessed wiht these fags?

>> No.16190139

fuck off with this cringe ass kpop shit
You fucks need a korean board

>> No.16190382
File: 185 KB, 1280x958, A8CA894D-8105-41DC-ACE0-B2D0D44C87FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My retirement fund.

>> No.16191098

Behind the scenes of what?

>> No.16191120

Yes, they all look like wannabe Gackt.

>> No.16191152
File: 13 KB, 200x275, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw asians think they're super cool, but by western standards they will never be cool and are always considered meek effeminate little cucks by white standards

>> No.16191191

I went to mcdonalds, saw the 9 dollar price tag, and decided to get the big mac combo instead, regretted shitting my pants out at work all day, and then found out that the retards didn't put my sauce in the bag. fuck mcdonalds

>> No.16191359
File: 123 KB, 1242x699, wendy BTS meal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this Mexicana tried it and she liked it

>> No.16191391

i ate it i guess. I tried the new sauces and cajun was alright. The sweet chili was just was too fucking sweet. It was a """"spicy""""" jelly didn't go well with the nuggets at least for my pallette and I like that sweet ass bbq sauce they serve.

>> No.16191515

for me it's 20 nugs, 2 mcdoubles, and a mcchicken

>> No.16191521

reminds of something

>> No.16191523

she looks like an authority on the topic

>> No.16193112

Behind the scenes of my what?

>> No.16193197

build your mcdonald's meal
>Large Fry
>special hummus packet for dipping
>custom burger with a slab of egg from the big breakfast in it and ranch sauce
>a mcflurry with haribo gummy bears mixed in
>cost $10.60

>> No.16193206

This thread screams "I was made by McDonald's corporate drone retards for metadata!"
Just like the youtube comments.
Go to reddit.

>> No.16193235

It's just an entire bag filled with fries, but they use two bags so it doesn't immediately disinigrate from the grease

>> No.16193329
File: 100 KB, 316x212, Gook Oi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how en profil they look like the cast of Golden Girls. A bunch of decrepid old bints.

>> No.16193339

> your chinlet brochette, monsieur. Would monsieur like zome wine wit ziz?

>> No.16193355

They look like Asians larping as whites. Oh wait…

>> No.16193356

the fuck is BTS?

>> No.16193396

a garbage bag full of ketchup packets

>> No.16193398
File: 89 KB, 660x841, E3416BDF-BBC7-473E-80CA-E22603073D58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of these girls has a cock?

>> No.16193437

Do yellow rape nips even know what “Cajun” is?

>> No.16193482

but anon, they are considered cool now...

>> No.16193508

Need it or keep it?!?!

>> No.16193741

what's a BTS?

>> No.16193905


>> No.16193908

stupid fag gooks

>> No.16193919

what kind of shithole do you live in where you get hummus at mcdicks

>> No.16193947

you mean just like how white people think that theyre tough but are considered weak and effeminate to black people?

>> No.16193954

blacks are murderers and rapists. shut up chang, you’ll always be a weak bitch

>> No.16193958


>> No.16193960

So why do black women crave my cock when other women find me undesirable?

>> No.16193975

I also have the same problem

>> No.16193976

Because you give them money in exchange for sexual favors.

>> No.16194378

I bought one to try the sauce. Cajun tastes fucking nothing, sweet chili was like cheaper VH chili sauce. Also, I had totally forgotten how disgusting mcnuggets are.

How much can I sell the cup, bag and box?

>> No.16194621
File: 2.30 MB, 2268x4032, beetus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order from app
>deal for $5.00 20 piece and 2 free large fries
>allows you to choose limited gook sauce

Pretty disappointed to be honest. Sweet chili was like watered down sweet chili from Asian market. Cajun was just Signature sauce from a while back but worse.

>> No.16194797

2 new sauces. i heard they're okay.

>> No.16194951

So now we not only have to compete against Black Bvlls and Latinx Chads, but AZN Twinks too?

>> No.16195217

Can you order like 20 nuggets and just ask for the sauce or do you have to get the special meal? (i dont want to download the app)

>> No.16195370

yeah and it's literally 10 nuggets and fries, i didn't even get the shashumga sauce so it wasn't a true bts wuhan meal

>> No.16195395 [DELETED] 


>> No.16195439

>Suga gottem and jimin sheisty linked up???

>> No.16195447

sweet chili - bad
cajun - very good

overall score 8/10

>> No.16195549


>> No.16195916

what the shit is a BTS and why should i give a FUCK

>> No.16196290 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 1105x1076, 17wvn6z79fz51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is 10/10 in korea?

>> No.16196298
File: 262 KB, 2500x1512, 200821-kim-jong-un-mc-914-3406384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah... that's like a 8/10. This is Korea's 10/10

>> No.16196313

The Klingon worms?

>> No.16196337

British hands typed this post

>> No.16196983
File: 758 KB, 1200x1200, bts-zoomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16197014

No, they look like midwestern realtors and boomer grocery shopping hags.

>> No.16197021

The chili sauce is great. It's a McDonald's version of yangnyeom.
Seething chuds

>> No.16197026

The cajun one was just a less spicy version of the habanero sauce we have in Canada. The sweet chili wasn't that sweet, desu

>> No.16197031

You could get whatever drink you wanted with the travis scott shit, sprite was just the default

>> No.16197039

>watered down sweet chili from asian market
No idea what this even means. Sounds like you're used to Americanized versions of Asian cuisine.

Am I the only one who thought it was a good fast food version of dakgangjeong sauce?

>> No.16197044
File: 2.98 MB, 1280x720, 1608884068702.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the appeal of kpop?

>> No.16197047

black people of both genders have an unusually high rate of homosexuality compared to other races (ironically, considering the tough thug culture)

>> No.16197050


>> No.16197053

source: my fuckin' ass lmao

>> No.16197329

yeas and it was fucking gross. the cajun sauce was seperated and oily and had no flavour. The sweet chili was alright but Popeye's is better.

>> No.16197343

Why do all Koreans look the same? I'm not even one of those people who can't tell the difference between those outside my race. Like I can tell black people apart, mexicans, ect.
But Koreans all look so fucking manufactured. Like there is something off. Specifically South Koreans.

>> No.16197390

Global elite relying on genetic engineering and plastic surgery for a race of supreme S-class sex slaves.

>> No.16197404

They also have primate brains and a large amount of them spend most of their lives in a same sex prison. Not fuckin rocket science.

>> No.16197412

Hers must be a very informed opinion on the subject

>> No.16197414

It's literally just a 10 piece chicken nugget meal.

McDonnalds chicken niglets taste like crap.

>> No.16197421

It's because they all look the same, like gorillas

>> No.16197480
File: 52 KB, 746x757, pensive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a diet soda right anon? You don't want to get fat right anon? Anon???

>> No.16197636

kpop is evil and I am uncomfortable with it creeping into the mainstream from the fringe

>> No.16197643

right? i think the sauce is the only special thing about it? and how exciting can that be? its just sauce. i wonder how much bts got for letting mc donalds slap their name on their packaging.

>> No.16197644

because of dopamine hits

>> No.16197652

Back in my day we just smoked weed and got our highs the proper way.

>> No.16197666

in korea actual 10/10s are among their actresses and actors
they have to do a lot of work with many of the kpop idols (always having perfect lighting, makeup, hair to an autistic degree, all of the time) with a ton of video exposure and maximal use of the cheerleader effect to condition naive and stupid teenage girls into thinking that is attractive

>> No.16197681

They actually let you pick the special BTS sauces for anything where you have a sauce choice? What's the point of the meal then? Is it even a good price?

>> No.16197689

it's the exact same price as a 10 piece nugget meal because it is a 10 piece nugget meal.

>> No.16197690

Does a 10pc nugget meal usually give you two sauces?

>> No.16197692

Same number of sauces. You get to choose the sauces in any case.

>> No.16197800


>> No.16197804

whats going on with their haircuts? do they wear makeup?

>> No.16197806

You ever heard of the Kinsey scale? They're all 5s and 6s.

>> No.16197807

I wonder how many people hate capitalism but love BTS.
First Sony, now McDonalds. I've probably missed others, but who is next?

>> No.16197810

Some of them should at least get a different hair style.
I like when Chinamen spike their hair, it looks like they're getting high winds blown in their direction.

>> No.16197883

Yet they're forced to perform songs about loving women? If they were actually gay wouldn't it be better to go full fujo pandering and embrace it?

>> No.16198008

they just do both. because pop music in general is for the drooling masses

>> No.16198014

that weird and blind big corp socialism has been around for a while. the commies who posture on social media are doing so on their expensive smartphones and laptops, and probably a high number of them are apple products (now comes packaged with uighur slave labor).
old school commie types used to go out somewhere to establish communes. which eventually fail, but hey they tried

>> No.16198019

South Koreans constantly get plastic surgery, one of if not the most common country for it.

>> No.16198023

>eating at McDonald’s

>> No.16198042

is there anything more soulless than kpop?

>> No.16198062

Its just nuggets and a fry
Fucking k pop fans are retarded

>> No.16198069

Fuck kpop

>> No.16198084

They intentionally do that with the plastic surgery shit too. The guy in that pic might have had a jaw like the middle pic.

>> No.16198091

it's the refined product of capitalism's race to the bottom, the absolute dregs, when it comes to coldly mechanizing what people traditionally enjoyed about music in past history

>> No.16198097

Every single person in south korea gets plastic surgery

>> No.16198100

Affectation core musique like neutral milk hotel
Most dad rock
All christian rock
Western pop
Dragon Quest soundtracks
Late grunge
Woke rap

>> No.16198101

We serve food here anon

>> No.16198102

Shut the fuck up, rayciss

>> No.16198103

Also nu/post metal like dragonforce

>> No.16198117

Yes it was rockstars! Korea you did it again!

>> No.16198120

I don't know who BTS are but im flattered that these asians imitate our looks. I wish them all the best.

>> No.16198125

Wtf seriously?

>> No.16198133

Yeah no, typical colonizer mentality lmao. It's rare af but there are asians born with blonde hair and/or blue/green eyes. Not saying that the BTS guys are, but rather, they're imitating those rare features that one in a million korean people may possess.

>> No.16198143
File: 73 KB, 643x638, 21st Century Soyboy Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does Prog fall on the soul scate?

>> No.16198233

>blacks BTFO’d in every single military confrontation, enslaved for centuries
>couldn’t win on merit, have to rely on subversive self-hating whites to get anywhere in life
>people only tolerate them out of a misguided sense of altruism
Yeah, real tough masculine pack of winners that niggers are.

>> No.16198238

Every aspect of Dragon Quest has more soul than anything in 2021.

>> No.16198248

I like the sweet chili sauce

>> No.16198252

Tough call. Instrumental prog is usually soulful as fuck, though

>> No.16198262

I meant Might and Magic. Whatever. Dragon Warrior/Quest is pretty alright as well.

>> No.16198264

>bad music
>"let's go for quantity over quality with the gameplay and add stupid crafting bullshit"
>purposely predictable, bland story because the fans demand it for some reason
>grassland simulator deluxe
>use bottom of the barrel cringe voice actors
>babby combat with worst camera ever for some reason
>slap Toriyama's art on it to cover up the shittiness just like they did with Dragon Ball
I really think it's just the artwork that sells it. It's fucking embarrassing and even Final Fantasy is better.

>> No.16198282
File: 89 KB, 700x611, 20160720085928e5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plastic surgery

>> No.16198295

Isn't this only served in korea? Borders are closed. Are there really that many bug people on 4chan or are you all larping retards?

>> No.16198296


>> No.16198298

Do they not have sunlight in korea? These mother fuckers are whiter than the alabama whites.

>> No.16198303

heh soyboy variants are usually trash but this made me giggle.

>> No.16198311

in east asia white skin = wealth/health
most shampoos and skincare products have skin whitening agents in them and people actively avoid sunlight via the use of umbrellas and covering up their skin with gloves long sleeve clothes and masks even in 35/40C heat

>> No.16198321

I thought that skin bleaching shit was an african thing. The yellows are trying to be white, the whites are trying to be tan and the blacks want to be light skinned. What the fuck is wrong with humans?

>> No.16198326

>Toriyama's art on it to cover up the shittiness just like they did with Dragon Ball
But Toriyama actually wrote Dragon Ball and it was kino of the highest order, at least until all the Saiyan shit.

>> No.16198329

White people tanning after 1990 are way behind trend

>> No.16198338

it goes back to ancient times
tanned skin = field worker/labourer
pale skin = lives in a palace
wanting to be tanned is a very recent trend and only popular with wypipo

>> No.16198344

They don't "tan" any more they just put on that fake tan bullshit.

>> No.16199201
File: 468 KB, 1280x720, Boyz12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boyz 12 meal when

>> No.16199257

EDM can be soulful as fuck.




>> No.16199262

No but I ordered the sweet chili sauce for my nuggers and fries

>> No.16199279

It’s just teenage girls and trannies who want to fanboy something but blended idpol into the fandom. They like them because they aren’t white like nsync or the Backstreet Boys.

>> No.16199293


>> No.16199303

your mom is cringe, bitch

>> No.16199322

No it can't. Keep this gay music to yourself

>> No.16199328

You literally didn't listen to it.

>> No.16199332

I saw this commercial last night and threw my remote through my TV. What a disgusting gaggle of faggot gooks

>> No.16199340

Typical response expected of an EDM fan.

>> No.16199344

you're allowed to do that? I might go try it out so I can dip my fries in some meme sauce. I expect a sugary hell though.

>> No.16199398

Lmao the Cajun sauce is just 1000 island with some cayenne sprinkled in it

>> No.16199465

I have before. EDM sucks. That's why everyone at their festivals get fucked up to enjoy that shit music. Anyone who enjoys it sober is mentally unstable

>> No.16199496

Sweet chili was at McDonald's years ago. It's unironically the best sauce they've ever made.

>> No.16199504

I'm 32, and don't even know what BTS is. Some shitty Kpop band for zoomer retards, as far as I can tell.

>> No.16199532

It's plastic surgery. HUUUUGE business in S. Kórea.

>> No.16200398

the Cajun sauce is so fucking good.
sad that it's limited only

>> No.16200406

every teenage girl likes this shit.
saw it on facebook that they really want that purple box with BTS logo which is just a normal paper box kek

>> No.16200694

>What's the appeal of pop?

>> No.16200715

I never watched the very beginning, but all the later parts are fucking cringe. The entire anime is surface level filler with a unique art style. Imagine if it had a more generic artist; would you have watched it?
Lol fuck off faggot, you only posted one EDM song and it was bad

>> No.16200744
File: 279 KB, 386x474, soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

final fantasy is peak SOUL

>> No.16200757

Every single one of them has a more defined chin than the average American.

>> No.16200758

>would you have watched it?
I read the manga bruv

>> No.16200767

I can't speak on the manga, but the anime is shit.
FF7-9 are peak soul. Every other FF game is garbage

>> No.16200771


>> No.16200798

You can select the sauces in the Doordash app, it doesn't have to be the McDonald's app

>> No.16201323

Cajun is french-couillon

>> No.16201395

>literally the korean sauces reused

>> No.16201422
File: 3.96 MB, 497x273, e75.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get mine with SZECHUAN sauce

>> No.16201426

do they at least give you like a button or sticker that has the band's name on it? like a happy meal toy themed with the branding? or is it just the meal

>> No.16201433

>no collectable cards, figures or anything
dropped the ball

>> No.16201479

>being a mentally ill fag in [current year]

>> No.16201482
File: 341 KB, 945x713, wheredoyouthinkweare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a mentally ill fag in [current year]

>> No.16201498

Then they bring up "You live in a society" shit, even when there are cheaper and used phones instead of buying a Apple and expensive Android phone.

>> No.16201683

enjoy your yingpingching sauce bunkerboy

>> No.16201687

I work at the register at McDonald's, so many mentally ill looking girls try to order the BTS meal. I just pretend I don't know what it is and make them feel dumb.

>> No.16201804
File: 108 KB, 500x368, 1492896516113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all look like faggots, no wonder American zoomers love Kpop.

>> No.16201824

I was given a choice of drink at mine.

>> No.16201841

There's two young Aryan boys that were raised in South Korea for commercials and TV spots. They for sure are too pretty to NOT be touched.

>> No.16201860

no they didn't, they were as gay looking as bts they were just white...oh.

>> No.16201889

...Pics ?

>> No.16201941

Touch a nerve? /heem/ says hi

>> No.16201950

That is actually malicious and shouldn't be legal. That is legit evil.

>> No.16201960

They literally look deformed.

The 4 ones in foreground in particular look horrible.

>> No.16202178

Ha Aphex Twin was my example for least soulful, maybe somebody like Burial has some soul

>> No.16202206
File: 102 KB, 1200x754, McCuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>refuse to provide service and give customers what they want
Why hasn't Burgerstien fired you yet? Are you a disability hire?

>> No.16202223

The cajun mayo or whatever is real good. I kind of want to try to replicated it for personal use. I assume it's just mayo, lemon, some sort of pepper and onion powder?

>> No.16202225

Most of the other workers here are literal niggers. I could sleep for half my shift and still do more work than them.

>> No.16202238

I don't know if they're deformed but they intentionally look like that and then complain on that asian masculinity subreddit

>> No.16202368

they were raped by euros for 2 century's and by arabs for a millenia

>> No.16202393
File: 2.43 MB, 1875x2044, 2021-05-28 12.20.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've had it twice so far. i'll probably order it at least once a day until it leaves

>> No.16202459

Anyone who orders this is a faggot.
Sorry :(

>> No.16202488

i'm pansexual sooo you're not far off

>> No.16202672


>> No.16202847

I had it with both of the sauces. The Cajun one was like honey mustard with extra spices, and the sweet chili one had a nice taste to it, maybe a bit too watery, but still decent. Between the two I'd go for the sweet chili, but I would still go for BBQ or Buffalo if I had the choice and a few bites I skipped dipping entirely. You can also get any drink you want and also upsize the combo like a normal combo.

>> No.16203725
File: 149 KB, 676x332, 1618576172633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16203726

what the fuck does that even mean

>> No.16203735

It means anything that moves.

>> No.16203802

plastic surgery asians are so disgusting

>> No.16203810

Kpop is yaoi for lesbians who don't like anime

>> No.16203827

should I order 80 mcnuggets lol... ? It's 28 bucks

>> No.16203837

ended up getting 40 mcnuggets and 2 double quarter pounders with cheese.

I don't know how long I can keep this up

>> No.16203856

This, also South Korea has a higher latitude than Alabama

>> No.16204030

This is a post of sage wisdom although I'm ashamed I know its meaning

>> No.16204052

what is the BTS meal? that looks like normal chicken nuggets and fries

>> No.16204272

dilate tranny

>> No.16204282

if you did NOT try or did NOT like the BTS meal you do NOT belong on this website

>> No.16204597

Kpop is yaoi for fujos from a country where distribution of porn is illegal

>> No.16204612

It means he's just horny

>> No.16205269
File: 10 KB, 242x225, Screenshot 2021-05-31 182509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16205349

as opposed to figurative niggers? What IS a figurative nigger, anyways?

>> No.16205447

But tomorrow is June.

>> No.16205477

Anon has no standards or self esteem.

>> No.16205635

You failed history class, clearly. Let me guess...Amerifat?

>> No.16205808

makes sense, a rich asian wouldn't be outside, tanning in the sun while doing farm work.

>> No.16205842

I actually wasn't a faggot until I had finished the meal

>> No.16205864

Go back to /pol/

>> No.16205879
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>> No.16206094

I downloaded the app today and I can't even sign in without it glitching out.
Am I required to use the app to get the special sauces or can I order it at the store?

>> No.16206106

I'm pretty sure the"Cajun" sauce is dijon mustard. But they really push the coke original on you when ordering.

>> No.16206137

No, there has to be a balance or you'll alienate your yumejo + general "explicit male homosexuality is gross" audience and/or get cannibalized by the woke community for using it as a marketing tool. And even if that second one weren't the case going full gay as your gimmick isn't viable because fujos, unlike yumejos, don't mind sharing. You can give them an inch of homoerotica and they'll treat it like a mile.

>> No.16206192

Kpop is for fujos who are too dumb to comfortably keep up with reading the subtitles on anime

>> No.16206362

Not exactly. I ordered a mix meal with 6 nuggets and 4 tendies, and in the sauces I picked the Cajun sauce because it said it was spicy. The meal itself wasn't BTS-themed. The sauce was lame and not spicy (and I'm not a spicy eater). It had a tinge of spiciness as an aftertaste. Like the sweet and sour sauce, it barely carried a taste.

>> No.16206669


>> No.16206694

No thanks, I'll have a McChicken with a side of hot, sizzling fries and an ice cold coke

>> No.16206714

Lol no chin

>> No.16206721

Back to The Summer

>> No.16206732

you can say faggot here, no worries

>> No.16206769
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coated or non-coated?

>> No.16206778

LOL look at how they're looking at V. I don't think he was supposed to take that nugget. Smooth move.

>> No.16206780

Asians aren't the problem. K-pop dancers are just subjected to Michael Jackson level of plastic surgery and make-up that make them look uncanny and creepy. Korean guys are, in general, pretty attractive.

>> No.16206899

Femoid hands typed this post

>> No.16206909

the BTS themed cardboard containers for the food are collectable I guess

>> No.16206917

keep it

>> No.16207302

Which is lazy as fuck, because they used to give out plastic reusable cups, some even molded or with an animation gimmick to promote movies. And before that they even gave out glassware. McD Corp is so cheap.

>> No.16207320

>I just pretend I don't know what it is and make them feel dumb.
Good thing that’s some fake-ass “everyone clapped” bullshit, because if it really happened, they’d laugh at what a retarded autist you are for not knowing what’s on all the promotional signage.

>> No.16207349


>> No.16207367
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Luckily I don't have to deal with your type anymore.

>> No.16207815
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looks like all the stuff is on their webstore

>> No.16208679

>you want competitive, respectable wages that says you all do the same amount of work!?
>you think you deserve more money for pushing pictures of food?
>you deserve the same amount on a nowhere road that someone in the middle of downtown chicago does!?
fucking beautiful. i'm glad your jobs became automated. i'm glad indians do your jobs for less. i love that mexicans will pick your fruit for less. and i can't wait until these teachers jobs are finally deduced to books and pdfs like some awesome Jetsons future.

>> No.16208807


>> No.16208843


>> No.16208844

This website is mostly newfags bu now, they don’t know what that means

>> No.16208886

>100lb gookoid twink homos think 10 nugs and a medium fries constitutes a meal

Gimme 20 nugs and I will consider it

>> No.16208903

lmao amerisharts really believe in this kind of shit

>> No.16209709

> K-pop dancers are just subjected to Michael Jackson level of plastic surgery
If only they had a quarter of his talent this shit would fly. Alas...
>Korean guys are, in general, pretty attractive.
Sorry I thought this was a serious post.

>> No.16211246
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>sorry I thought this was a serious post
Kpop slayers are the Chad of modern day. Get used to it chud.

>> No.16211449

Post the Amongus nugget

>> No.16211459

...said the self hating white

>> No.16211876

based. reminds me of
>Do not order the Amungus meal at Mcdobalds. That was the single most embarrassing experience of my life

>> No.16211957

>thinks a woman will touch his pp because he cares about her interests
lol, lmao
women love it when you shit on them and their taste

>> No.16212968

the "cajun" sauce kinda slapped ngl

>> No.16212970

based on how it tasted, no they do not
it was good but i wouldnt describe it as cajun ever

>> No.16212983

i hear Butter on my local radio all the time and it genuinely sounds like nothing. it's like BTS is an ai that tried to write a hit song. them speaking english sounds robotic and unnatural, the song doesnt flow right, it is like. just not enjoyable to listen to, at all

>> No.16213058

The part that gets me is that they're singing solid colloquial English with references to American culture, but their accents are thick as fuck. At least when Big Bang did it, it sounded organic.

>> No.16213166

It should come with a dildo haha.

>> No.16213222

The manga isn't padded out like the anime. I remember watching the frieza fight in the anime when I was a kid and it must have been ten fucking episodes long. I read the manga much later on and the same fight was like three minutes of reading.

>> No.16213427

>dude just put two sides together and call it a meal
I've had granola bars more filling than that

>> No.16213453

The BTS meal is a complete ripoff. You can get the 2 new sauces with any order that has nuggets.

>> No.16213547

ust an fyi. They decided on nuggets because they were thinking about the diversity of their fans. Chicken is pretty neutral in comparison to beef hence the lack of burger which a lot of us expected cause they love burgers. As for the spicy levels of the sauces, again, it's pretty neutral, for the sake of the fans. Like foreigners tend to have low tolerance to spice. And if you dont have an asian tongue, both sauces do well for the western market i eat chili and pepper so I'm sure the spicyness of that sauce would be nothing. Some of us even thpught theyd do a ddeokbokki fries something but that might be too exotic for every other country given this is for 50countries

>> No.16213610
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>all those replies

>> No.16213617

Calm down there johnny, no one here thinks youre cool, give your little sister back her panties and go to bed.

>> No.16213636
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>I've had granola bars more filling than that
I seriously doubt that. Hyperbole much?

>> No.16213687

I’m more offended by the lazy marketing. It’s literally a number 9, with gimmicky gook sauce.

Same with these other meals for the spook and shit. A combo or product they’ve always offered. Be inventive at least

>> No.16213721


>> No.16213884

They could just get a chin bog style if they needed to, their faces are half plastic anyways

>> No.16213909

I wanted a 10 piece nugger meal, I got a 10 piece nugger meal. The meme sauces were pretty good.

>> No.16213952

They could have at least made the burger a little differently

>> No.16214490

The guy you replied to, he's not black but he's a lazy cunt.

>> No.16214494

How the hell did kpop overtake jpop over the years?

>> No.16214520

many many boybands that all look the same

also girls are huge consoomers

>> No.16214588

I would've tried the sauces if I could get them with a 24 pack. But any other quantity of nuggets is just a ripoff, especially the 'meal'

>> No.16214724

>forced to drink only sprite
No one is forcing you to drink anything. Stop being so over dramatic

>A growing man needs at least 50 nugs to get them from lunch to dinner
Ok lardass. Also have you seen the size of those femboy Koreans?

>> No.16214730
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Sadly you're probably right. Investing in memes seems to be paying off nicely these days.

>> No.16214916

the negress at my local mcdicks didnt give me my sweet chili sauce which was the only thing I was looking forward to trying.
cajun was ok though.

>> No.16214920

chinos maricones

>> No.16215757

I won't have the bind torture strangle meal thanks

>> No.16216090

Stop stealing bikes

>> No.16216710

cajun was disgusting, tasted like somebody tried to make Chick-fil-A sauce spicy and fucked it up. I didn't finish it, opting to have a couple nuggets dry
sweet chili was delicious, I could go for another mean with two of those
I dunno what guys in this thread mean by "watery", that sounds disgusting, this was a thin flavorful sauce.

>> No.16216716

>No one is forcing you to drink anything. Stop being so over dramatic
lol you assume anons in this thread can order something customized, their little heads would explode
remember that guy who had written out instructions for talking to the pizza guy on the phone? literally "if he says.... then I say..." on a pad of paper
that is who you are talking to in these threads

>> No.16217114
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Who hurt you chud

>> No.16217560

Imagine tying all these guys up in chairs in a well lit room. Imagine broadcasting this setup on live television. Imagine going in that room and slowly torturing them all to death one by one.
How many girls do you think would kill themselves over this?

>> No.16219299

japan is a lot more insular with their music. it took a long time for them to embrace things like youtube/yt music/spotify for listeners outside japan (and a lot of them still region restrict), but in the meantime kpop companies were intentionally learning how to ride youtube's algorithm to signal boost their business prospects. partly because japan never had an urgent greed to go outside of japan with a population that's ~3x the size of south korea, some degree profitable success isn't that hard to scrape out in the japanese music market.
a lot of how south korea pushes whatever soft power they have seems to come from a claustrophobia of their relatively itty bitty market sizes, so the only real way for expanding into more money is looking to other countries to grab whatever they can.

>> No.16219363
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this one?

>> No.16220708

I saw a bitch today

>> No.16220717

The best McDonald's burger ever was the Jalapeno Double....

they don't make it anymore

>> No.16220949

I live in Japan and people here genuinely think that corn on pizza is delicious and some sort of hidden italian delicacy. People here are really fucking nuts about italian food but can never remotely cook anything like it. There are loads upon loads of "italian" restaurants here but when you go in it's always some weird fucking japanese ripoff where they fuck up all of the dishes by adding jap shit like raw squid and eel and shit to it and then they try to fucking play it off as "real italian food". It doesn't help that people here don't know what normal bread or cheese is. It's all fucking gross. I have not had any normal-tasting cheese in all the time I've lived here, and good bread is about as rare as a properly paid salaryman. These people are born on this island, they will live their whole lives on this island, and they will die on this island without ever tasting real bread or cheese in their life and that's just sort of sad. The worst part is that because no japanese person actually knows what real italian food is like, nobody can call restaurants out on this bullshit, everyone eats it all up and calls it "honto ni umaiiiii uwuwuwu" and everyone thinks this is what real italian food is like. It's just sad. "Oh rettsu addu fishu eggu andu seaweedu to pasta carbonara don't u kno this is how rearu itarian peeporu eat!". The worst part for me is that japan doesn't just massacre classic italian food like this, but they also do it with every other country's cuisine imaginable. French, spanish, mexican, turkish, you name it. They botch everything they come across as "wow foreign so cool" but it's never apparently fucking good enough unless they douse it in soy sauce and raw octopus to make it "authentic european" food. Don't get me wrong I love me some japanese food but fuck this country for ruining foreign food culture and fuck the people for being too retarded to not know what real food is like, even though they kind of can't help it, fuck em it's gross

>> No.16221204
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>> No.16221212
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>> No.16222410

>it's just a sauce
It's not a meal, it's a sauce.

>> No.16222413

I’m not mentally ill, so no.

>> No.16222431

I wouldn't mind corn on pizza. I do mind pineapple on pizza. I was never a fan of sweet/savory combo foods. I've only started tolerating cranberry sauce on turkey recently. It is just that: tolerating. Not loving.

>> No.16222475

I mean this kind of shit happens in other countries too and especially in the USA, with the touting of "Real authentic italian cuisine" shit that you'll see at Olive Garden.

>> No.16222572

What's a boy band?

>> No.16222639
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>Heh, if only they could match MY ancestry

>> No.16223166


>> No.16223355
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idk what hick county you live in but this is not the case in most metropolitan areas.

>> No.16223430

>goes straight for the white chick
lmao Asianlets BTFO

>> No.16224479

Yes it is these guys look like major twinks just their whole style is silly

>> No.16224483

I heard they play a little joke with it too.