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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16186815 No.16186815 [Reply] [Original]

>rich people discover good poor people's food and drive the price up
Name the food. I absolutely hate how expensive the BBQ in my town has gotten now

>> No.16186821

Pizza in America. I can get a pizza in Italy for like €3, why the fuck is the same pizza here $17????

>> No.16186827

Gentrification of food in general. So many cheaper cuts of meat now sky high in price due to it being hip and fashionable. The tech boom was a fucking mistake.

>> No.16186830

>rich people discover meat cooked on a grill

>> No.16186833

Skirt steak
Chicken thighs

>> No.16186842

Holy fuck it pisses me off to no end that skirt steak costs about as much as rib steak these days like what the absolute fuck

>> No.16186844

It was about time .I was getting tired of eating raw babies

>> No.16186846

he's hot

>> No.16186848

I get like 4lbs of chicken quarters for like $2. Is this a high price? I only recently started buying meat

>> No.16186863

Reminder that lobster used to be considered the cockroach of the sea and fed to prisoners

>> No.16186868


In other words: "Sucks to be poor." We you knew that already so what's the problem? You want cheap? Go eat a potato.

>> No.16186872

And servants in England used to have it written into their contracts that they would not have to suffer eating salmon more than three times a week.

>> No.16186878

>daily bbq price thread

no thanks. meat costs more money than vegetables, cope

>> No.16186906

>the superior product in both taste and nutrition costs more
That's the point of the thread.

>> No.16186963

Blame leddit and fucktoob for that. 10-15 years ago no one but Hispanix people and food cucks knew about skert steak.

>> No.16187685

That is until the price goes waaaay up and you're forced to eat soy protein flakes to not die.

>> No.16187692

Lobster, easily.

>> No.16187702

Chicken thighs? Really? That's the cheapest shit you can get around here.

>> No.16187720

Authentic tacos, especially birria. They used to be around a dollar each but now they are $2.50 a pop.

>> No.16187759

I've noticed more ethnic foods that used to be considered cheap easy and fast food are now being sold for way way more. If it's not tacos or burritos or falafels or gyros it's somosas etc. Fuck even getting a simple veggie wrap with a fajita or pita or nan bread will set you back five bucks etc depending on where you are.

>> No.16187780

Doener kebabs. Literal street food got snapped up by richies and now there are gourmet versions.

>> No.16187792

fuckin this. ive seen shit go viral on tiktok then next thing i know theres a fucking line, prices are up or out of stock. social media was a mistake

>> No.16187842

I'm just waiting for the day yuppies discover that mussels are the superior shellfish. I currently pay 4.50 a kilo, whereas oysters are 35 dollars for 12, EVEN THOUGH MUSSELS ARE SIPERIOR IN EVERY WAY

>> No.16187929

they arent though and its not even close

>> No.16187964
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Are you all idiots? most of this shit depends on where you live. If u live in the city ofc everything is gonna be expensive Stores/Resturants have to take everythin into consideration. Transportation of the food. gas etc.. If u live in the country side close to all the ranches and the farms, shit will most likely be 40% cheaper than the cities. Its all about location.

>> No.16187966

Stop choosing to be poor

>> No.16188063

>If u live in the country side close to all the ranches and the farms, shit will most likely be 40% cheaper than the cities.
want to know how I know you don't live in the country side?

>> No.16188296

Lobster use to be poor peoples food

>> No.16188311

That's insane, I wonder when it changed.

>> No.16188332

Hipsters ruin everything

>> No.16188463

I can't tell you the number of times I've gone to the store intending to make steak tacos and come home with a ribeye because it was cheaper than skirt.

>> No.16188469

It still is in places like Maine, they have lobster at McDonalds

When people moved away from the east coast

>> No.16188485

Hear hear laddie

>> No.16188500

LA cut shortribs/galbi

>> No.16188506

ox tail
>tfw my mom used to make ox tail stew for my family every once in a while because it was cheap and delicious
>tfw its gone up in price by a shit ton and not worth it any more

also i hate that white people discovered pellet smokers and made brisket fucking impossible to buy at a cheap price.

i'm killing myself if MSG become even more popular and the price sky rockets.

>> No.16188507

You’ve got to be trolling. Let me guess, oysters are too “icky” and “slimy” for you.

>> No.16188512

This. Eating lobster was a novelty for wealthy people visiting Boston in particular, and those that acquired a taste for it wanted to bring it home with them. The thing that makes lobsters expensive isn’t their rarity or the difficulty of capturing them; they are more common than flies in New England. The thing that makes them expensive is the transportation, and this was a premium the wealthy were willing to pay for their “exotic” treat. Even though it’s probably much less expensive and difficult to transport lobsters from place to place today, people are still willing to pay the premium because lobster has been established as a bougie food in our culture.

>> No.16188515

no i love eating cum
so im fine with oysters too

>> No.16188520

Turns out anything can taste good if you dip it in butter sauce. Plain boiled lobster is horrid.

>> No.16188528

You’re free to leave and take your 12 children with you whenever you please.

>> No.16188533

Happens with mass caught/farmed poorman foods too. Looking at lobsters. Urban money was a mistake, ted was right

>> No.16188539

bones for beef marrow and beef stock
pork belly
beef shortribs and ox tails

>> No.16188542

And the food they used to eat dont get any cheaper.

>> No.16188556
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It probably isnt as low as 40% but it is much cheaper the closer to the source you are.

>> No.16188570

>it is much cheaper the closer to the source you are.
want to know how I know you don't live in the country side?

>> No.16188574

>If i repeat myself im probably right
Nigger tounge my anus.

>> No.16188604

I know you don't live in the country side because anyone who lives in the country side knows for a fact that nothing but property rates are cheaper in the countryside and the very thing that is least likely to be cheaper is meat unless its homekill.

>> No.16188628

Not him but it depends on where you live, someone in bumfuck nowhere Texas can get cheaper beef than someone in Chicago, for example.

>> No.16188644

As someone who was born and raised and still lives in bumfuck nowhere Wisconsin I find it hard to believe but whatever you say. It's not really how markets work. All of the product is shipped out to bigger markets. If you want local produce you have to pay more than people are willing to pay in the city. Nobody is growing produce and raising livestock and selling it at the farmers market for cheaper than they would in the city. That's fucking stupid.

>> No.16188658

>this nigga doesn't even realize how cheap his cheese is
Bro I'm 2 hours away and there's a noticeable difference, leave your state sometimes.

>> No.16188661

>food intended to be cheap and easy goes up in price
>leftover cuts that are supposed to be cheap, but still good, leftovers go up in price
I do not like how the natural order of the food ecosystem has be turned over by the dirty masses in their jew cages known as cities.
If I learned anything from townsends is that there was an entire sect of cooking dedicated to reusing cheap and leftover foods and it sucks that its dying. If only someone would put their Minecraft griefing skills to use and deal with the urban cancer

>> No.16188680

>everything is cheaper in the country side!
why doesn't everyone do it I wonder? it's bullshit, that's why. everything is literally more expensive in the country which is why people in the country take steps to be more self sufficient which takes more work which is why people don't generally move to the country.

Wisconsin cheese might be cheaper in Wisconsin than neighboring states' cheese in general but I guarantee you that cheese is cheaper in Milwaukee than it is outside of Milwaukee. cityfags have a retarded idea of what country life is like.

>> No.16188753

>implying i'm fucking that often and still have time to post on /ck/

>> No.16188907

rich people go out to eat, poor people make the stuff at home. You are expecting someone to cook for you and pay low prices.
Cook at home, like poor people are supposed to. Solved your problem.

>> No.16188915

This is what happened with wings and it's happening with thighs now. I'm so damn pissed.

>> No.16188918
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Funny i have been to Iran and spain and the saffron there was much cheaper then the saffron in the other countries of the west.
>Inb4 b-but thats iran that doesnt count
My point still stands u fucking double nigger Closer to the source the cheaper it is. simple as.

>> No.16188928

Yes, when it was salted and packed in barrels for months at a time you midwit.

>> No.16188939

Flank Steak

It was fucking dirt cheap and you had to go rifling through everything else to find it when I was a kid. Now that shit is the same price as a shitty ribeye at most stores.

>> No.16189149

>everything is literally more expensive in the country
So so wrong

>> No.16189882

God damn bones, knuckles and tails and stuff . That shit used to be freeee! Then this bone broth meme came along and now it’s even more expensive than meat sometimes reeeeee lengua used to bee cheeep tripas used to be cheeep reeeeee

>> No.16189903

Learning to make it properly yourself frees you of this. I make pizza at home which is better than any of my local restaurants, and my price per pizza is ~$3.00 depending on the toppings. I'm not getting any bulk discounts pizzerias get either, that's buying my ingredients in large amounts wholesale, it's just that flour, crushed tomatoes, etc. are really quite cheap for what you can do with them.

>> No.16190029

A good chicago thin crust large with more than 1 topping runs $35+ now. I hate inflation

>> No.16190036

Half the fun of pizza is taking a night off cooking.

>> No.16190046

Reminder that the same was true for salmon and cod at the time. Colonial era Britain had strange hangups about "poor people food" that still echo today.

>> No.16190048

Making pizza is fun. Try it as a date idea. It works.

>> No.16190053
File: 54 KB, 600x337, 4203E978-1132-4CDB-96B9-8AC5D063B49E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BBQ and tacos/Tex mex in general
Also this.
>go to pizza place downtown
>they have shit like blueberry jam and feta pizza other dumb shit
>brother orders clam pizza
>clams are still in the shell, completely defeating the purpose

>> No.16190067

ok nigger

>> No.16190073

>clams are still in the shell
I love weird ass pizza toppings, but I'd send that shit back.

>> No.16190128
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>watch 30 Minute Meals from 2005
>"skirt steak and flank steak are great because they're so affordable"

>> No.16190517

>Closer to the source the cheaper it is. simple as.
no it isnt.
>so wrong
no it isnt.

>> No.16190538

>products in nations where that product is produced are cheaper than in nations the product is shipped to
the ironic thing about this post is that it isnt even always the case. it pains me how economically illiterate people are. should be compulsory in high school.

>> No.16190860

Dominoes do $5 large pizzas, my dude

>> No.16190875

Ox tails

>> No.16190904

Why can't brown people cook? Always wondered that. Some niggers are actually really good at bbq but other than that I haven't tasted anything good from brown culture.

>> No.16191208

Not that anon but pizza is a fucking scam desu
The active work time is maybe like 30 minutes. 15 minutes to get the dough together in a stand mixer and then another 15 to shape the thing+put toppings on.
You should use takeout night for shit that takes effort.

>> No.16191229

>clams are still in the shell, completely defeating the purpose
Jesus christ
I'd feel justified in walking out without paying.

>> No.16191900

If cities didn't exist then your precious rural land would be full of more people and even less nature. What do you even want?

>> No.16193195
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It's all labor and rent. The return on these prices isn't even good. You guys have no idea how bad things really are here. Although my experience with euro food was from when the euro crashed to about USD value so I got to eat extra cheap over there.
I wish I could find good birria tacos for that much, I live in tucson and every place I know has reduced portions and increased prices at the same time. Pandemic isnt even the cause it's just been like that.
Reminder that smuggling lobster over state lines is a felony.

>> No.16193312

I've heard of that done with pasta, but you have a fork you can use to scoop out the clans while you eat. Putting them whole on a pizza is beyond dumb