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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 221 KB, 461x396, Screen Shot 2021-05-27 at 14.12.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16183804 No.16183804 [Reply] [Original]

>Let's add ONE garlic clove, whole, let it fry a bit and then remove

>> No.16183811

Amerisharts cant understand nuance, no surprise their taste in food is included

>> No.16183813

Calm down, Mario.

>> No.16183817

lmao it do be like that

>> No.16183820

Calm down Pedro, I'm not even Italian

>> No.16183826
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>> No.16183828

>make flavorless recipe
>everyone modifies the recipe so it's more flavorful

>> No.16183841

This is true though
Packing everything with salt, corn syrup and chemicals isn't the norm for everyone and it dulls your sense of taste till you can only enjoy hypersaturated unhealthy trash

>> No.16183846

Just look at the American IPA situation to see this in real time.

>> No.16183847
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>> No.16183875

flavor in this case means 50grams of sugar .Post your back boobs lardass

>> No.16183877

>dulls your sense of taste
People say this all the time but I've never seen any evidence of it. Does looking at colorful stuff dull your ability to see color?

>> No.16183889
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Desensitisation is basic physiology anon

>> No.16183906

Apparently not, since nothing relevant to what you were implying comes up when you Google it. Just desensitization with regard to spicy foods.

>> No.16183914

t. brainlet
It's just a standard response of receptor cells to any stimulus be it positive or negative. It is often talked about in context of spicy foods but the exact same physiological mechanism also applies to pleasurable tastes such as salt and sugar.

>> No.16183943

>Does looking at colorful stuff dull your ability to see color?
Also dumb comparison - looking at too much light e.g. something too bright dulls your sight
Eating something super salty/sweet is more comparable to that rather than something with a wide variety of weaker flavours

>> No.16183950
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I guess that makes sense. I never thought about it with garlic though. I will sometimes add more garlic to a recipe, but the next time I make the recipe, I don't add even more. I don't need to keep increasing the amount of garlic each time I make it, I just like when food is intensely garlicky.

In fact, I think that probably explains the situation better than desensitization. Americans like intense garlic flavor, Italians don't. It's not that Americans add more to get the same level of flavor that Italians experience, they add more to get a more intense flavor.

>> No.16183951

Sight is not taste.

>> No.16183971
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>boil some sketti
>throw a can of tuna
>some "italian" seasoning
>heap of olive oil, dash of wine vinegar
>two pressed cloves of garlic
I....is two cloves of garlic too much for a single serving? Do I look like I give a fuck?

Also garlic behaves entirely differently when heat treated, roasting thin slices makes them caramelize, and retain a mild aroma without the hefty bite. Same goes for grilled garlic.

>> No.16183972

>I will sometimes add more garlic to a recipe, but the next time I make the recipe, I don't add even more. I don't need to keep increasing the amount of garlic each time I make it, I just like when food is intensely garlicky.
Well it's not gonna happen that quickly it will take years and just adjust what your definition of 'intensely garlicky' is
Americans are only exposed to the extremes/intense dishes so that sets their level of 'intensely garlicky' to something way higher than a country with more nuanced dishes that don't have as much salt, sugar, strong garlic etc.
It's the same mechanism that makes local Thai/Indian/whatever people prefer much more spice in their dishes - they don't perceive it as 'insanely hot', they just eat to what seems right to them

>> No.16183983

>I....is two cloves of garlic too much for a single serving? Do I look like I give a fuck?
I bet you fucking stink though

>> No.16183989

I dont socialize.

>> No.16183990

Adding ketchup to steak adds a lot of flavour, but it doesn't mean it's good.

>> No.16184003

I would argue it doesn't add flavor. I'd think of it in terms of flavor units per gram. If you have some intensely flavored curry, it has high flavor per gram. Adding some watery ketchup adds more total flavor, but you end up with less flavor per gram.

Back to steak: I think a seasoned steak is already intensely flavorful, and ketchup would just dilute it.

>> No.16184005

sad existence

>> No.16184014

>Back to steak: I think a seasoned steak is already intensely flavorful, and ketchup would just dilute it.
No the super strong sugar/vinegar/salt taste of the ketchup overpowers the steak and isn't as pleasurable as the steak flavour. It doesn't dilute it, it overpowers/distracts from it

>> No.16184030

Not really. I will take a meal with garlic over an elevator conversation with an NPC any day.

>> No.16184034

No one has even mentioned adding anything else other than just using the clove of garlic and look at how upset they got holy shit.

>> No.16184039

>I will take a meal with garlic over an elevator conversation with an NPC any day.
Sure but I can still have a meal with garlic and an interesting or heartfelt conversation with a close friend or friends, which is far more meaningful

>> No.16184041

All I see is seething mutts cross about the lack of nuance comment

>> No.16184045

Mamma mia yousa seething big time!!!

>> No.16184057
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>Mamma mia yousa seething big time!!!

>> No.16184180

No one ever did that. And if they did you're an idiot for believing it to be true.

>> No.16184205

>Italian food is flavorless

>> No.16184213

No it actually has absolutely no effect, people spewing shit like that also believe hot sauce damages your taste buds

>> No.16184220

Why do you comment in a thread about Italian cuisine when you don't know shit about it?

>> No.16184221


>> No.16184227

I bet you think smoking doesn't dull taste either.

>> No.16184230
File: 52 KB, 1080x557, not the heckin pastarinos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italians really are the soyboys of the culinary world

>> No.16184235

Bitch, Italians would through a whole fucking basket of garlic in there.

>> No.16184244

You obviously confuse Italian-American cuisine with Italian cuisine. Italian-Americans use tons of garlic in everything.

>> No.16184247

No that actually does, different mechanism though, there's a difference between eating something capsaicin hot and inhaling actual burning plant matter.

>> No.16184252
File: 42 KB, 720x706, ItalianAbove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that all Italians deserve death

>> No.16184254

At no point does she remove the garlic, and in any case it's just to lightly flavour the dish as opposed to a garlic-heavy dish. It looks tasty I'm not really sure what the issue is here

>> No.16184258

Nah American soyboys are the soyboys of the culinary world
Italians are just autists

>> No.16184259

Why do you comment in a thread about Italian cuisine when you don't know shit about it?

>> No.16184271

The reason for this is that for example when you make a tomato sauce, you want it to taste the tomato. Pure flavour of high quality tomatoes.

Tomato sauce is typically only made of olive oil, garlic that is taken out, tomato, salt and basil. This lets the tomato sauce shine and you actually feel like you're eating tomato sauce when you have it with your spaghetti.

Americans will add onions, tons of garlic, dried herbs and even grated carrot and boil it with parmigiano-rind. The result doesn't taste like tomato-sauce, the other flavours will overpower.

Get educated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeEeldJEtq0

>> No.16184272

Is funny because I actually am Italian

>> No.16184276

Tomatoes taste like shit, there's a reason you're supposed to add a bunch of shit to tomato sauce and cook it forever.

>> No.16184278

My condolences.

>> No.16184293

Read this and watch the video: >>16184271

It's just an American stereotype that Italians use lots of garlic. It's used in moderation.

t.never had a good tomato

>> No.16184296

nah proper ones (not the GM water balloons from the US) taste amazing, I like them straight off the vine so they have that rich sticky, viney smell and taste

>> No.16184307

Diego is right, can't be messing with the pizza pasta delicassent

>> No.16184318
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lmao at the seething mutt responses
so fragile

>> No.16184321

I've grown them myself and eaten them straight off the vine because I used to believe retards like you, still taste like shit, you're just coping about your favorite shit fruit.

>> No.16184339

Oh great, another nignog soul food thread.

Great job.

Shouldn't you be drive by shooting 9 year olds or something?

>> No.16184360

I've seen plenty of videos where they do it, but I think I get your point.

>> No.16184363
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>> No.16184373

>another nignog soul food thread

>> No.16184405

That doesn't guarantee a good tomato. Likely you just don't like tomato, like many people do. That's fine. But then your opinion is pretty invalid when discussing tomato sauce, since you don't like how it's supposed to taste like.

>> No.16184411

I like tomatoes, and even grew some myself. They don't really taste THAT much better than the supermarket ones.

>> No.16184421

Nope, sorry but tomatoes are just objectively shit, sorry about your shit taste anon

>> No.16184429

Probably cos you know nothing about growing tomatoes
In any case taste is subjective
Tomatoes are one of if not the most popular fruits and diet staples in the world

>> No.16184430

It depends what kind of supermarket tomatoes we talk about. Even in countries far north, the seasonal greenhouse tomatoes grown during season will taste pretty good.

What we usually mean when we talk about supermarket tomatoes are tomatoes that comes from very far away, that's been harvested way before ripening and are hard and flavourless.

>> No.16184435

>Nope, sorry but tomatoes are just objectively shit
get a load of this tastelet

>> No.16184452

>but tomatoes are just objectively shit,
taste is subjective
>sorry about your shit taste anon

>> No.16184461

What vegetables and fruits do you prefer anon? What kind of dishes do you like? Nothing with tomato I assume

>> No.16184496

Asparagus or broccoli, corn if it's the right time of year, as far as fruits they're pretty much all good except for tomatoes.

>> No.16184508

If it tastes better with the other shit in it why does it matter?

>> No.16184520

Why are Americans so embarrassing? No shame either.

>> No.16184522

If you want a pure tasting tomato sauce the one with the other shit in it won't taste better.

>> No.16184526

>as far as fruits they're pretty much all good except for tomatoes.
I hate fussy contrarian people like you
So all Italian food is gross to you? You can't eat pizza? No tomato on your burger? No salsa? No English breakfasts?
They're such inoffensive fruits, I kind of get it when people are adverse to stronger things like blue cheese, pickled fish etc. but tomatoes? grow up

>> No.16184533

But why would you want that?

>> No.16184535

Imagine being too weak for 2 cloves of garlic.

>> No.16184537

Lmao shut the fuck up retard, go cry to your mama

>> No.16184551

>cries and gags if his burger has tomato in
you were spoilt by your mama thats why you are like this

>> No.16184558

two cloves is fine but that anon clearly meant to say two heads of garlic. Two cloves is a small amount and wouldn't have been used in the boastful autistic context he was using it

>> No.16184563

Because it's delicious.

>> No.16184604

Seething thirld-world shitalian retard lol

>> No.16184611

>he thinks america isn't third world

>> No.16184617

>Seething thirld-world
The US is unironically third world now, certainly more so than Italy
Also I did two of those posts and am not Italian nor do I especially like Italians or Italian food

>> No.16184631

muttalian moors BTFO

>> No.16184643
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>muttalian moors BTFO
You have some of that wop/moor blood in you, mixed up with god knows what else, mutt

>> No.16184661

not me, i'm not an amerifat or a mutt
stay seething my moorish friend

>> No.16184685

I'm not a wop pal, what are you then and why are you getting so butthurt?

>> No.16184697

another wop dropped

>> No.16184700

You are a wop?

>> No.16184705
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>calls others butthurt
>not even italian
>jumps to the defence of italians on an anon board

>> No.16184715

I just enjoy calling out amerishart retardation when I see it, simple as

>> No.16184722

Jokes on you I lost my sense of taste and smell because of covid.

>> No.16184732

but you missed the mark :^)

>> No.16184735

Good. Now you can just eat soylent and live cheap and healthy super easy.

>> No.16184736

>Soybois act like soybois

What a brilliant discovery Watson!

>> No.16184741

Nope, judging by the amount of seething mart shitters ITT

>> No.16184744

>certainly more so than Italy
LMAO. nice cope samefag

>> No.16184750

Sounds like the jokes on you. Sorry for your loss

>> No.16184754

nope, you posted this >>16184643 because of your seethe and butthurt and you were incorrect :^) and now you're damage controlling

>> No.16184762

It is by literally any metric, sorry Juan

>> No.16184765
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relax friends, you're BOTH third-world

>> No.16184768

you have to go back
Strange for a 'non mutt' to so blindly defend the US

>> No.16184778

except i never defended the US at all, it would seem you can't stop spilling spaghetti luigii scallopini

>> No.16184789


>> No.16184814
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>except i never defended the US at all, it would seem you can't stop spilling spaghetti luigii scallopini

>> No.16184820

kek, still seething
thanks for proving my post right my moorish friend

>> No.16184833
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>kek, still seething
>thanks for proving my post right my moorish friend

>> No.16184840
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>picture of fat guy sharting
i accept your concession, muttalian remain moors BTFO and seething

>> No.16184850
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>> No.16184851
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>i accept your concession, muttalian remain moors BTFO and seething

>> No.16184855


>> No.16184863

>i accept your concession, muttalian remain moors BTFO and seething
>Refuses to admit to own nationality for fear of ridicule
okay mutt

>> No.16184868

uh ohhh couple of seething mutts right here

>> No.16184871
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>uh ohhh couple of seething mutts right here

>> No.16184873


>> No.16184882


>> No.16184894

based. the mutt has no recourse when he's reminded that his society is composed of obese people who shit themselves at walmart. there is simply no way to fight back, it is the ultimate defeat.

>> No.16184896
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t. mutt

>> No.16184924
File: 449 KB, 4000x2600, DB17123F-4F7C-4374-BBD2-F9AAEA5F3290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that "muttalian Moors BTFO" post really made some daygo chimp out huh

>> No.16184931
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basically, there's not coming back from that

>> No.16184954
File: 2.74 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20210527_232824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's start with the basics

>> No.16184955
File: 231 KB, 342x342, 1608965668271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes that was me :^)
he got really upset and accused me of having wop blood then start spamming shart pics and samefagging

>> No.16184969
File: 1.89 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20210527_233453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I use the superior Greek olive oil

>> No.16184976
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>and samefagging
try having a non poisonous diet, that way maybe you stop shitting yourself, kek

>> No.16184979
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For me it's the McBarilla

>> No.16184982
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>yes that was me :^)
>he got really upset and accused me of having wop blood then start spamming shart pics and samefagging
>So that "muttalian Moors BTFO" post really made some daygo chimp out huh

>> No.16184991
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>he still thinks i'm an amerimutt
top kek, it's fine with me if you insult them, it's just realy funny how mad you got at me saying "muttalian moors BTFO"

>> No.16184996

hey if you like licking amerimutt sharts, then that's ok I guess

>> No.16184997

>making fun of muttalians is licking amerimutt sharts

>> No.16184999

If I'm tomato sauce for a meal for 4 people I'll put an entire, decent sized, head of garlic in there. We must have developed a high tolerance for it or some shit. I'll put 4 big cloves into a stir fry just for myself too for example.

>> No.16185001

>>he still thinks i'm an amerimutt
Tell me where you're from then? If not I assume youre just a mutt or from somewhere worse that you can't even admit to
My guess is just an amerimutt that understandably doesn't want to admit to it/ Would explain the butthurt over the shart pics

>> No.16185006
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The tomatoes do explode. A little bit of rosemary really adds to the flavor

>> No.16185012

if you must know i'm from canada and full anglo, and i never got butthurt over the shart pics just you accusing me of having wop blood which is a great insult

>> No.16185013

I doubt any of the people you've been responding to on here are Italians

>> No.16185016

>i'm from canada
So Amerimutt-lite lmao
>and full anglo
doubt it, hair and eye colour?
t. actual British anglo

>> No.16185017
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If you lack tomatoes. Use pasata from last summer.

>> No.16185018
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yes, you clearly like licking their sharts, why is that?

>> No.16185025

interdasting anon

>> No.16185033

He's a snow mutt

>> No.16185039

>t. actual British anglo
if true then you appreciate taking offense to being told you have wop blood
if you don't condemn that insult then i'm afraid i can't trust you

>> No.16185049

idk anon, you're the only who saves pics and videos of all these martsharters...i think you might be projecting about who likes the sharts

>> No.16185054

>if true then you appreciate taking offense to being told you have wop blood
of course
at no point have I defended wops, only attacked mutts such as yourself

>> No.16185055

it's always good to shit on amerisharts, even if leafs get offended as well, kek

>> No.16185059
File: 2.86 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20210527_234909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last part is always the best part

>> No.16185060

poor thing, I guess he identifies as an amerishart due to being obese or something

>> No.16185061

i didn't get offended by the shart stuff though, you think i did for some reason and keep replying to me with them
ah ok you're not who you say you are

>> No.16185063

Its fun, I do it cos the reaction I get from them is entertaining to me and they ALWAYS react

>> No.16185064

Amerimutts be like
>lets add a full head of garlic, butter, beer, a pound (KEK imperial) of sugar and then mix it with corn-syrup

Fuck you.

>> No.16185066

Absolutely flawless technique

>> No.16185068
File: 2.49 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20210527_235426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will eat the pasta.
You will add the Parmigiano.
You will be happy.

>> No.16185069

>ah ok you're not who you say you are
Nope, am a brit anglo and happy to prove it - again, hair and eye colour 'Canadian anglo'?

>> No.16185073
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>i didn't get offended by the shart stuff though
yeah right

>> No.16185091

show one post where i did, if you're even that guy because i have a feeling multiple people are pretending to be others at this point
it all goes back to this
this all started because some anon got butthurt at this post
then accused me of having wop blood and defending the US because i told him he was wrong about that

>> No.16185103

You just got buttblasted at mutts being shat on, cause you're obese and you shit yourself, I know, sad but that's life

>> No.16185113

>making stuff up
come on now anon
the real question is why did that guy get so butthurt at me saying "muttallian moors" lmao

>> No.16185121
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>> No.16185138
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Very nice.

>> No.16185197

sure thing Ramandeep

>> No.16185199


>> No.16185226

hair and eye colour

>> No.16185230

The fact I'm the first to say this is a scathing indictment on the entire board

You can eat the fried garlic on the side, you don't have to throw it away

Is your mind blown now?

>> No.16185231

whole garlic has a milder taste compared to sliced compared to diced compared to minced/pressed

>> No.16185238

Oh no not the chemicals. A true vegan only eats pure elements untainted by electron sharing.

>> No.16185242

>then accused me of having wop blood and defending the US because i told him he was wrong about that
But you're from canada
you're an amerimutt-lite, you undoubtedly have wop blood along with black, jew, native american and god knows what else

>> No.16185247

artificially produced chemical products
you know what I mean Juan, pedantry doesn't change it

>> No.16185262

Actually that's not pedantry, it's straw manning.

>> No.16185291

or both

>> No.16185300

pretty sure they usually crush them first no? i will crush like 2 or 3 and let them come up to heat with my oil then fry them a bit then remove. works like a charm.

>> No.16185319

Yes, a little bit.

>> No.16185450

How you are saying words to me, bloody rascal?

>> No.16185467

Are you okay Juan? Not making much sense there pal

>> No.16185494

That's the other shade of brown - you know, the Goan shade of Rodrigues. I'm implying that you make authentic curry.

>> No.16185499

bloody bitch bloody I am 100% pure anglo bloody

>> No.16185504

Why are you blabbering about curries now?
Hair and eye colour is a simple question

>> No.16185507

87% > 72%

>> No.16185511

ruddy red and blue
could play caesar on the stage i could

>> No.16185513
File: 256 KB, 1618x1131, 234659dee22e5bfdd245ec5f053c59fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bloody bitch bloody I am 100% pure anglo bloody

>> No.16185518

Red and hazel. You're so obsessed with ... what... Mexican Canadians? That you're no longer sure what species of Mexico you're talking to. Is it Coke Mexico? Portugal-Mexico? Empanadaxico? We don't have too many Mexico Mexicans.

I AM Italian, btw, and I wholeheartedly endorse this thread.

>> No.16185520

caesar was a wop he had dark hair and brown eyes, but yes I bet you could indeed play him on stage with those features

>> No.16185542

He was Carthaginian, wasn't he? That would have made him Tunisian.
I bet he ate his garlic, probably with anchovies, toast, eggs, and romaine.

>> No.16185546

>a ginger
>another ginger
Besides all the ginger jokes I find that very hard to believe, guess proof would be too much to ask
In any case I know you are mutts, I know you don't look how you're trying to portray, and it's embarrassing that you are so visibly ashamed of your muddy and confused heritage

>> No.16185553

I've created a monster.

>t. OP

>> No.16185555


>> No.16185561

>caesar was a wop he had dark hair and brown eyes
you wish
kek i'm not even the guy you originally asked i was just shitposting and was gonna post a pic of prince harry

>> No.16185564

post hair, face, passport with timestamp and i will too, or else you're a stinky mongrel

>> No.16185581

all those pictures, and only one you could jerk off to

>> No.16185593

As far as i'm concerned, the Italians have perfected cooking. I'm Brazilian, and there's no cuisine i enjoy more than italian. It's the perfect balance between rich, hearthy flavors third-world cuisine has, with the refined elegance of first-world cooking. Really can't be beat.

>> No.16185600

Isn't half the point of veganism that they think we can synthesize the nutrients that are ordinarily found in meat?
Just look at the beyond/impossible garbage.

>> No.16185608

This but the opposite. As an Italian I kneel before the Brasiliero BVLL.

>> No.16185621
File: 2.02 MB, 4032x3024, D208B627-1251-4BE3-BCAD-E6C1D21A61E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your move mutt

>> No.16185635

>no hair and face

>> No.16185646
File: 279 KB, 1516x1988, 06FCECCC-F287-47B3-AFF5-3EFF01CADB15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not posting my face on a Taiwanese lobster potting forum

>> No.16185677

kek, smart move especially since i was this guy >>16185561 just seeing how far you'd actually go
kinda surprised you took it that seriously
for the record i live in singapore, am ethnic malays and you probably should't take shitposters seriously enough to post that kinda stuff online m8

>> No.16185694

>for the record i live in singapore, am ethnic malays and you probably should't take shitposters seriously enough to post that kinda stuff online m8
Ah a chink, crawling back in shame
At least you were honest

>> No.16185698

Post full face, in front of house with number visible, full address and banking details including routing number for checking and also a full set of fingerprints

>> No.16185710

no shame here i admitted to being a shitposter and not the original poster you replied to which was this guy >>16185518

>> No.16185726

Fair enough decent banter altho you are Malaysian so I guess in the end the joke is on you. In any case I'll wait for the canuck mutt to respond and if not I assume he is too ashamed

>> No.16185736
File: 24 KB, 280x241, thispleasesmedoteps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was born in Verona. My father's blond, yet Italian. My mother's another filthy ginger, but also Italian.

You put a lot of stock in heritage. This is a cooking board; let me whip you up some Nasi Goreng or something.

>> No.16185741

I well with sorrow that you prefer your croutons rare.

>> No.16185743

If that is you, you look like you smell disgusting

>> No.16185747

>you are Malaysian so I guess in the end the joke is on you
nah m8 i'm comfortable with myself which is why idc if you want to joke about us losing planes or eating dogs or whatever shit lol, i don't take that shit seriously it's not worth it

>> No.16185751

Freshly showered - I smell vaguely like rosemary, thyme and lavender at the moment, but my farts have a definite reek of lamb vindaloo.

>> No.16185752

>nah m8 i'm comfortable with myself which is why idc if you want to joke about us losing planes or eating dogs or whatever shit lol, i don't take that shit seriously it's not worth it
Yea you're clearly not at all insecure about any of that stuff

>> No.16185756

It doesn't look like you are 'freshly showered' very often

>> No.16185757
File: 92 KB, 179x179, galaxykekk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the level of autism required to care about saving these images and arguing in a /ck/ thread of all places. Unbelievable

>> No.16185760

I'm glad you guys are seeing eye to eye. Doesn't this feel better? Oh, you were being sarcastic... well, in that case, keep seething I guess? You do you, boo.

>> No.16185762

yes, correct

>> No.16185764

just takes a quick google of 'walmart shit' and there's endless results
it's amazing really how prevalent this phenomenon is, and seemingly unique to the US

>> No.16185766

Twice a day in this heat. What happened to Canadian winter?

>> No.16185771

the fact you're looking this up in the first place is not a good sign.

>> No.16185773

If I was going to make fun it would be about your short height, lack of masculinity, awful culture of street spitting and terrible manners, and small dicks

>> No.16185784

>lack of masculinity
dude you're blond, the girliest hair color

>> No.16185787

Which one of us are you addressing? I'm the ginger wop. I'm 6'2"

>> No.16185788

it's funny to me. Americans always respond really angrily and I find it hilarious, it's easy and you get a reliable reaction every time

>> No.16185792

see what i mean, this guy
was not me >>16185747
you are replying to an entirely different person lol

>> No.16185802

pretty based ngl, i enjoy making eurocucks and americucks seethe and the one side always blames the other lol

>> No.16185805

Oh apologies it was to the chink, although speaking of girliest hair colours - ginger is hot on girls and always gross on boys, idk why that is but ginger boys are always ridiculed and it always detracts from their appearance even if they're conventionally handsome

>> No.16185818

Can't say I agree

>> No.16185829

Well you're a ginger bloke so obviously you wouldn't agree because no one likes admitting these things

>> No.16185839

I'm sorry that you don't find me attractive. I wasn't made fun of much as a child, despite basically being an albino giant compared to my classmates. Most of the attention I get because of my hair is positive; the rest usually has a whiff of Coors' Light to it.

>> No.16185843

Wrong guy again.

>> No.16185846

>Coors' Light to it.

>> No.16185850

I just think you make a lot of generalisations and assumptions.

>> No.16185853

Agreed. I'd rather have a beer or a water - I'm not sure how the hybrid became the redneck partiboi drink of choice.

>> No.16185856

Here buddy, let me help you out.

>> No.16185857

give up refined, added sugar for a month, then eat some fruit, and report back that it doesn't taste any sweeter than it used to

>> No.16185860

>despite basically being an albino giant
Also in what indigenous village kinda shit is 6'2 deemed 'giant'
I'm the Brit you were arguing with, I'm also 6'2, a good deal of my mates are taller and it's definitely not a noteworthy height round here

>> No.16185867

>just rub a tiny piece of garlic over toasted bread so you barely taste anything

>> No.16185873

Verona, especially when you're 5'10" at 11 years of age. My swarthier compadres were barely 5' at that age.

>> No.16185875

the virgin "safe for work" cut
the chad pantera gig guitarist

>> No.16185882

Also as far as argument goes, this seems very one sided. How's your cider doing?

>> No.16185885

fair enough

>> No.16185892

>How's your cider doing?
needs a refill thanks for the reminder

>> No.16185894

I wouldn't consider myself a chad by any means.

>> No.16185899

I'm gonna grab another boulevardier... not sure if such things are your speed, but they're way better with amaro and bitters than they are with Campari

>> No.16185903

>ginger is hot on girls and always gross on boys, idk why that is but ginger boys are always ridiculed
Italian ginger here. I get laid a lot even with 8,9/10. Women love my fire crotch

>> No.16185904

>boulevardier... not sure if such things are your speed, but they're way better with amaro and bitters than they are with Campari
Too high effort for me, binge drinking lager and half-decent cider is my go to
Although I like a good old-fashioned when I have the money

>> No.16185910

>fire crotch
sounds like chlamydia

>> No.16185918

Yes but in the end there was a budding ginger romance so all in all I'd say it broke even

>> No.16185926

THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE... unless you're actually interested in duelling. I'm too drunk for that.

I need to slow myself down on nights like tonight - between writers block (THIS ISN'T HEAVY ENOUGH! IT NEEDS MORE NOTES! THIS PROSE IS WEAK!), a long weekend, and genuine thirst, I'd be crushing cases. The two beers I started the night off with went down a little too quickly.

>> No.16185934

>300 posts of retards posting pics of themselves and arguing about who is white

>> No.16185935

Can we get back to the making fun of gingers, Americans and Canadians I feel like you're turning this into a personal blog

>> No.16185938
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>> No.16185945

You don't need my permission.

>> No.16185946

It's ok, i see you are the metal ginger, I'm the afro hair kind

>> No.16185953
File: 9 KB, 250x250, w8D6Vs2-_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need to slow myself down on nights like tonight - between writers block (THIS ISN'T HEAVY ENOUGH! IT NEEDS MORE NOTES! THIS PROSE IS WEAK!), a long weekend, and genuine thirst, I'd be crushing cases. The two beers I started the night off with went down a little too quickly.

>> No.16185954

I'm sorry we've changed it up from the usual carbonara, and 'Everything's just tomatoes and noodles!' arguments. You know what you must do.

>> No.16185960
File: 833 KB, 500x281, giphy (5).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need to slow myself down on nights like tonight - between writers block (THIS ISN'T HEAVY ENOUGH! IT NEEDS MORE NOTES! THIS PROSE IS WEAK!), a long weekend, and genuine thirst, I'd be crushing cases. The two beers I started the night off with went down a little too quickly.

>> No.16185962

too cringe man you've killed the thread, I don't even wanna argue with you anymore

>> No.16185966

Just start a carbonara or chili thread. You'll get lots of attention in there.

>> No.16185970
File: 352 KB, 480x640, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16185977

white people are the best cooks on the planet and also white people are the best at handling spicy foods out of all the other races

suck my thick but short penis brown people

>> No.16185987
File: 184 KB, 800x1203, 1609085315689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16185990

Japan loves Moomins so much they sought to become them. Tragic.

>> No.16185992

>fat asians

>> No.16185995

The theread is over
> Americans are pig disgusting
> Americans can't cook for shit and sould be banned from /ck/
> Some male ginger get laid a lot

Sounds like you're a virgin

>> No.16186003

>The theread is over
>> Americans are pig disgusting
>> Americans can't cook for shit and sould be banned from /ck/
>> Some male ginger get laid a lot
Only if they're rich/famous or have some other feature that overpowers the fact they're ginger
>Sounds like you're a virgin
nope soz

>> No.16186034

>Only if they're rich/famous or have some other feature that overpowers the fact they're ginger
I'm poor as shit and ginger. I get laid exclusively for the fact that I'm a ginger and I'm good with women
Apparently I also have a particular scent that is women finds attractive

>> No.16186036

bitches like it spicy

>> No.16186039


>> No.16186043

>I'm poor as shit and ginger. I get laid exclusively for the fact that I'm a ginger and I'm good with women
>Apparently I also have a particular scent that is women finds attractive
fair enough but weird, where I'm from (UK) being ginger is not usually a good thing for men, redhead women are fit af tho

>> No.16186047

Best ck thread I've seen in a while

>> No.16186050

cope with what? Did something I said trigger you?

>> No.16186057

Depends on the kind of ginger. Some of them looks like aliens but I got lucky and born cute as a button
I had also 2 English girlfriend for a short period of time, i thought English girls liked English

>> No.16186058

This, but the opposite

>> No.16186064
File: 2.89 MB, 640x480, FArhuap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kills the Italian.

>> No.16186065


>> No.16186071

Thank you

>> No.16186074

think that one brit has autism tbqh

>> No.16186079

bongs are the burgers of europe

they're based

>> No.16186083

how does it magically get minced

>> No.16186096

Nah think the ginger cancuck does tho

>> No.16186102

I'm on your mom's spectrum

>> No.16186107

Honestly ever since you cringe 'muh writers block' comment I can't take anything you say seriously
Unironically I think reddit is better suited to your blogging needs

>> No.16186114

and I think /ck/'s better suited for cooking than racist closet cases, but here we are

>> No.16186122

lol yes we all care about you tranny fucks calling people racist constantly all the time still

>> No.16186131

It's not the transgendereds' fault that you hate black people. Keep your shit straight lad.

>> No.16186136
File: 12 KB, 134x217, 1622160223408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the smell

>> No.16186137

I actually do hate black people and trannys too

>> No.16186143

Like feta cheese and coconut pudding, left in an old burned out Chevy in direct sunlight.

>> No.16186144

just try depriving yourself of all sweets for a while. then eat some fruits. see if you can notice any difference.

>> No.16186148

>I'm a bigot but don't call me a bigot
Sure thing, Kyle.

>> No.16186155

More like wet dog and vinegar

>> No.16186168

>Does looking at colorful stuff dull your ability to see color?
Yes. Pick up some colored sunglasses, or look at a colored light for a bit. Your eyes will white balance to the new color. You can't white balance to flavor, so it takes a while to adjust. If you start to cut down on salt and sugar, your floor for salty and sweet flavors will lower - you'll start picking up on and experiencing more subtle salty and sweet flavors with greater intensity.

>> No.16186174

that was breakfast

>> No.16186202

this nigger can't read or tell the difference between the fact that nobody cares to hear you whine about racism anymore because you played that shit out already and you have no more bitch cards to play

>> No.16186204

I'm sorry that you never learned to read. That's truly tragic.

>> No.16186213

OK bitch. You're not getting any reparations from me. Move along now.

>> No.16186216

You owe the Italians reparations? Are you Syrian?

>> No.16186218

italians are fucking niggers

>> No.16186227

I'm sorry that your career choices were athlete and jazz musician. You'll find a job worth doing some day.

>> No.16186234

wtf are you talking about fuckin garlicaboo

>> No.16186257

Your projections come from rejection and feelings of inadequacy. You are too weak willed to even attempt to address your character flaws, yet lament their effect on your daily life.

>> No.16186278

spoken like a true psychology major dropout

or a distinguished gender studies grad?

either way you sound hella fucking gay

>> No.16186284

I'm flattered, but you're not my type.

>> No.16186291

>I'm flattered
lol the cognitive dissonance is real?

>> No.16186302

That you're a self-loathing homosexual? That's a you question.

>> No.16186327
File: 57 KB, 1200x1200, garlic-sauce-toum-I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16186333

this is what it looks like when a tranny is trying to seduce you on 4chan

nice try, dickhead

>> No.16186337

I got that you're trying to seduce me. You really didn't need to announce it, but you do need to accept my refusal. I'm just not into you.

>> No.16186350


>> No.16186365

>this is what it looks like when a tranny is trying to seduce you on 4chan

>> No.16186366

> Yeah you like me, got you!!!!
I'm not even that anon but you sound like a closed 13 years old homo

>> No.16186412


>> No.16186426

You prefer your 13-year-olds to be open wide. Gotcha.

>> No.16186451

this newfag thinks he is fuckin clever bro we are all cringing just stop

>> No.16186468

it's just you, namefag

>> No.16187261


>> No.16187689

Why are eyeties such faggots when it comes to spice-flavourings?

>> No.16187758

What exactly is happening in that pic? Is he farting on the products?

>> No.16187797

so people just live constantly assblasted about americans?

>> No.16187922

I sometimes add +8 cloves to my sunday gravy. Is that wrong?

>> No.16188118

>Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu - chapter 12
>The five colours blind the eye.
>The five tones deafen the ear.
>The five flavours dull the taste.
>Racing and hunting madden the mind.
>Precious things lead one astray.
>Therefore the sage is guided by what he feels and not by what he sees.
>He lets go of that and chooses this.

>> No.16188325

Only if you're making it for yorkshire pudding