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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16184912 No.16184912 [Reply] [Original]

If people really want us to eat plant based food, they should make it cheaper than animal based food.

>> No.16184932

too bad, they'll just make meat more expensive instead

>> No.16184939

It is an economy of scale, if more people start eating plant based food (I mean food that is supposed to 'replace' meat) then it will get cheaper, otherwise to make cheaper it will have to be subsidised (by taxpayer)
Or you can just buy vegetables in supermarket and cook yourself, that's cheaper than meat

>> No.16184947

There's more calories in meat and cheese because it's the result of the animal eating all those plants. In addition marketing has made meat an everyday food instead of an occasional food. When mass-scale starvation returns we will resume a primarily plant-based diet.

>> No.16184951


so by eating meat i'm also eating plants

>> No.16184957

>mass-scale starvation WILL return!
>you WILL resume a primarily plant-based diet!

>> No.16184978

I mean it's getting cheaper by the month, and as arable land becomes more valuable the price of traditional meat will just increase. Just a matter of time until simple economics makes true meat a rarity

>> No.16184981
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>rybitch thread

>> No.16184993

You will die in a world you can't understand. The world will leave you behind, alone.

>> No.16185036

Only morons make predictions about the future.

>> No.16185364

>what is the second law of thermodynamics?
every time you go up a level on the food web, most of the stored energy is lost as heat. things at the top are very expensive to maintain, and are thus rare in an ecosystem

>> No.16185368

Vegetarian entrees at most restaurants ARE cheaper than meat-based entrees.

It might not be a MASSIVE difference, but usually a couple bucks cheaper.

About the only time it's more expensive is when you're dealing with plant-based meat products, which cost more due to their higher manufacturing cost and the R&D time/money that was invested to create it in the first place.

But if you're just talking about a plant based meal, they're generally available, and generally cheaper than the meat meals at restaurants.

>> No.16185379

it is if you buy groceries, but when you go to a restaurant they know they got you on the hook so they charge you whatever they want

>> No.16185393

Will never eat fucking "plant" garbage.

Meat only, suck my cock.

>> No.16185412

>they should make it cheape

The price is controlled by markets, you commie

>> No.16185419

I get pissed when they are not cheaper because I know they are paying a lot less for ingredients

>> No.16185448

No, you suck MY cock.
It's meat ;)

>> No.16185611

I don't know how good your math skills are but exponential population growth only leads to one thing.

>> No.16185617

Why would they sell it cheaper if it's gonna be the only good they sell to normies?

>> No.16185697


>> No.16185720

Yeah about that. We'll all be dead before the first world is starving to death

>> No.16185814

Meat substitutes do not constitute all "plant based foods". You can find plenty of recipes that use vegetables that are a lot cheaper than those with meat and can be more filling. Meat substitutes are basically a baby bottle for people trying to transition their diet. They were never meant to be permanent residents of a vegetarian or vegan diet, rather to give people who wanted to shift a way to maintain some sort of familiarity with what they previously were able to enjoy.

>> No.16185863

Based Ryback workin the smarks into a shoot

>> No.16186052

>The only way people will stop eating meat is in a failed environment that is unable to keep the population healthy

>> No.16186076

Malthusian eugenicist fascists. Starve yourself first.

>> No.16186238

>Meat substitutes are basically a baby bottle for people trying to transition their diet.
Vegetarian for 35 years and I'm not transitioning shit. It's just something chewy, a texture lacking in a veg diet. And I usually avoid most of them since they are too salty, full of sugar, and over processed swill

>> No.16186248

>I'm not transitioning
whatever fucking tranny bitch

>> No.16186290

>resume a primarily plant-based diet

When did it ever begin?

>> No.16186296

Fuck fake processed vegan food. You can eat well and for much less than meat based diets if you buy whole plant foods and cook them yourself. Fucking retards

>> No.16186300

>their higher manufacturing cost

It's mass produced junk food made with seed oils. They're designed to be profitable and have in no way higher manufacturing costs compared to all the costs associated with growing meat.

>> No.16186309

Buy a deep freezer, hunt/fish or get bulk meat from a farmer and you'd be surprised how cheap meat can be.

>> No.16186319

Am i an asshole for just eating food because food is cool and great instead of eating to save the universe or some shit

>> No.16186338

>R&D is free
wow you're a moron

>> No.16186375

no but youre an asshole for being well adjusted and coming here to feel better about yourself

>> No.16186394

But eating flesh or animal secretions is fucking disgusting.
>t. Vegan because of autism
Fuck the environment, people, and animals, I don’t give a flying fuck about that. It’s just that eating bodies and body fluids triggers my delicate autistic sensibilities

>> No.16186432

We should just start eating the 3rd world people then. They reproduce as much as cattle does, are generally useless and only want gibs, so the best use of them is to NOT let them prosper but instead put them into concentration camps to be raised and fatten up and then slaughtered for their meat.

>> No.16186438

>wanting to eat browns and blacks
No thanks. Would honestly rather eat the bugs.

>> No.16186488

so you'd eat humans if they were your prefered color?

>> No.16186510

The world has always been an enigma.

>> No.16186515

Vegetables are much cheaper than meat, you cretin.

t. meat-eater

>> No.16186532


His diet is now vegan junk food. This guy is going to end up looking worse than Jericho.

>> No.16186548

>eat hella meat and take a bunch of roids for years
>get swole as fuck
>switch to plant based diet
>bro look at my plant based gains eat plants bro look how strong I am bro its plants bro theres so much protein

literally eat shit and then go kill yourselves fucking dickwads

>> No.16186576

Exponential population growth is an old meme. Current projections show the world topping out around 12 billion people, which should be somewhat manageable with GMO crops.

>> No.16186582

the people who “want” you to eat plant based food and the people making bank off you packing your gullet with hormone-bloated meats are not the same people

>> No.16186589

overpopulation is a myth

>> No.16186591

They already started

>> No.16186810

>so what you’re saying
Stop putting words in my mouth, Cathy

>> No.16187007

>they should make it cheaper than animal based food
they intend to, in 15 years all meat used for mcdonalds and all shit fast food will be plant based. You wont be able to get real meat as a poor person and the labelling will be misleading so it wont be clear if what you are getting is real meat or not because it will very rarely be real meat.

Think of how much money there is to be made if your meat substitute replaces every cow for mcdonalds.

>> No.16187015

Or I could just grow my own because it's not hard and I already grow my own.

Fuck Big Vegetable.

>> No.16187025

If you think I'm wrong you need to realize you're already eating substitutes in these places. Subways in Muslim neighborhoods sell you pepperoni without telling you it's turkey not pig.
What's the difference with selling you plant based meat and saying its meat.

>> No.16187029
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Kek what a dumbass bitch

>> No.16187047

Anon, the problem with cannibalism is that you are eating something that carries the exact same diseases as you can. And you're suggesting that we engage in cannibalism of the most diseased and filthy of us.

You'd be safer eating fucking cyanide.

>> No.16187406

>mcdonalds burgers
>red meat

>> No.16187490
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>rybitch's opinion

>> No.16188108

It is cheaper you retard. Or are you a mutt thinking only in fastfood chain prices?

>> No.16188553

so im right then?

>> No.16188569

By ending government subsidies? Good.

>> No.16188759

You're making an important mistake. They don't care if you eat plant based food or real meat. They want you to spend more money and this is just their latest attempt to do that.

>> No.16188774

with our primate ancestors. this is why we have salivary amylase

>> No.16188845

>plant based meat product
Stfu retard

>> No.16189279

If you were my neighbor, I would eat your ass

>> No.16189299

The fuck is that shit on the right?

>> No.16189503

You mong do you believe peasants of the Middle ages ate meat for every meal?

>> No.16189593

I can relate, I hate frying or handling raw meat

>> No.16189778

Isn't there a kind of meat made by the multiplied cells of an animal...what is that again?

>> No.16189874

Highly depends on which veg/meat you pick, but per kCal the difference isn't all that big. Meat often wins out.

>> No.16190488

look up meat subsidies then compare them to plant subsidies

>> No.16190588

no, they ate bread and meat when they could. vegetables were sparse as well in in the middle ages, you fucking dolt.