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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 122 KB, 884x1024, 1621728065937m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16184047 [Reply] [Original]

What happened?

>> No.16184054

Sad, but architecture unique to a brand makes it harder to resell the building if that particular franchise flops.

Making boring, generic buildings makes them easier to resell down the line.

>> No.16184065

It's modern and chic, bro

>> No.16184076
File: 888 KB, 1123x664, new-kfc-us-flagship-restaurant-to-open-june-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every company is doing this modern fast food look

>> No.16184087
File: 457 KB, 1106x1400, logoCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jooz by default

>> No.16184093

Why do you make this thread every day?
How many more times do we need to lay out the psychological effects of domestic coded architecture in commercial space?

>> No.16184125

I've never mad this thread before

>> No.16184132

Shiiiit I never thought of that. That's exactly what's happening.
As if I wasn't depressed enough.

>> No.16184149

it's been done a thousand times on here though. It's also been answered many, many times before

>> No.16184158

There's a retail strip where I live that has a McD's, Burger King, Arby's, and Pizza Hut all still in the old style buildings. Super comfy.

>> No.16184196


The modern one looks better though

>> No.16184206

Soccer moms complained that McDonalds was attracting their kids to unhealthy food and politicians heard then and criticized McDonalds for selling unhealthy food to kids so McDonalds decided "oh no we need to make everything boring so parent will spend more money here."

>> No.16184218

pretty much this. restaurants are essentially hotswappable now, it's just a matter of putting on a new coat of paint and changing the menus

>> No.16184228

Their main customers are now single adults, and the bottom pic is more "mature". Their customers are not families any more because noone is having families any more.

>> No.16184236

Then that means you are re-making someone else's thread with no intention to discuss the subject in earnest, which is even worse.

>> No.16184313

>Sad, but architecture unique to a brand makes it harder to resell the building if that particular franchise flops.

Checks out

>> No.16184326

my local mcdonalds still looks like the top one. the bottom ones are the new locations by busy streets rather than neighborhoods.

>> No.16184517

Yeah it's because of this schizo retarded reason and not because these are insanely cheap to build and mass produce

>> No.16184532

Why does everyone piss and shit themselves and say it's the end of days when they see a modern and clean building? I like the newer look

>> No.16184577

i've seen many old school one get renovated to look like those modern abomination. don't soak through your maxipad over a plausible theory

>> No.16184636

>insanely cheap to build and mass produce
so exactly the reason he gave, got it

>> No.16184748

>reasons he gave
schizo ramblings head cannon

>> No.16184758

Old buildings get renovated, imagine my shock

>> No.16184825

Pictures like the one in the background make me laugh. I've learned far more controversial and unkown knowledge from the internet than anywhere else.

>> No.16184876

>Their customers are not families any more because noone is having families any more.


>> No.16184902
File: 2.46 MB, 668x2667, theytookthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They took this from you!

>> No.16184913



>> No.16184920

yeah but most people just look at instagram thots and read CNN.com on their phones. nobody is reading anything productive while they're waiting for the bus. it's different from a desktop because you can dedicate serious time to reading things behind a desk. when you're just taking a shit, you don't. so everyone inevitably becomes sucked into the brain drain void.
The fundamental truth is, the more information access you give people, the less most people actually know.

>> No.16184934

>these are insanely cheap to build and mass produce
Do you think these are any cheaper than the shoddy buildings from before? If anything, they cost more. There is more glass in the design, which leads to more fees: energy use (heating/cooling), weekly window cleaning, repairs of cracks. Over millions of locations, these add up quick.

>> No.16184937

Wendy's DQ, and Arby's still have the old architecture where I live.

>> No.16184945

You've cracked the code that these companies' armies of real estate experts couldn't figure out! You should call them and explain how wrong they are.

>> No.16184946

I know for a fact these are a lot cheaper and much easier to build
You are talking out of your ass

>> No.16184964

Nope, I know for a fact they are more expensive. You're talking to someone who has overseen the construction of at least two dozen such buildings in the last 4 years.

>> No.16184970
File: 283 KB, 1600x900, IMG_20190522_114756294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new chik fil a's look like office buildings

>> No.16184971

>old design is literally surrounded completely with glass
>modern design is mad because of uhhh uhm glass ?
by god youre retarded

>> No.16184972

Fucking depressing going back by my old highschool and seeing the nu design on the McDonald's I'd always hit up after school.

>> No.16184980
File: 1.12 MB, 1600x1083, 5c500f6d85600a5d074efd0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you also complain about ugly angular glass+steel designs by German-Jewish architects.

>> No.16185078

What was the point of this post?

>> No.16185082

you mean like when i go ass to mouth with your mom?

>> No.16185114

Unironically? 365BLACK happened.

You see anon, you are not allowed to think something was better by an arbitrary amount in the past because the past was not 100% perfect. Things are thus allowed to get worse because the past was not perfect.

>> No.16185150

yellow Wendy's was cool
there one pizza hut here that's a sit down restaurant with all sorts of memorabilia on the walls. it's in a business area with no parking and nobody likes going out at night anymore tho

>> No.16185163

Comsoooom please for the love of consooooming

>> No.16185168

It's the same for the simplification of logos, it's so they work better as phone icons

>> No.16185181

t. yarmulke

>> No.16185205
File: 67 KB, 810x809, 1606300051859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizza Hut's redesign is the silliest one, foregoing the iconic roof that is literally their logo, but still keeping the roof logo.

>> No.16185252

Why do modern architects hate sloped roofs and Spanish tile?

>> No.16185264

>What happened?
this just in anon!

companies regularly update their architecture to appear current, new, and relevant.

>> No.16185271

that’s probably because they got tired of the old buildings being used for new stores when the franchise goes out of business
looks bad for the brand when everyone looks at a building and thinks that’s where a pizza hut used to be

>> No.16185281

>yfw huge corporations spent millions examining new pandemic-friendly designs and now the pandemic is over

>> No.16185287

cultural appropriation

>> No.16185365


I call bullshit - because I've literally seen the business cases on the homogenization of the buildings/branding as part of my MBA.

The design has been specifically engineered to make use of commonly available products that are cheap and widely available, allowing contractors to build ready copies all throughout the US without delays or surprises, and with much quicker build times than before.

Core interior components are standardized and shipped out from a centralized depot in shipping containers with the expected amount of floor tiles, wall tiles, lights, etc.

Once the outside structure is built, the interior is basically IKEA tier assembly according to script.

Moreover, the buildings are designed to be appealing, multi-use structures that can house any of the core brands, but would also allow stripping out any branding and making the building/property available for generic commercial leasing or sale if necessary.

>> No.16185415

yea, cause demolishing and rebuilding is cheaper than repainting.

>> No.16185463


Improves the value of the building and real estate: It can be resold or leased as commercial space.

>> No.16185930
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Pic related happened.

>> No.16186021

this is so cringey

>> No.16186033

jews detected

>> No.16186041

Burning buildings are fucking awesome. It makes my cock rock hard feeling like I live in a dangerous place. USA wild west, baby. The only thing that softens my penis is authoritarian cunts like yourself.

>> No.16186042
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you're just a boomer

>> No.16186066
File: 32 KB, 335x352, 1349560282322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is schizo and cringe. Chipotle came out with a "modern" and "hip" design and stole a lot of what had been traditional fast food space. The past ten or so years have been all the major chains playing catch-up and trying to grasp at that modernity/hipness. Has nothing to do with corporates playing 4D chess, but just the marketing department struggling to stay relevant.

>> No.16186068

enjoy your life debt you fuckin gullible twat lol

>> No.16186077

Schizo idea is interesting but it's more just plug and play architecture at this point. Keep the building as generic as possible so you can sell it off easily if the restaurant fails. The more generic the building, the wider the number of potential buyers

>> No.16186081

why is the Canadian flag outside (what looks like) a McDonalds in the Soviet Union?

>> No.16186099
File: 204 KB, 1000x744, bedtime_animeytiddi-boomercomic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok boomer
where do you think you are

>> No.16186105

look at this motherfucking newfag here

>> No.16186126

imagine being a tourist and a boomer

>> No.16186198

This is a good guess, but not quite true.
Email Wendy’s and tell them you’d like to open a franchise in a repurposed McDonald’s or Taco Bell building. Or vice-versa. See what happens.
When you open a franchise, you’re basically offered a handful of choices of pre-designed restaurants. There are only a few franchises which don’t give a fuck about the building (as long as it meets certain minimums), and those are the ones you’ll often see in office lobbies or strip malls. 5 guys, Starbucks, and subway come to mind. Plus, it’s not like the existing equipment would be usable; most fast food franchises are super anal about what can/can’t be used.
Beyond that, sure a mom/pop restaurant can open in an old whatever, but if a recognized brand failed in that place, chances are a local operation won’t do much better; especially after modifying it to a non-fast food floorplan.

Unless you’re talking about a warehouse or multi-story office structure, the building on a commercial lot is inconsequential. In fact it can often decrease the value of a lot because the fact a buyer will have to demolish it is a detracting factor.

The “generic styling” is mostly due to modern branding (dictated by franchise companies) and ease/cheapness of construction. These are also sometimes the result of local commercial zoning laws; like in my area, new businesses are subject to low-profile signage and brick/stone construction. So my local McDonald’s has a nice brick facade and unobtrusive roadfront sign.

There’s a lot more to it than that but I’m a bit drunk.

>t. does contractor work for several major franchises in my city

>> No.16186572
File: 2.21 MB, 1080x1920, joy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those aren't statements.
Those are pleas to keep the globohomo in power

>> No.16186581

Unironic answer: it went from being a restaurant marketed towards boomers with kids to being marketed to childless millennials and zoomers.

>> No.16186660
File: 650 KB, 1125x971, ohthepain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fitting for the west. In a weird cosmic irony.
The fast food restaurants, in following trends, have acted as a sort of litmus test for the culture around them.
The changes in design match the decline in the culture around it. Formerly bright, full of optimism for the future, now dull, monotone, uninspired and pessimistic.
We are watching a civilization die in slow motion, and the restaurants provide a stunning, if not sobering reflection of the reality around them.

>> No.16186665

It grew up. Why can't you?

>> No.16186706

It's just shitty nu design. Nothing else.
Cringe and wrong as fuck.

>> No.16186724

LOL, dude, did you think you were being deep or something? On top of sounding like an asshat with inappropriate terms you just heard last week like "litmus test," you're straight up wrong. What a joke of a post.

>> No.16186751

gapitalism and gommunism have the same base min-maxing motives and thus result,

>> No.16186761
File: 13 KB, 300x100, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next Sunday, A.D.?

>> No.16186778


>> No.16186845

My use of the term litmus test is correct, in that is is sort of a color test for how the society around it is.
Look at the image here >>16184902
Look at the color change from the nineties to now. From bright, positive, inviting and upbeat, to, again, dull, monotone and depressing.
Colors play a huge part in setting the mood and outlook of a setting, regardless if in a picture, a play, or a location.

>> No.16186877

Yeah, I get how you're using it, but it's not particularly constructive or original. Guarantee you just saw the post about shopping carts and decided to copy it, subconsciously or not.
You're right that the colors play a big role in mood and setting, but your original conjecture that they are a reflection of culture/caricature of decaying society is just wrong. They are a symptom of retarded men in business suits and not much more.

>> No.16186931
File: 106 KB, 829x662, kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Business has become downstream to culture.
These decisions have impact on culture as a whole. Individually? Not to bad. But this is not an individual issue. It is systemic, to all industries. (Restaurants, tech, general architecture etc.)
That is why I say that it is a visual symptom of a deeply flawed and slowly collapsing civilization.
Just if you wanted a piece of what to come here: https://netcoins.ca/blog/35-of-all-u-s-dollars-in-existence-have-been-printed-last-in-10-months/..
From my research, they stopped reporting this in December.

>> No.16186939

Are you high or something? You're coming across as kinda high with all these vague thoughts. Once you say something is "systemic" as an argument, IMO, you've thrown in the towel

>> No.16186988
File: 279 KB, 2732x2048, Yike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was.
Let me tell you something.
Cognitive dissonance cannot hold in the face of Civilization Collapse.
Saying that I'm high doesn't change the suffocating apathy in the population. It doesn't change the debt reaching levels not though possible or the printing of money to give the Weimar Republic a run for it's insulation. It doesn't change the plummeting birth rates and skyrocketing amount of broken families.
If anything, I want to be high. Seeing everything going on is soul crushing.

>> No.16187006

I'm not denying that the world is a fuck, dude. I'm denying your first year college B+ analysis.
Careful with those statistics of printing money, and realize that a lot of money is taken out of circulation. No doubt there has been more money in circulation because of covid measures, but don't get suckered into the sensationalism that the article is trying to push.

>> No.16187022

lmao I'm pretty sure I wrote this as a bait post, I can't believe you schizo fags took it this seriously

>> No.16187030

good. I only associated those old designs with the smell of urine from homeless, closed down strip malls, and poor people. also, those old designs, being used everywhere is still a part of globohomo. the best option would to have entirely regional buildings that utilize unique architectural designs and materials of the surrounding area.

>> No.16187036

To say that the world is a fuck is surface level insight. What is happening to the West has happened before in history.
The money printing? Tis a layer on top of deep issues that have been allowed to fester and metabolize for decades.
Again. You can try and dissuade from what I say with your base level ad hominems. It doesn't change anything.

>> No.16187054

It wasn't insight, you mong. I was agreeing with the overall concept you were trying to make clear to me.
>ad hominems
I'm criticizing you, not name calling. Ad hominem would be calling you a literal retard, even though you sound like a literal midwit.

>> No.16187067

Do you not understand current business approaches?
>Remove all detail except what's immediately relevant to customer satisfaction
Is the mantra of modern business, especially modern large businesses. It's not a schizo conspiracy, it's process optimization practices these companies have been performing for years. These people literally do Design-of-Experiments testing with spice combinations to maximize customer food enjoyment and use brainwashing thinly veiled as marketing in ads and practices openly. You think they're choosing to completely remodel existing stores because constructing the like 10 McD's needed to finally saturate the US market is too expensive in the old design?

>> No.16187075
File: 43 KB, 400x400, Necron's disaproval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Because I would think >>16186939 calling me high or >>16187006 with my "first year collage B+ analysis" are definitely in line with ad hominems.
I don't like saying this, but this is pure cope.

>> No.16187084

I was serious about the high thing, and while my ""collage"" comment was definitely grating, it literally doesn't count as ad hominem.
For what? For having a discussion with someone emotionally disturbed by criticism? Damn, I'll never recover.

>> No.16187124
File: 161 KB, 478x475, The Spy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The closest to legitimate criticism was here >>16186877 , but after that it devolved into something you'd see on a playground.
Even now, the entire crux of your argument is
>if I make him look bad and make myself look better, then I win.
A shame, considering this a very interesting topic to discuss.

>> No.16187137

Damm they even changed the name of Hardees

>> No.16187151

>if I appeal to "peace" and "discussion," more people are likely to go back and read my posts with a positive outlook, making me the victor!
Doesn't help that your shallow projection of
>if I make him look bad
is dissecting your two signals. You are an intensely empty person to talk to. I'm out. Don't waste your keystrokes on a reply, you vulnerable little narcissist, you.

>> No.16187181

On second thought, scratch that last reply. I don't want you taking it seriously and ruining your night/weekend.

>> No.16187209
File: 328 KB, 1214x584, Imp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. This is next is level

>> No.16187225

>goodbye gable roof, hello flat roof

>> No.16187254

Whats happening in this pic

>> No.16187494
File: 21 KB, 655x509, 148125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16187517

first McDonalds to open in USSR . Basically the ultimate symbol of capitalism's dominance over communism

>> No.16187536

here's your (You)

>> No.16187617


>> No.16187642

We call it a fast-food PLACE

>> No.16187687

What we need is a search function that allows people to look for answers to popular questions.

>> No.16187697

Stop projecting

>> No.16187713


>> No.16187776
File: 21 KB, 474x211, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like one of the new kingdom halls.

>> No.16187845

He's just german

>> No.16187919

>He can’t spell it

>> No.16187943

Not to be a faggot, but the food theory episode on McDonald's does a very good job explaining that a huge amount of profit for McDonald's is from the real estate value, not the restaurant.

>> No.16188494

You are the most useless person in the room at any given time.

>> No.16188534

>the person who wrote that was probably on their phone

>> No.16188544

>muh corporation changed building
>da joos did this >:^(
>i should care about building shape because...
>the joos did this >:^((((((((

>> No.16188545

ok, now THIS is based. Perhaps even redpilled. Dare I say epic and ftw?

>> No.16188564

>the wendy's near me removed the sun room last year
it was like the one thing i had left to do, even before rona killed everything i did outside of the house

>> No.16188739


why all of a sudden commie flags have this yellow star? I don't ever remember there being anything more than a hammer and sickle

>> No.16188750
File: 763 KB, 761x761, 1619158452300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just realized something, when the designs of these fast food buildings started changing I became less interested in eating fast foods. I wonder if it's related to the appeal of the building itself.

>> No.16188758

Shut the fuck up /ck/

>> No.16188927

Bit of a gay post tbqh

>> No.16188952

Soviet Socialist Republic of Russia, not USSR.
Don't even pretend to know history or politics.

>> No.16189290

Damn how does her butthole taste?

>> No.16189310

>be adopted

I wonder sometimes

>> No.16189370

Its was the Canadian branch of Mcdonalds that led the charge into the Soviet Union, if I recall correctly.

>> No.16189491


>> No.16189795

Definitely. At the corporate level fast food is a real estate business not a restaurant business

>> No.16189876

Couldn't they at least make it colorful? It looks like a hardware store.
I get why the change in the architecture but the colors just kills it for me.
Domino's is the only one that kinda works for me, the bricks make me think og firewood ovens,

>> No.16189879

fucking minimalism

>> No.16189885

he's not wrong. i love all of the people seething about it

>> No.16189910

I too miss eating Chinese food at a Mexican themed restaurant

>> No.16189985

interesting, cheers

>> No.16190062

Yeah how stupid! It's not like there will ever be another pandemic on this scale again.

>> No.16190083

>major chains
>marketing department
so in short, it's the jews
thanks for clearing that up

>> No.16190090

they had to compete with Starbucks in the coffee division, so they made a plan to turn McDonalds's into a faux-Cafe style eatery.

This meant that McDonalds had to drop the image that it was a burger joint and start acting like it was something more. the result is the minimalist aesthetic

>> No.16190096

If you go to a fast food joint that still has the old design, expect the worst service and food you could possibly get from their brand.

>> No.16190339

I miss the overhanging roofs. They were good for loitering and enjoying a smoke after my meal

>> No.16190480
File: 15 KB, 74x72, our_guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based acrual information provider

>> No.16190546

That would make sense if not for the fact every other burger joint did the same thing

>> No.16190662


>> No.16190687

They can have it. I don't even eat at any of those places anymore, or never did to begin with.

>> No.16190703

>see some trivial thing I don't like
>"yep, this is the harbinger of the collapse of an entire civilization"

>> No.16190717

>>DNC approved
It fucking kills me that you retards think this is a democrat plan. Democrats can't even win elections properly.

>> No.16190788

They don't have standalone locations anymore. They are all in strip malls.

>> No.16190809

Election year 2020 saw big business, Wall Street, the military industrial complex, the media, the CIA, and the FBI rally in support of the DNC.

They’re all in the same camp at this point.

> Democrats can't even win elections properly.

True. They cheated Bernie twice to put a warmongering corporate ghoul and a dementia addled rapist on the ticket.

>> No.16190813

there's a Pizza Hut in my town that shut down over a decade ago and a different restaurant started operating out of it but the old roof is still the same

>> No.16190888

The real answer is that its easier to resell the building if the franchise fails

>> No.16190941

Actually, Carl's Jr. absorbed Hardees and the latter has only ever existed as an alternative name for the former since the 2000's.

That is to say, they changed everything about Hardees except for the name.

>> No.16190960


>> No.16191485

>School fag thinks he can explain how the buildings are built to the guy that builds the buildings.
I hope you never get a job.

>> No.16191524

This makes sense.
I've heard financial analysts describe McDonalds as a real estate empire that sell fast food.

>> No.16191781

Fucking reddit take, holy shit. "Let's deconstruct a narrative by focusing on accidental successes" I bet you fucking suck ass at actual analyses

>> No.16192705
File: 205 KB, 900x600, mcdonalds-in-chinatown-mike-martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is gone now, but yea or nay?

>> No.16192733


>> No.16192878

babby learned a new word

>> No.16192886

No, schizo got called out via common parlance.

>> No.16192891

babby learned a new word

>> No.16193041

i read stack overflow while waiting for the bus, does that make me high iq

>> No.16193044


>> No.16193063

You're a fucking idiot that's never been involved in corporate (which I envy you for).
is exactly how corporate thinks, and it works too. Watch literally any doc or video essay on UX

>> No.16193077

it's garish, but in an interesting way. Preferable to the bland modern buildings imo

>> No.16193080

t. Cashier at wallmart
Laughing at wagies is my new hobby

>> No.16193298

Modern architecture is what happened....

>> No.16193303

I think that's their intention in the event the business goes out. The building can be repurposed into something else.

>> No.16193699

they went from being the type of restaurant you take your kids to after sports practice to being something like a drug dealer to poor people and retards

>> No.16193757

>it's been done a thousand times on here though.
It will done thousands of more times...jesus christ kid are you new here or under 18.

>> No.16193766

Are they TRYING to make people hate capitalism?

>> No.16193783

shut the fuck up

>> No.16193974

Isn't that the tower in the UK that was cheaply built by the government and populated almost entirely by 3rd worlders and illegals who disabled or broke most of the fire detection infrastructure?

>> No.16194315

inconceivably based

>> No.16194583

>observe trends
>just an awful lot of coincidences

>> No.16194611
File: 31 KB, 400x300, logo-actuel-mcodonalds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently it's the fault of the french branch

>France was the first country to have a redesigned McDonald’s. With this change, McDonald’s tries to add young adults and professionals to their core customers and that is why all the plastic will be replaced with clean and modern lines, wood, brick and softer lighting from modern lamps. The signature mansard roof is being replaced by a flat roof topped and a newly designed golden sloping curve. The emblematic red and yellow colours will be revamped to terra cotta, olive and sage green.
