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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16182915 No.16182915 [Reply] [Original]

Head chef here with nearly 30 years kitchen experience.

Ask me anything

>> No.16182918

what are you doing on 4chan, you fucking loser lmao.
Post low-hanging ballsack or I'm going to assume you're a larping 19 year old incel NEET fuck

>> No.16182929

What is love?

>> No.16182932


>> No.16182934

Why do some chefs actually put creativity and effort into their work, while others literally just copy paste the same menu and live on autopilot?

>> No.16182938

How to not pay taxes?

>> No.16182940


>> No.16182944

The lazy ones follow.
About 90% are followers.
Being a chef isn't exactly rocket science

>> No.16182945

how do you get your hand to make that shape?

>> No.16182950

How big of a problem is drugs in a professional kitchen setting?

Do people really spit and cum on food?

>> No.16182963

not him, but I've heard they do a fuckton of coke, even the successful ones

>> No.16182982

would you recommend becoming a chef? I am 28 and hate my job but always loved cooking and I am a pretty decent homecook.

>> No.16182988

How many invoices to you 'forget' last month to hit your food cost budget?
How many servers have you fucked in the walk-in? In the liquor room?
How much cocaine do you do on an average Saturday dinner service?
How old is the meat you use to cook family/shift meals?
What are the odds that your DMO is legal?

>> No.16182995

Is the saying about having too many chefs in the kitchen true?

>> No.16183003

Yea pretty bad.
Especially with the younger ones

>> No.16183006

Op here again.
No one spits and cums in food

>> No.16183009

Of course it is, but it's a metaphor. Too many people who think they're in charge means nothing gets done. There needs to be one person in charge of operations, whether it's a kitchen or the porta-potty company where your dumbass likely works.

>> No.16183016

Start off as a kitchen hand and see if you her a feel for it.

If you hate doing dishes and you feel you're above it, then it's the wrong job for you.
Not because you do dishes much, just need to get your head into the mindset that it's a subservient role and you're just cooking food for fuckwits.

>> No.16183027

what about free time, how much of that you get? Over here in spain people are lucky to get literally a day and a half a week, and on non weekend days, like half sunday and a monday. That shit is insane no one gets cucked this hard in pretty much any job in here. They make half decent money though.

>> No.16183029

What's DMO?

>> No.16183031

have you ever smelled the chair of a hot guest after she left?

>> No.16183033

Dish Machine Operator
dish bitch

>> No.16183034

Why are most culinary students massive faggots that will suck your cock every second of every day? why does the crackhead you picked up down the street to man the pizza station always cook better than culinary fags?

>> No.16183037

When did you decide you wanted to become a chef and what drove you to make this decision?

>> No.16183039
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And if not, why not?

>> No.16183042

You're not OP.

Yes I always watch labour cost and keep everyone busy.
A good team will follow chain of command

>> No.16183047

Dropped out of school to become a kitchen hand.
Another chef encouraged me to learn the trade

>> No.16183048


>> No.16183050

How do you guys make good homemade pizza?
Is there a specific ingredient?
Is the Ooni Koda a meme?

>> No.16183054

I work 55 hours a week.
I usually always get 2 solid days off, but I do 11 hours a day 5 days a week

>> No.16183055

WTF, how dare you even OP when you are retarded dropout?

>> No.16183060

>do 11 hours a day 5 days a week
even if insane that's prefferable to 5.5 days a week

>> No.16183065

>why does the crackhead you picked up down the street to man the pizza station always cook better than culinary fags?
Kek. This guy /resto/ kitchens

Ain't that the truth. I've had ~20 years in shitty kitchens and the kids that are fresh out of culinary school (complete with 80K in debt) like to set up their stations and make certain that every piece of romaine is exactly the correct size. They're slow, they think they're 'cooking' when they're just executing shitty recipes. They'll complain about the plating, offer suggestions like "what if we added arugula to the Caesar salad?," and stare at their kives like they're some sort of Jedi inspecting the light saber. Fuck these people. In the ass. With a cactus.

On the other hand, take the illegal guy who walked in with a green card that he made with crayons and cardboard from a happy meal box. He'll make the stupid recipes perfectly, plating just like the picture. He'll be on time, in uniform and will bust his ass. He'll work hard, he'll learn to run two stations when it's slow. He'll throw down on dish when necessary. He will be a huge asset to the operation. And when you need another cook, just tell him you need a guy. Boom, he's there in an hour.

t.kitchen manager

>> No.16183086
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For breakfast do you eat pancakes and eggs?

Do you still eat mcdonalds burgers?

>> No.16183116

I eat eggs benny any chance I can get

>> No.16183180
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favoruite recipe?
Also god-tier recipe for lava-cakes/chocolate coulant?

>> No.16183186

Do you have sexual intercourse with other men?

>> No.16183203

Are pineapples an acceptable topping for pizza?

>> No.16183266

Is it true the cooking industry is fueled by snorting coke?

>> No.16183288

What are your favorite and least favorite things about your current job and/or career in general?

>> No.16183315

You clean your knives with soap and water, right?

>> No.16183372

I don't think I have a favourite. I just love to try new things or cook with fresh local produce.

Best lava cakes, just Google chocolate fondants

>> No.16183376

Not whole ones

>> No.16183382

Least favourite:
Long hours

>> No.16183389

Sure do.

Why do you ask?

I'm guessing you've heard some urban myth about detergent rusts metal?
Or something

>> No.16183401

are u racist and hate all women, pal

>> No.16183408
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When did you first get involved in the chan image boards? How have they changed in your time?

>> No.16183417

What's the absolute best meal/food to make your cum taste amazing?

What meal/food is closest in taste to pussy?

>> No.16183425

>I work 55 hours a week.
>I usually always get 2 solid days off, but I do 11 hours a day 5 days a week
christ, are you at making 6 figures at least?

>> No.16183434

Eat lots of pineapple and celery

>> No.16183443

Celery? Doesn't it make it worse?

>> No.16183453

some anon said there are special pinapple suplements to make your cum taste good, cause doing it by eating tons of pinapple is like crazy, as in you have to eat too much of it

>> No.16183460

Hehe how much do you make after 30 years?

>> No.16183473

Is it really like the military with all the YES CHEF NO CHEF nonsense?

>> No.16183474

What are you going to eat on the eve of your inexorable suicide?

>> No.16183479

How close are you to suicide?

>> No.16183484
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How do I get out of here? 12 yrs experience, I should be going for sous chef level of a decent sized hotel or something but I can't bring myself to do it, I know I'd get the job but I also know I'd probably just hang myself one night in the cool room too. Everyone I know in this industry is a goddam failure, shit relationships, overweight, drug addicted, and can't hold a conversation outside of "Dude did you hear madison park is vego now?". I mean some of these dudes are fun and good guys but no one seems to be able to have a halfway successfully balanced life, its 100% devotion to cooking for other people and 'look how hardcore we all are working 90h weeks, oh btw im broke, still renting and earn way below the average national salary'. Even the chef/owners that make halfway decent money only look happy after they rail $300 of charlie. I regret doing this job, I also regret not secretly banging that 17yr old waitress before covid hit. How do you deal with these feels?

>> No.16183554

not him but when I run a pass I get people on the line to say it after I call a docket, and most good places I've worked do this, it just lets you know everyone is on the same page. After a while you just end up saying "yes chef" to everyone out of habbit, but its not required when your just talking to someone outside of service like how they all say 'sir yes sir' in full metal jacket. It can also be a sarcastic reply if someone lower than you asks you to do something that is beneath you.

>> No.16183555

forgot to say, thanks lad

>> No.16183569

literally just quit, idiot lmao

>> No.16183718

No, retards on here going on about muh patina or other bullshit. I always thpyght if detergent would ruin the steel you're using, food itself would be even worse on it

>> No.16183727

>christ, are you at making 6 figures at least?
Almost certainly not unless he's at a Michelin-star place in a major city

>> No.16183733

heard about using gin to give the final touch to the glasses/coups just to keep them clean and shiny

>> No.16183743

I've been there, I quit my job a month ago and now I'm selling insurance from home for like $20 an hour. Just quit and remember there is always easier work out there

>> No.16183761

>christ, are you at making 6 figures at least?
oh no no dont tell him

>> No.16183799
File: 163 KB, 819x780, hmmMMmmMm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of kitchen experience. Prison, school, university canteen, fast food shop, ritz, 2 star, 3 star, 4 star - restaurant, catering etc. At least tell people what kind of branch you have worked in.

Question: What did you find is the best way to deal with people that just randomly walk into your kitchen? Or did that ever happen?

>> No.16183868

gimme some info on how to be a good cook, books to read

>> No.16183946

How soon are you going to kill yourself?

>> No.16184006

How many chefs bang in the kitchen when the staff leave?
How many Sous Chefs virginity have you taken?

>> No.16184013

Haha too many good fucking, questions you gotem.

>> No.16184082


>> No.16184672
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So true.

>> No.16184730

Any kitchen typically has one loser stuck on deep fryer who is high 24/7 and who's melted brain pisses off everyone else cause they can't do anything without fucking it up somehow
People like this make me OK with welfare just go home stay there and take handouts and keep out of my way ya useless cunt

>> No.16184742

>head chef
Where's the rest of ya?

>> No.16184786

>head chef
so how much had do you give on avrg?

>> No.16184807

What do I do with tomato puree? I bought too much.

>> No.16184817

Swing and a miss. Learn to proofread.

>> No.16184916

fuuucucucucuhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah fuck

>> No.16185008

Most accurate thing I've read in years on /seekay/

>> No.16185344

Why are restaurant complaining about the lack of workers when there are literally hundred of thousands of illegals crossing the border every year?

>> No.16185349
File: 2.87 MB, 640x344, Tampopo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen this movie?

>> No.16185373

You would be surprised if you knew how many of us are on here. I'm just a sous and I find quality, kitchen talk here when e cooks are not being shilled.

>> No.16185886

Hi. I'm the executive chef, head of QA, and chief of an R&D team for a multi-million dollar international company.

>> No.16185900

Adam Ragusea

>> No.16185911

because they are crossing the boarder to go back to mexico, not the other way around

>> No.16185940

Are you happy?

>> No.16186445

what kind of insurance are you selling? Did they not require any previous experience?

>> No.16186715

god i wish that egg was me

>> No.16186729
File: 7 KB, 203x249, 1596576137440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your favorite home cooked or comfort food meals? I mean hits your heartstring stuff to the daily whip something up quick. Especially the latter as I'm looking for really good quick prep ideas right now.

Also curious how many hostesses you've nailed.

>> No.16186734

you just called yourself a fucking loser and projected your pathetic view
well done nigger, well done

>> No.16186742

I wouldn't. I am certain all the ecelebs shitpost here. Where the fuck else can you relax, call someone a harmless pejorative, and post traffic generating content for zero-filter feedback? That is why this is my favorite board. I know Chef John is lurking in here somewhere calling someone a faggot.

>> No.16186753

see. fucking chef john posted this I know it.

>> No.16187062

>curious how many hostesses you've nailed
I married one.
t.kitchen manager

>> No.16187107

fuck off cuck this isn't reddit

>> No.16187114

freeze portions in ziplock. date it

>> No.16187117

go back to /b/ newfag

>> No.16188504

are you a nigger by any chance

>> No.16188530

This board is literally all about fast food

>> No.16188715

awwww shit is that b coops? damn son

>> No.16188723

Would do you do for fun to relax? Don't say 4chan, that doesn't count.

>> No.16188730

>doing anything for 30 years
no thanks, not even jeff benzos income would make me

>> No.16188733

Do you hate yourself? I mean like, existentially.

>> No.16188972

Where the fuck are my jalapeno poppers Jesus christ

>> No.16189027

hello, ive been working in the food industry for a short while. Im pretty young but I got a really good opportunity to work for a month in a highly esteemed Michelin and Chateux-Relais. Is this the amazing opportunity to move up from Kicthen assistant to chef de partie experience wise? From a hiring perspective

>> No.16189043

this gives me hope

>> No.16189517

How many drug addicts/ alcoholics in your staff?