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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16158251 No.16158251 [Reply] [Original]

Latte Art edition

Previously >>16121350

I sometimes have... mocha

>> No.16158327

Sometime about the hand-lever espresso machines that I like

>> No.16158591
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>> No.16158776

Locally grown & produced coffee

>> No.16159054

Is the order a rabbit?

>> No.16159229
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Coffee shop opened in a closed book store while pandemic ravaged - now in 3 weeks it'll be gone because bongland is back to normal

>> No.16159271
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>now in 3 weeks it'll be gone because bongland is back to normal
Care to elaborate?

>> No.16159647

Is the Flair a meme? Bought the Pro-2, grinding with the JX-Pro, getting reasonable espresso. Tips to take it up a notch?

>> No.16160341

I was recently given a Krups electric coffee grinder. Is it able to actually achieve decent grinds? I use mostly a French press and a percolator

>> No.16160345

Just make sure to get the pressure gage. It's not bad for what it is, but its not going to compare to a more expensive setup.

>> No.16161408
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Made french press coffee with ceylon cinnamon, and frothed milk with sugar, orange bitters, and orange blossom water. Was good, but needs less sugar and cinnamon.

>> No.16162121

I stuck an acaia lunar and sep on mine. Its all going on the new 58 here in 2-3 weeks.

>> No.16163012

Some white liberal yuppie was telling me about how different coffee beans have different neurological effects. Any truth to this or is caffeine the only psychoactive chemical?

>> No.16163919
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trashy insta post for my cafe but pretty happy with this little beasty from a few weeks ago

>> No.16163925

Crock of shit.
But do elaborate
What varietals of coffee was your hippy describing?

>> No.16164516

Perhaps he was worried about putting colonialism in your filter
That said


>> No.16165142

Nearby Greek bakery does coffee like this

>> No.16165216

I live near a Greek coffee shop and they serve this I ordered one time just to try and it took 20 mins to make and was awful I think it was a novelty on their menu that no one ever ordered I'm pretty sure they've stopped serving it now as well

>> No.16165444

Is keeping the grains in the fridge good for the coffee?

>> No.16165518

about 1 week after roast date freeze them in bags that have about a week worth of beans in them, this means you only put them once inside the freezer. also nice trips.

>> No.16165553

What about ground coffee?

>> No.16165554

all memes aside portafilter machines make the best coffee. i just got a sage barista express last week and am still experimenting with yields, grind size, timings, etc.

>> No.16165630

i thought youtubers grew out of the "cut every 5 seconds" phase

>> No.16165654

Anyone have any more info about how Japanese people like their pourovers? From the research I've done, I've come to the conclusion that
>coarser grind than usual, a step below a french press grind
>single, slow pour, little small circles

The resulting coffee is sort of light, a bit sour.

>> No.16165671

>The resulting coffee is sort of light, a bit sour.
So underextracted. Japmemes are ok if you're brewing traditional darker roasts of coffee(burnt shit), if you're buying specialty beans especially light roast then you always underextract with jap meme techniques and multiple pours.

>> No.16165729

I do the "osmotic flow" method. basically after the bloom its a single slow pour in the center for about 2 minutes then a slow circular pour outwards towards the edge. I also use ~90C water temp (boiling temp makes it bitter imo). the beans im using are a nectarine flavor and this method works great for these. the grind is a bit coarse, like u said a little finer than french press. I really don't care if I'm "underextracting". it tastes better with lower temp and coarser grind

>> No.16165790

Is the Aeropress worth buying?

>> No.16165800
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for reference. this is probably the 2nd best flavor ive had. first was a sulowesi i think with a maxed out strawberry vanilla flavor profile

>> No.16165827

>buys flavored coffee

>> No.16165835

its not artificially flavored, just a tasting profile from how the beans were grown

>> No.16165842

it's a good intro to better coffee, but you're better off just buying a pourover setup

>> No.16165864

Aeropress is like having Velcro on your shoes. If you're capable of tying a knot, you can make yourself a pourover.

>> No.16165911
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>that grind consistency
No wonder you have to do "osmotic" meme to get decent coffee.

>> No.16166019

Please post grinder so we know to tease anyone else who bought it.

>> No.16166133

timemore C2

>> No.16166198

Keke. Grind finer. Tweak the ratio.

>> No.16166275

I'm completely new to grinding my own coffee. What's a good place to start for beginners?

>> No.16166295


Theres been a few more good starting grinders released since. Kinu phoenix and simplicity, 1zpresso jx pro etc etc. Watch that, do a little googling, then report back and we'll try to steer you in a good direction.

>> No.16166305

Thanks for your help

>> No.16166413

#1 thing to get in your mind. There is absolutely no reason to buy something you intend to immediately replace. $200 hand grinder might be a kick to the nuts now, but in 5-10 years when you're still using it, not so much. Buy once cry once.

>> No.16166986

More expensive beans have a higher smugatonin content.

>> No.16167040

>timemore C2
Oh no no no, we got too cocky hoffbros

>> No.16167308

Chestnut g1 =/= c2. c2 is the ultrabudget version we've tossed out recs for a cheap french press upper limit(and you can fukkin see why lel)

>> No.16167396

made turkish again today, i fucking love this shit.
>60 g/ 1000 ml
>start with water at 60°C
>add coffee
>boil once
>let it rest a little
>make a run for the bathroom
if your grinder can do turkish you literally need no more coffee equipment.

>> No.16167434


>> No.16167444
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>> No.16167597

What has coffeegay said about the c2?

>> No.16167759

I think he said it's good. I wouldn't know but my Hoffman worshipping friend has one.

>> No.16167896

I just linked the video where he quickly reviews the chestnut g1. Searching hoffman timemore only brings up that video.

>> No.16167918
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Pulled a shot today, sorry the basket isn't as clean as it should be

>> No.16168640

Is Boss coffee overrated or any good? It's expensive but I want to try it if it's good.

>> No.16168873

the crema looks great

>> No.16169114 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16169143
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I like coffee

>> No.16169281

nice. looks like it channeled p bad

>> No.16169419
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Am I a schizo, it seems like every time I ask a coffee question somebody responds pretending to be an expert but really they just watch a lot of Hoffman videos and parrot his opinion. I don't know who to trust bros. How many people has he gotten to already? Now I can't tell if people saying "oh the baratza encore grinder can't do espresso" or "you need to spend at least $400 for a starter espresso machine" know what they're talking about or are more Hoffman sheeple.

>> No.16170111

Espresso machines are expensive af, if you don't want to drop hundreds of dollars just get a nice six serving Moka pot.

>> No.16170247

Hoffmeme should only serve as an entry point, but autistic headcannons take his word as gospel. It's astonishing how quickly this general came around to aeropress after his vedo came out. All his content does, is further prove that people who are (((within))) or (((enjoy))) the specialty coffee scene, haven't a fucking clue about specialty coffee.

>> No.16170789

just used a french press for the first time and I feel supreme

>> No.16171014

anyone that doesn't roast their own coffee doesn't have a fucking clue and are just consumers.

>> No.16171032

why? a retard can make coffee in a french press

>> No.16171158

exactly, I made coffee with a french press

>> No.16171256

Take your meds anon

>> No.16171633

>It's astonishing how quickly this general came around to aeropress after his vedo came out.
Same thing happened with the hoffdrone friend, he said the aeropress couldn't make good coffee until those videos came out, now it's all he uses.

>> No.16171888

What's a good grinder for espresso? I have the Encore (which is awful.) Sette 270 has bad reviews because of gearbox failure, Niche is unobtainable at RRP, so I don't know what to look into now

>> No.16171917

Df64 reddit grinder

>> No.16171946
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Hoffman had to make a 3 part series to try to get comparable coffee to his 5 minute v60 recipe. Thats not a point for the ap. He debunks the pressure meme entirely, btfos inverted, and all the stupid attachments as well.

> It's astonishing how quickly this general came around to aeropress after his vedo came out.

Are we reading the same threads? Its the same 4 morons who keep recommending it. They've been doing it for years. If you couldn't tell from the videos, coofe/gay/ more likely to use the fucking bripe.

>> No.16171990

>Muh 3 videos
>Muh bripe
>Muh debunks
Seething hofftranny spotted. Go practice tying your shoes.

>> No.16172183

shitty product > shittier product. One serves a unique (yet still retorded) purpose. The other is a paper filtered french press. Bet you got light up sketchers for the school year more than once in your life.

>> No.16172245

>bripe > aeropress
>light up sketchers
take your meds

>> No.16173372

Theres past threads from the last couple years you can consult as well.

>> No.16174094

If I drink coffee with milk and sugar, am I really going to notice a difference in taste if I invest in a grinder and switch from pre-ground to specialty?

>> No.16174107

it'll get much worse

>> No.16174535

Yes the coffee will be noticeably better, but if you use a lot of milk and sugar you may not notice it as much. Of course you might find you like specialty coffee so much you only need a little milk, or none at all.

>> No.16174978

So it's a cheap, idiot-proof immersion brewer. Not bad

>> No.16174990

I always drank coffee with cream/milk but since I switched, I don't need any at all just because it tastes that good black. I still use cream when drinking drip machine, dunkin etc

>> No.16175043

>So it's a cheap
plastic + paper filters
not really, retards tip them over all the time

immersion is really hard to fuck up anyways, all you need is a ok grinder

>> No.16175258

I recently purchased a few bags of coffee from a well-reviewed local roaster, waited a week past the roasting date, brewed the beans, and they were absolutely terrible. Extremely sour and acidic. Grinding finer made the coffee undrinkably bitter, and grinding coarser didn't help, either. What gives? Is there some incantation I'm supposed to chant before brewing?

>> No.16175427

I mean coffeegay probably isnt an idiot and he sprayed hot coffee all of the table when he tried to add pressure. How do you think your average aeropresser is faring? When you have to make a separate special Olympics version of the WBC, it should steer you away.

>> No.16175451

Going "muh super sekrit club" on coffee is fucking retarded. Anons, it's okay to realise that someone else enjoying coffee a different way to the way that you do does not invalidate your enjoyment.

>> No.16175474

>He doesn't know Tim Wendelboe
Kek what a poser.

>> No.16175672

How are you brewing, and what kind of grinder are you using?

>> No.16175738

Aeropress with the Hoffman method / JX Pro

>> No.16175900

Yes. He saw an opportunity for a low barrier cost of entry competition and used it to froth up the unwashed plebs. This instagramcoffeemedia phase is a direct result of encouraging bozos.

>> No.16175963

I've had mixed results with the Aeropress, and I've found that it works well with some varieties of coffee but not others.

>> No.16176234

I fucking hate it when you get a new bean dialled in just fucking spectacularly for espresso but it's too late to drink yet more coffee so I can't taste that again til tomorrow

>> No.16176238

Light roast? Brew hotter

>> No.16176256

Both bags are light roasts and I'm pouring water straight off the boil

>> No.16176575

Using someone else's recipe won't equate to a good for for every coffee. Each one is tailored to bring out something different in a particular coffee. If it's acidic, try lowering your dose and using the same amount of water. After that you can try adding a bit more water.

>> No.16176803
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>appartment only has these
>can make nothing
I hate being poor

>> No.16176894

moka pot, dummy

>> No.16177047
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>> No.16177180

should i get job as barista?

>> No.16177462

What tells you that from the video? I make these videos because I think they look pretty and I like getting feedback/constructive criticism, it'd be helpful for me to know what to look for

>> No.16177499

when chipotle attacks!

>> No.16177576

Hey, how's it going? I was doing a bit of research before buying a french press and I came about this video

where he doesn't use the press part of the coffee maker and many comment on that technique and say that it actually is pretty gud. I had a revelation: will just using a normal cup and maybe a cloth colander be the same and give good results?
I know that the answer is yes, but I want to hear your opinions on this matter, I'm an uber newbie to coffee.

>> No.16177600

This actually looks like some sci-fi nightmare fuel.

>> No.16177683
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Honestly, the basic bitch IKEA glass one, for one works well. He even liked the big insulated one they make. You don't need to spend a lot of money on a french press unless a s t h e t i c. The biggest thing is do you want it to be insulated and what size do you need.
>t.uses an IKEA glass french press and don't have any issue with sediment with Hoffman method

>> No.16177684


Look at


See how your basket doesnt fill in completely? Thats water going through the puck unevenly. Clean up your distribution, focus on the tamp.

A cloth filter will pull out significantly more oils and let fewer fines through than a stainless steel mesh. Some people like that. You could go with a hario switch or clever dripper + a coffeesock if you wanted to level up that potential setup.

>> No.16177717

turkish is the king of immersion methods, if you can grind turkish fine you won't go back to any other immersion method.

>> No.16177837

Yeah, I could get a french press for cheap but what would be the point if I could just use any jar that I already have if I'm not goin to use the press part?
I guess it would need to be a pretty fine-grained steel mesh?
I'll buy pre grinded coffee, does it come in grind size at the store? Which one should u get? I'll eventually buy a coffee grinder and buy whole grain btw.

>> No.16177889

Even fine mesh, you're still going to get sediment. Some people like that. Cloth will remove it if thats the route you want to go. That switch is an immersion brewer with a valve to drain whenever you'd like. I don't have one yet, but seems perfect for people relegated to preground. Basically a lazy immersion pourover.




>> No.16177905
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Forgot the pic.

>> No.16177937


>> No.16177961

I'm not familiarised with the jargon that you're using but that >consoomsock looks a lot like the cloth colander that I already have. I think that I'm not going to like a lot of sediment in my coffee, but I'll try both and see.

>> No.16178013

anyone used a phin/vietnamese coffee filter? i impulse bought one. usually I drink cafe bustelo in an aeropress unless someone gifts me a nice bag of coffee (lol)

>> No.16178088

You guys ever make turkish coffee? I don't have a coffee machine so I started doing it. It's almost there but not perfect. If you make it, let me know your recipe.

>> No.16178141

>water starts at a temp that would reach 95°C in 2 minutes
>mix the coffee
>put on stove
>1 boil and inmediatly serve on a non preheated cup

ratios are for fags

>> No.16178154

can any manual coffee grinder grind turkish coffee?

>> No.16178164

Its just a reusable alternative to consoomer disposable paper filters. I know people who have used the same $10 coffeesock for 5+ years.


All the water mingles with all the coffee. Like a french press, aeropress, or cone brewers with a valve(hario switch, clever dripper). Just a fundementally different style of brewing compared to percolation. (Percolation refers to brews in which liquid extracts coffee solids by passing through the bed of grounds.)


The point is there are options. One you find what you like, you're set. Being able to dial in your grind is going to be a massive improvement though. For the time being, don't be afraid to rip open a bag of whole beans and use the grocery store grinder.

>> No.16178169

Kinu m47p will do it no problem. I'd assume most high end espresso grinders will also do it, but I've only got experience with the kinu.

>> No.16178192

lmao 200 bucks? I was talking about in the 30-40 range.

>> No.16178197

Can you achieve milk foam capable of latte art with a french press?

>> No.16178213

Is this one ok?

>> No.16178253

my burners are too wide the handle would catch fire

>> No.16178260

>go through almost a full bag of coffee trying to make a good cup with the hoffman aeropress method
>for some reason 205 degrees F is the magical spot for my beans

>> No.16178268

i use this one

>> No.16178277

>don't be afraid to rip open a bag of whole beans and use the grocery store grinder.
What should I look for on a manual grinder?

>> No.16178314

Who knows. You're trying to precisely mill beans to a particle size between 200 and 400 microns. That comes at a price.

Build quality, ideally stepless for better adjustment. With a manual grinder you're not paying for a motor, you not paying for gearing. Your arm is going to outlast any off the shelf motor they jam into cheap electrics. So basically you're looking at a handle, a cylinder that holds beans, and burrs. Buy the best burrs you can. Don't get in a rush, find exactly what you want.




>> No.16178327

>just watch a lot of Hoffman videos and parrot his opinion
That's me, nigga.

>> No.16178380

Does the material of french press affect taste? I have a cheap stainless steel one should I switch to glass?

>> No.16178398

It shouldn't but who knows. Let some water sit in the press overnight and drink it. You'll figure it out.

>> No.16178437

I don't like his method.
Inverted forever.

>> No.16178440

I like glass because it's easier to see when it's dirty
Try it, it's worth having a french press anyway
Thanks, so by distribution you mean make sure the grounds are level before I tamp, and focus on the tamp meaning tamp level and apply a consistent amount of force?

>> No.16178498

Yep. Cork and needle to fluff up the grounds before you fill the basket, tap the sides to get it "pre"leveled before you tamp. I'd post a shot or two to help you out, but I don't have anything rested enough at the moment. Flair just emailed me and offered to delay my order by 2 weeks and refund $75 if I let them give me the non electric 58. Fucking signature has been sitting here taunting me.

>> No.16178915
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>you don't even WDT? lmao enjoy your channeling bro

>> No.16178968

This but unironically.

>> No.16179105

With no experience, you'll be starting in retail coffee. I don't think it's unreasonable to assert that you'll be working retail for at least 1.5 years before you'll any chance of landing a position in a specialty store.
Do the barista hustle courses to give you more of a leg up.
Level grounds before you tamp is crucial. Just be careful when tamping, and keep the handle, your wrist and forearm all parallel with each other to avoid strain. Over time you can develop a hell of a cramp. In terms of pressure, it's a lot less than you'd imagine. Just tamp until you feel resistance. Any extra pressure doesn't have any affect, and can just lead to you hurting yourself.
I've actually seen someone break their wrist and bones in their hand tamping too hard. She was tamping on a stone countertop, using her whole weight, and the portafilter slipped and she smashed her hand straight down on the stone.

>> No.16179294

>and the portafilter slipped and she smashed her hand straight down on the stone.

The absolute state of wagecucks. He's not going to develop rsi pulling a shot or two a day.

>> No.16179363

I'm >>16177576 and I just brewed my first cup of coffee ever. I used a 500ml mason jar I had lying around, a cloth colander and nothing else.
I boiled the water, pre heated the jar and mug. Weighted 21g of coffee and poured 350ml of boiled water. I then waited 4 minutes, stirred a bit and scooped the top, waited another 4 minutes (I was getting nervous that it would get cold) and served it trough the colander into the hot mug.
I'm not exaggerating: this was one of the best coffees I've ever had. I can't believe I got jew'd into thanking I'd need a french press or an aerochino to make a decent cup of coffee.
I may have burned it a bit, I'll wait just a moment to pour the water, but even with that mistake it was an incredible coffee.
Salute anons.

>> No.16179389

You can't burn coffee if you're just heating it with water. Cloth filters are fine; just make sure to keep them clean and dry so you don't get the delicious flavor of mildew in your morning cuppa.

>> No.16179390

>he doesnt know

>> No.16179533

>I can't believe I got jew'd into thanking I'd need a french press or an aerochino to make a decent cup of coffee.

You don't but the price of convenience is ~$20. Try cupping next. You need a bowl and a spoon. A mug will work too.

>> No.16180364

>tfw love natural
>tfw everything is washed

>> No.16180437

No, I flip my dosing cup into my portafilter, give it a couple of good shakes, tap the portafilter and then use an OCD tool.

>> No.16180480
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absolute unit

>> No.16180504

with how possed is 3rd wave coffee you should expect washed to fuck off pretty soon as it wastes a shitton of water that has to be treated.

>> No.16181560

So, huh, I just bought my first french press. Does anyone can throw some sort of guide or resource to enter the world of coffee? I don't mean on how to use the press, but stuff relted on tasting and recognising different types of coffee

>> No.16181903


>> No.16182205

Just keep in mind that there is no "one size fits all" when it comes to recipes. Each one is designed to try and highlight a particular aspect of a given coffee. Once you understand that you CAN use any coffee in any brew method, however SOME work better for different brew methods than others.
The best thing you can do, is developing a basic understanding of what each brew method is achieving with your coffee. Then, look a number of different recipes to get a general idea of brew ratios. Once you've got this down, buy some cheaper coffee, whole bean if you can, and play around with it, taking note of your water weight, coffee weight, brew time, and if possible, your water temperature.
Just keep in mind, the recipes and brew ratios you'll have looked at, are not hard and fast rules, nor guidelines. But treat them as suggestions. A lighter roasted Ethiopian will not behave the same as a darker Brazilian. If you've got the time and money to find out the differences, it's a nice hobby and a pleasant way to spend an afternoon.
Just don't be a retard and get weird shit, like a fucking bripe.

>> No.16182299
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Welcome to the coffee club

>> No.16182970


>> No.16184140


>> No.16184349
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w2t yanhong. Very floral and complex. About all I can say. Strong but not overwhelming.

>> No.16184352


>> No.16184745
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It's ok, the matcha latte through you off.

>> No.16185915

Dropped a piece of milk chocolate in my coffee today.
Pretty noticeable addition, surprisingly.

>> No.16187227
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Tried to talk about coffee with a coworker. Told her I wanted to invest in an espresso machine. She then says
>Oh I just use my moka pot for my morning lattes. It makes SO many shots.
What do I even do here? Do I bother?

>> No.16187381

Yes, normal people won't spend $400 to make coffee when $10 pot can get 90% of the same result. How is this a surprise for you?

>> No.16187818

What’s wrong with that; and how does that effect your coffee experience?

I mean it’s not as if she just uses pods or instant like 70% of normies, a moka pot is niche compared to what most people I know do

>> No.16187962
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Why don't many people finely grind coffee and drink it whole? The only society I can think of that does this is the Turks. Personally, I like the taste of texture of both whole beans and grinds, and sometimes mix them into my food. That said, I rarely actually make coffee, but would like to do do sometimes, yet only have the coffee beans/grinder and no dedicated brewing equipment. Not sure what to do, considering I like to eat the full bean contents. Any advice?

>> No.16188080

You don't need any brewing equipment, see >>16179363

>> No.16188114

you're the clown in this situation, not your colleague.

>> No.16188195
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MOCHA. Choc milk might make it too sweet for me though

>> No.16188323

>People can’t enjoy things
Sir you’ve dropped your clown license

>> No.16188560

I also added 3 teaspoons of condensed milk.
Also the chocolate didn't melt all the way unfortunately. Something like melted chocolate or chocolate sauce could've worked better.

>> No.16189117

Don't concern yourself with poorfags.

>> No.16190566

I wouldn't say it's the same, but yeah, most people don't have the time or money to drop for even a Flair setup and grinder, PLUS the price of buying beans to be worth it. She sounds alright. Why not ask if she's tried legit Italian espresso coffee that has robusta?

>> No.16191033
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>> No.16191925
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Just roasted some ethiopian chelechele. Shit is so cash. Almost want to make a pourover right now.

>> No.16192049

probably too hot, 206-207 is my target for light roast

>> No.16192767

Trying to make cold brew in a jar overnight. Any ideal ratio of beans to ml? Using some medium roast for 400ml of liquid if that matters.

>> No.16192932
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Italian-style espresso-based coffee is my fave.


>> No.16193036

how do i learn how to make coffee that's more fancy than nescafe?

>> No.16193074
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Any thoughts on these coffees, anons? I just grabbed whatever whole beans seemed interesting at a local store. I'm making a coldbrew of the Dallmayr right now, will drink some time tomorrow. Not sure if my ratio was acceptable or not, but I used 25g of beans (then ground) for 400ml of water. I figured 1:12 would be okay, but I don't have much experience in this subject.

>> No.16193084

one says anal in the name so thats pretty kek, right 4chaner amy?

>> No.16193212
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>Tfw just realized this.
Does this mean it is for people who eat ass, or does it taste like ass? It smells nice from outside the bag, at least. Supposedly has caramel notes. The Dallmayr smelled quite noticeably of cherries, as well as chocolate when smelling the inside of the bag. I hope the coldbrew turns out well. I will enjoy drinking it and eating the beans.

>> No.16193220

Dalmayr is kind of golden standard dark roast coffee in Germany.

>> No.16193271

That's the vibe I got from it, and the aspect of being an alluring import product is what attracted me to it in the first place. Assuming you've had it before, what is it like? It smells lovely to me. I'm looking forward to drinking the Dallmayr coldbrew tomorrow.

>> No.16193293
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If it doesn't work, change up the dosage. It doesn't take much for coffee to make a big difference with small changes.

>> No.16193321

Aby thoughts on honey process?
I bought a bag and it tastes good but I wouldn't say it is better than washed, it is sweeter and more acidic, it has a funky flavor of fermentation that while it's not bad I feel it doesn't really add anything to the cup, am I supposed to brew it differently than washed coffees?

>> No.16193358

Germans like their coffee sour, so it leans into that. It's quite complex for supermarket beans, sour, ashy, some fruityness, decent aftertaste.
Brew it filter style and decant into thermos carafe. Serve with 30% full cream, sugar cubes or kluntje and some pale dry cookies for ultimate German Kaffeehaus experience.
I may have used some unprofessional terms here, because I'm puer autist in a land of coffee drinkers. Take what you will from that.

>> No.16193430

It's okay, I'm a white tea autist with pu'er pumis too. I don't have a coffee machine (hence the coldbrew), but I'll give mug infusion a try next time. This will surely be excellent for my morning meal. Thanks for your notes. Time to sleep.

>> No.16194149

Black honey or bust.

>pu'er pumis

We're everywhere.

>> No.16194261

That's the flair classic, isn't it?

>> No.16195081

Yes, got it off FB marketplace for pretty cheap with a lot of accessories

>> No.16195367

My ex took my machine. The new gf bought me a cuisinart, and it's good, but the foam it makes is really fluffy - I still can't do latte art with it.

Currently drinking two shots of espresso, shaken over ice with a shot each of bourbon, amaretto and bailey's.

>> No.16196642

i am amazed at how Turkish being one of the oldests methods around, it gets it right with amazing consitency, with no more equipment than a mill, a pot and a heat source. most modern methods are just a cope.

>> No.16196672

I know you posted this a while ago, but I do 16.66 grams of water to each gram of beans
What do you consider fancy?

>> No.16196713

La Laja honey process is tied for first as my favorite bean. I've tried two other honey process coffees and overall I love it but I can't say if you will because different people enjoy different aspects of coffee. Definitely give it a try.

>> No.16196957


>> No.16197119

>t. Hario marketing

>> No.16197341

Thank you for responding with your advice. I ended up using 25g for 400ml last night (1:12 ratio) which is only about 1g above the amount you recommended today. The cold brew was fragrant, smooth, and not too bitter. It had notable chocolate notes, but not much detectable fruitiness as I initially expected from the cherry aroma of the unground beans. It was okay, but not particularly exciting (from the perspective of a tea enthusiast).

I drank 2/3 of it, and ended up using some powders and spices + almond milk to make a high protein chocolate coffee with the rest. I chewed and consumed all of the grinds. I will probably return the other two bags and just make a few Dallmayr brews periodically in the coming weeks, as I forgot how coffee may go weak sooner than many teas, and I am unlikely to drink that much right away. Using my existing ratio, that is nine more servings of Dallmayr, making it about $0.50 per serving. I think I just enjoy tea more, but it's been a nice change of pace to give coffee a go.

>> No.16197379

you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

>> No.16197596

Does it made any different to purchase a french press fabricated in glass or steel? I suppose it doesn't, but just to be sure, I don't want to buy two things that basically do the same thing to confirm it have no effect at all on the beverage.

Also, a bit unrelated, but my wife told me we already have some coffee for that kind of press, which is the main reason why I'm planning to purchase it, along with being pretty cheap, so even if I abandon them in some corner in the kitchen, monetary it won't be that much of a loss. (Although, if I can convince my wife to brew our own coffee instead of going to starbucks, it will be a massive win) Point is I already checked the coffee she's talking about and looks like it have been stored for several months, if not a full year.

In an unsealed recipient, so humidity have been filtering in, and right now it looks like a brick or something. I could describe it as a dried ball of mud. Assuming I could turn it into dust with a spoon or a knife, do you think is still a good idea to use it? Doesn't seem like there's some kind of fungus or something, doesn't smell bad (actually, it smells nice), so I assume I won't get poisoned. But I don't want to ruin my experience with spoiled ingredients.

>> No.16197982
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Moka pot supremacy

>> No.16198707
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Breakfast isn't complete without coffee.

>> No.16198827
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Been working on constant comment coffee flavor again; ceylon cinnamon, orange bitters, orange blossom water, cardamom, sugar, and frothed milk. Came out better that time with the flavors not overtaking the coffee, but still a little strong.

>> No.16199010
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I get jets to fly my coffee in. Haha.

>> No.16199186

Honey process is based, I wish there were more of it instead of just fully washed or full on anaerobic natural. Hits a great in between spot between washed and natural especially in pourovers.

>> No.16199875

ideal stuff to add to coffee that doesnt overtake its normal flavor?
most of the time i add stuff and it loses all the stuff i liked and it tastes bland or like chocolate milk (which isnt totally bad,but its nkt what im going for).
or am i just not the kind of guy to add anything beyond ice,is milk just a cope for cheap coffee alot of the time?

>> No.16199902


>> No.16199937

>milk just a cope for cheap coffee alot of the time?
That's how it was for me
I stopped using milk and cream entirely when I started buying better coffee. Not because I wanted to but because it just tastes good on its own

>> No.16199986

A bit of amaretto on a day off's not bad. If you like your coffee black, by all means dick around with it, but you're probably going to get more out of trying different roasts, grinds, and processes than you are different types of fats, dairy, or sweeteners.

>> No.16200011

A bit of dairy can cut the edge of really bright, acidic coffee, and can also help you avoid heartburn if you're prone to it. What kind of coffee are you making? How are you making it?

>> No.16200187

i know that,was just wondering if it was just me
i usually fuck around with alot of different coffee,i just but what looks good,but i tend to really love fruity notes.
and i used to use chemex and sometimes moka pot,but im too lazy so i now use an expensive ninja coffee maker with a metal filter.

>> No.16200597

Try a bit of cardamon or allspice on your next pot? Sweeten with cassis or pomegranate molasses?

>> No.16201509

James Hoffmann's voice arouses me

>> No.16201730

thanks,will try,though idk where id even find pomegranate molasses in my rural area.

>> No.16203127
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>> No.16203396
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I never really liked many Brazilian coffees but this one is delicious - doesn't lean too hard on the chocolate side

>> No.16203507

I can totally understand why people would like tea more, the flavors are much more apparent than in coffee. In my experience cold brew doesn't bring out fruity flavors as well as pour over does, but again coffee is subtle compared to tea. Still, glad to hear you found something new to have occasionally.

>> No.16203519

Who hurt these poor beans? It's over now, you can rest...

>> No.16203747

415f in ~11m30.

>> No.16203844

I had a bag from Brazil a few weeks ago that tasted almost like peanut butter when you made espresso with it. When I used it to make cappuccino, it tasted like the milk you get after pouring it over Reese's Puffs.

>> No.16203891

I haven't any proper equipment besides possibly some paper filters somewhere. A few anons pointed to the "mug->filter->mug" method, and I've been thinking about giving that a go. I'm also curious what may happen if I brew with very fine grinds over coarse ones. Overall, I am just unsure how to feel about coffee currently. I was considering returning two of the bags I bought later today, as I'm concerned about them going bad if I don't drink them quickly enough. I only opened one, so the others should still be 'fresh'. Do you (or anyone else reading this) have any thoughts about this scenario? I just don't want to waste money and good beans needlessly. I will try the mug method tomorrow to see if I like it much more.

>> No.16204095
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Use raw cocoa power. One and a half tea spoons.
Cocoa powder by itself doesn't taste like chocolate, it's the sugar that brings out that chocolate flavour. Just add it to taste, if you keep the ratio low, you'll be able to distinguish between the chocolate, and coffee, without it tasting like sugar.
Buckle up.
But this is the way to go if you want to learn about good coffee. Because you first need to know what shit coffee will taste like and why that is so. Post pics of the beans if you can.
Different materials absorb heat at different rates. If you want to get all autistic about brew temps, that's the only reason to care really, but no autists use a press.
For that old coffee it's a write off. After roasting, coffee beans lose 2% of their weight over the course of the first four weeks, this is from the gasses that go into the beans during the roasting process escaping over time. Once ground, they lose 40% of that weight in the first five minutes or so. What you could do, is make some cold brew out of it. 40g per litre or 20g/21g per pint is a good suggestion ratio for cold brew. Just stick it in the French press, use cold water and leave the plunger up. Keep it in the fridge for 24 hours, press, and pour.
Older coffee gives you good results with cold brew, but the shit you have might not. I just definitely wouldn't brew normally unless I had someone over I fucking hated.

>> No.16204218
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>you first need to know what shit coffee will taste like
So you are saying my choices aren't 'good'? If so, why? I'm coming from a tea enthusiast background, so my experience with coffee is low. I just have my electric grinder and beans, and perhaps some paper filters if I can find where I left them. I do not have a single machine or dedicated tool for coffee otherwise. I am planning to try the mug-to-mug method with the Dallmayr tomorrow after I wake up.

I tried coldbrew, and it was okay, but not exciting. Perhaps too caffeinated as well, despite dosing for a drinkable amount instead of a concentrate (1g:16ml bean to water). I understand why, but it's still not a desirable result for me. Though, I did eat the grinds as well...because I like to.
>Post pics of the beans if you can.
This is an image of the Dallmayr beans, which I have opened and used once. What do you think? I don't want to open the other two unless I intend to brew them, and I am considering returning them when I return to the store later today. I have concerns that the infrequent brewing of the coffee may result in impaired or otherwise inferior taste and aroma over time once I get to actually using them. I thought I'd try something new, but I failed to consider this potential problem, and do not like wasting food products or money recklessly.

>> No.16204227
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mild-tasting honey

>> No.16204330

i left my coffee in the french press for 10 minutes and i like it

>> No.16204427

Generally, whenever you buy a bag of coffee from a retail store that only has "medium roast" on it, the beans will be dark or on the cusp of being dark. Those beans are in the latter category. You can see the gloss of the oils beginning to become prominent.
To be clear, there is nothing inherently wrong with darker roasted coffee, some people enjoy the tobacco-y notes, and that's fine.
But retail outlets and big name stores will often buy cheaper beans, and roast them darker to hide the imperfections in the coffee, but this can also cover up the good in a coffee.
When buying a bag, you can give yourself the best chance of finding something good if it has; a roast date, origin, cleaning process, altitude, and maybe tasting notes. Some won't display the roast profile, rather what brew method it will be best for, ie: espresso, French press etc. Since a lighter roast is preferable for something like a V60, a bag that says the coffee is good for filter, will more than likely be lighter and vice versa.

And cold brew isn't everyone's cup of tea, it's alright to not like a brew method or type of coffee. I usually eat coffee beans to guage their freshness, so don't feel weird for eating grinds.

Going back to your beans though, don't open the other bags yet. Keep them in a cupboard and out of direct sunlight. This will help them stay fresh. If you want, you can squeeze the air out of them, put some tape over the valve and throw them into the freezer. As long as the valve is sealed and they are cold enough, they won't degas, and won't get dehydrated.

>Know what shit coffee tastes like
This is important, you need your benchmark. Once you know how to distinguish good from bad, and why something is good or bad, you can really appreciate good fucking coffee, making the whole experience better.

You're doing alright, you've gone out on your own accord to get shit to fuck around with at home, you didn't ask for advice or for someone to hold your hand. Yagmi anon.

>> No.16204520

I appreciate you for providing these notes. It all contributes to my understanding of this subject, and I do hope to have at least a basic comprehension about it.

I have not slept, but still intend to go to the store today. Without having tried them, I think I might prefer fairly light roasts, as I have similar tastes with tea (though I don't care for vegetal qualities). I can enjoy savoriness and depth, but largely prize lightness, funky/intriguing flavors, and delicate aromas. With that in mind, I believe it would be best to return the unused bags, work with what I have opened already, and try again with a better selection later on when I understand the process better. I remember seeing one bag last time that may have been more promising, including things like elevation, roast date, and so on. I am unsure if I will pick anything else. I'll take a picture of it if I see it and share it with you, even if I don't buy it.

>> No.16204686

People shit on him because he's pretty reddit, but James Hoffmann has some pretty good content and he had a video a couple weeks back on buying coffee beans as a newer coffee enthusiast, breaking down some of the differences in how they're marked and marketed - you might get something out of it.

>> No.16204736

I don't shit on him because he's pretty, I shit on him because people take his word as gospel. He might not mean to, but his his content and the headcannons who consoom it actively discourage people doing what anon has done, which is, buy beans, and mess around with them.
Anecdotal yes, but I know so many dudes who don't do anything other than his methods or recipes, then get confused as to why their washed, dark columbian doesn't work as well in their V60 as their light, natural process Ethiopian even though they followed hoffmeme.
Hoffmemes content should be viewed as a suggestion, not a guideline or worse still, a rule.

>> No.16204858

Holy shit it's almost like I wrote my post to say it might be useful as opposed to anon should follow it like Gospel.

>> No.16205031

Holy shit! I can't believe it's not decaf!

>> No.16205065

I just put a couple scoops coffee some hot water and let it steep til I feel like pressing it.
Fuck measure fags trying to calculate every single spec of coffee grain to water ratio

>> No.16205094

Holy shit I can't believe it's not butter

>> No.16205107

Holy shit... wait... it IT butter. Why is there butter in my coffee?

>> No.16205112

Well I fucked that up. I guess I'll go down the rest of the pot and commit sudoku.

>> No.16205429

get an espresso machine
everything else is cope and not coffee

>> No.16205433

Don't listen to this man. He talks like a fag and his shit's all retarded.

>> No.16205459

Just ordered a 1zpresso JX Pro lads, fingers crossed I don't get any fees as it's coming in. Got some new beans in readiness as well, can't wait to get rid of my Hario Skerton

>> No.16205495

have fun drinking your watery cat piss from some overpriced hipster contraption

>> No.16205866

>I just have my electric grinder

Thats like smashing a cake over and over with a hammer.

>> No.16206205
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I currently make my pour-over coffee using a metal funnel. Is there any point to buying an actual pour-over coffee dripper like pic? Or can I just keep using my cheap metal funnel?

>> No.16206233

if it doesn't clog, you don't need to "upgrade", also never buy a Chemex those clog a lot.

>> No.16206296
File: 64 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshots_LQ_ECT_Origami_Dripper_Review_010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really do think the extra air space from the origami "folds" make a big difference. I don't see myself buying flat bottomed filters, but when supply chain get fuct in the future I guess thats a good option.

>> No.16206461

Anybody else having a cheeky 9pm mug? Feels good.

>> No.16206538 [DELETED] 

Just tried the mug-to-mug (with a mesh filter) method a few anons mentioned in the thread. The results are drastically different from the coldbrew I had. I was told that Dallmayr is a sour coffee (and that Germans like sourness), but it is only now that I more fully understand this. It is surprisingly sour, and only mildly bitter, with a vague underlying chocolate quality. I'm not sure if it would be considered acidic, but it is decently bright in flavor, and smooth in texture. I don't know why, but I could appreciate the sourness despite it being something I'd think of as a less desirable trait. I would really like to try a light, fruity coffee.
Thank you for the link. I had watched some content on the subject months prior, but wasn't fresh on it at all. I am only more certain I would like a lighter roast after watching this. As mentioned in the text above, I did also just try the Dallmayr with the mug-to-mug method. It was interesting, but not as light and delicate as I'd prefer. It also certainly hits differently than my tea, to say the least.

>> No.16206613

Just tried the mug-to-mug (with a mesh filter) method a few anons mentioned in the thread. The results are drastically different from the coldbrew I had. I was told that Dallmayr is a sour coffee (and that Germans like sourness), but it is only now that I more fully understand this. It is surprisingly sour, and only mildly bitter, with a vague underlying chocolate quality. I'm not sure if it would be considered acidic, but it is decently bright in flavor, and smooth in texture. I don't know why, but I could appreciate the sourness despite it being something I'd think of as a less desirable trait. I would really like to try a light, fruity coffee. Maybe something with more fermented notes.
>>16204686 #
Thank you for the reference. I had watched some content on the subject months prior, but wasn't fresh on it at all. I am only more certain I would like a lighter roast after watching this. As mentioned in the text above, I did also just try the Dallmayr with the mug-to-mug method. It was interesting, but not as light and delicate as I'd prefer. It also certainly hits differently than my tea, to say the least.

>> No.16207157

I'm not familiar with your mug filter mug method so I can't advise on that. As for fine grinds over coarse ones, feel free to experiment because that is part of enjoying coffee but I have my doubts. You'll have coffee that is both under and over extracted, which I think will be both too acidic and too bitter. If you don't think you'll be drinking much coffee then go ahead and return the other two bags, you can always get more when you actually need it.

>> No.16207342

>Hoffmemes content should be viewed as a suggestion, not a guideline or worse still, a rule.
To be fair at the end of every video he basically says this and invites discussion in the comments. I don't think you can blame him nor should you hate him just because there's a subset of people who substitute his opinions as their own.

>> No.16207511

I think that's the biggest issue with any e-celeb with a decent following - most of the sensible ones, amongst whom I'd include Hoffmann, will say "your mileage may vary, this is suggestive and informative, not directive or prescriptive," and for most people who will watch the content on its merits and take from it what they can, and discard what's not relevant or not within their interest or capability, that's fucking great - accessible and useful information and easy to digest. It's when people adopt e-celebs in place of having their own personality that those people - not the content creator - become a problem and create the culture that gives other people the shits.

>> No.16207549

If it makes coffee you enjoy, then you'd only need to get something different if you're interested in trying something new.

>> No.16207621

I like espresso as much as the next guy but are you really going to say pourover and French press are overpriced contraptions when an espresso machine costs many many times more and is more complex by orders of magnitude.

>> No.16207652

I think people here mistake linking his videos as implicit dicksucking. Hoffman video posts here are mostly saying "fuck off, watch this, and come back with a better question".

>> No.16207686

I tend to agree. Oddly for a) 4chan and b) the internet there's a reasonable amount of nuance in this thread lol

>> No.16207925

>n espresso machine costs many many times more and is more complex by orders
yes, but the espresso machine makes coffee
pourover and french press is bean water, pourover being the more tolerable

>> No.16207930

This looks so good...

>> No.16208055

Don't be silly, you know they're all coffee.
There's no need to rant about what is and isn't "real coffee" when the thing you like already has a distinctive name; espresso. Just be honest and say you only like espresso.

>> No.16208060
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got this today im excited

>> No.16208112
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I decided to return the two unused bags (keeping the opened Dallmayr), and try my hand at hunting down another potentially better offering. Saved $6 doing this. I couldn't find the bag I mentioned seeing a few days back, but I did find one medium roast with roast date and tasting notes. BKG Coffee brand City Reserve (couldn't find on their site, maybe out of season?). It has a roasted-on date of 02/22/2021, so it is some months past the initial roast (which I'm aware is not ideal), but I think it's still newer and fresher than the others. It appears to be focused on smaller batches. I'll break it open to brew some and share a pic of the beans. I hope they're not cruddy, but we'll see.

>> No.16208167
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Pic of the beans. I see more silver skin, and I think they're a touch lighter in color, though I think I can see some oils too (unsure). They are a bit more pungent than the Dallmayr. Curious how they'll turn out. I'll post a picture of my result (still doing mug to mug).

>> No.16208314
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Overhead shot of the coffee under light. The color is nice, but the flavor and fragrance don't seem especially great. Similar to the Dallmayr, though perhaps less sour and a touch more bitter. It isn't terrible, but I'd prefer to use additives with this. I brewed it with a few grams extra of bean and slightly lower of a temp, but the changes are mostly negligible. Perhaps the Dallmayr is fresher than this bag? Not sure what to make of it. Oh well.

>> No.16208330

My wife chino is so cute

>> No.16208504

nice blog post and that looks like you're brewing at about a 1:100 ratio.

>> No.16208509


>> No.16208523

that sounds good anon, I've been craving some nutty espresso lately even though it's not normally my favorite.

>> No.16208547

This isn't the tea general.

>> No.16208868

I believe I brewed it at 14g/240ml (approximately 1g:17ml) at 200F for about four minutes. It had an overhead ring light on it, so it may look a touch clearer than it ought to. Looked to be a medium grind, give or take. Aside from obviously using a less cruddy method for brewing, do you have any recommendations on how I can better prepare this? Thinking of rigging up a pourover setup since I have some paper filters somewhere as well.

>> No.16208877

This. Summarised my thoughts well. I never said his content is shit, it mostly ranges from OK to good, nothing special. I just want to be clear, I'm not and wasn't swinging punches at the anon who suggested his content.
But if anyone here is from Dublin, you'll know what I'm on about. Generally, people here who are """into""" coffee, only drink 3fe, and watch hoffmeme. They adopt the opinions of Colin Harmon, Dublin barista school, and Hoffmeme as the be all, and end all of coffee.
I've talked to senior baristas who've gotten rid of their 12oz cups and now only use 8oz and 6oz cups. I asked one who now puts flat whites in 6oz, and lattes in 8oz, what the difference is now between their lattes and old flat whites, and they look at you dumbfounded. Then if you mention a ristretto shot, they'll look down on you, but won't explain why. I've gotten worked with guys who've spent hundreds at DBS for training, and don't know what the fuck they're doing.
It all gives the impression that it isn't about the bean juice, but rather the image. Colin Harmon talks a good game, especially when it comes to saying how he does all the cleaning his staff does, like cleaning toilets, I've spoken to his staff, he does in his fuck. It's all about the image to these people.
Maybe I'm being irrational, maybe it's not that bad, but all I can say is maybe.
>t. Some autist who just cares about the bean juice

>> No.16209250
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>> No.16209317

Hurry anon, your coffee is spilling!

>> No.16209378
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It's okay now

>> No.16209498

Good job.

>> No.16209617

Theres just a limit to how many times I can answer

>Why would I get a hand grinder over electric and whats a good one

when coffeegay's video addresses it in the first minute(without blown out audio like 95% of other
"creators") or whatever. I could waste a bunch of time consolidating advice into a pastebin, but these dumb fucks will still ask dumb questions without a care.

>> No.16209848

This is why /ck/ needs post id's, I'm totally in agreement. At a certain point you just end up paying for the motor, and not a better grinder.

>> No.16210344

New coffeegay video:

>> No.16210366
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Today I had a can of Mr.Brown Cappuccino iced coffee for my coffee. It was pretty nice, I'm not rushing out to get more but the next time I go to the store that sells them I'll pick up the other flavours especially since they are so cheap.

>> No.16210463

apartamentofags on suicide watch

>> No.16210613
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>cheese coffee
wtf binland

>> No.16210760
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BDB chads where we at

>> No.16210803

Does that one tell you not to put milk in the water tank?

>> No.16210845
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>handle would catch fire
Dude I use a moka pot on these things, it MIGHT catch fire if you're retarded and blast the heat, but on medium-low it'll be fine, which is what your pot should be going at anyways.

>> No.16211048

is 3 tablespoons of coffee a day too much?

>> No.16211336

Anything less than 50g of coffee a day is babby-tier.

>> No.16211390

how much volume is 50g of coffee (beans)?

>> No.16211395
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No but it does have an anti midwit advisory

>> No.16211417

18g espresso grind is about 2 tablespoons.

>> No.16211468

coffee is made with consistent brew temperature, appropriate pressure, and proper grind. I don't consider it coffee if those elements are not present during preparation.

>> No.16211524

So... every method of brewing coffee, including most methods of making espresso don't count. Good to know.

>> No.16211530

proper espresso meets all those requirements

>> No.16211598

Nice setup anon.

>> No.16211612

>only espresso counts despite coffee being consumed for centuries before its invention.
That's a bit silly.

>> No.16211615

that tile job looks awful, would not wank.

>> No.16211623

people were running around with unwiped asses for centuries too. I don't get your point

>> No.16211640

Why the fuck is Breville dual boiler so expensive compared to a silvia pro which also looks overpriced. Why is it so hard to get a Silvia classic with preinstalled PID? Why is all this shit so expensive surely the markup must be hundreds of dollars from Chinese factories. I'm too poor and stupid to deal with this so I'll just go back to my daily V60 and not think about it.

>> No.16211653

That should tell you who the machine is marketed to.

>> No.16211681

coffee had already been perfected before the wops invented their contraption

>> No.16211701

and then the Aussies perfected the Italian contraption... so... like... if you're not drinking a flat white this exact moment, then you hate coffee, children, Jesus, and baby kittens.

>> No.16211710

>perfecting anything food related

>> No.16211725

You can just say that you hate coffee, children, Jesus, baby kittens and all that's good in the world. Nobody's making you be a dick about it.

>> No.16211883

bdb is less expensive and has more features though
things are like this because espresso at home was a hobby for literal boomer retirees until covid happened. now yuppies are in on the action so everything is out of stock and prices are inflated.
>I'm too poor and stupid to deal with this

>> No.16212005

for what it's worth, the cholesterol-increasing compounds are removed by paper filters but not by metal ones

>> No.16212010

Thoughts on mixing tea and coffee?

>> No.16212020

You are correct.

>> No.16212188
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I'm doing my best anon

>> No.16212380


>> No.16212391

More buttons =/= more features.

>> No.16212422

>saving for a Lelit Mara X
>coffee twink finally reviews it and says it's pretty okay good in its price bracket
Good. Almost there.

>> No.16212437

Hey, tea guy. I think you should try out some Kenyans. They often have very tea-like flavors. Ususally black teas, sometimes greens, often with citrus notes.

>> No.16212460

you just got fucked, it will go out of stock same as the bripe.

>> No.16212505

>for what it's worth, the cholesterol-increasing compounds are removed by paper filters but not by metal ones
I use a paper filter inside a dollar store metal funnel.

>> No.16212513

Looks nice anon, I can't even do basic latte art

>> No.16212515

What's better cold coffee: Cold brew, or hot coffee poured over a shit ton of ice?

>> No.16212520

ok? it still has more features.

>> No.16212523


>> No.16212524

The later

>> No.16212552

Espresso over ice + milk

>> No.16212559

get the bdb instead. way more brew settings, no e61 bullshit, flow control mod is easy, the failure modes are well documented and easy to fix, and it makes redditors seethe.
t. owned both

>> No.16212568

What features does an espresso machine need, other than the ability to make espresso? Seems like 208f and 8 bars at the pump is the peak. Don't really need to pay extra for cooltouch steam wands and a hot water tap that won't get used.

>> No.16212569

Hot brewed w/ ice as part of the ratio

>> No.16212572

If you're going to go to that extreme, then a manual machine like a Flair or Robot is all you need.

>> No.16212589

preinfusion settings, manual preinfusion and possibility of slayer mod
the soyjak guy who runs decent espresso says it's the best too

>> No.16212790

I've considered both pretty heavily; a mate has the BDB and it's an excellent machine but I can't shake the feeling that it's a 5-10 year machine vs something Italian that is mostly plumbing and can get serviced and repaired at two places in my small city as opposed to sending it away while an appliance is still within the window that parts/PCB is stocked etc.

>> No.16212938

>preinfusion settings, manual preinfusion

Holy shit that thing can SLOWLY trickle water? Say no more.

ding ding

>> No.16212993

>Holy shit that thing can SLOWLY trickle water? Say no more.
>ignores slayer mod
>shills the flair
post your pressure graphs schizo

>> No.16213055

All machines are modifiable. Why do you think that's a selling point?

>> No.16213085

Breville are I think Chinese made but most of the Italian brands are Italian factories. Probably Chinese workers though lol.

>> No.16213101
File: 126 KB, 605x807, 36011_bdb_leaks_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're also jammed full of as much plastic as possible and prone to leaking. Better designed machines are laid out in intelligent ways, instead of just routing silicone tubing everywhere.

>> No.16213134

It's not the Bill of NEEDS anon

>> No.16213151

Back when I first tried to get into coffee, the method everyone recommended was French Press and then Espresso.

Now everyone recommends pour over. What happened? Why did pour over blow up?

>> No.16213191

the selling point is profiling not mods. the mod takes 5 minutes and no extra parts to do, it involves rerouting a tube.
you can add profiling to an e61 easily but then you have an e61 with profiling instead of the superior BDB group.
yeah I'm not worried about replacing o-rings occasionally. seems easy, and every machine will eventually break or require maintenance.

>> No.16213202

More versatile, less sediment which is not to everybody's taste, more involvement than a French press so it's a bit more hobby like but not so much involvement that the learning curve is steep.

>> No.16213203

grinderlet cope

>> No.16213234

>superior BDB group


Isn't that the one that decided to use a nonstandard portafilter lock so you have to use breville handles? It may have been a decent buy back in 2009 at a grand. Certainly not in 2021 at $1500. Its a plastic appliance. $200 flairs have more accurate profiling, and just about as much steel.

>> No.16213255

>it's a poorfag cope post
post a single machine with the same espresso making capabilities for $1500. you literally can't.

>> No.16213262

I'm assuming you're the anon that had the Mara X and now has the BDB - what made you change, and do you largely do bare espresso or milk drinks?

>> No.16213280

Thanks for the recommendation, that sounds right up my alley. Do Kenyan coffees often come in light roasts? Also, are there any sources of modestly-priced, unroasted Kenyan beans you would recommend? I'm thinking it could be fun to get a basic pour-over and try producing light roasts at home for peak freshness. Might get or build a simple pour-over setup for that as well, since it seems like fun. By the way, I don't know if you read my other post about the BKG Coffee brand beans I tried, but I cold-brewed the grinds this time, and the flavor was noticeably easier to sip on than when done in my weird mug-filter-mug setup. I should have written notes, but I was in a rush at the time.

>> No.16213296

Literally 58mm machine with a properly calibrated opv.


The deposit on my weber key is about as much as that junk niche you're so proud of.

>> No.16213322

At least they give you some great accessories for the $1500.

>58mm Razor Dosing tool (immediately trash, get an ocd or chisel)

>58mm Stainless Steel Portafilter

>1 Cup & 2 Cup Single and Dual Wall Filter Basket (immediately trash and replace with any precision basket[if it fits the junk stock pf]

>Integrated Tamper (LOL. They should include a dremel to cut it off)

>16oz Stainless Steel Milk Jug

>Cleaning Kit

>Water Hardness Test Strip

>Water Filter Holder

>Water Filter

Those last 5 items are about $6 of junk.

>> No.16213396

I got rid of the mara x because I wanted more control, so I got a flair and sold it. Then I got tired of the absolute cope that is the flair workflow on a daily basis and wanted something with actual control over parameters. Initially I was concerned with the build quality of the bdb but realized, it's a coffee machine, not a car. If it breaks I'll just make a pourover and look up how to fix it, which will probably involve replacing an o-ring or cheap generic part. This was an acceptable tradeoff to me considering the weak competition.
I drink 80-90% espresso with milk drinks for variety and fun. Around 4-5 doubles a day. Also roast my own beans and prefer light-medium roasts.

>> No.16213497

hoffman confirmed he used a df64 for his new video, he’s planning to feature it on a new video. should I order mine soon before he fucks up the market?

>> No.16213732

Fair enough. I've got an EM6910 that I've been using for years and waiting for it to die and had been pretty sold on first a Silvia, then realised I'd want to PID it, then a NS Oscar II, and now am still fairly solidly behind the idea of a Mara. I genuinely rate the BDB from using a friend's one but I like the idea of something with little in the way of electronics.

>> No.16214262

It's the Bill of Sneeds

>> No.16214270

And you vibrate from activity to activity with great enthusiasm?