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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 206 KB, 851x714, mushrooms brain power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16167035 No.16167035 [Reply] [Original]

What are /ck/'s favourite mushrooms?

>> No.16167089
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another worthless study

>> No.16167096

>may reduce risk of mild

>> No.16167135

>it's not black and white binary logic but probabilities so it's worthless because I'm too stupid to understand probabilities.
You should eat a lot of mushrooms.

>> No.16167213

>may reduce risk of mind brain decline
more likely that people who eat mushrooms are healthier

>> No.16167275

If a study isn't cause and effect quantified or able to be replicated it is worthless

>> No.16167293

mushrooms are icky

>> No.16167301

Your manchild is palpable.

>> No.16167310

I am going to eat half a mushroom every day for a year and then die of a heart attack.

>> No.16167314

they're gross and icky and i won't eat them

>> No.16167320

Shittake absorbs the sauce in almost any meal, best in stir-fry.

>> No.16167322

I have yet to find a mushroom I don’t like

>> No.16167326
File: 399 KB, 1181x1748, Syoko Eating a Mushroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw mushrooms are fuckin lit

I like the shiitake and the oyster and the enoki and the lobster
shimeji and portobello are also neat
desu I really like any kind of Japanese mushroom

p.s. also teachers ;)

>> No.16167327

Try eating dick, faggot

>> No.16167329

I order double mushrooms on my pizza. Last night I stir fried shiitakes with green beans. I love mushrooms.

>> No.16167338
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you're the one obsessing over a dick shaped food

>> No.16167348

That has nothing to do with the word 'may' you fucking retard. 'May' is universal nomenclature because you cannot prove a causative effect from a single study you pretentious fucking retard. That's the point of MAY

>> No.16167400

Why post clickbait articles then, it's meaningless. Mushrooms may cause cancer, who knows.

>> No.16168207

No one beats the dick

>> No.16168281

actually mushroom consumption is positively associated with lower cancer rates


>> No.16168977

I can't stand mushrooms. Today I got some chicken kebabs at a restaurant and they came with mushrooms on the kebab. I had to force them down my throat
Every time I eat shiitake, I get canker sores

>> No.16169008

I can't stand picky eaters and tastelets.

>> No.16169011

Not a picky eater. It's just mushrooms, and I'll eat them when served to me. Just won't cook them for myself

>> No.16169024

Morels, but they're tricky to find. My old foraging spot got washed out completely in a flood last year and they seem to be gone for good now. I won't buy them from a market or dried from a store, too spendy. From a grocery store it depends on what I'm making. Oysters are my favorite reasonably priced shroom in the store if I had to pick one.

>> No.16169063

I had gray champignons I made when I had interest in trying to make a full english breakfast, honestly theyre fucking amazing
They don't need a lot either, just fry them over a bit of butter and a bit of salt over low fire and they're so fucking good

>> No.16169103

I was the same way until I made them myself a few different ways. Hands down favorite mushroom recipe is:
Preheat oven to 450F. On the stovetop, heat up a skillet that can stand that oven temperature. Thinly slice an onion. Mince 2-5 cloves of garlic with a teaspoon of coarse salt and a tablespoon of dried oregano until it's a paste. Roughly chop/thickly slice about a pound of mixed mushrooms. Add a tablespoon of olive oil to the skillet, heat til simmering. Add onion, pinch of salt, cook a few minutes. Add mushrooms, garlic, a ton of black pepper, and a pinch of chili flakes, stir and cook a few minutes more. Drizzle some more oil on top and pop it into the oven for 10 mins. Take it out and stir it up. Back into the oven for 10 mins more. Take it out and stir in a little balsamic vinegar and some fresh chopped parsley.
I usually don't bother with the parsley but I make this recipe weekly. Very good side dish and it's open to customization. I've added tiny cubed up leftover ham, random peppers, cauliflower, tomatoes, whatever. You'll love it

>> No.16169119

Screenshotted. I'll make it sometime. Thanks

>> No.16169182

>Every time I eat shiitake, I get canker sores
this is possibly the most delusional cope for being a picky eater I've seen yet

>> No.16169208

Enoiki split and seared in a little butter

>> No.16169219

We're way past the point of mild over on my end bud.

>> No.16169332

All mushroom are amazing, but if I had to choose, does huitlacoche count? Because that shit is bangin. Otherwise, porcini or chanterelle.

>in b4 truffles

>> No.16169351

Mushrooms taste like dirt. Like a used dish sponge.

>> No.16169368

Oyster, fried with garlic and butter, mmmm

>> No.16169707

I really like mushrooms, but they're too expensive.
I hear Chinese markets have cheap mushrooms, but I don't think I should trust mushrooms from China.

>> No.16169719

At least you know how to tell when water is boiling now.

>> No.16169730
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Morels are good. Found some in the woods behind the house once and fried them up. The only problem with finding your own is that you have to wash them out really good since dirt and grit tends to get stuck in them.

>> No.16169775

Unfortunately I live in the south so we have virtually no variety of mushrooms at my grocery store, let alone affordably.

The only options we have are "White" and "portabello". White are flavorless pieces of shit so I go with Portabello when I need mushrooms, which is OKAY for italian food, but doesn't really work if I want to make japanese or chinese food.

I'm almost desperate enough to start ordering dried shitakes on amazon.

>> No.16169892

My roommate showed me this post and proceeded to eat a handful of magic mushrooms.

>> No.16169903

In order based on overall taste and utility

Maitake (hen of the woods)
Crimini (normal)
Crimini (portobello)

Awful tier:
Kikuage (wood ear)

>> No.16169961

>positively associated
there you go again nerd, with shit i cant use

>> No.16169968

I love a nice homemade mushroom and spinach soup. Doesn't really matter the type, although I prefer Crimini if possible. Diced ginger. Served hot as hell.

>> No.16170590

There is not a single study with a guarantee. If you can find a way to get an absolute 100 percent proven fact go ahead

>> No.16170613

Bullet shot to the head may kill you.

>> No.16170618
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Im sorry chanterelle at the bottom??
you must have no tastebuds left

>> No.16170619

This. Also no ceps

>> No.16170697

Oddly enough, I'm a supertaster (can't handle coffee or other bitter stuff). I also have the cilantro/soap gene. Something in chanterelles sets my taste buds off in a bad way. But, I get why people like them which is why they didn't make the awful tier list.

>> No.16170702

Ceps is Porcini, if I'm not mistaken. 4th on my list

>> No.16170846

coping phd student

>> No.16170892

Unironically I think mushrooms and fungi are enemy lifeforms. A few days ago I took about 5g of dried psilocybin mushrooms and tripped the fuck out, really good trip. But afterwards, I've really been enjoying normal mushrooms (which I previously couldn't stomach).
Did you know that a mushroom's mycelium can reach fucking HUGE and in a sense they are considered the largest lifeforms on the earth? my theory is there's some base level of communication between them - even if their myceliums aren't connected, they could communicate via spores or whatever. The more people enjoy eating them, the mre widespread they become. And then one day, BAM, mutation causes them to be poisonous and kill all humans. And you know what mushrooms really thrive in? DECAY!

>> No.16170910

Meds. Now.

>> No.16170945

You are rarted

>> No.16170979

this guy knows mushrooms

>> No.16170985
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>> No.16171045

have fun with your prion disease

>> No.16171052
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Japanese mushrooms.

>> No.16171108


>> No.16171214

i may want you to kill yourself because you may be the most retarded person to ever walk this cursed Earth

>> No.16171367

>grandma would cook with shiitake and other mushrooms
>makes house stink to hell
>dirty sock taste overpowers everything else in dish
I can do most other mushrooms but not these

>> No.16171395
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Wolfgang Puck likes morels. So now I'm curious to try some.
do these even have different flavors?

>> No.16171412

coping brainlet who literally doesn't understand science/research

>> No.16171483
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The classic

>> No.16171490

I don't know. Fry them up in soy sauce and they all taste great

>> No.16171508

For most things, I like the baby portabella. Some flavor, some texture, lots of sauce absorption.
>stir fry shrooms
Get some of the compressed wood ears from your local Asian market. Rehydrate ~50 percent then add to your sauce. Works well.
There's a "your mom" joke here
Foraging for morels is a hell of a lot of fun.

>> No.16171515

porcini are pretty damn good, also pioppini. shitakes dont have that much flavour but the texture is great. champignons are great for all purpouse shit if youre either on a budget or looking for smth quick and available, like ops mother

>> No.16171549

coping "soft scientist" churning out shite non-replicable "studies" on the daily

>> No.16171574

The jew fears the mushroom charger.

>> No.16171578

>homemade mushrooms
Do you grow them indoors? What’s your setup

>> No.16171583

>my mouth herpes are acting up
>must be the shrooms

>> No.16171587


>> No.16171628

i do grow indoors. i do them in bags then i have a fruiting chamber that i keep humid with a fogger set up. I have a fan that exhausts every 15 minutes for 1 minute. it's crazy how many mushrooms you can grow.

>> No.16171666

Favourites in order of most to least


>> No.16171831
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Terence McKenna suggested this

>> No.16171856

liberty caps
sauteed button mushrooms are also nice

>> No.16171857

the price of mushrooms went through the fucking roof this past year
I stocked up on canned mushrooms last january and am almost out... fuckin love mushrooms

>> No.16171871

Taste gross but I like them. Make me walls melt

>> No.16171941
File: 328 KB, 1275x1979, mex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most mexican mushrooms doesn't have common names in other languages

>> No.16171975


The cosmos and the sky are one

>> No.16171987

everyone who plays league should eat these

>> No.16173030

so..... it proves nothing and is worthless. how about you wait until something can be proven before sharing your shitty article.

>> No.16173101

Fungicultre is really cool and fun and you can grow lots of really weird stuff that you couldn't find in any store, and it's also extremely cheap and easier than gardening. my favorite weird shroom is pink oyster, when fried it's almost like bacon

>> No.16173107

you're icky and your palate is infantile

>> No.16173111
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>"soy causes men to turn to women! this study by some natural healing specialist in the 90s proves it!"

>> No.16173118
File: 730 KB, 2880x3840, Shittake mushroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16173150
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as a europeam I prefer wild mushrooms found in European forests

>> No.16173169

They took this from you

>> No.16173181

Imagine being so ashamed of your country that you self-identify by continent.

>> No.16173182

Who? And what exactly did they take?

>> No.16173183

Nothing beats shiitake for me
I threw out a bunch of corn I grew that had huitlacoche last year because I didn't know it was edible. I was so mad when I found out that I had tossed out a delicacy.