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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 82 KB, 659x598, elote eater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16161597 No.16161597 [Reply] [Original]

what kind of corn you gonna have anon?

>> No.16161615

can we get a soyjak edit of this creatura

>> No.16161691


>> No.16161939
File: 67 KB, 640x480, enjoying the corn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16161945

i like corm.

>> No.16161959

It's not corn season. Another 4-5 months. 18c a ear I can get it for bulk. I still got tons in the freezer.

>> No.16162072

Isn't here yet, but either Peaches and Cream or Olathe variety. Maybe Silver King/Queen.

>> No.16162116

I'd eat the corn out of her mother's shit, if you catch my drift

>> No.16162169

Mmm, I'd love to cream in a little kindergartner while smelling peach shampoo.

>> No.16162172

Bacon wrapped corn because even though it's reddit, I like those things.

>> No.16163255

Reddit is pretty cool. Very comprehensive site with discussions of a plethora of topics and great community. Much more logically laid out and archived than say 4chan.

>> No.16163271

Canned with some butter and black pepper

>> No.16163283

For what purpose? To waste ingredients?

>> No.16164386
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eh lotte

>> No.16164719

that one fucking lip smack blew my eardrums out
how can people stand this asmr shit with the mics amped up to 11

>> No.16164732
File: 575 KB, 720x664, Screenshot_20210522-111321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to grow pic related this year.
hyped as fuck.

>> No.16164752


>> No.16164999
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>> No.16165231

Because corn on the cob is the worst form factor for eating corn

>> No.16165237


>> No.16165477

Yeah I catch your shit alright

>> No.16165482

i meant drift

>> No.16165487

Nah I fucking love corn on the cob. Roll a tab of butter over it. Sprinkle on some salt and pepper. Hell yeah.

>> No.16165504
File: 90 KB, 681x1023, two girls one cob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>form factor
you will never be a woman

>> No.16165519

Because this isn't asmr its for people with a feeding fetish. I listen to asmr of like finger tapping and whispering and I think this lip smacking eating is disgusting

>> No.16165637

*Butter and all other toppings roll off in your path*

>> No.16165661

How fucking dare you talk shit about Mukbang ASMR, it's the best thing to ever exist and you fucking know it!

>> No.16165687

A bit weird you want to smell peach shampoo.

>> No.16165754

It's not corn season but when it is I grill it and drizzle some local honey on it

>> No.16165775

Got 25lbs of corn coming in the mail tomorrow. Going to make cornbread, corn nuts, grits, and tortillas. Anyone got ideas on what else too make?

>> No.16166118

i tried elote at a mexican restaurant and it was great, gonna start making it at home

>> No.16166153

Make a corncob pipe, that would be pretty cool

>> No.16166193

Why did you order it by mail¿

>> No.16166197

silver queen

>> No.16166292

Couldn't find what I wanted locally.

>> No.16166314
File: 25 KB, 500x500, great-river-organic-milling-organic-whole-grain-co-B0049YK2CO-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got pick related so that's not an option. :(

>> No.16166343


>> No.16166358

Just some nice sweet corn with butter and a lil salt. None of that spic shit.

>> No.16166368

imagine putting valentino's on Corn. jesus christ some people are disgusting, also it isn't even the black label

>> No.16166382

When does melted butter roll off of corn on the cob. 10/10 pediatrician choice is corn on the cob. you ever use Form factor to describe food again and I'll rape you

>> No.16166396

200c for 30 minutes, cook in husk. Literally the perfect corn every time. Make up a batch and you can have it on tonnes of meals

>> No.16167167

Is it still edible or is it for making weird folk art?

>> No.16167467
File: 97 KB, 750x1000, hot cheeto elote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16167933

On memorial day I'm having a seafood boil with my best 2 bros and will be shucking the corn right as I'm adding it to the pot. Reminds me of growing up on a farm desu.

>> No.16167942

Make sure to slurp it up while moaning and smacking on camera.

>> No.16167949

I only peel back the husk, but don't remove it entirely. Then I rub cold butter all over the kernels. Then I put the husk back in place, and toss it on the grill. The moisture from the butter steams the corn and gives the butter flavor a chance to penetrate down between the kernels. It's amazing.

>> No.16167954
File: 86 KB, 1024x683, 4087EB99-0417-4A07-B279-76A511A50ADB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my corn with some brown on it if you know what I mean

>> No.16168202

>it's corn season
Not where I live. Harvest isn't for months.

>> No.16168307

Sweet corn, rub butter on it after taking it off the grill and sprinkle pepper. Then take another cob, rub butter on it and sprinkle brown sugar/cinnamon mix on it.

>> No.16168329

Based scatposter

>> No.16168372

Roasted corn tastes good with just butter. Why add all this shit to it? Fat people are revolting.

>> No.16169184

Country girls make do

>> No.16169555
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>> No.16170092

I won't lie to you fellas. I've looked her up because of this thread, and cracked one out twice.

>> No.16170105

it's been corn season every day of every year since the 30s in America

>> No.16170128

>only two times

Gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers.

>> No.16171224

Hideous mutt

>> No.16171332

is she having onlyfans?
asking for friend

>> No.16171423


>> No.16171434

>is she having
Do indians really?

>> No.16172441
File: 44 KB, 360x480, juicy corn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16172536

Despite that shit of person depicted there, I will try to grew what is known as "purple" and "white corn, we're almost there annon, rain is coming late this year (again).

>> No.16172850


>> No.16173070
File: 795 KB, 1936x2582, 20210525_153952-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, it's corn time

>> No.16173220
File: 94 KB, 1200x1800, Boiled-Corn-On-The-Cob-Recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just boil it and add salt, am I some kind of a corn barbarian for not finding any appeal in everything posted so far?

>> No.16173289

Corn cream soup is the only way i eat corn.

It doesn't digest otherwise

>> No.16173345

Ah yes, corn slathered in mayonnaise and cheese. A fine delicacy.

>> No.16173354

Roasted corn Chad vs Boiled corn virgin.

>> No.16174036

For real, on top of it you can save other people's posts and if people agree with you they give you karma, all I get here is called faggot

>> No.16174282

that corn may turn you gay, anon

>> No.16174493

I don't get it either.. just seems like corn that's been crop dusted in Takis

>> No.16175952

>what kind of corn you gonna have anon?
none because its all lab GMO garbage

>> No.16176424
File: 11 KB, 233x216, i'm here like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16176427

It's for my asshole.

>> No.16176448

Ever since that Arno thread I've avoided eating corn since apparently it's not of this earth and not good for human consumption.
Haven't you ever wondered why you can't digest it properly, why you find whole corn pieces in your shit?

>> No.16176759
File: 89 KB, 750x1000, big purple elote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16177343

its for coomers with a feeder fetish thats why the mics are amped up to 11 lol

>> No.16177347

how many times a day do you jerk off?

>> No.16177374

I've had the corn in the pic before, its surprisingly good

>> No.16177412

Do americans really?

>> No.16177479

It's probably prepared like Mexican corn. boiled, mayo + parmesan cheese (I think) but with taki dust instead

>> No.16178721
File: 167 KB, 750x1000, elote with garnish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16178785

any app's a dating app if you're Indian enough...
any app's a korn app if you're a freak on a leash

>> No.16178865

Why not both?

>> No.16178960

She looks like Shrek in a wig.

>> No.16179383
File: 81 KB, 750x1000, elote bbq sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16179650

she (it?) shove that thing anywhere else? asking for a friend.

>> No.16179781

maybe on her onlyfans

>> No.16179895
File: 207 KB, 800x1000, zombie elote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16180232
File: 73 KB, 750x1000, bacon cheddar elote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16180662

I like grilled ears of corn with adobe butter, which is just softened butter, salt, black pepper, chili powder and some lime juice.

>> No.16180697

Purple parmesan?

>> No.16181177

its literally a grass and who the fuck is arno

>> No.16181187
File: 550 KB, 473x548, 1602850840215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is twice the price of normal corn but its worth it

>> No.16181189

is it true it has next to zero nutritional value?

>> No.16181220
File: 118 KB, 614x768, 1618697115436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not corn season. Elephant's eye by the fourth of July. Where do they even import corn from during grilling season? Obviously the southern hemisphere, but where?

>> No.16181224


>> No.16181271

well if you didn't act so much like a faggot, maybe we'd stop calling you one, faggot

>> No.16181294

I refuse to believe I am of the same species as that thing

>> No.16182015
File: 42 KB, 360x505, elote love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16182112

i live in iowa, i will be eating peaches and cream purchased from teenagers in a back of a pickup truck in a parking lot at least weekly from late june until early september. typically i boil them but sometimes i'll just eat it raw if it's a good batch. on my porch, at about 7pm as the heat of the day is dying down, with a cold Busch Light and a thic wedge of watermelon, letting the juice run down my chin and onto my naked chest. God i'm proud to be from the Midwest

>> No.16182117

elote is indeed delicious. every time i'm in a place with lots of mexicans i buy it from a stand.

that looks cool as fuck

>> No.16182126

fun fact, Mollie Tibbetts' killer has no recollection of her murder and described hearing voices/feeling mind controlled in the weeks prior to committing the crime. he got MKultra'd, i think they were trying to provoke racial animosity but it didn't work because a) iowans are generally pretty friendly b) mexicans are generally pretty chill c) the dairy, meat and ag industries would literally collapse within 2 months without illegal mexican labor

>> No.16182142

There’s plenty of fresh grown corn in florida, it’s the early crop but it’s there. They’re even doing pick your own corn things now, fucking transplants.