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16157514 No.16157514[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When did hot sauce become soy?

>> No.16157521
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>> No.16157529

When people started to say that.

>> No.16157537

when actual soyboys realized they can cope by calling other people soy

>> No.16157540

never did, really, it has been a steady campaign of projection by some sad fucks who can't handle spicy foods and equate that with weakness

>> No.16157547

early 2010's with the introduction of hipster sriracha culture, i think?

>> No.16157564

you know what you must do.

>> No.16157640
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>never did, really, it has been a steady campaign of projection by some sad fucks who can't handle spicy foods and equate that with weakness

>> No.16157648

It's not. Sriracha just picked up the reputation by being Hot Sauce, Japan.

>> No.16157688

>name is hope
>butthole is despair

>> No.16157739

conversely, it's a steady campaign of projection by people who can handle spicy food and equate that with strength

Do you want to know the truth, OP? The truth is that every time you go to the store, you walk past the condiment aisle. You see a bottle of hot sauce with a weird label, but you think it sounds good. But then the thought sets into your head. "If I buy this, does that make me a soy boy?" You panic, a cold sweat forming. You put the sauce back on the shelf. Those other anons online, who couldn't give the slimmest of fucks about your preferences, can't know you like some weird hot sauce. You go home and quietly eat your frozen dinner; something spicy, but also acceptable to the imaginary peers in your head. Nashville Hot Chicken, perhaps. You go to sleep that night with thoughts of what might have been. You continue to live a life unfulfilled.

>> No.16157782

I enjoyed this and would read more posts from you.

>> No.16158386

I mostly use it to help me shit as I’m always getting constipated. Pretty sure sriracha was picked up by cucks because it’s trendier and milder than your average beaner hot sauce that their grandpa probably uses. I just use whatever is available since I gotta shit somehow

>> No.16158404

Sriracha isn't hot sauce, it's chilli sauce.
1) Gochijang is superior
2) Most white people can barely handle ketchup. I actually met one who couldn't eat ketchup because "it was too spicy".

>> No.16158415

When retards tried acting like eating spicy shit was a personality trait

>> No.16158416


>> No.16158422
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i blame alton brown

>> No.16158424

someone post the comic. you know the one.

>> No.16158439

Those annoying youtube videos are to blame

>> No.16158450


>> No.16158453
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>> No.16158480

Fuck that guy, I'd love to cave his face in with a dumbbell (in minecraft)

>> No.16158482

late 2000s early 2010s, having a "hot sauce collection" became trendy to the pseudo hip. Wanna show how cool, unique, and not like the other guys you are? Start your own hot sauce collection, you're a super cool bro with a super unique and quirky obsession in hot sauce

>> No.16158484

soy = thing I don't like

Paying taxes is soy

>> No.16158498

some low person made a comic trying to criticize mis en place?

>> No.16158530
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>> No.16158532
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>> No.16158542

Absolutely crummy

>> No.16158545

For a few years already at least since 2017 when I walked into an asian oriental supermarket and immediatly this bald soy man with a gamer tshirt said in the gayest voice possible to a chinese employee "do you guys have ss-srirrachiacha sauce?"

>> No.16158556

What is acid reflux?

>> No.16158557

Who gives a shit? For me it's pic related

>> No.16158562


>> No.16158569

you fucked up now, screenshotted

>> No.16158574

That was you