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File: 190 KB, 1300x909, 14007794-feral-pidgeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16153933 No.16153933 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on eating pigeons?
I see a lot of these delicious looking birds around the neighbourhood but no one seems to utilise them as food.
They are all fat and not very fast, I'm confident I could catch them easily.
Would they taste good? I'm thinking about roasting one as I would a chicken.

>> No.16153937

The flavor of an animals meat is pretty dependent on their diet. Those pigeons eat trash, I can't imagine they'll taste very good.
Go for it though anon, tell us how it tastes.

>> No.16153943

Can't speak for 'wild' caught pigeons but had some raised. Extremely gamey, very strong from what I recall.

>> No.16153944

are you a cat?

>> No.16154428

they eat garbage and are completely riddled with parasites

>> No.16154432

would you eat a rat?
cause pigeons are like flying rats

>> No.16154442

And yet in France they eat them and call it squab

>> No.16154499

Street pigeons are full of parasites and disease. You could freeze and boil it to sterilize the meat but you'll still be eating parasites.
Some butchers sell pigeon meat that's perfectly fine to eat

>> No.16154551

My brother did that once, shot it with an air rifle / pellet gun, he was sick for a week. You are what you eat and city pigeons eat trash.

>> No.16154566

Why would you want to? They're basically flying rats. Would you want to eat a bat, too?

>> No.16154584

hm. how did he cook it.

>> No.16154614
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Wild pigeons outside of the city are delicious and a real challenge to hunt. Taste a lot like dove

>> No.16154620

>rural pigeons that eat grain

>city pigeons that literally eat rubbish

>> No.16154634

The trick is to catch a breeding pair and maintain their diet for awhile to purge them. Pigeon/squab is delightful and that's how pigeons got to America, brought over as a food source until white people realized the land was abundant and lost their taste for Pigeon opting for stuff like the Dodo instead. Steve Rinella caught some and did this or at least planned to until his Israeli gf convinced him not too but he wrote about it they are harder to catch than yoh think

>> No.16154648

Not well enough apparently

>> No.16154885

>They are all fat
nope that's feather's me bukie.

>> No.16155002

>Would they taste good?
Probably taste like McDonald.

>> No.16155081

has anyone ever seen a baby pigeon, or do they just spawn like this?

>> No.16155112

You can also eat rats, basically the same thing but you will get really sick and be forced to go to a doctor if not a hospital afterwards

>> No.16155125


>> No.16155857

the cooking process should kill all the parasites, will it not?

>> No.16155865
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>a real challenge to hunt.
No they're not. Unless you insist on nailing them mid-air. But why would you?

The pale one is a pheasant.

>> No.16155868

The butcher near me sells wood pigeon, fancy restaurants serve it

>> No.16155905
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like this.


>> No.16155952

yeah, they roost on top of buildings and stuff
i saw a bunch of them when doing some roof work on a building, they’re little qts who were probably scared half to death
the adults were all giving me the evil eye the entire time

>> No.16155994

ffs just buy one to the butcher
they're relatively tasty, like a small quail

>> No.16155998

Wood pigeons are great, I've spent weeks at a time living off woodies.

>> No.16156006

Squab is a delicacy in many parts of the world, and is farmed just like chicken (or maybe like grouse or turkey or w/e other "wild" bird)

street pigeons eat a lot of trash so they're not very healthy. A lot of the toxins and heavy metals will accumulate in their bodies, making them unsafe to eat. Kinda like shitty fish that end up filling you with mercury because you were a moron that constantly fished at a gordang ferry terminal instead of open ocean or innawoods

baby seagulls are like this too

>> No.16156016

a lot of the parasites on birds are in their down. the real thing that will make you sick is that their life of subsisting on food wrappers and bleached paper means that you're eating an animal brought up on literal garbage. you are what you eat!!

the same applies to things like street deer. street deer meat is horribly bitter because they subsist mostly on decorative flowers and trash.

>> No.16156045

the fuck is street deer

>> No.16156069

they're like normal deer but in the STREET

literally in some areas deer are so numerous and fearless and the area is low-enough density that normal-ass deer walk around in the street

appropriate to animals taken from the field and put in a city, they are hugely destructive, abusive to dogs, block traffic, and bully white people who are legally barred from fighting back

>> No.16156108
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>> No.16156146

> Taste a lot like dove
it *IS* dove

>a real challenge to hunt.
just get a .177 air rifle

>> No.16156181

its not about the parasites its about the toxins in the meat

city pigeons literally eat out of rubbish bins bro

>> No.16156406

this sounds like pseudo science
whenever I hear about "toxins" I can't help but roll my eyes

>> No.16156420

I concur, deer are a nuisance and should be killed

>> No.16156430

ok bro have fun eating street animals then

>> No.16156472

a pair of those fuckers made a nest on my balcony while I was out of town
I came home and there were baby pigeons too little to fly just hanging out there
I considered just killing them on the spot but I had a change of heart I guess and I let them stay util they were able to fly

I had to literally kick them out tho, they seemed very comfortable on my balcony

>> No.16156498
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They look fucking wack so the parents hide them out of embarrassment.

>> No.16156515
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>Taste a lot like dove

>> No.16156605

truly one of nature's most hilarious animals

>> No.16156669

I wonder if their beaks are like eyes in that they don't change size (much) throughout their life.

>> No.16156882

Pidgeons were actually brought here because they were used as food.

You don't want to eat a city pidgeon. Diseased and they eat garbage.

>> No.16157025

Should have fed em high quality corn and oats until they were adults, then eated them

>> No.16157046

>I've spent weeks at a time living off Woodies

>> No.16157978

It's tough to remove the wires, wouldn't recommend.

>> No.16159146
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Sorry, forgot to attach pic

>> No.16159164

Late night Chink restaurant in Sydney had them on the menu, I was always tempted and am never fussed eating weird shit but it's a bit too much, I'd bet $50 they just caught them out the back, have never seen them anywhere in butchers.

>> No.16159171
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>Official retracts proposal to feed pigeon meat to poor children

>Provincial wildlife chief said that the birds are an "abundant resource" and emphasized their protein content. After other agencies denied such a plan, he admitted it was a "personal idea."

>Poor kids should eat pigeons and thus combat a plague that has invaded streets and public spaces. This controversial proposal sallied forth from the mouth of an official in Córdoba (Argentina), and was unanimously rejected from several quarters, after which the official qualified his stance as a "personal idea" rather than a completed project.

>It all began quite by chance, during a radio discussion in which the wildlife director of Córdoba province, Oscar de Allende was asked about reducing the sparrow population. He was then asked if any plans were in place to combat the overpopulation of pigeons. Without compunction, Allende stated that there was: "We have spoken to the people at Paicor [a provincial program for impoverished schoolchildren] about doing a project to see if we can finish off this problem using a nutritional approach."


>> No.16159175

>Paicor - whose name stands for 'Córdoba Basic Assistance Program' - states on its website that it is "directed toward all of the needy school-aged children in the province of Córdoba," and that it "works in numerous schools." Including pigeons in the diets of these children was the proposal offered by Allende during his chat on Channel 3 [100.5 FM Córdoba].

>"We're looking for a way to create a solution to this issue, and change a bit the notion that the pigeon is a plague; a symbol of death. We look at it another way: we call it an abundant, protein-rich resource, and we're looking for ways to take advantage of this fact," stated Allende, who specified that his province had 600 million pigeons.

>After the initiative was presented, an implementation was suggested: "We trap them in their roosts, grab them, and move them to a refrigerated facility, where sanitation checks are done. From there, they are consumed locally or exported." Allende based his exportation hopes on the experience of La Pampa province, which once sold mounds of pigeons to America and Europe.

>Allende's plan spread quickly throughout Córdoba, and the rejections arrived just as quickly. "Paicor has never heard of this by any means, nor have I been contacted about it," stated its director, Verónica Bruera, who also appeared on Channel 3. "We are not undertaking any studies about replacing Paicor's current menus, which are based on beef, chicken, and eventually pork," she emphasized.

>> No.16159177

>Allende's idea was also rejected by his boss, the Environment Secretary of Córdoba province, Federico Bocco, who labeled the comments "unfortunate" and "unfounded." "I categorically deny this. This has not been an item of discussion. If he made those comments in the way I've been told, they aren't serious proposals," he stated in comments reported by Córdoba's La Voz newspaper. And if anyone still took Allende's idea seriously, Córdoba's chief cabinet minister affirmed: "We are not thinking about this. We've never studied giving pigeons to Paicor."

>Following this trail of rejections, Allende had no option but to rethink, walk back his comments and clarify the nature of the "project": "It's just a personal idea. An idea more than a proposal," he told Radio Mitre. "We're not going to start giving kids pigeons to eat," he confirmed, but then added: "I talked about the possibility of seeing this plan used by public agencies." Regardless, he considers it "a good project," although "it was distorted a bit."

>In short - for good or ill - the idea has not taken off at the moment.


>> No.16159181

Eat child cunny and puffin. Its better.

>> No.16159202

I would not call it toxins, but birds that eat trash tend to also taste like trash.
We shot and cooked a gull near a fishing village and it tasted a lot like the fishery waste it had been living on.