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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16150698 No.16150698 [Reply] [Original]

For me it’s chef 2014, bless you favreau

>> No.16150740
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If you like this movie, the fat Jew who plays the lead has a series on Netflix where he goes around with some Korean chef and they visit actual restaurants and get cooking lessons from the chefs and talk about the history of the restaurant, and the owners stories, and how they source their ingredients etc

It’s pretty good background noise if you skip the episodes with faggots like Seth Rogen and Babish in them.

>> No.16150769

Jesus fucking Christ, Favreau, it's just a grilled cheese.

>> No.16150779 [DELETED] 

You wouldn’t understand anon. Watch the movie 6 more times and then you’ll get it.

>> No.16150853

All I think of when I see this cover is the vomit cake video

>> No.16150905

That movie sucks. Big Night is 1000× better.

>> No.16151087

My name chef

>> No.16151092


>> No.16151437

I really like this movie, not only for the food, but is a nice, slice of life when he's trying to bond with his son.

>> No.16151456

“Nooo!!!! All posts mentioning movies must go on /tv/!!!!!!!!”
You are a gigantic faggot

>> No.16151466
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>> No.16151476
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>> No.16151550

There's that one starring Matthew McConaughey and is based off of Bourdains book

>> No.16151575

Sorry Bradley Cooper, not McConaughey

>> No.16151599

Big Night was boring

>> No.16151615
File: 2.95 MB, 844x460, egg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tampopo is, and always has been, the official film of /ck/.

>> No.16151619

JAVs with this feel?

>> No.16151631

Lol. Itami literally did all of the close up cooking scenes because he didn't think his actors could pull it off. Favreau hired celebrity chefs to show him exactly how they'd do things and copied that in all the cooking scenes, and it's a fucking joke.

>> No.16151634

that's great nigga, now post erotic food JAVs

>> No.16151641

I'm telling you that Tampopo is more erotic than any /ck/ themed JAV. Just look up the ice cream scene, or the oyster scene. Or maybe just fucking watch the movie and then watch your blurry porn; you're already using your imagination, and now you'll have something actually erotic to think about.

>> No.16151652

Wrong, it’s chef now.

>> No.16151664
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>> No.16151666

Have you seen Chef?

>> No.16151706

Have you seen the movie chef? By Jon favreau?

>> No.16151720

god I miss that trio. it's just a shame Frank left, max turned into an unboxing channel, and Ian was stripped of all honors and dishonorably discharged.

>> No.16151751
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>> No.16151802

Why does this film look so much more natural than anything I see today?

>> No.16151815
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The intro scene is the most godly thing ever filmed. You can prob find it on youtube

>> No.16151816
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>> No.16151826

here we go, make sure to turn up the traditional chinese music


>> No.16151882

>buttering and toasting only one side of each bread slice
>oil on the hot griddle even though you just put butter on the bread

>> No.16151890

>like cubanos since before they were cool
>watch this movie
>cubanos have the star role
>feel vindicated
>go into a nice bakery, with a sandwich cafe on the side
>read the sign saying "hot sandwiches"
>hey, they make cubanos
>30 minutes later
> get order
>storm out of cafe
>late to return to work
>get two pieces of bread
>mashed up turkey
>no cheese
>no pickle
>not grilled
>not toasted
>fucking cold

>> No.16151895

it looks like he toasts each half of the sandwich individually, then turns down the heat, assembles both halves, and lets it sit on the not-as-hot pan until the cheese is melted.

is that a better method than just assembling the sandwich and toasting each side slowly until the cheese melts?

>> No.16151905

Can't get past how ugly the kike actor is in this movie.

>> No.16151909

The one he makes in the movie doesn't even look particularly good. Too much cheese and mayo on the outside is such a fucking re-ddit meme.

>> No.16151913

Oh my mistake it's butter. Still too much cheese it looks okay. The scene is extremely autistic though and his stupid fat kike "concentration" face just makes me angry.

>> No.16151919
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>> No.16151956

>too much cheese

i agree with everything else you said but fuck you

>> No.16152008

Ya haha redd-it posters usually don't think you can have TOO MUCH CHEESE xD

But I assure you there's a correct bread to cheese ratio and he went past it in the clip

>> No.16152013

if redditors think you can't have too much cheese then that means they're right about that.

>> No.16152018

my namma cheeef

>> No.16152022
File: 1.03 MB, 2160x1451, a lunar grilled cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you virgin brainlet

>> No.16152114

Looks kinda gross, the cheese looks like it melted and then got sort of cool and unmelted a bit, and there's too much.

>> No.16152169

The Korean dude is who the film is based on, and did all of the consulting and stuff for the film. I think the film would've been better if they played it closer to the truth, had an Asian guy give up the fine dining life to sell Korean tacos out of a truck, instead of favreau selling cuban sandwiches. Still the best food movie I've ever seen, the scenes in the beginning in the restaurant caught the atmosphere of a busy soigne kitchen more than any other film I've seen, especially when favreaus character quits and his sous has to step up while the ticket machine is literally piling tickets on the floor.

>> No.16152178

The stuff with the kid makes me cry. All I want is a son to pass on my knowledge and passion for cooking. When he burns himself, gets offered a chance to take a break, but wants to keep going and ignore his pain, that makes me weep. It's such a little thing but God I want it so badly.

>> No.16152403

i love this movie and my mom enjoyed it too. thanks ck for making my mom smile

>> No.16152606

2014 was 32 years ago

>> No.16152627

It wasnt enough to cast himself in the movie, Favreau had to play a character that fucks Scarlett Johansson and Sofia Vergara lmfao

>> No.16152678


>> No.16152836

PCU was the best favreau movie..that part where he smoked herbs with jake busey is classic... Gutman needs a grilled cheese

>> No.16152851

no it wasn’t it was 7 years ago are your high on something or something
lrn2mathematics you spargo twat

>> No.16152857

>What’s your favorite movie about the culinary arts?
well off the top of my head the most memorable movie with a bunch of eating in it, for me, was empire of the sun.
Christian bale is a starving child in this movie and there are many scenes with him greedily scarfing down food. The alcoholic chocolates is one memorable scene. There's also one with rice and an orange and a airdropped food package with tons of food, like spam.

>> No.16153766

have you seen the movie chef, by john favreau?

>> No.16153812
File: 26 KB, 545x362, images (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never get another upload of the boys dressing up as women and throwing shit at eachother

Call me a consumer all you want but kino like that will never happen again.

>> No.16153858

Burnt from 2015

>> No.16153862

I Like Killing Flies

>> No.16154139
File: 215 KB, 800x1175, GoodBurger_1997_original_film_art_800x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, wrong, all wrong
This is the true haute cuisine movie

>> No.16155166

can you blow me where the pampers is?

>> No.16155194
File: 150 KB, 1280x738, MV5BMTYzNjI5ZGItNTllNy00YTNkLTgyMzctNzBiYTA4MTMwN2I3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjA0OTQyODE@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the Thanksgiving special of Malcom in the Middle when Reese cooks the turkey inside of a monkfish

>> No.16155284

if you dont grab a pan holding a turkey straight out of a 500 degree oven with your bare hands youre not a real chef

>> No.16155293


>> No.16155313


>> No.16155388 [DELETED] 

>Shill chef on /a/
>get banned for off topic thread
>do it again
>banned from all boards
>turn off WiFi and use cellular data
>I’m not banned, can do whatever I want

>> No.16155509

I like the one where that woman is cucking her husband with one of the customers at his restaurant, then she makes her husband eat her lovers dick and then murders her husband. Can't remember what its called.

>> No.16155827
