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File: 82 KB, 1000x667, Blackpool+2013-bunny+kebab+book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16150419 No.16150419 [Reply] [Original]

>be part of a multinational student exchange program
>mostly western Europeans and North Americans
>whenever we go out for dinner and drinks, an American is *always* the first one to start crying, vomit or generally act like a child
>always the Brits and Dutch left at 5am having a kebab after a night out


>> No.16150426


>> No.16150429

they're treated like childs until they're 21 and their beers is pisswater, so no big surprise there

>> No.16150433

nice blog faggot, i'm glad you're putting your parents money to good use

>> No.16150549
File: 1.50 MB, 3648x3648, kebab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do euros call shitty pita sandwiches "kebabs"???
This is a fucking kebab.

>> No.16150550


University is free for me lmao

>> No.16150555

That's a shish kebab you spaz

>> No.16150567

That's because all the Americans who are obsessed enough with Europe to actually want to go there for a student exchange program are all pussy degenerate liberal faggots. They'll go over there, spend way too much on everything like the disgusting yuppies they are, and then return to the US and talk about how cultured they are and how backward the US is.

>> No.16150568

why don't they just sell them like that? seems easier to eat and better tasting than a bunch of stale bread, wilted lettuce, and spoiled yogurt-based sauce.

>> No.16150601

>go to Star Trek con in Vegas
>party hard with other nerds, Vegas style
>international last man standing competition
>Canadians, bongs, bogans, krauts, etc.
>be only Yank to make it till sun up

>> No.16150602


>> No.16150606
File: 1.77 MB, 1200x4800, 1609286580187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because it's a meal for people who have been binge drinking all night, not some gayboy nibbling on a Turk's stick like you seem to prefer

>> No.16150620

>This is the best and brightest of what the UK has to offer.
>We don't understand how muslims and pakis took over our world empire so fast

>> No.16150641
File: 512 KB, 396x178, lmao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This story is really familiar to me.

>Be Dutchfag in a student rowing club
>Rowing clubs are more like fraternities over here, so lots of drinking
>Half our members are international students: people from France, Germany, Britain, Poland, the Balkans etc.
>We get two American exchange students
>From that point on we have to mop the floor of the clubhouse every week because the Americans couldn't help but vomit whenever drinks are involved

With the British it was once in a while, but Americans are fucking pathetic when it comes to drinking. They clearly don't enjoy their drink, think the ultimate goal is getting drunk and then completely overestimate themselves. Anglos don't know how to drink.

>> No.16150654

>Be Dutchfag in a student rowing club
>Rowing clubs are more like fraternities over here, so lots of drinking
You eurofags really take reading harry potter that seriously huh lmao

>> No.16150663

On the contrary. It's the rest of the world that doesn't know how to drink.
>Alcohol is poison
>Therefore the goal of drinking alcohol is drinking poison
>Anglos are the fastest and most efficient poison drinkers.
>Other countries sit around and sip their poison slowly, and do a shit job at getting poisoned.
Step it up pussy

>> No.16150682

Do you guys forget that 21 is the legal drinking age in America? First timers that aren't obese are going to puke when they don't have anyone telling them to cool it. My first shots were fireball and super cheap whisky, so of course me and my friends upchucked when we were trying to down bottles.

>> No.16150692

While that's true, never have I seen more out of control drunks than I did in Newcastle.

>Women pissing in the streets
>Dudes vomiting on stoops
>People fighting in the road
>Trash thrown everywhere

Man I've even been out with actual stereotypical drunken sailors who have more manners and decency than the English. Even frat parties have more class. Americans (men at least) might be lightweights but we generally know when to call it a night or go home and act a mess in privacy.

>> No.16150694
File: 196 KB, 445x445, 4343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't do any underage drinking

>> No.16150699

No one cares bougie faggot this isn’t your travel blog

>> No.16150702

Me too and I’m American

>> No.16150704

The American students got drunk to the point of vomiting almost every week, no matter how often we told them to slow down.

They were always like "Wooo let's party!" and then ended up vomiting and crying somewhere past midnight.

It got so annoying that we simply didn't invite them anymore to parties.

>> No.16150705

lmao this man gets it
I QUIT drinking when I turned 21 because I got so bored of it by that point.

>> No.16150713

>hurr all dumb because they drinking
Fuck off muh looks on a night out nigger cunt you all just end up puking and doing the hula or dumb tiktok meme

>> No.16150868

>Muh law though
You are a cuck, you think euros wait until it's legal to drink to start?

>> No.16150960

Imagine you were able to go your whole life without seeing a br’’sh “person”

Then you’re surrounded by them.
You’d cry too buddy.

>> No.16150969

>first shots were fireball

How old are you, like 12?

>> No.16151266

they didn't take over -- so fast -- they were handed the job

>> No.16151287

i drank 12 shots of whiskey my first time getting drunk and wasn't even hung over the next day. it was a magical experience i have never since been blessed with

>> No.16151363

White woman look like that?

>> No.16152547

kebab is a collective term like sushi, it's not one specific dish

>> No.16152555
File: 46 KB, 574x960, 1592844162586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Aussie
>staying in a hostel
>lots of people from heaps of countries
>fuck yeah lets get drunk cunts
>grab a slab of beer at midday and crack it open
>every eurofag and american are still sitting around drinking non-alcoholic drinks and reading their faggy blogs
>whatever cunts
>get smashed with other aussies and kiwis
>5pm, we're sloshed
>stagger out to the pub for happy hour and some dinner
>get home at 9 absolutely blind
>Americans are just starting to drink
>fucking slowcunts
>eurofags havent even made dinner yet
>lazy cunts
>gotta be on the worksite tomorrow at 5, fucking lazy cunts
>go to sleep knowing they'll be spewing and crying over some hipster cityfag drama at 4am while I'm getting ready for my $80/hour job holding a shovel in hi-viz
>knock off work again at midday and repeat

>> No.16152561

saying 'cunt' doesn't make a national identity

>> No.16152573

just the engl*sh ones, don't worry

>> No.16152596

I`d knock you out pussy.

>> No.16152598
File: 633 KB, 2440x1283, 1606579631185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16152614

Russel Coight is a parody

>> No.16152618

And Australians are a parody of themselves.

>> No.16152622

That doesn't make any sense. If something is genuine it can't be parody.

>> No.16152628
File: 197 KB, 1178x711, 1613916960843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australians aren't genuine.

>> No.16152634

If Australians aren't genuinely Australian then Australians aren't Australian so they're not Australian which means they aren't Australian.

>> No.16152639
File: 513 KB, 770x513, 1591873209475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abos are the only genuine Australians.

>> No.16152663

you don't have to be aboriginal to be aboriginal. My cousin decided he 'felt a connection to the land' when he was like 17 during a rebellious stage to piss off his ocka dad. Few years of listening to tribal elders and doing the smoke ceremonys and what ever else abo's have to do and he gets all the abo gibs and is accepted by the local kickacoonalong people. The guys got the same complexion as pewdiepie and our family has 0 abo blood but hey free dental care.

>> No.16152864
File: 215 KB, 500x850, 1618654883693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right hand side is Melbournefags
basically gay british hipsters at this point, not Aussie in the slightest

>> No.16152868

>fat white kid and an overweight italian mum

>> No.16152890
File: 310 KB, 1000x963, 1621684268424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we have to mop the floor of the clubhouse every week because the Americans couldn't help but vomit whenever drinks are involved
They do it for free

>> No.16153296

All Australians are literally British people though.

>> No.16153304
File: 59 KB, 1483x597, 1621289892252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16153327

Drinking is new and exciting to Americans. They go through phases/behaviours in their mid-20s that we got out of our system as teenagers. I think it's cute desu.

>> No.16153396

from my experience also a shitton of serbs and macedonians.
Brit convict blood + balkanoids = Banter levels prevously unachieved anywhere else

>> No.16153404

There are different types of kebab you irritating burger.

>> No.16153418

>be part of a multinational student exchange program
This is how I know you're an insufferable faggot

>> No.16153420

they didnt you delusional retard

>> No.16153505
File: 202 KB, 1200x686, Grand National Festival Aintree Essex Ladies Day Tacky Gross Ugly Hot Mess Fat Common Trash Awful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've conquered all the chippys
I never gonna stop
chips n peas and gravy
I`ve ate a fucking lot
pepperoni pizza and chicken vindaloo
I'm a big fat bastard cause I love my fuckin food allez allez allez

>> No.16153560

That's schaschlik. Try harder

>> No.16153578

worlds most boring man award i cannot imagine how awful a conversation with you would be

>> No.16153618

>They go through phases/behaviours in their mid-20s that we got out of our system as teenagers.
That's a good point, here in Europe you start to get treated and expected to act as an adult far at a generally younger age.

>> No.16153620

Going abroad looks good on your resume if you're doing anything business related. If you had the choice between exchange somewhere safe in Europe or at Sao Paulo university where would you fucking go?

>> No.16153667

How do you expect them to keep up? It's not their culture.
t. Frenchfag who started drinking red wine and espressos when I was 6 (six)

>> No.16153755

>expected to act like an adult
>live with your parents until you're 40

>> No.16154095

The absolute state of Anglo women, this is peak beauty in Britain

>> No.16154903

Drinking alcohol is cringe

>> No.16154957

>Decide to go to England
>Get plastered at the pub for a night
>Hear about the great chippy places
>Walk in see this
>Get harassed by the slags immediately
>"How 'bout we take tha' sausoge of 'ers n make a sosage butty"
>get nauseated
>mussy peas are coming back up
>vomit on them
>slags shriek
>Try to escape
>UK Police outside
>Oi u gots a loicences
>Islam prayer bells starts going off
>everyone takes out mats and prays
>open the door
>get on the floor
>everybody walks the dinosaur

>> No.16154990

You're all kids and I could easily out drink all of you pussies until you're shitting and pissing yourself. I am a stone cold alcoholic, though.

>> No.16155195

first settlers were brit, welsh, irish and scottish, then later waves of migrants added a lot of Southern Europeans to the gene pool.
In the southern states every 2nd family is either Greek or Italian.

>> No.16155256

anyone able to get their ass on a plane and live in a different country to study is probably gonna be an amateur. The 30 beers a night type have a limited travel radius

>> No.16155326

>The entirety of the Anglo world is degenerate
Breaking news, water is wet

>> No.16155505

Why do mutts always try to be clever and think they know everything but always end up making themselves look like an utter cunt?

>> No.16155565

you’re not European, cry about it and stop larping amerifat

>> No.16155736

t. Ukrainian

>> No.16156035

God I miss Cardiff nights out

>> No.16156195

>was Dutch exchange student
>always having a kebab at 5am
Checks out

>> No.16156812


>> No.16157931

>Women pissing in the streets
Imagine the smell

>> No.16158002

>Rowing clubs are more like fraternities
I respect you people and you drink well but from what they've told me corps hates your guts and hates you seeing wearing your ties.
Boeit mij niet want zuipen is zuipen hehehe

>> No.16158053

Thats just humanity you drunk sud