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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16149707 No.16149707 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw Coasties talk all kinds of shit about Chicago/Illinoisfags but have never had the pleasure of enjoying Chicago's holy trinity: Chicago hot dogs, Italian beef sandwiches, and deep dish pizza

Lmao keep flying over us, bitch. I call upon my fellow Midwesterners, post your favorite regional foods. The day I can't enjoy a nice hot dish, a hearty stew, or a juicy brat or sausage is the day I'll cut my nuts off and move to Cuckfornia.

>> No.16149730

I'm going to say it: Chicago hot dogs? Overrated.

>> No.16149759

I’ve never had a Chicago dog because they look like shit, and your Italian beef sandwich looks more like your Italian girlfriend, but I am jealous that you can’t find good deep dish on the west coast.

>> No.16149760
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any food that is chicago style is inherently worse
cope some moar

>> No.16149767
File: 284 KB, 835x560, midwestflyoversloveit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hundreds of places from coast to coast do "Chicago hot-dogs" and don't try to give me that "hurr you have to get it in chicago" shit because it's a fucking hotdog with veggies on top. Philly and New York have similar sandwiches that blow the "italian beef" out of the water and deep dish casserole is good, but like the hotdog you can pretty much find them anywhere that isn't some backwater shithole. There is nothing special about shitcago, get over it.

>> No.16149771

I really wish the midwest had a stronger cultural homogeny like dixieland, yankeedom, and even commiefornia have. Specifically so that balkanization would be easier.

>> No.16149800
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Then what kind of hot dogs do you like eating, if any at all? I can get down with a chili dog, but i'm not eating a fucking plain hot dog/a hot dog with just 1 or 2 condiments. The Chicago dog objectively offers the most flavors and textures in one package.

There are a shit load of legitimate Chicago staple restaurants that have locations in California. You have no excuse.


You can also do what I do (I moved from Chicagoland to Texas a few years ago) and have it shipped to your house and just make it yourself. I'm actually expecting a Portillos delivery between now and 7 PM, depending on how long it takes my UPS driver to stop jerking off.


>> No.16149801

They don't even look appetizing. I'd eat the fuck out of that casserole that they call a pizza, though.

>> No.16149836

>Then what kind of hot dogs do you like eating, if any at all? I can get down with a chili dog, but i'm not eating a fucking plain hot dog/a hot dog with just 1 or 2 condiments. The Chicago dog objectively offers the most flavors and textures in one package.

I don't give a fuck about what you put on your hot dog, but it is a fucking hot dog. It is a trash sausage that is for drunks and kids. If I want something with a complex flavor profile I would get a burger.

>> No.16149848

Any food with the word “Chicago” in front of it instantly becomes worse.
No I’m not a coastie.
Yes deep dish is stupid.

Malort is okay though.

>> No.16149872
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I disagree; I think if you're gonna disparage the humble hot dog, then burgers should be equally scorned as well; can you honestly tell me that most burgers aren't "trash patties that is for drunks and kids"?

I'm not gonna try and bullshit you into thinking the hot dog is some kind of culinary masterpiece that only the smartest people will understand or any of that bullshit, but all real Chicago hot dogs are made with 100% beef Vienna hot dogs. Their history and hot dogs are over 100 years old now. There are more hot dog stands/spots in Chicago then there are McDonalds (pre-covid, idk about now). I don't see it as a trash food made for drunks and kids, I see it as a part of my cultural heritage. When you bite into a Chicago hot dog, you're biting into history.


You sound like a gay hipster

>> No.16149897
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anybody who is incapable of appreciating chicago deep dish is simply incapable of enjoying food. Detroit deep dish is also a banger. Lots of good middle eastern places in Michigan because of the immigrants. lotta good cheese and beer in wisconsin.
god bless the midwest.

>> No.16149920
File: 14 KB, 256x197, BF4A1E23-0CD3-42B3-AEAF-278A6C3C2A02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spaghetti topped with cinnamon vomit, onions and cheese

This is Midwestern food culture

>> No.16149941
File: 1.24 MB, 828x1433, 1BA2D034-4892-4474-AE7C-6AA12C21A7DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

michigan is possibly the best flyover cuisine you’ll find. good fish, venison, lots of fresh veggies in the summer, coney dogs, vernors, detroit pizza, better made chips, beer city USA, cherry capital of the world, I could go on. feels nice bros

>> No.16149942

fuck this is making me hungry

>> No.16150023

i dont like hotdogs because theyre shit tier garbage sausages. give me a brat any day over that crap. italian beef looks OK, and ive had deep dish and its based. originally im from NY so i do prefer that style, but deep dish is really fuckin good and i dont get why people have to disparage it. ive also heard theres another kind of Chicago style pizza thats thinner

>> No.16150039

You don't make the hot dog sausage yourself so you can't control its quality.

>> No.16150060

do americans really abbreviate bratwurst "brat"?

>> No.16150065

When you order pizza in Chicago almost 100% of the time unless you’re ordering deep dish specifically it’s the thin crust style cut into squares. It’s thicker and crisper than NY style and I like it quite a bit. This is the default pizza of Chicago but everyone spergs out about deep dish

>t. Chicagoan

>> No.16150076

yes because america does everything that yuros do, but better

>> No.16150086
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You don't control what goes in a lot of your food. I can promise you Vienna beef hot dogs are probably the very best quality hot dogs around. You don't stay around for over 100 years without doing something right.

Yes. I suppose you got a problem with that too.

This. When I stilled lived in Chicago, I used to get thin crust way more often, it's just a simpler, easier package to eat.

>> No.16150095

yeah, whats the problem with that? you got what i meant, so i see no issue
intredasting. sounds like it'd be pretty good. the description seems like a similar style that a small chain local to me does in Maryland

>> No.16150100

how does this happen

>> No.16150119

>lists a bunch of things you can literally get anywhere
Besides your burnt pan pizza I can’t see one item on the list that you can’t get in any other location.

>> No.16150124

It’s alright I guess. Deep dish pizzas are pretty good if done correctly. I wouldn’t recommend anyone eat Midwestern “cuisine” most of the time it’s extremely processed food or cheese and potato

>> No.16150127

You can still personalize a burger from scratch more easily than a hot dog, though.

>> No.16150130

I didnt say it was a problem I just havent seen it before lol

>> No.16150144

What a fucking mess. American food is an absolute travesty. No amount of overexposure and playing with colour levels is going to change that. So grim.

>> No.16150326


Inbreeding and fentanyl

>> No.16151607

All hot dogs are shit, Chicago dogs are just a bit more interesting

>> No.16151625
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I love coneys, not those Ohio shits though, I don't care for cheese on wieners at all

>> No.16151638
File: 139 KB, 740x901, juicy_lucy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't even compete for best food in the midwest
>The state of chicago

>> No.16151643
File: 88 KB, 1024x768, tuna_noodle_casserole_with_chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crap in a pan casserole. A Midwest classic.

>> No.16151644

>put cheese in burger party instead of on top of it
>Minnesomalians praise it as the 2nd coming of Allah

Calm down faglord, they're not that fucking good, you can't tell me having cheese in the patty makes a difference in taste.

>> No.16151647
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needs more cheese

>> No.16151654
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I'd you can't enjoy a casserole, the fuck off from this thread. Nobody cares about your organic Peruvian/Kenyan fusion restaurants, coasty. Go enjoy your vibrant city life in a different thread.

>> No.16151661
File: 1.14 MB, 4032x3024, funion_green_bean_casserole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your casseroles are a crime against humanity and you flyovers should be ashamed.

>> No.16151670
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>> No.16151678
File: 306 KB, 1600x1200, deep-dish-rosatis-pizza_fullsize_story1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Rosati's Pizza opened up nearby, deep dish is great. No utensils of course.

>> No.16151683

>jar of ranch

Delicious food.

>> No.16151694

Indiana here. Our pork tenderloin sandwiches are the bomb.

>> No.16151699


>> No.16151704

The deviled eggs on the other hand leave much to be desired.

>> No.16151718

The arrangement can change how things taste based on what hits your tongue first. Hell there exact same burger will taste slightly different if you flip it upside down.

>> No.16151768
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You Minnesotans are a strange bunch.


>> No.16151770
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>coastie here, dating a Ohioan chick
What's the deal with this ice cream? She doesnt shut up about Blue Moon. Any place to order that ships nationwide?

>> No.16151777

It tastes slightly like Fruity Pebbles

>> No.16151842

Clearly you have never had a juicy Lucy. I promise they are much worse than a standard cheeseburger because the patty cannot cook correctly and is over wrought and is filled with bland, greasy cheese.

>> No.16151851

This shit is actually really good

>> No.16151872

never tried a real chicago dog but the closest thing i had was weirdly sweet and crunchy, i kind of liked it. the beef switches ive never had these with the bits in it but i figure id be good with the olives. Only had the za eons ago.
now that is an absolutely sorry state of a casserol that just says 'im not even going to try' or 'babbys first 'rol.
THIS is more like it, beautiful.

>> No.16151906

Cause straw aren't utensils right?

>> No.16151911

From Michigan. Most people here eat corn, meat and mashed potatos.

>> No.16151930

Chicago dogs are fucking disgusting

>mhmmmm yes i'm going to put a pickle in here the size of the wiener so all I taste is pickle
>I know what will complement this taste of brine I'll put some briny peppers on it
>and then put celery salt all over it because its not salty enough
>yes yes some radioactive green relish which has salt as its main ingredient

Tomatoes on a dog is also vile, how absolutely fried do your tastebuds have to be to enjoy this slop

>> No.16151938
File: 1.41 MB, 3123x2443, Pizza-Puff-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizza puff, anybody?

>> No.16151948
File: 20 KB, 425x425, 51zmCoQeq+L._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ABSOLUTE best chips of all time. Jay's Hot Stuff is a close second

>> No.16151964
File: 441 KB, 2464x1632, TALK-SAGANAKI-2C-8_MAIN072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16152292

Its like marshmellow flavor, its breddy gud

>> No.16152303

American "food"

>> No.16152339

>deep dish "pizza"
>putting tomato sauce OVER the cheese

>> No.16152993

Cincinnati chili is one of the greatest filters ever designed by the culinary world. People who recoil from it are automatically outed as tastelets who can't handle the combination of sweet and savory flavors that every country in the world (besides angloid hellholes) has learned to value.