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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16141650 No.16141650 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you still cooking your meat /ck/?

>> No.16141655

I live in the USA

>> No.16141670

I'm not a bald flat earth child stabbing pedo like OP's picture

>> No.16141900
File: 92 KB, 610x343, mettbroetchen-mit-zwiebeln-ob-das-koblenzer-wurfgeschoss-mit-gemuese-topping-kam-konnte-die-polizei-im-nachhinein-nicht-feststel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't

>> No.16141907

Why are you still cooking your flour?

>> No.16143490

I took my meds unlike the idiot on OP

>> No.16143521
File: 25 KB, 464x261, tapeworms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

parasites and other bacteria cause me to still cook meat.
>but muh tapeworms


>not noodles by the way picrel

even though i am probably an ignorant biggot for not appreciating Vietnamese cuisine.

>> No.16144051


>> No.16144112

Vietnam is one the country with more bile duct cancer, thats because of the liver flukes they get by eating raw stuff

>> No.16144450

Cooked meat tastes better in 9/10 instances. A hamburger patty with no seasonings at all tastes better than unseasoned beef tartare.

>> No.16144536

Evil linguine

>> No.16144686

I don't usually.
Especially after I started eating raw pork all the time.
I realized then that everyone was fucking lying to me the whole time because there's been no problems whatsoever.

>> No.16145120

>if I don't feel the parasites they are not there
Full retard, expected from someone who eats raw pork, im a farmes son and if you eat raw pork you better enjoy whats to come

>> No.16145955

Sweet, keto spaghetti, I gotta tell everyone about this.

>> No.16145966

parasites cant live if you dont eat sugar or cooked food

>> No.16145969

Meat? Well, fish is a sort of meat. It's bad raw.

>> No.16145988


>> No.16145990

he looks sick

>> No.16145994


it's pronounced "gay"

>> No.16146006

how did our ancestors survive? were their assholes filled with worms? do wild animals have asses filled with worms?

>> No.16146010


eat raw chicken. stream it and share the link. please stream yourself eating raw chicken. please let us all watch. fucking please do it.

>> No.16146018

Yes to both.

>> No.16146028

god i hope you're a troll. if you think they only parasite you can get is "worms" then you really are a fucking retard. do you think people in third world countries with extended bellies just like, eat too much? NOPE it's from blood flukes called schistosoma which cause schistosomiasis. how long old do you think "ancient" people lived, because it wasn't great!

>> No.16146055

why doesnt sverige have an extended belly?

>> No.16146066

that's just one, my man. he could have NUMBER of food born parasites that can affect anything from the liver, heart, kidneys, bladder, intestines, even to the brain, causing brain damage or clotting. it may not be evident or noticeable right away, but when it is, it's usually too late. do whatever you want, eat your life away trying to own some invisible people challenging your manhood or whatever is driving you to eat raw meat, but just know its a literal ticking time bomb. oh, and the side effects aren't always reversible, especially if its to a vital organ or to your nervous system!

>> No.16146104

Such problems mostly affect the sick and malnourished.
That's why it's prevelent in the third world
(which cook's their meat just as much as we do btw so I don't get your argument)

I've seen it myself.
The only people in my life who've gotten bacterial and parasitical infections were the same people who ate shitty junk food diets.
Always riddled with big pharma medication and vaccines as well.
Harmful bacteria and harmful parasites harm those who are sick and decaying.
Healthy people are either unaffected or the issue resolves itself quickly.

>> No.16146114
File: 550 KB, 1920x1080, ce0325c0-6b39-4568-b671-bdd6369d5001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have you spastic and I eat raw eggs every day.

Salmonella is only common amongst factory farmed chicken.
You can buy healthy chicken's to kill yourself and you'd be perfectly fine eating them raw.

Raw chicken is actually a delicacy in japan that lots of people eat every day.

>> No.16146130

oh boy, thats a lot of "information" there hoss. i'll assume its hyperbole.

>I've seen it myself.

yeah, on your "travels" outside of "Ohio", lololol.

this whole post is "trust me, im big smart, ive seen things around the ENTIRE world"

you fucking dork. you sound like a little baby butt poo pants who just makes shit up.

>Such problems mostly affect

this is my favorite part, where you virtually push your glasses up in an attempt to prove that you do, "in fact", know what you're talking about. god this is cringey. this whole thread is cringey as fuck. i regret participating.

>> No.16146138

you dumb fucking weeb. "the japs do it so it's safe and healthy!" holy shit, man.

>> No.16146402
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>> No.16146406
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>> No.16146413

>anecdotal evidence

>> No.16146424

for real, whats wrong with his face and mouth? his face looks puffy as fuck. do you incels just see muscles and think "that guy muscle man, hot guy" he looks like mickey rourke. jesus.

>> No.16146457

Holy shit, the more I actually look at this it gets funnier and funnier. He looks sickly. Also, it looks like someone used a blending tool on his bicep and shoulder, you can tell because of the shadow on his inner arm.

>> No.16146463

how small are this boys hands?

>> No.16146472
File: 799 KB, 400x400, 1618171153143.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he pours red sauce on his grains

>> No.16146473

is this guy friends with that "State of Jefferson" militia dork who eats expired MRE's?

>> No.16146477

not him but I assume;



(also you have to go back)

>> No.16146491

>not him
but if you walk like a duck, and talk like a duck...

>> No.16146496
File: 275 KB, 1197x1004, HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Basically I'm just gonna not cook it (the meat!)

I know.... UGH I know..... I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's just that I'm not gonna cook it is all


>> No.16146691
File: 51 KB, 500x497, 1550075648155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how did our ancestors survive?
By cooking their food, for so long that our digestive tract has evolved around processing cooked meat instead of raw. We've been cooking for longer than there's been homo sapiens, idiot.

>do wild animals have asses filled with worms?
Retarded city-dweller. Go hunting sometime and gut some wild animals and see what's still squirming after they're dead.

>> No.16146721

Checked and checked. Id expect its because he lives in the UK and we tend not to have parasite laden meat. Must suck to live in a third world shit hole with meat full of bugs.

>> No.16146740

don't pretend like the uk doesnt have a premium on food born illness. hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.16146748

Yeah you got prions instead

>> No.16146990

Every time I see this guy posted i assume it's falsaflagging vegans shitposting. Eating meat is fine but being a mentally ill >sv3rige is not.

>> No.16147012

It's not
I love sv3rige because he saved me from the toxic shit I used to eat.
I feel much better now.

>> No.16147023

Besides the fact that both sv3rige and vegans are retarded, his videos are funny

>> No.16147024
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hard to believe this dude is Kids Ranqe

>> No.16147475
File: 101 KB, 1024x993, 1563584822344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu lmao

>> No.16147851

Yes they have their asses full of fucking worms you retard, feral cats and dogs are the simpliest of proofs, even your dog if they drink puddle water and dont deworm will have to deal with ascaris, which is really really common, even among humans, you can get ascaris just by being licked by a wormy dog near the mouth, now ask yourself what sort of nice parasite or bacterial cocktail you can get from dirty meat you bought on you shitty city market, this city dwellers are absolute retards holy shit
>but muh immune system is on giganiga mode because of this new diet
No, its not, if all is strained to shit by having to repell all this threats constantly

>> No.16148151
File: 98 KB, 1024x768, UFuTt6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you're retarded.
The only accurate comparison would be to wolves and wild cats because feral dog's and feral cat's don't usually subsist on raw meat.
Especially not in populated areas like cities.
Do wolves and wild cats often suffer from debilitating ass worm's?
No they do not.
It's their natural diet and such problems very rarely affect them when they're in the wild (not eating literal garbage).
A wolf does not get harmed by bacteria or so called "parasites" you clown.
It works the same with humans.
If you're eating your natural diet and in good health you cannot be harmed by these things.

>> No.16148189

because protein bio-availability goes up when cooked retard.

>> No.16148215

cause raw chicken is icky

>> No.16148224
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>> No.16148311

>wolfs dont have any parasites dude trust me
>despite fish, birds, apes, monkeys, reptiles and all other mammals have shown several times they have parasites despite they looking all healthy
You absolute baboon, you total nigger clown, have you ever, EVER gut an animal? Have you? Even the ones that grow on farms get parasites because guess what, they are everywhere and farmers have to deal with them because sanitary law says so
Also you are not a fucking wolf, you have a shorter digestive track that does jackshit to worm eggs, and you gastric juices are not true carnivore tier, if a wolf can get endoparasites you can too, most of the time this parasites produce zero simptoms unless they infest you from within, wish may or not may happen
God I hate this retard 4chink kids who think they know it all because some clown balding faggot who eats raw meat became their messiah

>> No.16148319

because in non-binary.

>> No.16148325

Because civilised

>> No.16148343
File: 12 KB, 320x260, 1621615473081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. special education kid

>> No.16148662

I'm vegan and i really want a tank top like that.

>> No.16149776

Did you know that cooking food causes it to lose nootrients and develop toxins?

>> No.16149830

I love how much this man triggers the leftist vegan redditors