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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 127 KB, 800x692, funny-meme-about-drinking-milk-tweett-twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16143102 No.16143102 [Reply] [Original]

>normies think it's weird to drink plain milk

>> No.16143113

It’s probably weird because milk is meant to grow baby cows, not to be drank by humans

>> No.16143119

It is, past a certain age. I've had adults staying over at my house ask me where the cereal is.

>not here, because I'm not raising children.

>> No.16143124
File: 9 KB, 309x114, bdbd9a56d181d346c5abcc48fb2a8693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spending the night with someone you're not married to.

>> No.16143126 [DELETED] 

Ok jewberg and/or nigger

>> No.16143142


>> No.16143143
File: 77 KB, 700x717, milk1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not much of a milkdrinker, but if I had some left over from cooking I'll have it. This also applies to wine.

>> No.16143148


>> No.16143150
File: 306 KB, 597x559, F5BAA0B6-5C92-4B3F-936F-D3FB2AFF5C00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STOP *clap* NORMALIZING *clap* WHITE *clap* WOMEN *clap* ATTEMPTING *clap* “COMEDY” *clap*

>> No.16143168


>> No.16143169
File: 127 KB, 686x685, 00_26_43_582_sakamoto_wo_peaches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about some dumb bitch on Twitter's opinion about drinking milk

>> No.16143181

Schopenhauer was right

>> No.16143182

>>not here, because I'm not raising children.
we know

>> No.16143184

>Imagine you're seeing someone and everything is going smoothly, one weekend she stays over at your house and right before you're about to fuck she says: "I'm gonna need you to put on a condom"

>> No.16143190

How to spot a DYEL

>> No.16143202

I don't like it but its not weird. Now when they say they are allergic to onions just because they don't like them, then yes, that is weird, childish and retarded.

>> No.16143203

And almonds are meant to be grown into almond trees. Whats your point?

>> No.16143210

Looks like someone's getting osteoporosis when they're older

>> No.16143212


>> No.16143217

inshallah this woman will soon learn her place
this is KEFIR you western swine-whore and it gives restful dreams
bring my fourth wife, i have no more need of you tonight

>> No.16143231

i can't get human milk from the grocery store, if i could then maybe i'd be drinking that

>> No.16143246

>having milk before bed
Why do would anyone wake up with shit smelling breath?
Also this looks a bit infantile.

>> No.16143290

>implying I eat or drink almonds
you fags are the absolute dumbest.

>> No.16143310

we will stone her soon alhamdulillah

>> No.16143322

I appreciate your burn, anon.

>> No.16143341

i do this but only because i lack toast and taller it and i like to fart while i'm sleeping and in the morning

>> No.16143346

White Shariah now

>> No.16143347

Answer the question

>> No.16143361

Milk literally helps you sleep

>> No.16143367

dis nigga name soap in shower lmaoo

>> No.16143386

fuckin achewood
ray > beef > cornelius > lyle > philippe > teodor > garbage juice > todd

>> No.16143399

That humans are not meant to drink milk after weening from their mothers, you dolt.

>> No.16143435

Humans aren't meant to use computers or watch television, they're not meant to fly in planes or drive cars, or even wear clothes, in fact we're not "meant" to do anything.

>> No.16143465

big yikes indeed

>> No.16143493

A slave obeys.
A man chooses.

>> No.16143508 [DELETED] 

Fuck off summerfag

>> No.16143515 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16143542
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>> No.16143572

hachi machi

>> No.16143580

based sakamoto poster

>> No.16143591

all aboard the tru train chugga chugga tru tru lmfao

>> No.16143603

Hey, good one. I think I've seen that copy+pasted all over by retards who will vehemently defend the dairy board of america's propaganda.
You're literally drinking milk because of a private entity's propaganda, goy.

>> No.16143604 [DELETED] 

So your either a chink or a nigger. Sad!

>> No.16143610

A butt poops.
A weiner pees.

>> No.16143620

Why would you raise children on cow feed laced in copious amounts of sugar? Your children will probably end up fat and retarded.

>> No.16143624 [DELETED] 

I've reported you for racism outside of B

>> No.16143641
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>> No.16143652

I will use my enormous strength granted to me through drinking lactose (food of my ancestors) to crush your tiny mongoloid skull.

>> No.16143667

I like how milk tastes so I drink it.

>> No.16143684

Have you tried not liking how milk tastes so you don't drink it?

>> No.16143705

Imagin being brown LOL

>> No.16143794

I'm not lactose intolerant but drinking a big glass of milk will make me fart up a storm.

Maybe she's implying that she's about to get dutch ovened

>> No.16143808

Everyone is misreading her post. She's not surprised he's drinking milk, she's surprised he's using a glass and not drinking straight from the carton while standing in front of the fridge and scratching his belly like a normal person.

>> No.16143816

I don't get it.

>> No.16143834

there’s different levels of lactose intolerance much like autism. i can drink a gallon and be lethargic but not hurt my stomach or GI tract.

>> No.16143848

Anon you're some level of LI, I legit do gomad for 3 months back in 2017 and farts were never an issue for me.

>> No.16143856

I don't drink milk regularly.
It's probably been a month since I drank a gallon.
I get the farts for a couple days until my gut bacteria get re-accustomed.

>> No.16143886 [DELETED] 

lol, dumb retard gorilla nigger vegan

>> No.16143895

Fuck off, retard.

>> No.16143904

I drink a glass before bed every night

>> No.16143910

That's never happened to me. You do probably have some low level LI bro

>> No.16143911

>>normies think it's weird to drink plain milk
fixed that for you

they wonder why their bones are so weak, why they're lacking in iron and why they have osteoporosis when they spend their fucking life drinking hipster shit like almond milk and rice milk

>> No.16143958

you think 90 year old boomers have osteoporosis because they've been drinking almond milk since 1930?

>> No.16143971

>dicks are meant to impregnate women
>assholes are meant to expel shit

And yet you still insist on sticking dicks up your asshole

>> No.16143972

I only drink whole milk. 2% milk just tastes too watery

>> No.16143977

Yikes. That's a lot to unpack. Ngl kinda sus. Folks.

>> No.16143983

Women? In my bedroom? It's more unlikely than you think.

>> No.16144026

as opposed to what? "I'm gonna need you to impregnate me and share our HPV strains"?

>> No.16144073

go on the pill bitch or get an implant, not my problem

>> No.16144091

I love how fags on here talk about how fake vegan food is and that lab-made stuff is bad. But then you have posts like these.
It’s as if people on here aren’t consistent in their ideologies

>> No.16144098

>It’s as if people on here aren’t consistent in their ideologies
It's almost like there are lots of different people here

>> No.16144120

I grew up on goat's milk and hated it even if it is great for certain cooking.

I never did learn to like cow's milk as a drink so I don't drink it, either.

>> No.16144206

social media "normies" are majority non-white, of course they don't drink milk, or at least on its own.

>> No.16144244


>> No.16144260

This is her latest excuse for why she has a uncontrollable need to fuck random new people.

>> No.16144280

Awww poor whittle guy reported the mean post sowwy your wittle feewings got hurted

>> No.16144289

Yep. Pol and b are containment boards for you incels

>> No.16144345

30 and 40 year old women, my dude

>> No.16144361

osteoporosis is higher in women who consume more milk than those who dont

>> No.16144374


>> No.16144389

“ The Milk Myth
For years we have been brought up with the belief milk is a good source of calcium and that drinking it promotes the development of strong teeth and bones. However, research undertaken by a team of Swedish scientists shows a link between milk consumption with increased mortality, bone fractures and osteoporosis.”

>> No.16144539

>Swedish scientists agree that guzzling cum is healthier and more delicious than cows milk

>> No.16144558

>this goes against my beliefs so I’m going to ignore it like a retard

>> No.16144566


>> No.16144574

>some weird new age swedish anti-milk website says calcium causes osteoporosis...source: some articles from 2014
yeah that makes sense

>> No.16144595


I don't give a shit, it balances my stomach bacteria, so you can't all eat dicks. You fucking people don't know shit about this in an afterthought.

>> No.16144603

and by that, I mean you must ALL eat dicks.

>> No.16144605

You are an idiot

>> No.16145345

Sounds like you probably have them faggot genes that makes milk hurt your tummy yet somehow are still able to guzzle and digest multiple loads of cum in one night. Maybe go be happy doing that instead of being mad that us Chads can drink milk with no problem and like it.

>> No.16145370

humans weren't meant to communicate with or let alone know there were this many people in the world but here we are

>> No.16145374

I love being White and able to drink milk.

>> No.16145379

milk is only good if you eat lots of heavy food before it.

>> No.16145386
File: 13 KB, 400x400, 1621378926433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw white and therefore evolved enough to drink milk without issue

>> No.16145400

When I get my jersey cow I will be crazy not to drink a glass of raw milk

>> No.16145523


>> No.16145531

Milk is good when it tastes good. Simple as.

>> No.16145533

>adults staying over at my house ask me where the cereal is.
Same but with tea/coffee. Not here, because I'm not a caffeine addict. Water or go thirsty caff-brained faggots.

>> No.16145604

Based posters

>> No.16145607

Ironically Mongols subsisted off of almost entirely meat and dairy

>> No.16145616
File: 196 KB, 1132x793, milk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she American? She's pretty ignorant in that case

>> No.16145638

Fucking normals do this shit forreal?

>> No.16145639

Stop regurgitating memes

>> No.16145665


>> No.16145676

I ignore things that I don't think are true. Swedes are fags so I ignore them. I think you're a fag so I ignore you too.

>> No.16145680

Is this why the average American height is in a free fall?

>> No.16145688

Does milk help you grow tits?

>> No.16145771

>I'm not lactose intolerant, I'm just intolerant to lactose.

>> No.16145789

I drink half a gallon of whole milk per day, unironically

>> No.16145792
File: 195 KB, 1300x1390, R1e97a9997452feee498d64cdc8a395ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine you're seeing someone and everything is going smoothly and one morning you wake up and see her without makeup and realize you are dating a 3 and not an 8.

>> No.16145819


>> No.16145838

Not just sources, but methodology, N size and replication study...

>> No.16145993
File: 62 KB, 800x615, Baked_milk..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually drink baked milk.

>> No.16146011

Bitch is seething because her tiny tits can't produce the delicious milk he needs.

>> No.16146015

What in tarnation..

>> No.16146021

What? It tastes smoother than regular milk

>> No.16146032

Damn, now I'm craving ryazhenka...

>> No.16146044

isn't that just evaporated milk?

>> No.16146059

Apparently not. It's beige and tastes slightly differently

Thoughtful choice

>> No.16146060

seems like its between condensed milk and evaporated milk

>> No.16146062

white people genetics are literally made to drink milk

>> No.16146074
File: 7 KB, 248x203, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Conclusions High milk intake was associated with higher mortality in one cohort of women and in another cohort of men, and with higher fracture incidence in women.
>>Given the observational study designs with the inherent possibility of residual confounding and reverse causation phenomena, a cautious interpretation of the results is recommended.

>> No.16146111

It's a milk that went through Maillard reaction. This is what gives it a distinct color and taste.
I can't find a decent source to verify if it's suitable for the lactose intolerant people.

>> No.16146112

Achewood is peak redditry
Look at the kind of person that enjoys that trash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWFm5q_B5EQ

>> No.16146117

>i feel like some milk
>take your shirt off
will this work?

>> No.16146150

>X group of people think Y
>twitter screenshot of yet another nobody
kill yourself op, please

>> No.16146185

There's nothing in cow milk that isn't also found in human milk.

>> No.16146293

Lmao this nigger still drinking milk ayyyyy

>> No.16146392

Why do fascist men love milk so much?. Seriously, pol and fit full of right wing milk drinking assholes

>> No.16146395

I think it is more suitable because most of lactose gets broken

>> No.16146396

Because fascists have good taste in everything.

>> No.16146760

Except winning wars kek

>> No.16146885

based based poster

>> No.16146917

You still shouldn't cum inside a woman on birth control, retard.

>> No.16146918

holy fuck

>> No.16146926

damn. just looking at him pissed me off, but when he started talkin with his speach impediment, it ruined my day. thanks

>> No.16146927

>go exercise with dog
>get back and drink some soy milk

>> No.16146934

I don't get it.

>> No.16146968
File: 593 KB, 615x746, 1582149006964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Franco wants a word with you.

>> No.16147080

Outside America you can get cereal that isn't just a sugar delivery system.

>> No.16147338

Every Breadtuber is either a fat bearded guy with a receding hairline or an MtF tranny. Sometimes both.

>> No.16147417


>> No.16147438

virgin here, why not? Apart from STDs

>> No.16147482

Birth control is not 100% effectice

>> No.16147493

people who drink lots of milk are more likely to do crazy shit and injure themselves.

>> No.16147605

Nothing is perfect. All birth control methods have a failure rate even without user error (and user error is also surprisingly common). Using multiple methods makes everything more foolproof. You should at least pull out even if she's on birth control, just to err on the side of caution.

>> No.16147607

A lot of the time the girl is lying. Never trust when a girl says she's on the pill or an implant, always use a rubber. I live in a university town and can't stress this enough.

>> No.16147643

>tastes good
>goes with most dishes
>makes my bones stronk
>befuddles minorities
>jews want me to stop so it must be good
Drinking milk is redpilled.

>> No.16147669

>all these virgins not realizing that she's concerned about bad dairy breath or gas from the dude drinking dairy so close to bed

>> No.16147685


>> No.16147700

cow milk has more protons so even if you could you probably shouldn't

>> No.16147827

drinking milk is weird

>> No.16147833

But what about the adult lactose tolerance Europeans evolved?

>> No.16147871

you sound like a nigger or a chink, are you just jealous you can't drink glorious milk?

>> No.16147938

That's not necessarily good if you can't get enough electrons to balance it out.

>> No.16147948

dont scream too loudly or mom's gonna hear

>> No.16147951

It is weird. Milk is unfinished cheese. But I think she's just a nymphomaniac and is upset at the thought some guy might just want to just spend some time with her and go to sleep without being lewd.

>> No.16147975

There are no other species on this Earth that consume milk post-infancy. Of all the species that do consume milk in any capacity, NONE consume the milk of a species other than their own. It is unnatural. But damn does it taste good.

>> No.16147999

man it really sucks have a lactose intollerance...

>> No.16148008
File: 29 KB, 480x480, 1621274262695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hell mate

>> No.16148030

That's not data on men who bring a glass of milk to bed when spending a weekend with their new sweetheart

>> No.16148049
File: 38 KB, 262x312, topkek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16148060

I have it and I still regularly drink milk when I get acid reflux and it doesn't bother me. Whole milk is fine, 2% will make me poo. White cheeses are fine, yellow cheese makes me a walking chemical weapon. I don't get it man but it doesn't stop me.

>> No.16148062

Yeah I'd never date a girl I hadn't seen without make up.

>> No.16148068

Nice. Sometimes if I'm feeling fancy I'll cook up some scorched milk to go in my coffee, even make some beignets to go with it lol.

>> No.16148073

Yeah there's also no other species that has absolutely dominated the world. Coincidence?

>> No.16148095
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>> No.16148103

4chan has always liked achewood. Your tourist is showing.

>> No.16148263


You diss my dogg you fluff my Hogg

>> No.16148282

this has never happened in the past 30+ years in America

>> No.16148286

I've been on this shithole since 2006 and I've never even heard of that comic

>> No.16148321

uncompromisingly based

>> No.16148330

do you remember what used to happen on wednesday on /b/?

>> No.16148341

Put me in the screenshot

>> No.16148342
File: 28 KB, 739x415, images (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be asian
>Drink milk whole life
>Not know that I'm supposed to be lactose intolerant
>Nobody in family is lactose intolerant
>Every "Italian" American around me gets the shuts when they eat any dairy, and get inflammation when they eat bread

>> No.16148345
File: 69 KB, 600x720, 93F37AD1-4816-49E2-B105-DB6F8B09B380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl i met on tinder comes over
>we put on a movie and start to mess around
>she asks for a glass of water, ok
>grab my water glass from atop my chest of drawers
>throw some ice in it, fill it up
>realize as i’m handing it to her that i used it for milk earlier that day
>there’s white shit floating in the water
>”anon wtf is this”
>she thought i was trying to drug her
>finally convince her it’s just milk by drinking it myself
>we still hookup but she never responds to my texts again

why bros

>> No.16148350

Subhumans seething itt

>> No.16148355
File: 45 KB, 560x537, sanitaco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to stop loving Achewood just because one of the fags you follow on Youtube also likes it.
That seems like exactly the sort of thing the sheep on Reddit would do.

>> No.16148363

Don't use unwashed glasses for guests you fucking disgusting sex-having piece of shit.

>> No.16148373

lol same, only with dog meat instead of milk.

>> No.16148380

Nobody said you should. You love Achewood because you're the type of thing that does.

>> No.16148384

You will never be white

>> No.16148388

Yeah, when I read that he grabbed his water glass I thought that was going to be the issue in the story.
How about grabbing her a fresh one from a cupboard, man? Fucking hell.

>> No.16148406

this was like 8 years ago in uni, i wouldn’t do that shit now.

>> No.16148408

And women are meant to grow human babies but for some reason we allow them to go on twitter and vote

>> No.16148422

Is Tinder that old already?

>> No.16148442

Wrong there are ant colonies that use aphids in the same way we use milking cattle

>> No.16148461

I remember sink threads, but I haven't been on /b/ in over a decade.

>> No.16148462

Reminder that lactose intolerance is a mental illness

>> No.16148478

smelling my farts is a mental thing i guess

>> No.16148502

Everybody farts even with no milk

>> No.16148512
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>> No.16148695

>Using ants milking aphids as an example.
>Thinking this makes it okay for you as a human to compare/justify your actions to that of an insect.

At least you didn't reference this then in the same sentence justify milk drinking since "no other animal wears clothes or created space flight" like that retard who brought this up last week. Yeah, if you're out there I remember that you fucking moron.

>> No.16148700

Based, just watched episode 12

>> No.16148726

post physique
using my incredible predictive powers i know that you wont

>> No.16148756

Once you can explain to me what my physique has to do with the context of this topic and why you would like to see it, I will formally call you a fag and tell you to fuck off. I'll wait.

>> No.16148766

Are we that old already?

>> No.16148768
File: 1.94 MB, 242x327, f47.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are no other species on this Earth that consume milk post-infancy. Of all the species that do consume milk in any capacity, NONE consume the milk of a species other than their own. It is unnatural
>Hey here is another species that does exactly that in a much similar way as humans maybe it isn't all that unnatural
>but b-but they are fucking insects ants even it's not okay, it's still unnatural because some documentary funded by forks over knives told me so, why aren't you vegan yet?!

>> No.16148773

Uhh, insects don’t produce milk you insufferable idiot. Therefore whatever the ants are doing isn’t consuming milk.

>> No.16148780

another victory for the oracle

>> No.16148818

american milk is so fucking bad

t. irish

>> No.16148825

>he doesn't eat hot cereal

>> No.16148843


Idk man I drank almost a gallon a day as a kid and drink a half gallon every other day

Ice cold milk after mowing the lawn is the tits

>> No.16148895

Aphids produce "honeydew" which is not AT ALL similar to milk of a mammal. Therefore the "milk" the ants are consuming is no more a "milk" than maple syrup is. Turn your fucking brain on.

>> No.16149248

>You still should always cum inside a woman on birth control or not, retard.

Fixed that for ya

>> No.16149262

Yeah I'm an anti-natalist, so what

>> No.16149272

If you want her to get pregnant, then sure. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, just be prepared for what you're doing.

>> No.16149298

Cumming in a girl just feels good, and the risk makes it extra hot :D

>> No.16149314


>> No.16149362


>> No.16149378

>subhumans think it's weird to drink milk

>> No.16149743

based incel bants

>> No.16150003

And before he knew it, due to it's normalization in his daily life, he began to add retard noises to his text based conversations.

>> No.16150150

What makes this singular twitter post from two years ago representative of normies?

>> No.16150741

Vegans go to Hell.

>> No.16150755

how about a glass of nourishing, dense, hydrating water you babies

>> No.16150766
File: 221 KB, 500x500, 1452371461367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only adjective that belongs in that list is hydrating; you retard.

>> No.16150782

Milk is more hydrating than pure water. Not even kidding.

>> No.16150810

>4chan likes thing
that only confirms it to be shit, nigger

>> No.16150841

>There are no other species on this Earth that consume milk post-infancy

Have seen cows drink milk from each other desu

>> No.16150869
File: 170 KB, 1628x478, Franco- Marxism is a Mental Disorder experiments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16150879

Also if you inject your blood into a cow, it will produce tailored antibodies in its milk just for your body.

>> No.16150881
File: 19 KB, 360x360, Xw-k5gO7dh8ZC8UDUIbDXpY8CyvdkD27gHrEp0zYozk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based france
god save the queen

>> No.16150902
File: 2.01 MB, 598x830, 0747EEA3-25FC-4F42-97E9-B95F6779B217.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16150908

i love lactose free milk.

>> No.16151202

nigger detected

>> No.16151325

>tfw gf uses almond milk
>tfw don't use milk enough to warrant buying my own separate real milk
>tfw will almost never have real milk again

At least she eats real cheese

>> No.16151549

Doesn’t mean it’s reddit, retard

>> No.16151570

>imagine you're seeing someone
yeah fucking right. horseshit fantasy.
i want to stove every normie's head in with a pipe wrench

>> No.16151928

why france

>> No.16151955

Consuming milk within 30 mins of it being delivered to your home is fine. But if it's sitting in the fridge till night, I want to blend it with either an Alphonso mango or any other fruit I can find

>> No.16151971

Why are asians even lactose intolerant? Didn't the mongols consume tons of dairy?

>> No.16151987

All these kissless virgins in here not realizing she said "about to go to bed" because it's fucking disgusting kissing someone with hot milk breath.

>> No.16151990

There is no other species on earth that has invented the firearm. There is no other species on earth that has inhabited every single continent. There is no other species on earth that is even half as successful as human beings.
What's you're point, milk and milk products like yoghurt are good for you and promote a real hunter's physique.

>> No.16152011

Apart from antibodies and sufficient iron, vitamin E and fatty acids

>> No.16152125
File: 27 KB, 1158x864, hachi machi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew what this meant but I wanted to google it to learn where it came from, highlighted it and instead of search google I hit print by accident. Didn't think anything of it until my boss starts waving around a piece of paper yelling "WHO PRINTED HACHI MACHI?". I'm scared, I think he thinks it's a racial slur or something. Pic related is the hachi machi in question.

>> No.16152135
File: 109 KB, 246x220, 1550207862693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>url to this thread printed in the header
it's all ogre for you

>> No.16152147

Actually thats my fetish. Theres something cozy and homely in a girl with sour, heavy breath. I loved smelling the breath of my ex. I would just say, open wide and take a big sniff.

>> No.16152149
File: 79 KB, 500x281, 1406432616600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no. oh fuck. it's been real frens this is my life now. Mr. Robinson suck my cock you decrepit bridge dwelling ghoul you'll never find me. I am the hachi machi man.

>> No.16152164

i’m laughing so hard right now, holy shit. it’s from the critic, right?

>> No.16152165

It's the middle of the night or early morning on a Saturday for most English-speaking nations, larping tard.

>> No.16152194

some offices work on saturdays too and also straya exists

>> No.16152204

I lived next to a dairy farm and the guy had two cows who did this. Locked in some weird lesbian embrace, they would drink from each others udder. Every day. He send them to the factory to get their heads removed

>> No.16152209

I'm from Aus it's 6pm, I work customer assistance for a round the clock mechanic service.
I don't even care where it's from anymore. I hate this fucking job.

>> No.16152217

And there is no species on earth in which depression is so prevalent. Return to nature.

>> No.16152224

Australia hardly counts as an English-speaking country.

>> No.16152231

ok seppo

>> No.16152240

Funny how "hunters" only started drinking milk 8000 to 10000 years ago and we get milk from domesticated agriculture and the countries with the number one intakes of milk have the most hip fractures.

>> No.16152444

.t has never shot some invasive goat cut it's udder off and carried it around for fresh milk for his cup of tea

>> No.16152451

Anything normies agree is weird is weird by definition.

>> No.16152816

Mongols are pretty different from the chinese.

>> No.16152824

I drink milk straight from the jug. It's delicious.

>> No.16152831

do people really just drink milk straight from the jug? its basically just another ingredient for me

>> No.16152832

So are milk and cookies just not a thing anymore? What the fuck are you supposed to drink with them, water?

>> No.16152849

Milk is packed full of nutrients and protein.. why is being healthy bad?

It’s better than drinking alcohol. Alcohol literally damages your brain

>> No.16152869

You don't need to cum up get stds

The second you enter without, is the point of contact. Always wrap it unless you are in a relationship bruh

>> No.16153009

This is some implicit white self hatred thing isn't it? i bet black twitter also thinks milk drinking is for creepy ass crackas

>> No.16153140

Reasonable as always, Sakamoto-san.

>> No.16153339

It’s hotchie motchie. I don’t think it existed before the Critic.

>> No.16153342

Unimaginably based

>> No.16153350

Appeal to nature fallacy

>> No.16153519

Steppe Asians =/= East Asians

>> No.16153544

Women say this but refuse to both take lactation inducing drugs or whip out their udders for feeding. DO YOU WANT ME TO DRINK HUMAN MILK OR NOT

>> No.16153945

Someone made a facebook post about how milk is only supposed to be for babies, because mammals stop lactating when their children gets older, and all the brainlets were like "THAT'S SO TROOOOO!!!!"
But let's ignore all the """unnatural""" shit they consume on a daily basis.

>> No.16153949

>my status as an adult is dictated by my breakfast food

>> No.16153955

What about alcohol?

>> No.16153958
File: 663 KB, 1210x1613, 2021-05-21 22.33.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently I bought a bottle of regular milk to drink along while eating this.

It's spiciness comes out of nowhere and kicks you in the face

>> No.16154041

Ahh... the Spanish civil war. The time when an army of scum lead by sociopaths. Fought an army of scum lead by psychopaths, and the psychos won.

>> No.16154084

No, white people are made to eat cheese

>> No.16154154

Humans are meant to do whatever the fuck we want. Get off the internet if you only want to do what nature allows you to, you faggot.

>> No.16154190

Cows were selectively bred for milk production, so milk is literally for humans

>> No.16154242

>you will give birth to fascists

>> No.16154253

If it's ok for baby cows it's ok for me.

>> No.16154669

>It is, past a certain age.
Not at all.

>> No.16154705

Milk doesn't just refer to mammal milk and never has even the word lactose is from the Roman word lacti- which meant lettuce as when you cut wild lettuces off at the stem they leak a milky substance the Romans thought mammal milk reminded them of that not the other way around

>> No.16154742

Around the same time bees invented honey actually

>> No.16155767

shut up, jew.

>> No.16155839

>not keeping a milk regiment
This is why you'll never make it.
Uh, am I fucking a lab-grown woman?
You're not drinking milk because you lack the enzymes to digest, common in those of European decent, you turbo-nigger.

>> No.16155848

This. The seethe in this thread pleases our glowie FDA overlords

>> No.16155849

That's due to an imbalance of calcium and vitamin d. If you supplement your milk consumption with vitamin d, you'll achieve paranormal abilities.