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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 117 KB, 720x901, BE9C4146-150C-4390-AE37-8831AEDF6729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16141851 No.16141851 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is wrong with americans.

>> No.16141868

An extremely small % of the population consumes these. The vast majority don't. Why do you care about a niche population of people you will never meet?

>> No.16141898

>Why do you care about a niche population of people you will never meet?
Cope, this is a food post on a food board.

>> No.16141901

>Why do you care about a niche population of people you will never meet?

OP suffers from what is known as "American Derangement and Obsession Syndrome", and forgot to take his meds today sadly.

>> No.16141905

lol imagine being so fucking stupid, not only do you believe "amercians" do this but also being so fucking stupid you can't comprehend that's what happens when you cook a hamburger anything in the pan vs a grill.

Thanks for making my day. I'm glad to know retarded as fuck people post shit like this and believe it.

>> No.16141910

I cook skillet burgers all the time and they never get bubbles like that...

>> No.16141917

The fuck are you talking about, I've been cooking patties for years and I've never seen any of them having this bubbling reaction.

>> No.16141921

That's because you aren't retarded when it comes to cooking. OP is fucking stupid. Don't take what I said personally you fucking retards

>> No.16141924

jewish communists are now american

>> No.16141925

>Cope, this is a gay anal sex post on a gay anal sex board.
See what you sound like?

>> No.16141929

I am retarded when it comes to cooking. Can co firm, never seen this.

>> No.16141931

Woah, I didn't realize I was this based. Thanks, anon.

>> No.16141945


>> No.16141948

That just means you're a decent/good cook then

>> No.16141953


Jesus Christ you bunch are fucking stupid

>> No.16141956


>> No.16141957

>They were packaged in vacuum packaging
LMFAO sorry mate, I only eat fresh meat.

>> No.16141961

>See what you sound like?
If he was on a gay sex board he wouldn't be out of place talking about gay sex, I don't get your point

>> No.16141969

Disgusting sub human produced food for subhumans.

>> No.16141996

>he goes to reddit

>> No.16141999

it's called beyond meat because it comes from beyond this world

>> No.16142001

>synonym for Americans

Yurocuck education

>> No.16142017

>Not american

>> No.16142022
File: 521 KB, 2496x1872, xdwFVMd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just went to reddit and saw this, what the fuck is going on over there

>> No.16142030

It seems that air is trapped inside the patty after getting vacuum packed and when they're cooking it, the air is starting to expand but the fat is heavier therefore those bubbles are formed.

>> No.16142040
File: 168 KB, 719x880, ooh mommy umami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16142044


>> No.16142101

>hamburger smells like hamburger
>iMaGiNe Da SmEaLl

>> No.16142106

It's not a hamburger.

>> No.16142114

Vegans: We have an extremely healthy diet
Also vegans:

>> No.16142132

That happens with normal meat as well. Just not as much.

>> No.16142154

Why is this board full of YouTube comment section memes, it honestly puts me off of coming here

>> No.16142167

No. The water in the patty expands into steam and creates bubbles in the juices/hemoglobin. Happens with pretty much all pre-pattied frozen shit because of the quality and water content.

>> No.16142172

>Why is this board full of YouTube comment section memes, it honestly puts me off of coming here
Always has been.

>> No.16142175


>> No.16142429

How old are you? 4chan in general has always been this way. It's a trash chink basket weaving website

>> No.16142443

I mainly use /out/ and /x/ and I have only ever seen this style of post on /ck/, maybe I just don't use the fag boards like you

>> No.16142465

Food faker than the people that consume it

>> No.16142487

Because you're being disingenuous. This isn't a food post, this is a shit post for you to cry about Americans in any capacity you can. The food isn't the point here, it's you projecting your insecurities about people you don't even interact with.

>> No.16142546

You find it on the boards that tend to be slower and have more niche topics. The slow nature of the board leaves most shitposters to avoid it. Top it off with a majority of the people who come to /ck/ are normalfags and you have threads with Iphone users obsessing over America.

And then there are phoneposters like OP. A shining beacon of why phoneposters offer nothing to a board and should have been banned from the start.

>> No.16142576

If it was a designed to mock mexicans, indians or arabs, you'll be laughing. Stop being a crying baby.

>> No.16142600

i’ve made these before and they turned out fine and tasty. whoever did this is either a retard or did it on purpose

>> No.16142603
File: 63 KB, 650x423, Like pottery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obsessed with vegans
>Obsessed with Americans
>iPhone filename in the OP of a shitty low effort thread

>> No.16142609

That's the point though.

>> No.16142615


>> No.16142616

Stop seething

>> No.16142626

Stop taking shit too seriously and grow some balls if you're gonna be browsing here. Everyone gets shit. Take it or move to reddit.

>> No.16142637

Then don't come here. Go to reddit

>> No.16142659


>> No.16142661


>> No.16142676

>maybe I just don't use the fag boards
>I mainly use /out/ and /x/

>> No.16142692

>phoneposters offer nothing to a board and should have been banned from the start
Wasn't there a point at which mobile hardware couldn't post on 4chan? I could swear that was the case.

>> No.16143121


>> No.16143129


>> No.16143140
File: 19 KB, 331x320, 28a996e245bb6a29e731679fc195e842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans must approve of every weird thing I find on the internet
I don't even approve of most of the regular shit Americans like and I am one.

>> No.16143226


>> No.16143234


>> No.16143235

>why is it so hard to learn how to greentext?

>> No.16143252

Yea listen, I'm a plant BASED chad and I never try to eat imitation schmeat like all of these poser cucks thinking they're eating healthy. These cucks are in the major minority, but just enough that they make the people who sell this shit profit. They all relapse and go back to eating shit after they get even more fat and unhealthy because they didn't eat their fucking fruits and vegetables the right way.

>> No.16143356
File: 274 KB, 935x935, 1615505537356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine for one second thinking that the fringe population of dissidents that want to destroy burger are "Americans." Since they probably aren't sincere, imagine even pretending to believe that.

>> No.16144538

Ah, yes, the foreskin patty.

>> No.16144619


>> No.16144627

because there's another small % of the population that is using every available method to try and convince us to eat this shit

>> No.16144638

>obsessing over americans
Americans are not food.

>> No.16144649

>not "you will never meat"
what a waste of a post, ngmi

>> No.16144650

Holy fuck you're retarded

>> No.16144652


>> No.16144713

We're the only one willing to push the boundaries of science in order to perfect food. You'll thank us eventually.

>> No.16145784
File: 60 KB, 540x720, GcSZE4l[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheap meat patties (the kind Americans eat) do that too. Because it's highly processed.
When you have little bits of protein suspended in liquid, they make disgusting bubbles when you heat them up.
That's a meat patty. Pic related is too. Stop eating literal slop

>> No.16145787

I've bought these "cheap" meat patties for years and never seen any shit like that.

>> No.16145821
File: 40 KB, 474x657, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me evolution
>decide to run natural selection
>i'm bored anyway , it gon be fun
>weak units die off
>gene pool kept clean n good
>humans prevent natural selection
>average human iq drops down to 75
>they start fucking up their lives more than i ever could

>> No.16145856

>tfw no one recognizes turn me bubbles

>> No.16145964

It sounds like he's on a gay anal sex board and so are you anon. Why are you on a gay anal sex board?

>> No.16145991

kek, this

>> No.16146014

can we cool it with the antisemitism please

>> No.16146164

no one:
not a soul:
not even big chungus:
not even keanu reeves:
not even moot:
this anon:
allow me to introduce myself and leave

>> No.16146197

Shut the fuck up, keep eating sardines while your country is taken over by immigrants Eurocuck, or keep being autistic and unattractive if you're Asian.

>> No.16146202

the absolute state

>> No.16146222
File: 118 KB, 600x638, 1621207331216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat mutt trying to shittalk others, exposing his own insecurities about his appearance and fact that the US is sub 50% white

>> No.16146230

In the US, Muslims sell us cigarettes, in Europe....Muslims rape your daughter and get away with it.

In the US, Asians do your nails....in Asia....they're ugly people who can only breed via rape and commit suicide at a rapid rate.

>> No.16146354


>> No.16146362

In china, you get paid in social credit score
In america, they do it for free

>> No.16146412

Eww i was gonna buy that hamburgre meat but not anymore. i'm gonna try the impossible whopper instead.

>> No.16146532

For the love of god what the fuck is happening.

>> No.16146563

oh it's this thread again

>> No.16146613

american education

>> No.16146784

no education

>> No.16147545

>Why is this board full of YouTube comment section memes, it honestly puts me off of coming here
Where do you think the commenters are coming from?

>> No.16147692

Go back

>> No.16147708

Why are you bringing up gay sex of all things?

>> No.16147838

Gay sex is kino

>> No.16149076

TFW no gay bf to cook me american bubbling patties.

>> No.16149135

I tried one of these at a bar once and though it was alright. This picture will make me think twice before eating one again.

>> No.16149142

if they ever make actually good vatmeat I'll eat it so I don't have to hurt piggies or moomoos, deal with it

>> No.16149571
File: 68 KB, 974x819, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the FUCK