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16131807 No.16131807 [Reply] [Original]

What can I eat everyday for lunch and not get bored

I'm tired of lame sandwiches
I'm tired of the same old soups
I'm tired of trying to re-invent some form of egg + bread to keep it interesting

>> No.16131820

Why do you want to eat the same shit every day, you seething fucking incel cuck ;) Variety is the spice of life, you know? *shits self*

>> No.16131829
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>> No.16131832

"everyday" is an adjective; you mean "every day".

>> No.16131833
File: 33 KB, 624x348, 2cb6823c975ee09b0d93e071c71c86d5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"huevos fritos con chorizo"

>> No.16131834

I get creative and interesting with dinner. Lunch I just want to be easy.

Lunch is just tedious. When you live alone there's only so many days in a row you can eat sandwiches stuffed with lettuce
(If you buy lettuce living alone its all you eat for the next week)

>> No.16131840
File: 146 KB, 1200x857, Tostadas-y-mermelada[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a toast with butter spreaded on it, then jam/jelly on top. Very european

>> No.16131845
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>"everyday" is an adjective; you mean "every day".

>> No.16131849

rice or salad bowls. pretty simple, meat, charred veggies, cheese, sauces. a million different combos you can use, hot or cold.

>> No.16131854
File: 78 KB, 920x518, zoom-b2d2d5662fedf6bc1214ba677be04843-920-518[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these dipped in choccy milk or coffee

>> No.16131859

I do the same. I do intermittent fasting (eat 2 meals: One at around lunchtime and then another at around 6-7 pm). Just eat a big bowl of oatmeal for the first one, then I eat whatever I want for dinner. Oats are cheap as shit so it also enables me to spend money on whatever for dinner

>> No.16132075

>runny jam
Recommendation discarded

>> No.16132130

anon i have been eating almost the same thing for last 3 years. Dont take such habits you will never be able to change it. I am cursed forever to eat every work day one white yougurt, 300g of premium pork ham and two pieces of small rye/wheat baguetes. On a festive day i use balsamico on the ham. On high activity i add spoon of high quality olive oil. If you do good you can have some horseradish with your ham too. Pair this with tea, prefereably sheng puer

>> No.16132149

your loss

>> No.16132167

I will never do that, I get bored too easily.

I just want to find something that's nutritious and easy enough to eat every day without thinking about

For a while it was vegetable soup. There are enough different kinds of root vegetable and other lentils, beans, herbs, spices etc to throw into vegetable soup that you can make it semi interesting week after week.

But now I'm fucking bored of soup too

>> No.16132217

Is it k or ok