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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16129951 No.16129951 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16129954


>> No.16129970

I wish I were a girl
I wish my father would cook with me

>> No.16129992

So this channel is an alt-right dog whistle, right? I can't see why else anyone would give a fuck about food from "ye olde times"

>> No.16130039
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>> No.16130054

Yeah, only rightoids could possibly be interested in history. Must be why leftists continue to ruin everything since they refuse to learn from it.

>> No.16130059

Coomers must hang, but pedo coomers must be flayed and then hung.

>> No.16130170
File: 40 KB, 417x317, 9477BB8A-E02D-4E4A-95B7-1C289E602A06.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So this channel is an alt-right dog whistle, right? I can't see why else anyone would give a fuck about food from "ye olde times"

>> No.16130258 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 762x785, 1520666237013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, why would anyone interested in cuisine care about old recipes other than for political reasons, fuck you faggot youre worse than the niggers making everything about race

>> No.16130445

>taking low-tier bait this easily

>> No.16130449

Damn, THAT'S his wife?

>> No.16130464

That look in her eyes, you just know

>> No.16130482

Why do incels always respond in earnest to obvious bait

>> No.16130520

1755 is too many eggs.

>> No.16130527

You mean like you're doing right now?

>> No.16130543

They are so cute together, I am sure he is a good dad.

>> No.16130552

>I was only pretending to be retarded xD


>> No.16130668

good 1

>> No.16130700

What are the food and cooking implications of naming a dessert ‘orange fool’?

>> No.16130717

That it has orange flavor and is a fool.

>> No.16130769

Because it's interesting, a lot of people love history and love old cooking, hell back in high school I once made my take on an Ancient Greek dinner for my Ancient History class and I got a cookbook on 19th century American recipes from my library. History is kewl

>> No.16132160



>> No.16132171

The girl was really cute in the brickmaking video she appeared in not too long ago. I wish I could marry her and live a comfy frontier homestead life.

>> No.16132176

Why hasn't he made a GERIATRIC PEDOPHILE DEMENTIA Fool, yet?

>> No.16132212

this guy talks like he's selling tupperware on channel 9002 at 3am

>> No.16132262


>> No.16132346

I understand why he didn't cook with you

>> No.16132355

This voice make me up

>> No.16132357

I don't think geriatric pedophile dementia would pair well with custard.

>> No.16132425

never seen or heard of this guy
seems comfy and legit

>> No.16132482

What a retarded take

>> No.16132501

>he still watches TV

>> No.16132886

what a cute and funny girl

>> No.16132901

>ctl+f orange fool
>0 results
really fellas? we're going to let him get away with it?

>> No.16133041

Isn't that just the name of a drink

>> No.16133046

how much for the kid?

>> No.16133101
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>> No.16133316
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>> No.16133327
File: 672 KB, 900x900, 1478789943610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id scramble her eggs

>> No.16133331

He's basically antifa when it comes to his opinions on Trump. Luckily, he saw the horrible outcome of his one political video and hasn't made another one since.

>> No.16133362
File: 2.36 MB, 190x182, 54pvitwfnor21.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone that disagrees with me is antifa
That's how that works.

>> No.16133406

Fuck this faggot. I watched him from the start until he started pushing his political shit.

>> No.16133457
File: 83 KB, 500x607, 1616552870825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck this faggot. I watched him from the start until he started pushing his political shit.

>> No.16133458

How does this old dude have such a cute, young, trad wife?

>> No.16133480


>> No.16133483

Die of covid you faggot everyone hates you

>> No.16133486

That's not Adam Chadusea

>> No.16133547
File: 127 KB, 1300x1197, 206C6535-822C-47BE-82E8-D71E74B379BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16133578


Mods please delete this thread.

>> No.16133743

Good bait, expert fisherman, here's a (you)

>> No.16134286

> not the cute milk maid and the butter churn

You know the one....

>> No.16134292

he literally made a video denouncing Trump supporters because they thought he was making fun of their emperor

>> No.16134302

That's looks yunny

>> No.16134393

Yeah he only role plays as an American.

>> No.16134496

>I was only pretending to be retarded!

>> No.16134592
File: 128 KB, 239x372, 1619592178586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perfect for keto, Townsends is peak comfy

>> No.16134596
File: 192 KB, 634x581, townsends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no family to 18th century larp with

>> No.16134605

That head is a lot more bare than I thought it was going to be

>> No.16134608

Mentally ill retard

>> No.16134611
File: 188 KB, 448x400, 1619327414889.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still taking the bait

>> No.16134789

thats why he wears hats indoors

>> No.16135088

link to the loli video?

>> No.16135115

That looks better than the slop Ramsay makes.


>> No.16135152

she's not that cute here ._.

>> No.16135161


>> No.16135173
