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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 82 KB, 311x554, 943C1A14-74AA-447D-8D18-F4FCCE9677DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16117125 No.16117125[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is /ck/ getting drunk off right now?


>> No.16117128


>> No.16117160
File: 787 KB, 1080x1080, wuliangye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

much better than maotai

>> No.16117174

mango white claw

>> No.16117176

I don’t drink alcohol. It simply disgusts me

>> No.16117182
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>> No.16117197
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Fren, you might have the gay!

>> No.16117198
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Mah nigga

>> No.16117233

What a fucking nose.

>> No.16117235
File: 31 KB, 400x573, FD9A26A0-140D-4F3E-89D3-601B5C76224A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t give a fuck what faux-snobs say about it.

>> No.16117254
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I'm a simple man

>> No.16117260
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>I don't drink champagne
>Mere alcohol doesn't thrill me at all
>Tell me why wouldn't it be true that I get a kick out of brew

>> No.16117284

I don't drink alcohol. Alcohol is for people who will never make it.

>> No.16117289
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>> No.16117518

Well I’m sober now

>> No.16117531

still would

>> No.16117535

You know what, fuck it, based

>> No.16117537

the jew strikes again

>> No.16117555

Worse comes to worse you just start hitting it from the back.

>> No.16117569

nah, I get my kicks from the sense of charity I get from ugly girls' O-faces

>> No.16117572

This woman probably still has had way more sex than me.

>> No.16117575

Ew! A jew! Disgusting shrew! I'm going to spew!

>> No.16117577


>> No.16118516

>Doesn't like booze
Fair. There's plenty of things people don't like

>Feels the need to seek out threads dealing in said thing to announce it
You're no better than those vegan faggots that shill their diet like s fucking religion

>> No.16118581

You think she likes drinking out of snifters?

>> No.16118582


>> No.16118609
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>feeling depressed
>decide to break my two month sobriety streak
>remember it's sunday
>can't buy booze
oh well...

>> No.16118637

why is this very gross man dressed in girls clothes? what kind of sicko is he?

>> No.16118643

Fucking faggot

>> No.16118645

She's kind of cute in a turn-of-the-century homely farmgirl kind of way. I bet she sucks a mean cock desu

>> No.16118648
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>cant buy booze on sunday

>> No.16118652

surely you jest. that a very ugly man

>> No.16118668

ugly girls are secret kino. They have to compensate by being super freaky in bed, so you can basically do whatever you want to them

>> No.16119486

Me again, just want to point out that I do drink cum.

>> No.16119489


>> No.16119500

You dodged a bullet.
Stay strong, man. You already know drinking won't help with the depression.

>> No.16119558

WOOF WOOF! I wouldn’t touch her with yours OP.

>> No.16119568
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Looks like beggars can be choosers!

>> No.16119920

Jew memes are so low energy

>> No.16119921

I just drank two Corona's, got one left lol.

>> No.16119927

She probably doesn't get many guys hitting on her so she'd be so flattered if you came up and talked to her. She'd probably be a little shy at first, but eventually you'd take her home and get to bone her. Then she'd cuddle up against you and tell you how much she loved you and wants to watch animes with you and be with you forever. Nobody else wants to be with you forever. :(

>> No.16119939

Pennsylvania bro here. Just went and got a box of wine from Wegmans.

>> No.16120017

Typically beer, nothing fancy just lagers.
Recently started getting into wine, though. Opened up a 2019 Beringer cab yesterday and actually tried to have it at temp. Was great!
But I’ll always be a beer man, through and through

>> No.16120035

Dat god chosen schnozz!

>> No.16120201
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>> No.16120259

A women with that figure could make a good living on only fans.

>> No.16120262

I'd rather be alone for ever

>> No.16120502


>> No.16121721
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>> No.16121788
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>> No.16122040

mean and uncalled for :(

>> No.16122145

Best cola for rum and coke?

>> No.16122154

tfw u dont konw ur ugly

>> No.16122228

moderators there are anti-semites in this thread
shut this thread down

>> No.16122242

whatever I'm drinking it ain't strong enough to want that tranny in the pic

>> No.16122243

Old Forrester 86proof w/ sprite
tall glass of ice water next to it

>> No.16122289

Talisman pale ale and Auchentoshan. I’ll switch to Whistler grapefruit ale and Bushmill’s Black when I get home.

>> No.16122310

Never make what? I’m a daily drinker and I live in a comfortable home with my much younger wife. I have a stable job which I’m a senior manager at and I wrote a cook book. What have you done?

>> No.16122313

i could believe this picture just makes her look really bad

>> No.16122320

truly berry punch

>> No.16122323


>> No.16122329


>> No.16122434

u do realize it is the same one or two anons that post non-alcohol posts on these threads.

>> No.16122459

canadian club rye. gonna kill this 26 tonight

>> No.16122488
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i need pussy badly bros, I dont understand why jerking doesnt really fill the need

>> No.16122513

tricked by the pickle man once again

>> No.16122514

beluga gold line

>> No.16122515
File: 1.48 MB, 2298x3064, Champ_Shot_(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone gave me a bottle of this, taking some shots right now. It's decent but I'm not really a vodka person.

>> No.16122677

I’m fairly certain all of 4chan is just me and you behind seven proxies

>> No.16122697

does your wife know you're gay?

>> No.16122741

Yes, but she’s also gay so it works out, like multiplying negatives.

>> No.16122778

that, studded jeans, your own company, a tight fitted tee shirt, a tan, short and spiked hair, tattoos, and girls with fake tits. that's all that vodka reminds me of.

>> No.16122806

I bought a bottle a few weeks ago and even the checkout guy was making fun of me. I drink a lot of vodka, and "decent" is being generous. I used to hate when people called foods "memes" (/ck/ used to be different ~8 years ago), but Crystal Head is a straight up meme.

>> No.16122821
File: 48 KB, 716x325, curmudgeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grabbed a four pack of curmudgeon's wife on the way out of work. she'd be better cold but i don't have time for that. might hold onto the last one and se how it ages.

>> No.16122841

crystal head is indeed a "meme". you are buying it for the bottle. they know it. you know it and everyone who see's it in your house knows it.

>> No.16122885

you could buy it because you love dan aykroyd?

>> No.16122907
File: 824 KB, 482x300, 2fd31b9a1b512bc0a2516bef3a493b7a33aa5939_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek yea, glad I didn't pay for it at least

>> No.16122920

I think I went to high school with her

>> No.16122950

I invented modern computers, get on my level.

>> No.16122952

I too feel like 4chan is mostly fakes and bots, but I'm at least a third dude.

>> No.16122984

Highland park?

>> No.16123018
File: 222 KB, 360x640, wr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usually i drink beer but winter's chill has put me off the carbs

>> No.16123028

Yes I didn't know her but have definitely seen her around

>> No.16123047

that bot? it's actually a little wizard who lives in your pc. remember to feed him crumbs from your chips.

>> No.16123069
File: 620 KB, 900x900, Kratom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone sober atm? I stopped drinking 3 days ago, was shaky for 2 days but I was fine today. Kratom is helping a lot to keep me happy, working my sales job and not manic. Let me know how you guys are doing. Cheers

>> No.16123078

What 3rd world country are you from? Iran or some shit?

>> No.16123079

its my day off tomorrow so i dont want to have a hangover. alcohol is for work nights.

>> No.16123083

KJI drank enough cognac to become hennesey's #1 customer and he had an entire country at his beck and call

>> No.16123107

Drinking Blue Moons while also sipping on Bulleit bourbon and Lot 40 rye.

I just finished a large sample box of Steamworks beers. Really good stuff.

>> No.16123136
File: 14 KB, 540x540, 1591157695074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one beer left?!

>> No.16123317

This but actually

>> No.16123321
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>> No.16123326

a chick invited me to go drink beer today in the evening out of the blue
should i take my knife /ck/?

>> No.16123475

Anon is probably already dead. Should have brought a gun. Can't trust women these days

>> No.16123528

Knife for safety. Condom for safety. Knife + condom for guaranteed sex. Can't go wrong.
Unless she's jewish then you're fucked from "hello"

>> No.16123529
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Christophuh let himself go.

>> No.16123617

knife? nah bring your spear you pussy.
>cervezas>irish beers>blue moon/shock top>craft beers>sours>domestics>other imports
girls are weird man, but if you're looking to lay and you think hairy nuts and a strong chin is the way to get to it then that's the order there. don't question the order either, i don't have time for that.

>> No.16123855

Muslim countries have week ends on friday/saturdays usually. If things for that Anon are closed on a sunday it's more likely to be a Christian country like let's say Poland.

>> No.16123926

How has this thread survived 30 hours without stoking the ire of the Jannies?

>> No.16123955
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Time to crash into slumber, lads

>> No.16123964


>> No.16123968

i remember when 4chan used to publicly-shame people who actually deserved it. show some class

>> No.16123994

Hello newfag.

>> No.16124052

Dude, it's like 8am.

>> No.16124064
File: 60 KB, 630x628, Gaasbeek-label-630x628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop drinking my waifu, I've given up trying to drink other things

>> No.16124094

Box wine

>> No.16124104

Low effort meme moshe

>> No.16124166

You can't buy booze on a Sunday in Sweden. Maybe some bar might be open but you can't go to the liquor store chain owned by the government.

>> No.16124404

Right there with you anon

>> No.16124418

Nope still alive
no sex beer was very nice tho
yeah let me real quick drink shitty beer and go around my street with a massive spear

>> No.16124458

could be Utah

>> No.16124622

Sir, this is 4channel.

>> No.16124631

I saw her on Tinder lol

>> No.16124666

I've really come to appreciate how "vodka-y" Russian Standard is. It's also the very first drink I had so it holds a special place in my heart.

>> No.16124672

dude wtf that's my girlfriend

>> No.16125197
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>not starting the morning with some tea and scotch

>> No.16125822

Wow. The world is so cruel and unfair.

>> No.16125847

I would fuck this woman because fucking hideous women like this is hilarious. As long as her body isn't as hideous as her face.

>> No.16125912

you will never be a human

>> No.16125936

it's monday

>> No.16125954
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