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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 265 KB, 800x870, Egg-Types-graphic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16110786 No.16110786 [Reply] [Original]

How do we take our eggs?

>> No.16110791

gordon wamsay style

>> No.16110794


Any egg is a delicious egg.

That said, sunny side up with some rye bread toasted dark

>> No.16110807

is that a dash of Tony sash? OMG

>> No.16110817

Poached, sunnyside, or medium over corned beef hash & rye toast.

>> No.16110848

Over medium is the best style.

>> No.16110904

over hard, don't wanna catch some disease from undercooked eggs :)

>> No.16110946

From that picture, the only bad way is over hard. I personally prefer over easy.

>> No.16110998

Eggs are bitter.

>> No.16111002

microwaved with ketchup

>> No.16111013

over easy and poached are the optimal eating experiences
sunny side up for looks

>> No.16111027

>no lacy burnt bits
they are all poo
poo poo
poo poo pee pee

>> No.16111098

I like poached, country style scrambled (big curds) and over easy.

>> No.16111150

Over hard. Raw egg yolk doesn't taste good. Cooked yolk does.

>> No.16111293
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How the fuck do you cook eggs without even slightly burning the edges or popping the yolk when flipping it over?

>> No.16111356

over medium almost every time.

>> No.16111366

Turn the heat down for starters. The highest I put the heat on is medium high, and once the white starts to set, I take it off the heat.

>> No.16111427

Over easy.
Soft and creamy.
I don’t know what it’s called but a minute in boiling water is what I do.
5 minutes.

>> No.16111534
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I like my egg with rice

>> No.16111623

raw, cracked over a bowl of rice
Soft scramble, over easy, light poach
>Bad (overcooked)

>> No.16111638

In Shakshouka, soft scrambled, or just poached (light) by themselves. Sometimes a French Omelette is good but I've lost my technique a bit with those.

>> No.16111662


The preworkout meal of choice.

>> No.16111671


>> No.16111685

sunnyside up. its the method that takes the least effort outside of some bullshit like microwaving an egg

>> No.16111698
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yo this mf can't flip an egg without cracking the yolk lmao

>> No.16111788

Why no omlet?

>> No.16111795

Always sunny side up with a glass top.

>> No.16111805

scrambled eggs is in the picture twice, my dude

>> No.16111882
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Patrician reporting in

>> No.16111899

The best isn't even in the picture. Eggs benedict.

>> No.16111919

We likes em' raw precious. We likes to pierce whole in the shell and suck the egg yolk out precious.

>> No.16111948

over hard or scrambled (not soft)

>> No.16111964

what the hell is over hard? I've heard of over easy but not over hard.

>> No.16111969

What would easy even mean if there were no medium and hard? Use your brain.

>> No.16112010

soft boiled. anything with raw yolk, really.

>> No.16112047

sunny side up, I am lazy

>> No.16112055

3 fried eggs every day, cooked with 1/4 cup shredded white cheddar cheese and topped with 2 tbsp hot, chunky salsa + garlic powder + chives

>> No.16112064

How the fuck do you fry an egg over hard without visibly toasting the side?
The toasted egg white is one of the best parts desu.
>How do you take your egg?
Over medium with both sides toasted, not like the pic

>> No.16112132

I've never eaten just pure eggs
I had them in cake tho
Which way should I try first?

>> No.16112230

I take them all

>> No.16112265
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>> No.16112269

how do you get the white above the yellow? those overs, how do you make those

>> No.16112270

Scrambled, in pita bread with salt, slices of cabanossi and tomato sauce.

>> No.16112272

>he doesn’t know

>> No.16112275


>> No.16112283

Scrabbled > Over medium > poached

Dunking toast in yoke of the over medium or over easy is fucking gold.

>> No.16112284

crispy sunny side or big curd scrambled

>> No.16112285

flip the egg, retard. there's enough white there to cover the yolk once the pan cooks it

>> No.16112286

scrambled is better than any of them because egg yolk is fucking disgusting

>> No.16112290
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wont just the yellow touch the pan and crisp up?

>> No.16112293

Try the yolk with some nice bacon (the normal kind not filthy American b*con) and some toast and you’ll change your mind

>> No.16112296

Depends on the dish.
I wouldn't put scrambled eggs on eggs benedict
Nor would I put poached eggs on a full english

>> No.16112297

no im not eating egg yolk man scrambled all day every day

>> No.16112307

You’re missing out my man

>> No.16112309

no ive had egg yolk plenty of times and its dogshit

>> No.16112313

>scrambled eggs
>not having yolk in them

>> No.16112316

yeah the yolks in there but its mixed so you dont have that disgusting yolk taste

>> No.16112318

I like hard boiled with the yolk removed.

>> No.16112319

Based. There is literally nothing more satisfying than an egg sandwich.
I scramble mine with pepperoni and onions, then serve it on toasted brown bread with extra sharp cheddar.

>> No.16112545


>> No.16112577

mmmm dippy egg

>> No.16112714

I was always a scrambled guy but recently I've been converted to hard boiled or over hard

>> No.16112736

i like a fried egg with crispy edges and a soft boiled style yolk

>> No.16112846

Correct take
A true patrician enjoys an egg no matter what style if it's prepared well

>> No.16112851

Over medium, over hard. No runny yolks. Ideally still a little transluscent in the middle but I'll take them cooked-through if it turns out that way.

>> No.16112904

depends how early you flip it
flip it early and the white will be fluid enough to sit below the yolk

>> No.16112934

pepperoni? interesting, does it not overpower the eggs?
sounds based tho

>> No.16113239


>> No.16113279

Sunnyside up with hard white and runny yolk.

Best on a gammon steak with some fried onions.

>> No.16114206

I'm sorry for you, truly

>> No.16114215
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>eating balut eggs

>> No.16114216
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the true patrician way

>> No.16114218

For me its the humble omelette.

>> No.16114459
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>browned egg whites

>> No.16114481

the yolk is the best part, the creamy goodness of it is divine.

>> No.16114573

Egg sandwiches are 10/10. Bacon, egg, smoked gouda, little bit of mayo on an English muffin.

>> No.16114591

like rocky, you eat the eggs raw.

>> No.16115709

A kindred soul!

God, duncking some bread or toast into that yolk before eating it whole with a fork is just wonderful!

>> No.16115722
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>> No.16115733
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for me its egg salad

>> No.16115734
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>he likes rubbery egg whites

>> No.16115739

over easy/medium cooked in bacon fat.

>> No.16115741

they should be soft and creamy

>> No.16115784

They're not though are they

>> No.16115826

this. literally have no idea how someone can only enjoy some forms of egg. egg as a whole is great, but i love some omelettes. after id say scrambled, over easy, and then boiled in that order.

>> No.16115842

Fertilized I watch a lot of pregnant fetish porn

>> No.16115856


>> No.16116022

Basted and redpilled poster

>> No.16116074

i dont even know what it would be called. i put the eggs in a pan, cover it, then just wait until the yolk has a thin layer of white over it, i dont flip. from the image i guess thats over easy?

>> No.16116152

do you usually advertise the fact you are a retard to people

>> No.16116285

french omelette

>> No.16116491
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>eggs that aren't scrambled

>> No.16116552


>> No.16116913
File: 46 KB, 680x734, 1615806914017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the name for when you mix the yolk and white together before putting it in the pan, but don't do any fancy folding like an omlette? Just an individual egg that's given a light mix before cooking

>> No.16117207

spotted the literal child

>> No.16117213

pleb take

>> No.16117231

Scrambled. Half-raw or half-burnt scrambling if you just let it sit in the pan, I guess.

>> No.16117236

But I don't stir it once it's in the pan, it cooks as a single flat round thing like a normal egg instead of scrambled egg texture

>> No.16117238
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>egg sandwich with toast
watch out faggots, patrician coming through

>> No.16117347

Enjoy your seedy cake, queer.

>> No.16117364

>t. seething retard with shit taste

>> No.16117375

i'm a professioal scromlette (egg line) cook at a renowned brunch place where we cook eggs to order and what you described sounds like what we call 'pan scrambled' which is just lightly scrambled eggs without added water, milk or cream, or 'broken yolks' which is just eggs fried to any donness with the yolk bled into the white

>> No.16117390

I forgot about broken yolk. I just stopped doing that once I perfected breaking the egg because it feels like a mistake. I'm going to do my breakfast that way tomorrow.

>> No.16117398

Broken yolk sounds the most accurate, I just break it before putting it in the pan and give a little stir to blend it a bit but not so it's completely homogenous

>> No.16117722

It's called the worst of all worlds

>> No.16117742

I don't want a bite of pure egg white followed by a bite of pure egg yolk, it's better to have a mix of both. But only partially mixing means you still get some textural contrast while both flavors are present

>> No.16117755

Pan fried, basted in bacon oil.

>> No.16117758
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>> No.16117775

>Eating factory farm genetic modified chicken period
No thank, I prefer guilt-free plant-base egg

>> No.16117827

Eggs en cocotte

Means the whore's way. Yeah I knew that would get your interest. It's kinda like dumping everything needed for eggs Benedict in a ramekin and bake/steam it. Easy af and none off that horsing around with poached eggs nonsense.

>> No.16117837

Sunny side up, soft scrambled, light poached.
Looks great, I'd love those over some corn beef hash and some rye bread.
I'll have to try doing it that way. I'm all for easy eggs.

>> No.16117880

actually insanely based

>> No.16117907
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>eating a chickens period

>> No.16117981

Lightly poached is best. Otherwise over easy or sunny side up

>> No.16118222

For me it's light scramble or sunny side up, eggs are so fucking good bros

>> No.16118275
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Over medium but still runny like pic but slightly runnier. If there is any uncooked white I send it back idc

>> No.16118370

absolutely and truly based. I've always heard them described as spanish eggs, but I'm not sure if that's right. My favorite. On a nice piece of toast thats been rubbed with fresh garlic and a little parm shaved on top, with S+P. Can't be beat

>> No.16118395

I have mine Burmese.
>put tons of oil in the pan
>semi-fry the egg
>ladle the hot oil over it constantly
>serve with oil

>> No.16118784

well, i'm actually spanish, so maybe it is right, but we only call them fried eggs
in fact I know nobody in my country, including me, who has had the ones in OP's pic (except for the two scrambled ones)

>> No.16118808

What a wasteland for egg consumption. You should be having all the different styles regularly.

>> No.16118826

They work great on a sandwich

>> No.16118856
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well, we also eat hard boiled eggs, omelette, and the superior omelette: potato omelette (I think its known as spanish omelette)

>> No.16118866

It depends on what - if anything - I'm eating them with. Usually overeasy/sun-side, softboiled, or soft-poached, so I can mop up the yolk with some toast or potatoes. Usually omelettes if I'm in a bit of a hurry or have to cook for a lot of people, because once the pan's hot and the filling's prepped (maybe 5 mins if I'm cooking for 10-12), I'm banging out a full meal per pan every 90s.

>> No.16118880

They should be like a semi-firm custard, or crisp like phyllo. If they're rubbery, something's gone horribly wrong, and your yolk's probably a trackball.

>> No.16120007

Every morning I throw about a half tbsp of salted butter in my non-stick pan and fry up two or three eggs over-easy

>> No.16120205

You gotta switch that shit up from time to time. Your arteries will thank you in 30 years.

>> No.16120575
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over hard on top of a cheeseburger with another slice of cheese on top please, no tomatoes extra mustard