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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 343 KB, 640x417, germs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16103568 No.16103568 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this propaganda pushed so hard? What did they put on our chicken that they don't want us washing off?
Look at pic related, "germ vision" as if washing a cutting board that was used for raw chicken wouldn't also aerosolize chicken juices everywhere.

What are they hiding?

>> No.16103575

your meds
take them

>> No.16103578

Just sounds like you don't know how to wash a cutting board, anon

>> No.16103596

Excess salt water brine
Bleach from Chinese food processors
Whatever nastiness is on the floor of Chinese chicken processors because Chang had too much to drink at lunch and he dropped the chicken off the processing line.

>> No.16103597

Is that what they’re putting on the chicken?

>> No.16103798


>> No.16103835

An accurate germ-vision would just be germs full coating everything.

>> No.16103844

Big, if true!

>> No.16103920

Men are better at everything. Women don't belong in the kitchen.

>> No.16104023

>go through twitter thread about black people washing raw chicken
>"you be needing to wash dem feathers and dirt off n sheeeit"

where the fuck are americans buying their chicken that it has feathers and dirt on it? why arent you people civilized yet

>> No.16104032

We have different food selections for whites and non-whites here in the us.
It's called redlining and food deserts

>> No.16104055
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>'poison his cutting board'

>> No.16104066

You can put a cutting board deeper. You wash a curring board at an angle.

>> No.16104074

the angle allows you to fling microscopic chicken juices up into the air. A flat cutting board deep in the sink would allow for less of that.

>> No.16104120

>don't wash your chicken goy
>eat 9 servings of carbs a day goy
Don't trust the food jew.

>> No.16104140

Black people are fucking retarded and think scrubbing their food down with bleach makes it safe to eat.

>> No.16104165

>Men are better at everything
even at boobs

>> No.16104208

Just... fucking go into the forest and chew on some bark or something.

You fucking conspiracy nutcases are a waste of resources that could be put to something more useful.

If you don't want to chew bark, then just kill yourself and stop being a drain on humanity.

>> No.16104220

Who do you work for

>> No.16104222

Ok chud

>> No.16104240

Every year, hundreds of blacks have to be rushed to hospital emergency rooms with gastrointestinal distress that comes as a direct result of washing meat with either bleach or detergents. It's an actual problem for them.

>> No.16104247

Source. Sounds like disgusting /pol/ racism

>> No.16104252

Ok chud

>> No.16104257

If it turned out to be true, would it still be racism?

>> No.16104260

No, of course not

>> No.16104262

I slaughtered and butchered my poultry at home. Should I be as worried? I mean, I definitely washed the bird when i processed them,

>> No.16104273

why is it always joggers who wash chicken with lemon water and shit like that, like it cleans them? its not lemon pledge you baboon

>> No.16104283

>as if washing a cutting board that was used for raw chicken wouldn't also
do you clean your dishes by spraying a hose across the kitchen?

>> No.16104287

>I slaughtered and butchered my poultry at home
That’s actually illegal unless you have an USDA agent present at the time of slaughter

>> No.16104298

Yes, and the scientist banned from publishing future studies too. Look at all those IQ reports shunned. That said most people who boast about their IQ are just idiots anyway.

>> No.16104304

how often do you pierce the GI tract during processing, cause honestly most meat is basically sterile as long as it doesnt touch the inside of the gut
im not sure why chicken is thought to be literal poison when every other meat is perfectly fine, unless theres something im missing

>> No.16104311

Poultry and pork meat harbors bacteria and parasites unlike beef

>> No.16104318


>> No.16104319

then why is duck served medium rare?
and pork is considered basically safe these days in most 1st world countries

>> No.16104324

unless your rinsing your chicken with a fire hose there is no reason not to.

>> No.16104374

It's only illegal if I sell it.

>> No.16104402

>how often do you pierce the GI tract during processing
Never. One time I pierced near the end and it leaked but it was a tiny amount and none ended up in or on the carcass (which is thoroughly rinsed anyways. I also slaughter the animal with a relatively empty stomach and press down on their gut after slaughtering to help empty out their bowels. I also rinsed the bird before scalding and plucking.

>> No.16104486
File: 116 KB, 676x1000, 61HVV-ZkkFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck the government

>> No.16104512

ducks don't roll around in shit like chickens

>> No.16104567

This but unironically, in Minecraft

>> No.16104918


>> No.16105009

chicken meat sold in the US is universally contaminated with shit because when they ship the chickens they stack their wire crates on top of each other and the chickens on top shit all over the ones below. Even if you wash the chicken thoroughly there's nothing you can do to completely clean it because by the time it's slaughtered and packaged the shit has diffused within the meat, like what salt does when you're brining.

>> No.16105086


>> No.16105100
File: 98 KB, 603x599, orcs27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing disgusting are orcs, skaven and libtards.

>> No.16105107
File: 338 KB, 1134x1600, critters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>out dated VHS slur
friendly reminder the progressive VHS slur for the current year meme is Critters.

>> No.16105140
File: 851 KB, 200x200, 1620618747308.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people don't clean their chicken?? wtf
rub it with salt and flour you filthy fags oh you can mix some spices to increase the taste
remove the insides, as much fat as you can and any visible blood
cut the wings, the nick and the tail
and done!

>> No.16105236

Nope, you can only use water at max flow with the chicken directly below the tap to maximize splashing.

>> No.16105246

It’s a black people thing. Much like riding alone in their car with a mask on. They’re fucking idiots.

>> No.16105257


Do you even hear yourself right now? Chicken is fine. Dirt is fine. Nothing is clean, nothing.

>> No.16105264
File: 6 KB, 268x188, 1613257664438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm made of shit! You're made of shit! Everything is actually made of everything else!

>> No.16105268


Based. We are unironically less free now and pay more taxes than we were and paid under the rule of King George before the revolutionary war

>> No.16105281

>Chicken is bad and scary and full of germs!!
>Proceeds to eat it anyway

>> No.16105343

Based salatin poster

>> No.16105363

You can sell non usda inspected meat if it doesn't cross state lines.

Honestly I have purchased non usda inspected meat and found it superior to other meat. Probably because the steer didn't have to travel as far and had more individual consideration at the slaughterhouse due to the small scale.

>> No.16105401
File: 39 KB, 98x158, 1589627203618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its a "retards think washing chicken is a black thing because they saw it on twitter that one time" thread
literally no one in my family besides my grandmother (bless her soul) washes meat off and i have yet to meet another nigga who did

>> No.16105420

Because it splashes water with salmonella bacteria everywhere, and it doesn't clean much anyway. And anyway, you gonna either fry, cook, or boil it, so the bacteria will get killed by the heat anyway, so no need to wash it anon.

>> No.16105526

its not a specific race thing its a zoomer thing because literally none of them know how to cook anything beyond ramen or frozen foods.
t. zoomer with friends who dont buy anything they cant fit in an air fryer

>> No.16105542

literally (LITERALLY) only niggers wash their chicken. i have never seen a white person do this, probably because they aren't stupid enough.

>> No.16105546

congratulations nigger, you're slightly superior to your nigger peers.

>> No.16105557

chinese do it all the time, they even cook meat twice so they can dump the water after the first cooking.

>> No.16105567

seethe harder honkoid

>> No.16105719

fellow nigga here, my old mom will not eat any raw meat i prepare without me washing it

too bad i have skipped washing with at least the last 2 or 3 things i did w meat

>> No.16106114

Not chang, but I do this with lower quality cuts of meat. The water that comes out in the first 10 minutes reeks and looks offcolour in an unpleasant way. The solution is of course to not buy shit meat, but that involves not being a poorfag.

>> No.16106119


>Importing chicken from China.

What third world country do you live in?

>> No.16106486

i gotta ask, do you guys rinse your produce?
i usually sit them in a sink of cold water with a splash of vinegar for 20 minutes, 2 minutes for softer stuff like berries, its doubles the shelf life at least

>> No.16107049

I always hot rinse stinky chicken til it doesn't stink, if it still stinks after I've cut it, it goes into the bin.
The very surface cooks sometimes but at least I'm not eating as much bacteria and toxins and the chicken still cooks just as nice as before so I literally don't see the problem except people who don't like me doing things they don't.
I did this for months instead of throwing it out (since stinky chicken is disgusting and all my local places are shit) and then the CDC? And this site start memeing, and the only reasons they can muster are "U don't need to" which doesn't make sense since it gets rid of the foul smell and taste and "it spreads bacteria to your sink" which means I'm getting it off my food into my sink that Im not going to eat out of anyway and gets cleaned daily anyway.

>> No.16107219

Maybe they think the breading on their fried chicken is some sort of feather.

>> No.16107231
File: 345 KB, 600x786, 1582635687226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16107991

I wouldn't wash it with soap or anything but meat that is wrapped it plastic can get a bit slimy at times so I just rinse it off before cooking and it comes out prettier.

>> No.16108064

I wash my chicken
I like my meat well done
I don't mind ketchup
I used palm oil exclusively
fuck off with your celebrity chefs propaganda

>> No.16108077

>food deserts

Self inflicted problem. Nobody wants to open up a high traffic business, such as retail or grocery in high crime areas. If your fellow neighbourhood citizens don't behave themselves, you'll be shopping at the kwikie mart for the rest of your life. Sucks to be you.