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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16099825 No.16099825 [Reply] [Original]

Could you eat all this in 90 minutes for $3500

>> No.16099828


>> No.16099837

Any way I can get it with out cheese?

>> No.16099862

You serious? Hate to be the American here but this is light work, I mean I’ll be insanely stuffed just by the amount of bread, but this isn’t by any means impossible.

>> No.16099871

hello cinerobert.

>> No.16099882

Get rid of the cheese, dairy is for babies not adults. Last thing I want is 8 hours on the shitter of pure pain eating that.

>> No.16099889

i've tried to eat a big mac bundle box by myself twice in 30 minutes and i just can't do it. the closest i got was i ate the big macs and the chicken nuggets but only got through about half the fries. i even did IF so it was my first meal of the day at 7pm, pretty much fell into a coma afterwards.

>> No.16099891

>4 slices of cheese and this dudes blowing bombs in the toilet
What the fuck is wrong with your body

>> No.16099896

I'd do it for free

>> No.16099897

>What the fuck is wrong with your body
nothing it's called being a normal white adult male.

>> No.16099900

I'd do it in 10 minutes

>> No.16099902

Two large drinks would be challenging.

>> No.16099903

>normal white adult male
Post tits and cock

>> No.16099910

You'd like that wouldn't you, too bad not gay.

>> No.16099913

You clearly identify as a woman so let me validate your cock and asshole with my tongue

>> No.16099914

ill eat all of that for free, i havent had any mcdonalds or burgers in more than a year.

>> No.16099928

>can't eat cheese
Sure dude, sure

>> No.16099942

with 88 minutes to spare.

>> No.16099955

this is the only part that would give me any pause but in 90 minutes I would say totally possible. I am confident enough that I would even say I bet 3500 I can do it instead of just winning the money if I succeed, which is how I interpret the OP.

>> No.16099958

That looks like a pretty reasonable amount of McDonald's for a normal-sized person?

>> No.16099982

I could eat that in about 2 minutes faggot

>> No.16099987


>> No.16099991

I would even do that for free.

>> No.16099993

Could I? Yes.
Would I? No.
I make more than that daily through my crypto investments.

>> No.16099996

>elon musk larper

>> No.16100007

The 4 burgers and 1 fries is what I'd order normally and I could definitely fit the rest of it in

Hungry skeleton btw

>> No.16100014

>rich guy
>must be musk
your lack of imagination and failure to think past what you read is why you are poor and why you will never make it anon. i bet you blame other people for your current situation.

>> No.16100027

i'd eat some then void and then eat some more and then void and keep going

>> No.16100031

very easily

>> No.16100032

yeah, I probably could. Eating the metal tray might be difficult though

>> No.16100034

Shitskin detected. Sorry about your tummy problems bro.

>> No.16100051

>two burgers
>90 minutes
...why is everyone responding to a troll thread?

>> No.16100076

there's four regular cheeseburgers and three big mac/quarter pounder boxes

>> No.16100087
File: 25 KB, 466x463, umm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck does mcdonalds mustard sauce contain eggs?

>> No.16100187

DO I have to drink the soda too? It would be tough, but I guess if I get plenty of bathroom breaks I could do it.

>> No.16100203

>4 slices of american cheese
>8 hours of pure pain on the shitter
You have Crohns my dude

>> No.16100218
File: 317 KB, 1440x1080, covidscam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't know whats in those boxes fatty. even if there are something in them thats still only 7 burgers which gives you over 10 minutes for each. Easily done assuming you're not anorexic.

>> No.16100227


Egg yolks are emulsifiers. You need those to mix water and oil, which you can see are two of the ingredients in the sauce.

>> No.16100252
File: 79 KB, 742x699, 1687A5CC-F38B-4BFB-8D9B-91AF82660635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>honey mustard
I miss hot mustard so much bros.

>> No.16100267

7 burgers even 10 minutes apart is alot of food my guy, unless you are retardly obese you would slow down by burg 4 or 5 depending on how fast you wolf them down

>> No.16100272

>Egg yolks are emulsifiers.
Ok, well that just adds more questions. Since when does mustard sauce need an emulsifier? I used to make mustard sauce all the time and it never needed that. What kind of dodgy shit are they doing to their sauces to warrant that?

>> No.16100273

lmao being lactose intolerant is not "normal" for whites, that shit's for blacks and asians. literally

>> No.16100287

I told you, because they add water. Why they add water? Because it is a fucking shitfood franchise, they don't care about quality, only costs.

>> No.16100299

Anyone else impressed at how well McDonalds is pulling off this viral social media marketing thing?

>> No.16100325

ur mom is a hot mustard ;)

>> No.16100331

ah ok. so do all their sauces have egg in it then? if they add water to all of them then they'd have to, right?

>> No.16100388

i luv u ppl that always talk about ur crypto. always trying to convince ppl to buy in to keep it afloat lmao, looking for the next bag holder. ur definitely not gonna make it if u actually try shill that crap.

>> No.16100402

What are you on about aspie? I don't invest in piece of shit coins named after food or animals you fucking cuck. I invest in coins that have utility and real world use. That's why I have made as much as I have. I'm sorry some pajeet pulled the rug from underneath you but how about next time you use your head like a big boy and stop gambling on meme coins?

>> No.16100410

theyre all shit rofl, none of them have any real world use, stop kidding urself

>> No.16100415
File: 104 KB, 1080x1350, ck chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep telling yourself that kid. Enjoy having your money sitting in your bank earning you fuck all. I'll be over here tripling my balance every 6 months like a boss.

>> No.16100435

ahh yes tripling ur balance every 6 months like a boss so u shill crypto on ck hahahahahaha, this is just the hobby of someone that triples their balance every 6 months right hahahah

>> No.16100437

Sounds like you're the only baby here, you and your fag stomach.

>> No.16100446

I'm not shilling shit faggot. I wouldn't give you tickers if you pleaded and begged. You're the one that brought it up.

>> No.16100462

its what all u bag holders who actually bought into the memes and actually get scared of missing out do, u buy crypto then start shilling it everywhere. troll thread on /ck/ which mentions money? better post about muh crypto, might scare another retard into buying and keeping this crap afloat

ur all incredibly transparent

>> No.16100474
File: 81 KB, 1080x609, safe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but stocks don't have any real world use either and look how much money is in them.

>> No.16100500

I can do it in 90 seconds

>> No.16100506
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>> No.16100510
File: 122 KB, 1000x1000, schizo pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you be so kind as to post your location?

>> No.16100538

I make McDonald’s sauces at work. Mayo, tartar and Big Mac sauces all contain water. In fact it’s the main ingredient besides egg yoke.

>> No.16100544

yeah but at least retards dont shill them everywhere they can

>> No.16100573

38.95336549346755, -77.14509639038117
Ask for Joe

>> No.16100586

If I was super fucking hungry, sure.

>> No.16100622

That's a fairly small amount of McDonald's for an average sized person, I'd say? The main reason fast food cooks so fast and "lasts" so short is that there isn't much density to it. I wouldn't WANT to eat a double helping of fries in that time frame, but I could easily.

>> No.16100660

>That's a fairly small amount of McDonald's for an average sized person, I'd say?
Post hands

>> No.16100686


>> No.16100692

dairy is for babies tho, only babies suck on the teet naturally, it is unnatural that we harvest dairy from animals.

>> No.16100715

Grown men suck on titties all the time.

>> No.16100746

yes but not for nutrition, and that in itself is strange honestly, it would be like me sucking on a cows udders for fun. go fill up a rubber glove with lukewarm water and suck on it. does that arouse you???

>> No.16100752

ok newfriend

>> No.16100763

why would that be like sucking a cow? cows have pussys too. is fucking a pussy like you fucking a cow?

>> No.16100766

no, because you cannot get a cow pregnant. if youre fucking a woman with a condom i suppose it is from a survival/evolutionary point of view though.

>> No.16100774

needing more than 20 minutes for two kids meals....are you one of those loonies that spends time talking to other people during meals?

>> No.16100777

McDonalds food is light as fuck and never fills you up for more than 30 minutes. It take me like 40 min

>> No.16100778

Famine in Europe in the 11th and 12th centuries as the consumption of milk from cows became a stable food source and those that were lactose intolerant often died of diarrhea and malnutrition.

>> No.16100779

whenever people talk to me when im eating, i just reply with a mouth FULL of food, then i just spit all over them

>> No.16100782

If humans didn't eat weird shit then we would've gone extinct millennia ago.

>> No.16100784

Sorry I deleted parts of that without looking at it again and I fucked up the writing. Famine in the 11th and 12th centuries caused cow milk to become a more important food source and those that were lactose intolerant died more often as a result of diarrhea and malnutrition.

>> No.16100793

not all humans. some of us have retained a perfectly natural and normal diet without any strange perversions.

>> No.16100803
File: 10 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like this would not be hard to eat in 90 minutes for most people; I'm 120lbs @ 6ft and I could crush that shit no problem

>> No.16100832

you are pretending you do not understand the concept of lust and being horny, but we both know you have been horny before.

>> No.16100851

no i understand but just because ur horny for a cow doesnt mean anything in the long run, u can fuck a cow if u want i guess sure but why??

>> No.16100861

>Cries about cheese for being babies
>Whines about having a stomach weaker than a baby
If you were born in Sparta, they would have thrown you off the cliff.

>> No.16100872

ah ok so everything you said was just umb shit and trolling, got it.
no need to reply again, wont read

>> No.16100875

>yes but not for nutrition, and that in itself is strange honestly,
are you seriously saying you don't understand why humans suck on titties? are you a 40 year old virgin or something? next you'll be telling me whats the point in touching boobs

>> No.16100876

no everything i said was true and correct

yes i understand why but it doesnt MEAN or DO anything productive

>> No.16101012

Maybe? I'm not sure if I could down two sodas and all that bread.

>> No.16101027

yes it does, its hot and its fun.

>> No.16101048

Awwww is baby okay??? Need some almond milk?

>> No.16101055

hm as I said i wont read your reply, but thanks for the (you)

>> No.16101058

doesnt mean or do anything

milk is literally for babies he does not need ANY dairy and neither do u. dairy is a crutch in every single way. it cuts through and only dilutes flavours.

that's okay i'm replying to multiple people, not everything is just about you, you know? or has the dairy gotten to your head? skull calcifying? beginning to press down on your frontal lobe? cant make logical decisions anymore? not surprised honestly

>> No.16101068

No I need an apple pie

>> No.16101070

>another (you)
again, im not reading it.
weird that you keep replying, you must not be very smart.

>> No.16101074

meds. take them

>> No.16101075

it makes me hard, its fun. so it quite literally does something and mean something to me.
you are factually wrong

>> No.16101083

a lot smarter than the person that keeps on replying to posts they dont read, no?

okay keep eating/drinking dairy. you know its a culinary crutch and that's all.

okay it might make you hard but what does that mean?

>> No.16101090
File: 113 KB, 654x642, 1612173305920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>der! daiwy is a cuwinawy cwutch!

>> No.16101091

in 90 minutes sure. Get both the drinks down immediately with one of the fries, wait 60-70 minutes to piss it out so I don't vomit then finish off everything else.

>> No.16101093

>he literally makes the conscious decision to reply to me, knowing I will not read it.
If anyone wants to farm (you)'s, this guy does it for free

>> No.16101106

why do you disagree? you think dairy adds any meaningful flavor? it's the culinary equivalent of putting a nice 25 year old whisky into a cocktail where u cant taste the whisky anymore

ur the one giving me free (you)s, and only free (you)s to me. whereas i am replying to multiple people. i thank you for your service

>> No.16101150

you know what, ill take another.

>> No.16101152

Mediocre bait.
I give it a 2/10, shaneequa

>> No.16101154

Did you have an intestinal infection or something?

>> No.16101162

ok keep putting cheese on everything rofl. let me guess, you love italian food? fucking tastelet

i like how the only reason ur in this thread is to reply to me

>> No.16101178

i wonder what schizo lore anon made up about this conversation, but my guess is hes just repeating himself, he does not seem very smart

>> No.16101183

i am a 55 kilo skelly and even i could eat that

>> No.16101198

I'm American. I could do it in half the time for half the price

>> No.16101206

huh, you sound just like your mom

>> No.16101210

hes mad af keep going

>> No.16101217

>single patties on McDonalds air bread
Honestly pretty easy. The one Blob was talking about would have been insane because there was like 8+ meat patties on that tray but most adults could put this away if they paced themselves

>> No.16101225

since you keep replying im repeating myself: im not reading your shit. im actually not. im not just pretending, im seriously not at all reading it.

>> No.16101226

Wtf do you mean? They still sell it.

>> No.16101391

anybody, except maybe a small child could.

>> No.16101394

you are required to return to your country of origin.

>> No.16101395

stfu shitskin your genetics are garbage

>> No.16101404

did you mean to say 9 minutes OP?
90 is enough time for most actual restaurant challenges

>> No.16101419

why are u black?

>> No.16101438

Give me a full list of the food.

4 cheeseburgers
2 sauces
1 fries
2 medium (?) drinks
And what else?

>> No.16101448

No because yellow snot makes me gag.

>> No.16102034


>> No.16102131

No, you're a genetic dead end with lactose intolerance

>> No.16102144

Are you fucking retarded
Yes of course I could eat that shit and then some in 90 minutes
Hell give me 7 and then we can call this a challenge

>> No.16102149


>> No.16102173

Think you mean SECONDS, and with some willpower + disregard for vomiting it all right after, should be quite possible.

>> No.16102176

Are you crazy? Do you KNOW how many calories are in that?
Maybe I could finish it if I had the whole day. MAYBE.

>> No.16102393

Could I? Yes.
Would I? No.
I make more than that daily through my crypto investments.

>> No.16102398

I'd do it in 15 minutes for free

>> No.16102416


>> No.16102440

Yes. Easily. I'm not fat but this isn't too much to eat in one go.

>> No.16102451
File: 140 KB, 347x328, 1467882908801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Americans really?

>> No.16102453


>> No.16102468

Besides the two large drinks, that’s just an on the larger side regular fast food order. Don’t know why yuropoors can only eat 50 grams of food at a time

>> No.16102477

Yup, then they pay Matt Stonie to eat the meal

>> No.16102488

>I'm 120lbs @ 6ft
Post tits

>> No.16102490

Because they're not giant fat fatty fatties.

>> No.16102492


>> No.16102516

We can always lose weight Mohammed, unfortunately it’s impossible for you to stop always thinking about us

>> No.16102772


>> No.16102803

probably in 90 seconds

>> No.16103346

I'd do it for free in 10

>> No.16103355

>shitskin tier digestive system
Now are you actually white?

>> No.16103365


>> No.16103762
File: 237 KB, 800x533, img_57091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros would you eat an entire chicken tendie for 6 million dollars? you only have 5 days though.

>> No.16103766

do americans really?

>> No.16103803
File: 20 KB, 536x419, 1604427048828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16103880

I could eat this in 30 minutes for 100

>> No.16104906

I would pay for it... in fact I do already.

>> No.16104911

I'm waiting...

>> No.16105120

4 cheeseburgers and two fries. that nasty honey mustard sauce is the deal breaker. i will pass on the offer.