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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 65 KB, 612x408, sushipic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16092393 No.16092393 [Reply] [Original]

>What is sushi general?
A general to talk, inform, and learn about sushi.

>talking points
What's your favorite sushi?
What's your favorite sushi restaurant?
Do you make sushi for a living, if so where do you work/worked, and did you get into it?

Also if you would like to give informative links about sushi I will include them in the next general.

>> No.16092400

I am the second poster in this thread.
You should post or figure out a "how-to" of sushi with infographs and whatnot about how to make sushi, how to spot good and bad sushi, etc.

>> No.16092401

I’m thinking of ordering sushi tonight. Do I do it frens?

>> No.16092412

that's a good idea, like I said I would like to gather a nice collection
of videos and what not but I'm not all the knowledgeable about sushi
but I will see if I can make or find one.

>> No.16092420

As long as it isn't Chinese sushi I find that it is very low quality at least around where I live, I personally like to order and pick up at my local Japanese place because they don't deliver.

>> No.16092514
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This is a simple and beginner way to make sushi rice in a pot
This is a more advance and most likely unnecessary way to make sushi rice at home in a pot
This is a good beginner video on how to roll 4 different types of sushi.

>> No.16092523

Wrong thread. You're looking for /smg/ - Sushi Making General.

>> No.16092547

Learning about sushi also includes how to make it don't you think?

>> No.16092555

>Chinese sushi
You literally can’t trust the Chinks to do anything right aside from deep frying and smothering it in a sweet sauce. There’s a Chinese place by me that’s great and is mostly authentic, but the second you try to order anything that deviates from China they literally serve the worst food imaginable. Their Pad Thai is just wide rice noodles in a vinegar based sauce with cabbage and some chopped peanuts on top.
But yes it’s Japanese sushi so I might go for it because my gf is really tired and I don’t want leftovers.

>> No.16092566
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>> No.16092581
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>> No.16092591

Agreed, the only good thing I've gotten from my Chinese place was their pot stickers

>> No.16092664
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Never had sushi until I went to uni. It took my friends a few months to convince me since the whole raw fish thing scuzzed me out, but once I was in, I was hooked. At one point I went to this local place twice a week for lunch for a few weeks.
For me, it's nigiri sushi. There's something so elegant about it's simplicity, and yet it is so versatile and exploding with flavour. Pic is from one of the last times I went to that place before COVID shut everything down.

>> No.16092683

sushi is the most overrated piece of shit food on the planet
just put your cured salmon in a salad

>> No.16092690

Nigiri is pretty good but it's got nothing on the good old fashioned spicy "krab" roll

>> No.16092696

I'd tell you to kill yourself, but if you don't enjoy sushi you must've died inside long ago.

>> No.16092718 [DELETED] 

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese.

>> No.16092734
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This shit's why /v/ is half a dozen boards now. What you want is a subreddit.

>> No.16092756
File: 41 KB, 1000x562, escolar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk if anyone else has experienced this, but ever since I have never eaten and will refuse sushi made with "white tuna" or "white fish."
>Friends and I go to an all-you-can-eat place to celebrate some event
>reputable and we have been there before, always is bustling
>We are on a tuna streak lately, so we get a whole table's worth of sushi and shamini, all of which was assorted tunas
>We stuff ourselves full, and I remember being the one who ate most of the "white tuna"
>It had a buttery and soft texture, surpassing even salmon in its lusciousness
>So of course I eat a fuckton
>Later that evening at home when I'm sitting at my desk I have to fart
>Realise said fart felt unusual and stank something strange
>Go to bathroom
>Literally shitting orange oil
>It ruined my boxers and the pants I was wearing; the fart sprayed oil droplets and nothing I tried could get the smell out, even with multiple washings and products
>I ended up realising that this cheap fish called escolar is passed off as white tuna at many sushi places
>It contains an indigestible and insoluble wax ester that leads to steatorrhea if consumed in excess
>Apparently there are regulations on its use in Japan and certain parts of the EU because of this, but the fucking FDA lifted the ban in 1992 and it can be sued indiscriminately in sushi or other food.
>Never eat white sushi again
Even though it wasn't a lot of oil each time, it still took three days for me to stop seeing orange in the bowl. I didn't trust a fart for a month after that.

>> No.16092802

Interesting you say that, my mother has said the same thing that Authentic Chinese food is pretty gross

>> No.16092826

Had some sushi two days ago. Local jap place has a 3 roll for 12 dollars special. Tried the salmon roll, spicy tuna roll, and shrimp tempura roll. Salmon was underwhelming, spicy tuna was average, shrimp tempura was god tier. Definitely gonna get it again sometime.

>> No.16092831

That's interesting I've never heard of that and I will make sure to be carful of it. I had white tuna once and It was too chewy for me.

>> No.16092840

People don't seem to realize that continuous reoccurring threads are antithetical the to site format. /vg/ was supposed to be a containment board.

>> No.16092847

My best friend grew up in Taiwan, and because of business his father travelled to the mainland a lot. He'd tell this story of how one time he bought some meat dish from a street vendor while in one of the major cities. After eating it he developed this horrible rash on his arms and chest. Took days to go away, and God knows what the animal he ate was.
An underwhelming salmon roll is truly a crime. Salmon is best sushi fish. Runners up are eel and crab.

>> No.16092917
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Never had uni before would like to try it out.
Wish I had a good sushi restaurant near me, I just settle for Publix nigiri and a local jap/thai spot that has pretty decent rolls.
My favorite is salmon but want to try different fishes.

>> No.16093083

It's SHA-KE not sake you fucking retard. God I hate americans so much. Ill stick a sushi knife in your fucking throat stupid cunt.

>> No.16093110

This is just a random infograph I found on google, I had a feeling something would be wrong in it.

>> No.16093596


>> No.16093607

Why are weebs like this

>> No.16093611

Well then correct it, upload it to a new site, and ask Google to take down the incorrect one. DO IT FUCKING NOW FAGGOT

>> No.16093624

Oooh look at Mr James Bond here, makin' sure they sha-ke his salmon, too fancy to get it stirr-ed

>> No.16093638

Are you pretending to be retarded here?

>結論を急ぐと、「サケ」と「シャケ」、どちらの読み方も正解で、同じ魚を指すので違いはとくにありません。 ただ、広辞苑に載っているのは「サケ」のほう。 基本的な読み方としては「サケ」、それに派生して「シャケ」という読み方が広がっていったようです。

>> No.16093639

If anyone named Arthur posts in this thread, I'm gonna fucking lose it

>> No.16093640
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>> No.16093646
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no, more like this

>> No.16093668
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>> No.16093671


White tuna, or superwhite, is a fish called escolar. It's illegal to serve in many countries because eating too much will give you ::drumroll:: greasy diarrhea! I live in Japan and easy sushi on the regular, and when I went back to the states and saw "white tuba" I was like WTF?! (it's illegal in Japan).

My favorite sushi is negitoro temaki (minced fatty tuna with onions in a cone handroll). Tai, madai, or kinki nigiri (kinds of sea bream) are near the top too. Aburi chu toro nigiri is the bomb (charred fatty tuna belly).

>> No.16093683

Yeah I only had it once and after posting this I realized that it is not a thing at all and all of it is escolar.

>> No.16093690

Every meal I had in Shanghai was nasty... except for the burger bar I found. My biggest gripe was the left bones in all the meat, even when it was chopped up in bite sized pieces. Pop a chunk of gristle in your mouth, then crack... Bone. When I asked why, my local friend said "It's a food safety thing... so you can be sure what animal it is." Fuck that noise.

Don't get me wrong, I usually love foreign food. I've eaten food all over Asia, but most authentic Chinese food is pretty rough from a Western perspective.

>> No.16093740

I don't think I've ever had bone in my food that I've ordered outside my home, the worst thing I've seen is a small hair in my food once.

>> No.16093799

Only faggots call it sake.

>> No.16093826

Perfect specimen

>> No.16093828

It's literally in the fucking koujien that it's supposed to be サケ, but both pronunciations are acceptable. Furthermore, plenty of places just call it サーモン nowadays. Raw salmon sushi is a foreign innovation brought to Japan by Norwegians in the 1980s.

>> No.16094304

No that’s why it’s a different general

>> No.16094322
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joe mama is a different general

>> No.16094328

btw the octopus is joe mama you stupid nigger and she is my cum sucking slave

>> No.16094901


I hated uni it just felt like someone left fish eggs in the sun for a week and then mashed it into a paste

>> No.16095808

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.16095844

Is sushi salmon cured? It tastes very different to me than smoked salmon.

>> No.16095879

>ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
Is it? Where can I get some authentic Chinese noodles in the US, specifically NYC if you know a place. Ramen tastes bretty gud so I'd love to try something that's supposed to be even better!

>> No.16095917

its a copypasta man

>> No.16095936

aw :'(

>> No.16095937

Cured != smoked

>> No.16095962

Oh my bad, so it is cured then?

>> No.16096839

no its raw breh

>> No.16097211

That was my original point though. Some anon was saying to just put your cured salmon in a salad instead of making sushi with it, but what does that have to do with anything if cured salmon isn't what you use for sushi??

>> No.16097224
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im confused

>> No.16098242

when the pus isnt satiated enough and never stops. or gross back some of its beak

>> No.16098672

not to mention all the hooks on its tentacles

>> No.16100122
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>> No.16100158

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese.

>> No.16100169

>Ctrl+F vinegar
>one post talking about pad thai
Everyone talks about sushi toppings, but not about what actually makes sushi sushi, the shari. Am I the only one who likes their rice to have an extra vinegary kick.

>> No.16100181

About twice a month I'll go to the front end of my mega Shop Rite and get 3 trays of discount sushi and shrimp. I'll never pay anything more than 11 dollars for it but it's one of the few actually filling meals I eat on the regular.

>> No.16100197

I go to an Edo style sushi joint in Funabashi that uses red vinegar. The rice ends up pink/brown, but it has a very different taste. Less vinegary, but with more savory notes (red vinegar is milder, but had more amino acids). It's great with less fatty fish (though I agree that sharp tang is good for fatty fish like tuna belly).

>> No.16100226
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>> No.16100247

I actually really like escolar sushi for the texture reasons you listed, even though it's a shit fish. I've eaten a lot at once, but I've yet to find out the threshold between having a good time and having a very bad time.

>> No.16100318
File: 62 KB, 500x462, 1620852133466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a copy pasta? it was posted here a day ago and then deleted

>> No.16100412


It's copypasta.

>> No.16100587
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>> No.16100591
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>> No.16100603
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>> No.16100616

Whenever I vinegar my rice... it tastes too "vinegary".
Does anyone understand what I mean by that? It doesn't taste like restaurant sushi rice, it has a strange taste, even though I am following the instructions to the t.
Is Japanese sushi supposed to taste like this?

>> No.16100617

praise burger

>> No.16100754
File: 105 KB, 978x1500, Tamanoi sushinoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The quantity of vinegar and sugar should be varied according to the type, quality and condition of the rice and the way it is cooked.
It also depends on the quality of the rice vinegar.
An easy way is to use this powder as a trial and add a little vinegar to suit your taste.

>> No.16100759

Sushi is absolute garbage food

>> No.16100915

What is good sushi to try if you have never had it before? Also Does the vinegared rice actually make the sushi taste "vinegary"?

>> No.16101017
File: 143 KB, 1000x600, ichiban_sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is good sushi to try if you have never had it before?
Spicy crab or tuna. If you like the flavor of salmon, might try it too. Those are all mild pleasant flavors.
>Also Does the vinegared rice actually make the sushi taste "vinegary"?
Nah, sushi vinegar isn't strongly acidic like regular white or aged balsamic vinegar. Furthermore, it gets lightly seasoned with salt/sugar so it adds a nice sweet taste to the rice.

>how to spot good and bad sushi
I've only ever had buffet sushi at the nice Chinese restaurants around locally (you can watch the staff
making them from behind the counter and their turn-around volume is so high that it's always guaranteed fresh from constantly being replenished through lunch hours). There are a few dedicated sushi places in my area however. What are some good tips to ID good/bad sushi and establishments?

>> No.16101047

Veggie sushi is better
Sweet potato roll

>> No.16101268

>carbs inside of carbs
absolutely disgusting

>> No.16101349
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