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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 73 KB, 640x360, all-you-can-eat-buffet-640x360[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16086833 No.16086833 [Reply] [Original]

Had an unpleasant experience at a buffet recently.

I went there with my girlfriend and the place was completely packed with people. I happened to have a bag containing my £1000 laptop with me, so I asked my girlfriend not to go up at the same time as me so that she could keep an eye on my bag. I went up to get food, and when I came back she was gone and my bag was just sitting there at the table unattended. This made me pretty angry so I had a small argument with her when I got back. She claimed that the waitress had "pressured" her into going up and getting food, so she called the waitress (who was Chinese) over, who began telling me that it was fine, there was no theft here, I said "okay" just to get rid of her but she kept going on about it for another 2 minutes or so. And then halfway through the meal the waitress came back again and started going on about it again.

By this point I was really pissed off. I didn't talk to her for the rest of the evening, and when we got home I smacked her up a bit. She broke down in tears, but an hour later things were fine. I'm wondering whether I was justified in my actions, or am I actually a huge autist who overreacted? Women need not reply

>> No.16086849
File: 16 KB, 261x102, Based Sonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of the time I beat my wife with my Switch because that dumb bitch overwrote my BotW save file. You did good, OP.

>> No.16086868

You both don't sound too bright. First your gf leaving valuables unattended in a low rung food establishment, with questionable clientele, and you for ever going to a Chinese buffet in the middle of an epidemic.

End the relationship now and leave your valuables home.

>> No.16086878

We're in our mid-20s with no health conditions and we live alone. The virus is of absolutely no concern to us.

I agree it would've been better to leave my laptop at home, but going there was more of an impromptu decision and I happened to have my laptop with me when we decided to go.

>> No.16086918

Why are you bringing your laptop inside you dumb faggot? Leave it under the seat in your car

>> No.16086947
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>> No.16086952

Not everyone is an obese American who drives everywhere.

I was going to stay with her for a few days so I packed a bag full of stuff I needed, including my laptop. After the first bus we were in the city centre and decided to go to the buffet for dinner. It wouldn't have made sense to take the second bus to her apartment, leave my stuff there, then take another bus back to the centre.

>> No.16086955

>taking the bus

>> No.16086964
File: 172 KB, 1680x1050, iIGCKHx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to teach you a lesson now Shelly, about taking care of my property

>> No.16086983

The only justifiable reason for owning a £1000 laptop is for work, and if it's for work it's insured, so who gives a fuck

>> No.16087169

I don’t leave my purse at the table when I get up. Why couldn’t you just take your bag with you?

>> No.16087188

Damn dont have a car you poor faggot?

>> No.16087202

All women need to be beat

>> No.16087271

You're an absolute faggot.

>> No.16087317

>you’re obese if you drive
>but it’s okay to take the bus, which is still somebody driving you to the location
Do pooropeans really?

>> No.16087319
File: 57 KB, 640x640, 74711747_797443594043098_59534347747386300_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>am I actually a huge autist who overreacted
you are and you're also fucking retard for not just leaving the laptop in your car under your seat or in the trunk

>> No.16087327
File: 351 KB, 500x351, dog_43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n-not everyone is a fatass who drives!!!!
holy shit i hate city faggots

>> No.16087385

It’s Ok anon, I recently had a bad experience at a buffet. I was working and in comes this morbidly obese couple. The man is sweating buckets just waddling over to his table. I see he’s carrying a laptop bag, how can his fat fingers even type on it? He grunts some instruction to stay to his porcine wife and trots over to the buffet table. Starts piling food on his plate like a man possessed. At least 20 chicken tenders, mixing up spoonfuls of spaghetti bolognese with chow mein. Fat wife starts pining like a dog, so I go over to her and encourage her to help herself and her face lights up. This makes the husband really mad for some reason and he starts squealing like a pig and slamming his fat fists against the counter
>Sir, I need you to calm down
>M..m..muh laptop, I..It danger!

This guy is obviously a retard as well as fat
>Don’t worry sir I’ll look after it while you’re at the buffet table

With that he lifts his arm to give me a thumbs up and an ungodly stench comes from his arm pits. Smells like rotting meat and vinegar.

Why are Americans like this /ck/? Once finish my PhD, I’m going back to Tapei and never coming back

>> No.16087448

> £1000 laptop
Good goin numb nuts

>> No.16087535
File: 147 KB, 1074x925, FracturedAss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's too poor to own a car

Maybe you can download a photo of one on your laptop at least