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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16083756 No.16083756 [Reply] [Original]

how was your shift, /ck/?
anyone ring in any employee food to be a dick?

>> No.16083808

bad. today was the end of an open-close-open and my thursday of a ten day stretch. showed up with my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth and proceeded to butcher a bunch of ducks and branzino at like 1/4 efficiency. was essentially useless picking up slack in prep, luckily around noon i had to go fill on the line and we were busy so i didnt have to be too too present. felt like fucking death all day. was tempted to take the ephedrine pills in my pocket but decided to be a better man and drink two room temperature redbulls from the bar cage and got one of the runners to slide me some espresso and it did fucking nothing. my kidneys probably felt it

how was your night man

>> No.16083838

I'm white, but I hope Mexican and South American immigrants turn the white senior citizens they worked for into literal hamburger meat. Anyone relate?

>> No.16083852

had almost nothing fully prepped from the night before because im a lazy fuck, our proprietor had bought catering from panda express for everyone to eat but of course none of us on the line had the time to eat let alone breath so only servers, bussers and hostesses got any
one server after we finally started to slow down asked me for food and said he was starving, he came in 4 hours after me lmao
pretty fun shift tho, fuck servers

>> No.16083867

closing on mother's day, so obviously it was going to be trash

>> No.16083880
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You are waking up

>> No.16083924

wasnt that bad for me
just took forever, couldnt even pre close
fucking 12 top came in 10 till

>> No.16083939

Your picture sucks. Capitalism works, the ability to make 100% profit from your own vision and ability is paramount for progress. The only problem I have is with well-to-do Biden supporters who have jaws slacked in surprise that they can't find even shitty workers for less than $15 an hour amidst the veritable welfare state they helped create. Meanwhile, they hire latinos extensively to circumvent the very fair wage policies they themselves voted for

>> No.16083972

Not at all shlomo.

>> No.16084008

>democrats are responsible for wage suppression


>> No.16084053

I have no problem with wage suppression, nor do I have any with doubling the minimum wage. I have a problem with hypocrisy.

Most of the "democrats" I know are fiscal conservatives who larp having societal morals so they don't look like monsters for secretly taking part in the practices they decry, which again, are things I would not judge them for if they were just honest about their intentions.

>> No.16084094

thirteen gorillion massive pre-order takeout meals for mothers day, full patio with a 45 minute waitlist, and the fucking dumb whore front of house manager was almost convinced to last call early, but then decided we needed to stay open for a full fucking hour because some faggot called in, asked if we were still open, said he'd be there in 10 minutes, and took a full half hour to even arrive.
service itself went pretty well, even if we were almost whiteout the entire night.
i'm still 13/10 fucking platinum mad about the closing situation and its been 2 hours since i left

>> No.16084100

we had 2 and a half hour wait at outback full capacity, but fucking take away was open throughout so i never saw a fucking minute of peace
ticket printer still huants my half wasted brain

>> No.16084113

>I have no problem with wage suppression,

then go fuck yourself, didn't read the rest

>> No.16084193

>how was your shift, /ck/?
Dead. We're only allowed alfresco dining in my country and there has been poor weather for the last 2 weeks, which is predicted to go on longer. It's frustrating because I'm pretty new to being a chef so I haven't had any practice with a big shift. I hope I pick it up quickly and I don't end up shitting myself.

>> No.16084351

lol wagie.

>> No.16084361

i like working bro

>> No.16084373

Im tired of not working. We have 11 day holiday streak here, 10 federal holidays and one regional.

>> No.16084394

Tiresome fucking kid working on fry took a whole hour after closing to do a boil out on two fryers

>> No.16084408

I'm so glad I got out of service despite loving it. Working in a shop on 2nd shift with a small crew is so much nicer.

>> No.16084435

Hosted an 80 person event on top of dinner service the night before, so we ran out of most food. My happy ass had to show up at 4 am to start prepping before the brunch shift showed up so we could execute dinner service. All together I rolled 25 lbs pasta, 5 lbs gnocchi, 70 pizza doughs, 5 quarts red sauce, 2 quarts pesto, and something like 15 mozz balls. Left at 10:30.

>> No.16084613

Pretty chill shift at the pub last night but the bar supervisor is this Romanian stoner who doesn't like me and is generally kind of a dick. He only ever laughs at the blonde 18 year-old's dumb comments and sounds like a dolphin being molested.

>> No.16084771

How old is the Romanian stoner? I want to see how creepy his clear to see perving is.

>> No.16084923

Not sure but probably early 30s at a guess

>> No.16086587

I'm a server. 3 girls and my boss called out, so it was just me and the cook.
going in druk tuesday, made a lot of money.
damn mothers are going to give our restaurant, and me, bad reviews, just because I couldn't take care of 10 tables at a time. at least 5 walk outs after being seated, and no to-gos because I can't also deal with idiots who call before they know what they want, meanwhile I've got to mix 3 drinks and run food.

>> No.16086740

Throw them shits away man

>> No.16086755

I’ve been clopening for the past year and a half.I helped open this restaurant as sous, really liked the food. Now I crank out burgers and melts for 14 hours every day. I will never accept salary again. I won’t walk out on these people but I don’t want to do another summer here.

>> No.16086779

Capitalism has produced these very problems with labor supply and demand. A race to the bottom wage is the only result. That makes more poor people. It’s not fucking complicated.

>> No.16086781

>I’m literally a contrarian

>> No.16086787

You make your cooks boil out after a shift? That’s rough

>> No.16087055

this is your brain on wages

>> No.16087276

kys leech

>> No.16087839

If you wanted to leave work at a decent time after getting your shit pushed in for several hours then maybe dont make your green fry cook boil out fryers after service. Have your prep guys do it while theyre prepping

>> No.16087851

I literally have to do mandatory overtime next week despite it being outside of my availability. Fuck bosses.

>> No.16088318

a race to the bottom wage does not happen in an isolated society, because when men see eachother and recognize similarity, they find brotherhood and, inevitably, unionization for a standard of living. such is the "supply" portion of labor. in a globalized society, however, there is no effective unionization as they can look elsewhere, to the poorest nations for the labor supply, thus circumventing the natural supply and demand.
it is not capitalism, but globalism which spawned this plague, a tertiary force from outside the view of either capitalism or communism or whatever other economic stance you take.

>> No.16088445

What are you smoking bro? Capitalism is definitely anti union. Conservatives definitely lean anti union. Democrats (though they are probably lying) have pro union policies. I don't know how you came to your conclusions

>> No.16088845

dishy here
they let me play music which is good, I can kinda zone out and not have to think. the other guy always comes in baked as fuck and blasts heavy metal in pit. desu i'm only there still because one of the waitresses is a qt. next shift i might microdose on acid and put on bach's mass in b minor

>> No.16088860

damn. i haven't worked restaurant in such a long time, but my feet feel sweaty from just reading this thread. mother's day was always the hardest day of the year.

>> No.16088865

t. Asberger bootlicker

>> No.16088875

>I like slaving away for a barely livable wage while some lazy slob at the top just bitches at me to work harder and takes all the money
Nothing wrong with enjoying your trade, but to say you enjoy working is a wagie cagie mindset.

>> No.16088888

I always wanted to be a chef because I cook legitimately incredible food that blows most restaurants away but I'm pretty autistic I think so I just drive trains for a living.

>> No.16088896
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That's a lot of 8s

>> No.16088935

Restaurants aren't about creating mind blowing dishes, they're about cranking out the same shit over and over. Stick to your trains, anon, save the good food for the people you love. Also, check'd

>> No.16088939
File: 38 KB, 406x324, floydpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd usually call you a faggot but those quints are pretty based. Just remember cooking for yourself is different to serving 100+ guests a day and all restaurants would be 5* if they only had 1 table.

>> No.16090136

>worked 12 hours until app kicked me off and forced me to take a 6 hour break
>last 6 orders were all for walmart grocery deliveries
>app tried to get me to drive halfway across town before picking up another order even though I was still in the lot
>call the free range cagie-wagies to bring me the other order
>halfway to 1st drop off location
>order for 2nd delivery gets canceled
>that means someone else is going to be told "we just gave that order to someone else" when they gets to walmart
>got to keep over $200 in groceries
>currently eating like a king
>throw out two cases of pepsi zero
>taste like shit

>also first delivery was to a halfway home
>some fat white guy with "doge" tattoo'd on his belly, and bunch of other prison tats
>"hey, how's it going"
>"not too bad, but I can't find this address, it must be out front"
>"here, I'll let you through the gate to check"
>go through gate
>walk in on an AA meeting or something
>someone gets pissed off at me
>tells me to go to the office
>guy at office gets pissed at me for existing
>"why are you here?"
>"uhh, i've got a delivery order?"
>"oh, oh yeah, cool. you can bring it here"
>"okay, but im parked in the back because the app told me it was there"
>have to hop 10ft fence to get back to my car instead of walking 6 blocks to get to back alley
>bum sleeping next to fence looks at me in shock as i climb a tree and shimmey along a brick wall to hop the fence
>almost break my legs leaping down
>drive up front
>guy starts helping me with groceries
>"what the fuck is this place? a halfway house?"
>"nah, a rehabilitation center"
>"oh, cool. well have a good one"

>> No.16090712

>mother's day
>4 dishies scheduled, one calls out
>another skipped the previous shift, gets fired BEFORE service on the busiest night of the year so far
>2 dishwashers for 750 reservations
>other one is old fat fuck, stays at sink all night and moves slow
>I have to rack plates, spray, feed machine, unrack, stack, and run plates to the front all by myself while buckets of plates are constantly coming back and piling up
>servers can't stack so plates keep falling and breaking
>it's a massacre
>people bleeding, yelling, trying to clear the mountains of broken ceramic
>old fat guy decides to balance stand mixer 10 feet in the air
>falls right on my ankle
>limping for the rest of the night
>garbage bags all split because of the broken plates
>I'm there till 1am cleaning up a rotting pile of garbage
>hit my head on huge steel trash compactor
>say fuck it and let the morning guys do the rest

>> No.16092119

Mother's day brunch fucking sucked on Sunday, we got assblasted for a solid 5 hours but at least I got trashed and slept well afterwards

>> No.16092155

You north-americans are weird.

>> No.16092170

good larp if not true else you're retarded

>> No.16092177

The sperg didn't get his tendies and is cranky today, you should go take a nap

>> No.16092960

you don't have a broken bin?

>> No.16093009

Fuck off racist

>> No.16094096

you think the servers are smart enough to put broken plates in the broken bin?

>> No.16094295
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chill, slow but chill. took a couple weed breaks with the manager and ate raspberry sorbet. can't complain

>> No.16094353

>1 reply before uppers are mentioned

>5 replies before commie shit seeps in

Proper start to a food service thread.

>> No.16094427

Lots of people overlook Ho Chi Minh's past in food service, the industry has commie pedigree

>> No.16094464

>fuck servers

>> No.16094528
File: 19 KB, 392x393, 1605501435174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

caught up on rest since we were closed on mother's day. had a solid 2 1/2 days off feels good. only worked like 3 hours today to get my station caught up on new menu prep. chef got tacos for us. pretty comfy.
fucking respect yourself and leave

>> No.16095006

Stupid fucking dishwasher called out so I had to do prep and also wash dishes when there wasn't any more space. Fuck that guy, he's slow as a fucking turtle anyways