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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16085525 No.16085525 [Reply] [Original]

I left the stove on(it’s one of those coil stoves) and I still have 8 hours left of my shift. How fucked am I?

>> No.16085531

>not being an incel neet online racist and woman-hating loser who is a living embodiment of resentment

>> No.16085537

Turn it off during your lunch break or bye bye house

>> No.16085540

your electrical bill will be higher

>> No.16085541

Any broad wearing those pants hasn't fucked a guy in at least a year

>> No.16085542

Fuck dude we’re not allowed to leave the lot during lunch fuck man would I be arrested potentially? I can’t lose all my things

>> No.16085552

You can leave work for an emergency, it will be ok if you don't do anything this retarded for a while
Just say to the manager it's either
- you go home and turn off the stove and are away 2 hours max (if you live reasonably close to where you work)
- your house burns and you won't be able to work properly for a while

>> No.16085557

I live in an apartment complex, would I be liable if anyone dies or has their things destroyed as well?

>> No.16085558

I can see her pusy

>> No.16085560


>> No.16085565

imagine the sheer smell of her brapstink

>> No.16085571

Lmao at OP for making this thread full of evidence for the fire marshall

>> No.16085577

Just tell your manager what happened and drive home quick. I've done it before

>> No.16085619

I’m too autistic to tell my manager things, is it likely that it will catch fire? Don’t they have mechanisms to prevent that?

>> No.16085629

literally have sex already

>> No.16085630

Stop being autistic. Tell your manager, punch out, drive home, turn off your stove, then drive back to work

>> No.16085633

>Don’t they have mechanisms to prevent that?
Yeah, it's called your hands turning the dial to OFF

>> No.16085634

Nobodies helping you guys are just shitting on me fuck man my life is at stake here what the fuck

>> No.16085637

you're larping and we all know it. You aren't funny, your thread is shit

>> No.16085638

Go now, "a-apologize" later.

>> No.16085639

Tell your boss there's an emergency at your house and deal with it like a person with a brain would

>> No.16085641

Dude you don’t fucking get it I have massive social anxiety I just can’t go up to my boss and ask to go home she’s going to be upset, she’s always upset at me

>> No.16085643

I want to throw up I literally have no good options fuck I just want the world to end already I can’t fucking do this anymore

>> No.16085645

>phone landlord
>tell him what happened
>he goes and turns your stove off


>> No.16085646

Anon this is your manager.
Why are you on your phone right now?

>> No.16085650

It will cycle on, then it will cycle off. Repeatedly. If there is nothing nearby that can melt and burn then you're fine. If there is then you've probably already burnt down your home.

>> No.16085652

That would be even more stressful he’ll think I’m a retard and I don’t feel comfortable with him in my apartment because of things I own

>> No.16085653

Ok cool, now to your idiocy you don’t have a home or possessions anymore either.

>> No.16085656

I have an empty pot that I put on there to dry. It’s one of those black metal ones. It’ll be fine right?

>> No.16085657

OP, too bad you aren't trapped inside the apartment when it does go up in flames.

>> No.16085663

Let the apartment burn down, claim benefits.

>> No.16085665

Your larp falls apart when you imply that someone too autistic to ask their goblina boss for a few minutes off to not burn their apartment down even has an apartment or a decent job in the first place.

>> No.16085667

>Years later someone puts the data together on cause of fires started in apartments
>It's 95% spergs like OP who left shit on and is too scared to make a simple fix for it
Screencap this.

>> No.16085669

Don’t wish death on people man

>> No.16085670

Isn't being a wagecuck great?

>> No.16085675

I didn’t want to have to say this but I take the bus so it’ll be like 70 minutes to get back home. And my boss KNOWS this. Which makes all of this even more complicated.

>> No.16085677

You should join him.

>> No.16085679

I fucxking hate it I’m never in control of my life

>> No.16085681

I understand this, anon.
But bro you gotta tell your manager. It'll take 2 seconds and then you'll just deal with the embarrassment. If you're the autist you seem to be then you already have a million of these a day.
It's either that or living the rest of your life knowing you started a fire because you were too much of a pussy to talk to your manager. That will be infinitely worse.
You've gotten yourself into this mess, now take the least painful route or you will always be this way.

>> No.16085686

Does anyone live in Tucson, AZ?

>> No.16085691

Hate ain’t great

>> No.16085694

it's burned down already, accept it. You are a pathetic human being that you can't even manage to tell your boss that you need to leave because you're burning your house down. What a spineless, weak fuck. Grow the fuck up

>> No.16085699


>> No.16085704

Could you go to the canyon grove apartments on prince and see if building 414 is fine? The second floor in particular.

>> No.16085709

like you understand

>> No.16085710

Lol, I literally live here. There are firetrucks and sirens everywhere. A lot of smoke coming from over there

>> No.16085711

Now that I've confirmed that my own home is not at risk because I'm on the opposite side of town from you I can relax, not do anything, and just check the local news later too laugh at you when I see your apartment burning lmao

>> No.16085715

Bro please just go there and take a picture and post it in the thread please dude

>> No.16085718

Neither are you

>> No.16085722

No, I hate weak incels like you

>> No.16085728


>> No.16085739

arsonist here, thanks for the home address and easy alibi. fuck I love this site

>> No.16085743

based. Post pics, so we can all laugh at OP

>> No.16085747
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>> No.16085753
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>> No.16085755

Yes. The last time I checked metal is non-combustible. You only need to worry about something which can burn or melt.

>> No.16085776
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whatever you do don't torch the nearby Tokyo Imports.

>> No.16085784


>> No.16085788

i have social anxiety!! :(

>> No.16085797

no promises. I don't do well with people telling me not to do something.

>> No.16085801

That's made up. You're just a lazy manchild.

>> No.16085806

how am I the weirdo?

>> No.16085810

I hope you like being homeless because you sperged to much to talk to someone

>> No.16085845

I have social anxiety. Only ever talk to my anime waifus and in vidya and on /pol/ and /r9k/. I hate the modern world

>> No.16085858

This isn’t me and you’re not funny.

I’m currently on the bus on my way home. You guys were kinda helpful ngl but the toxicity wasn’t necessary. Unfortunately I’m likely fucked since I just left and didn’t tell my boss anything. I want to cry.

>> No.16085866

If you're this much of a spineless, inconsequential shitter, then I'm sure your boss won't notice your not being there.

>> No.16085885
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>Lying on the internet

>> No.16085952

lol awe

>> No.16085972

>but the toxicity wasn’t necessary.
You were about to let your fucking apartment complex burn down

>> No.16085988

>Tfw too socially awkward to stop my house burning down

Are you actually retarded

>> No.16085996

You’re going to get fired lol

>> No.16086008

>we’re not allowed to leave the lot

Unless they're paying for your time, you can tell them to fuck off.

>> No.16086013

Dollars to donuts he works somewhere low brow and this policy is to prevent people from getting high during lunch. Probably ineffectively. If that's the case then he's likely infinitely replaceable.

Of course that's if this thread isn't a goof.

>> No.16086017
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>> No.16086021

Richland heights here. I went past and its fine, nothint burning. Now leave a key hidden cause I might need a safehouse every now and again

>> No.16086024

>Employers in the US can tell wagies they are not allowed to leave company premises during their break

>> No.16086027

>lying on the internet doesn't count as Lying About Real Phenomena

>> No.16086037

If you left anyway why didn't you tell your boss? He might have been a little upset but unless he's a massive cunt he would have let you go just fine.

>> No.16086060
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>> No.16086133
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Made it home frens, was a bit muggy but looks like I’m saferino

>> No.16086144

I told you fren it was all good, I still need a key though so I can hide there

>> No.16086156

How old are you

>> No.16086166

He's 24

>> No.16086177


>> No.16086226

I hope this person is a girl. It would still be kinda pathetic, but if it’s a dude holy shit just fucking kill yourself

>> No.16086231

There are no girls on the internet.

>> No.16086236

do you work on a plantation or something?

mother fucker whats more important your house or your job?

>> No.16086241

are you fucking dumb?
why wouldn't you be?

>> No.16086242


>> No.16086243

Sorry, anon, that's like 30 minutes away. Not worth the trip.

>> No.16086254

I'm be waiting for you to leave the apartment.

>> No.16086269

Why are there so many tucsonians on this site?

>> No.16086314

If I lived around there I'd try and spook him, just for fun

>> No.16086327

this thread is going to be evidence in a trial one day

>> No.16086476

It's pathetic for a woman, too.

>> No.16086482

>Literally doxxed themself on 4chan and left work with no notice because of "muh anxiety"
Get help, OP.

>> No.16086901

just drive back what the fuck. its an emergency. offer to do 1h overtime or something to compensate as it was ur fuckup if your boss is a cocksucker.

but normally he shouldnt say anythin

>> No.16087179

Hell yeah, soliciting legal advice on 4chan's cooking board.

>> No.16087225

You a fucking idiot Bro. Man the fuck up dumbass

>> No.16087242


>> No.16087251

BASED pusy poster

>> No.16087253
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>local autistic man burns down apartment complex
>extensive evidence of him posting about the event for hours online before the fire spread

>> No.16087254

Never seen such a pathetic faggot in this shithole of a website. Fuckers apartment could burn down and let himself be homeless and potentially injure and kill other people, just because he`s scared to talk to somebody.
Now, image all young people who died in WW2 for this fucker to be born and act like this. I would beat the shit outta you OP.

>> No.16087298

Hey I’m in Tucson too. Good thing I’m south of A Mountain. Burn you autistic fuck.

>> No.16087409

Damn i was scrolling and was hoping to see a news story about the apartment fire, woulda been epic bread

>> No.16088075
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>> No.16088090


>> No.16088099


>> No.16088104
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>> No.16088122


>> No.16088124

pretty much this but i assume OP is all of that except for "neet"

>> No.16088127

It’s okay I love you anon

>> No.16088152

leaving a coil stove on for any amount of time absolutely will not start a fire unless it's covered in grease or other flammable material. have you ever seen the inside of your oven catch on fire because you left it on for 4 hours while baking something? for fucks sake, electric heaters are just heating elements and they're basically just out in the open.

>> No.16088632
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>> No.16088640
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Do wagie really