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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 174 KB, 1075x1184, 380CD788-587D-4442-9353-E30E7DBCADB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16079238 No.16079238 [Reply] [Original]

You invite some friends over for dinner and drinks. You’re making pizza, or tacos, or charcuterie, or whatever type of casual dinner you and your friends enjoy and you think you prepare well. One of them asks if they can bring an old buddy from high school. This guy shows up. What are you making, what do you do when he starts giving you advice and critiquing things, and how do you think the evening goes?

>> No.16079240

I'd wait for him to prep his wife before fucking her

>> No.16079242

Not gonna make anything special for this soychad

>> No.16079255

ask him to please step out of my work area while i am cooking

>> No.16079258

>grab a bottle of white wine
>look like I'm about to poor it in
>"ah, I better not, that would be stupid"

>> No.16079260

I take a shit on his plate before rubbing his fork on my sweaty balls because I season my tableware, not my food.

>> No.16079282


None of you can probably cook with even a tenth of the skill Adam has. He literally makes the best cooking videos on YouTube, and all of you are just jealous that I'm able to make great and easy to understand videos with amazing food in them. Also, no one else on YouTube has put in the effort to approach food from a logical perspective and actually talk to nutrition experts about food like he has. So yeah, maybe learn how to cook and what it takes to make a youtube video before you start shitting on someone.

>> No.16079287


>> No.16079304
File: 20 KB, 778x243, Jeremy Corbyn is Malcolm Tucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would start making clicking sounds with my mouth and when he would move closer to me in the kitchen I would make the clicking sounds faster then say "sorry I forgot to turn my nonce radar off"

>> No.16079339

I like Jeremy Corbyn now, what the fuck have you done to me?

>> No.16079340

You don't have to pretend Adam.

>> No.16079358

He would be cancelled if it were ever revealed he were giving attention to the edgiest site on the internet. We all would.

>> No.16079373

I would start bragging about how great and convenient my gas stove is.

>> No.16079380

I would not stop talking about how great cooking on my gas stove is

>> No.16079386

As a pedophile, it's insulting to be compared to the cuck in the OP.

>> No.16079397

>no one else on YouTube has put in the effort to approach food from a logical perspective and actually talk to nutrition experts about food like he has.
i do like his approach on some videos, its very scientific on occasion and those are the videos i unironically like
his knowledge and logic(to a degree) is good
his culinary skill is pretty shit(learn to use a fucking knife adam you dont have to be a chef to use tools well)
his entertainment value is non-existent, cringy as fuck

>> No.16079436

You know what, I saw that kosher salt video yesterday and among other things what really got on my nerves is that he only speculated that a reason kosher salt is flaky is that it's easier to use than fine salt, then spent the better part of 5 minutes trying to convince us than it actually is. You could really see the retard's mind at work, thinking that Jews chose flaky salt for their ritualistic cleansing of their food because it's easier to use than fine salt.
Which is also fucking not. He was pinching table salt and letting it fall off his finger like it was an infomercial for a saltshaker. I refuse to believe he can be so retarded, he has to be dishonest, but for what fucking reason Adam?

>> No.16079785
File: 24 KB, 400x600, 4868BB08-D4B4-44E5-9E3E-9AA0EF34FE4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga certainly talks just like him…

>> No.16079791



>> No.16079838

It goes fine, I make him a seat at the kids table and when they all get ice cream with chocolate topping I make sure to put his topping on the chopping board, not the icecream.

>> No.16079849

I would prepare him a roundhouse kick to the head.

>> No.16079869

piss off adam

>> No.16079906

there’s probably gonna be words
I have no clue who that is but he look like a vegan faggot
I dunno about you, but I put meat in just about everything (even vegetable dishes) and I don’t feel like hearing about all the animals I’m murdering so I’ve go no problem throwing the faggot tranny outside so that I can have a nice evening and cook in peace

>> No.16079938

Be more obvious, Adam

>> No.16079971

Please spoiler disgusting pics like this next time. I was about to eat.

>> No.16080415

You can't make macarons. Or use proper knife skills. Why tf should anyone listen to you about cooking?

>> No.16080428

he can't make macarons??? though then again he can't even use fryer.

>> No.16080436
File: 113 KB, 2178x560, adamoutshimself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't. I'll just get my friend Jamie to come over and have him cook everything he's made a video on but better and rub it in his face.

>> No.16080519

the fagusea impersonators are getting more and more believable by the day, incredible

>> No.16080578

king of /ck/

>> No.16080779

Settle down, little lady

>> No.16080795

I don't know I really like his pizza recipe but he's kinda white guilty

Like he comes at everything so scientifically and practically but then when it turns out non whites wash their chicken suddenly all this research and experimentation suggesting its pointless and sprays contamination everywhere is "A bad look" and "yikes they used the name KAREN in it???"

Give me a break

>> No.16081688

my god it's like he's actually here.

>> No.16081860

Why is this guy allowed but Jack threads are banned?

>> No.16081901
File: 151 KB, 763x1023, 84fb1b42d5416c06eb62db7dfe8b6d7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts the only good celebrity chef in your path

>> No.16082515

Have sex, incel.

>> No.16082698
File: 42 KB, 720x609, 1612316417738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I haven't had friends round to cook for.

We all only eat at bars drinking or takeaways drunk @ 3am

>> No.16083029

Who the fuck is this faggot?

>> No.16083054

hi adam

>> No.16083118

I can cook circles around this shit-stain and I’m sure my wife, middling she may be, is a better fuck than that gap-toothed uggo he’s shackled to.

But I’ve got a gas stove so he’d probably wet himself and flee in terror as soon as I sparked a burner.

>> No.16083164

Ask him why he isn't clean shaven. After he gives his excuse, I tell him to leave my house. Then I tell him to buy a new shirt because the one he's wearing is ugly.

>> No.16083259

kek he's based

>> No.16083308


>> No.16083464

Holy shit.

>> No.16083518

I’d have the dinner go perfectly well, making a perfectly cooked (sous vide) prime rib with potatoes and veggies. The night will go great then the next day I’ll tell my friend that a family heirloom necklace my mom gave me is gone and Adam was the only one who went in that room, I don’t think it was him but he was the only one that went in there…

>> No.16083747

kek very believable

>> No.16083988

He prepsthe bull NOT his wife

>> No.16084009

Mischievous and high IQ-pilled.

>> No.16084042
File: 33 KB, 570x228, 72Caddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That switch in and out of first person raises this shitpost to high art
I appreciate the effort, anon
This truly was the Cadillac of shitposts

>> No.16084046

I hate when they do that
I mean, I don't mind if they watch, and I get a real kek out of seeing them kiss their wife after I shoot off in her mouth, but keep your clammy hands and uncomfortably hot mouth away from my junk cucky!

>> No.16084126

Fuck off, Adam.

>> No.16084219

Ok Adam

>> No.16084930

You have the knife skills of a toddler, you ain't cooking anything note worthy

>> No.16085524

is that alton brown with a scar h?

>> No.16086068
File: 677 KB, 1011x974, 1597038733930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16086196

Yeah he's famously pro gun.

>> No.16086969

Imagine being so addicted to porn that you see a random youtuber and shit like this comes to your mind
It's literally a disease

>> No.16087023
File: 120 KB, 674x672, 1486315351211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wouldnt let that faggot in my house

>> No.16087029


>> No.16087049

>Adam "White wine'n and creampie dine'n'" Ragusea
>Adam "pizza bread and cuck shed" Ragusea
>Adam "hot plate and hotwife" Ragusea
>Adam "cum queef aperitif"" Ragusea
>Adam "gravy train" Ragusea
>Adam "Like brine? Your gf can't be fine " Ragusea
>Adam "why I prep the bull, NOT my wife" Ragusea
>Adam "this insult brought to you by SquareSpace" Ragusea
>Adam "soychad" Ragusea
>Adam "cooking for fun with my wife's son" Ragusea
>Adam "oh you want some?" Ragusea
>Adam "mad street credit on Reddit" Ragusea
>Adam "grateful gringo" Ragusea
>Adam "please clap my wife's toothgap" Ragusea
>Adam "age doughs and marry hoes" Ragusea
>Adam "fuckable" Ragusea
>Adam "lurking this thread" Ragusea

>> No.16088304

Honestly this probably is adam

>> No.16089295 [DELETED] 

bump for interest

>> No.16089722
File: 1.62 MB, 576x1024, soychad2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based soyCHAD