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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16072197 No.16072197 [Reply] [Original]

Get in here!
We're eating deeeenz!

>> No.16072208
File: 216 KB, 629x296, yellowfin-roasted-garlic-can.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loving those Omega 3's bros.

I just tried this they other day.
Yellowfin tuna in EVOO with roasted garlic.
It was so tasty that I went back and bought another 6 cans.

>> No.16072216
File: 2.09 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0510_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Jose Gourmet sardines came in a box when from Amazon. It's nice, bruhs.

>> No.16072221

Do you add anything to your tuna or eat straight out of the can?

>> No.16072228

I tried that KO mediterranean mackerel before.
It was okay but I found that the olive pieces gave the fish a bitterness that I wasn't super crazy about. Still very edible though.

>> No.16072251
File: 2.11 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get happy like a stupid little child with all of these deenz. Oh man.

The Ortiz sardines packaging is very aesthetically pleasing to look at and hold. The pictures do not do them justice. This shit is art.

Try the lemon flavored one or just the regular. The lemon flavored one in particular is absolutely delicious. KO Mackerel is damn fine cuisine.

>> No.16072261
File: 2.33 MB, 3390x3390, coleslaw mix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight out of the can on some crackers is great.
Lately I've been making a big salad by throwing tuna or mackerel on coleslaw mix with a little salt, pepper, oil, vinegar and mayo.

>> No.16072270

>Lately I've been making a big salad by throwing tuna or mackerel on coleslaw mix with a little salt, pepper, oil, vinegar and mayo

What type of mayo do you use? Curious, since I love mayo.
Also, if you can, please take a pic of that, that makes my mouth water.

>> No.16072290

I got a bottle of Olive Oil Miracle Whip because I love the tangy flavor. It's too late for me to eat anything else tonight, but maybe I'll make some up and take a pic for tomorrow night's inevitable deenz thread.

>> No.16072322

I hope you realize that there's only like one drop of olive oil in the jar, did you read the ingredients? It's literally regular miracle whip at a higher price.

>> No.16072342

>It's too late for me to eat anything else tonight

I meant whenever you end up making it again, would love to see that.

Which mayo do you use/like?

>> No.16072345
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Tried some of these the other day and was really impressed. Delicious.

I've set aside two 6 packs of Season skinless in olive oil from Costco to age. They're the new soft top cans. Anyone have experience with aging deenz? I've heard it can give them a nice flavor over decades

>> No.16072353

the price was the same
i prefer the sour tang of miracle whip over plain mayo, but I'm sure if I put a little experimentation into it, i'll eventually achieve a similar result by adding vinegar to mayo.
thanks for giving me the idea for a project.

>> No.16072397
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This thread got me craving a little snack. Delicious.

>> No.16072401


>> No.16072407

I love me some Bela. Definitely one of the higher quality deenz out there. I haven't aged deenz since I'm always too eager to eat up what I have.

But check this out.


>I compared a new can of French sardines in olive oil with 2000 and 1997 millésimes. The brands were different, and so were the size and color of the fish and the quality of the olive oils. That said, the young sardines were firm and dry and mild; the older vintages were fragile to the point of falling apart, soft and rich in the mouth, and fishier in a good way.

>> No.16072416

Oh damn, I might gotta get me some peas tomorrow and do this. Enjoy!

Nice Peter Rabbit bowl btw ha

>> No.16072429
File: 278 KB, 1080x864, mccormickmayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This mayo flavored w/ lime juice + crackers + black pepper + deenz = nice little food blasts of small deenz sammiches.

>> No.16073186
File: 99 KB, 690x462, Surströmming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's try the real "Swedish Fish"!

>> No.16073242

I doubt aging them for decades is a good idea, unless you can find them in a can without a ring pull. Those seams sacrifice longevity for convenience.

>> No.16073265
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Yes deenz are good

I like the mw polar brisling with the clear lid or king oscar brisling. Or the smoked chicken of the sea cans from Poland they have for $1 each at Safeway.

>> No.16074617

How come mackerel taste so much less "fishy" than deenz?

>> No.16074618

Do you mash the deenz into the mayo or just dollop it on top?

>> No.16074624

Did you like it?

>> No.16074708

I do something similar. Veggie mix, deenz, dressing. The mix is broccoli, cauliflower, carrots. For the dressing I do 1 part mayo, 1 part Dijon or horseradish mustard, splash of balsamic, feta cheese, dill, salt and pepper. Sometimes I add a bit of honey for sweetness.

>> No.16074764 [DELETED] 

I mixed a can of KO into a knorrs chicken rice packet today out of laziness. The textures didn't really go together so I wouldn't really recommend it. I needed some hot sauce to mask everything so I could get it down.

>> No.16074940

Would a can of deenz go well with a marinara pasta? I'm sure it would go well with a puttanesca but I'm not sure about red sauces. Thoughts?

>> No.16075051

I squirt anchovy paste into some of my red sauces, some deens will just add salt and meat flavor in a similar fashion I think... dont quote me.

>> No.16075065

>eating the canned mercury poisoning

>> No.16075079

I have two cans of sardines any dishes I can whip up? Diner or lunch is ok

>> No.16075099

Based Ortiz Chad

>> No.16075108

Not only are their sardines great, but also their tuna is fucking outstanding.

>> No.16075453
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>being scared of mercury
Don't you want to live forever bro?

>> No.16075532

Small fish don't even carry a significant amount of mercury what the fuck are you on about

>> No.16075568
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>> No.16075610

update: was indeed tasty. I added some onions, a little garlic, some basil, red pepper flakes, and deenz and it ended up being quite tasty. Kind of reminded me of mussels in spaghetti - pleasantly fishy

>> No.16075804

I think it's a bot or the vegan janny.

>> No.16076894

They're low on the food chain so they're mercury free

>> No.16076905

eu poorfag here what are some good deanz not more expensive than 3-5€ a can cuz for that money you could also just get salmon filets

>> No.16077110
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I'm partial to the lemon dill, like the can on some couscous or some white rice with some chili crisp.

>> No.16077123

Ever had pasta al tonno? Very similar to what you made but with anchovy and tuna instead of sardines.

>> No.16077328


>> No.16077407

Please anon look up the proper way to open and prepare this, don't be another idiot that fell for the memes and just popped the can.

>> No.16077945
File: 38 KB, 500x204, brunswick kipper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0 results
This shit is seriously good.
I'd even say they're a bit better than deenz.

>> No.16077960
File: 39 KB, 512x221, deenznuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to go with brunsdeenz I would recommend the golden smoked fillets over the kippered - kippered uses liquid smoke, golden smoked uses actual smoke from maple woodchips.

However, golden smoked produces a firmer, dryer fish with a stronger smoke flavor due to the mechanics of smoking. Still worth trying though, see if you're into em. I personally really like them on crackers or with eggs or rice, more than regular deenz. I mostly just use regular deenz for rillettes nowadays

>> No.16078006

>golden smoked fillets
Forgot to mention that.
Yeah I had those and noticed it's certainly dryer, but still great.
Certainly prefer them to deenz.

>> No.16078064

What do you guys think of porthos?

>> No.16078086
File: 123 KB, 1200x630, deenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought these on a lark today, and no idea if they're any good, but I'm going to find out

>> No.16078318
File: 160 KB, 1262x1080, Kronk_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check the COO. If I remember correctly those are farm raised in China. Enjoy your sewer fish full of heavy metals.

>> No.16078327

Those are definitely Chinese farm raised. Enjoy your heavy metals and fish raised in liquid chink poop.

>> No.16078346

Holy shit this board updates every 5 minutes, I ended up posting twice.


>> No.16078352 [DELETED] 

Yeah I like the KO kipper snacks too

>> No.16078554

I wish I lived in a better country where we didn't just have 2 variations of 1 brand to chose from.

>> No.16078678

Are kippers really that different from sardines?

>> No.16078689

In my experience, sardines packed in those big ass tins aren't good, and as other anons have pointed out, they have that generic, Chinese look, which are bad.

>> No.16078912

depends on the kind of mackerel

>> No.16079180

If you can't find cheap deenz in Europe you're truly an idiot. Aldi, Lidl, heck everyone sells them for as low €0,90 and sometimes even cheaper on deals.

>> No.16079209
File: 2.25 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta get onto the Ortiz anchovies, that's where it's at

>> No.16079774


>> No.16079926
File: 40 KB, 400x400, 1349349715266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Eastern Yuro
>tfw all I can get are shitty Latvian deenz and sprats and Turkish tuna
>tfw no glorious Portuguese deenz
Life is suffering.

>> No.16080133
File: 61 KB, 1000x1000, 5F184296-BFDA-48DD-BAFA-583B9C63D509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hadn’t heard of it, the recipes I’ve been googling for it look pretty darn tasty. Would be really nice with the texture of tuna. Seafood and pasta is just such a nice combination to me

>> No.16080183

Well they’re herrings so..

>> No.16080209

I tried to take the /deenz/pill et again and failed.
I only seem to actually like eating the sardines that cost as much as the premo tuna I like and that sort of defeats the purpose for me.
What is the secret to deenz? I can buy them absurdly cheap if I get the small ones in a can at 70cents AUD so if I can learn to eat them and actually like it I would do it.

It is not as if I eat them and think "oh this is ok but not my thing" it is more like I just cannot et them down for some reason and give up.

>> No.16080218
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mash 'em up in a cup of spicy ramen like picrel, that might help.

>> No.16080225

Man, I feel genuinely sorry for you.

>> No.16080553

Buy the ones in tomato sauce

>> No.16080656

It really is a good combination. I've been meaning to try making pasta con le sarde recently too.

>> No.16080980

>can’t get latvian sprats
be grateful anon

>> No.16081890
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Based. Love me some Brunsdeenz

>> No.16081923
File: 406 KB, 1200x801, ep4_sardines_kaily_dsc_0698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me your best portugese deenz brand

>> No.16082378
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Back at it again

>> No.16082387

Try the lemon olive oil or spiced olive oil ones, they're better.
You can always order them online. If you have a World Market near you, try shopping there. Honestly the sprats are no better than King Oscars though.
Nuri. Santo Amaro is a close second

>> No.16082393

is canned octopus still firm and chewy?

>> No.16082398
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>> No.16082406

Hands down Nuri best Deenz from anywhere

>> No.16082409

For me it's eating some fresh deenz in Matozinhos.

>> No.16082415
File: 1.90 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0523_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished these both.

Deenz on the left were far tastier than the premium brislings on the right. Tomato sauce and quality of sardines just hit me differently than the premium brislings on the right. The tomato sauce in that one was horrible.

I don't really buy Season brand deenz but figured I'd try these out.

>> No.16082428

I've only tried Matiz tinned octo, it wasn't terribly chewy, still firm though. It wasn't bad, but not terribly good either. Worth a try but I will not be purchasing it again.

>> No.16082431
File: 1.21 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes, my friend. I tried these out in the previous thread last week. They are damn delicious. Was hesitant at first, but will be buying them again when I have the money.

>> No.16082439

Mackerel from Aldi is sensational.
I might switch back to haddock from Lidl just for a change.

>> No.16082458

Ooh, do you know what the brand name is? I'd definitely check that out. I'll check it out regardless, though.

The lemon-flavored KO mackerel might still be my favorite. I take a fork, plunge directly into that tender, sweet meat and down it with incredible ease. My mouth is watering just thinking of it.

>> No.16082483

how many calories were both these tins?

>> No.16082510

Left tin
Sardinia pilchardus
180 calories
22g protein
1700 mg Omega-3

Right tin, premium brislings
Sprattus sprattus
194 calories
17 g protein
3900 mg Omega-3

>> No.16082593
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>> No.16082690
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I've never aged them on purpose, but this emergency can must have been sitting in my car's glovebox for over five years by now.

>> No.16082708
File: 1.03 MB, 2048x2048, can2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sitting in the car outdoors, untouched through 40 degree celsius summers. A few years past the best before date. Was it really better before then?

>> No.16082731
File: 1.28 MB, 2048x2048, can3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bulge, no hiss, the scent is only faint and not abnormal. Looking good.

>> No.16082732


Open and review

>> No.16082735

The best.

>> No.16082754

Can you actually get canned octopus in Burgerstan?

>> No.16082768
File: 1.28 MB, 2048x2048, letsgetthisoutonatray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a fairly palatable portion of deenz for an average-sized person, I'd say? It tastes as good as new. I'm detecting a very slight film of slime which I don't usually get, but it's not unpleasant. They seem a bit softer, and do not remain intact when handle. They're good. I'm going to be thinking about those deenz for some time to come.

>> No.16082776

The slime might be a little off putting but the extra mushy consistency I’d love

>> No.16082820

those look pretty damn good, i'd slurp those right down with some ginger ale

>> No.16082830

Incredibly based

>> No.16083126

What is it? It looks like it could just be fish.

>> No.16083379
File: 6 KB, 220x229, 1616904348529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean maybe deenz just don't agree with you. I know culture implies if you dont like X you are not worthy of your stature. But at the end of the day, if you don't like deenz, you don't like em. If you're determined, try them fried, in pasta, on rice, in a salad, etc. If you don't like any of it then it's not for you.

Bu even if you don't try all these methods, it's cool you tried deenz at all and you shouldn't diss on yourself for your subjective taste profile

>> No.16083384
File: 6 KB, 240x240, 1607907083351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based brunsdeenz chad

>> No.16084134

Every day until you like it.

>> No.16085111

They don't really sell the expensivr stuff where I live and therefore that half of all the /deenz/ threads where people just try out brands is pretty much useless for me - never even got my hands on the shilled-to-all-hell KO deenz. Before /deenz/, I never knew people could even spend so much on a single can - the median around here is around $0.50 and they're decent enough.
Bottom line, straight out of the can is not the only way to enjoy a humble deen and is best reserved only for the premium stuff. You can make a deenz spread, fisherman's eggs, deenz pasta, and many more.

>> No.16085153

The "best before" date actually matters on those?

>> No.16085155


>> No.16085159


>> No.16085184
File: 47 KB, 793x860, image2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and agreed.

Cheap deenz generally are not best enjoyed solo in my opinion. There are a few exceptions (looking at you Brunswick), but most that you'll want to eat solo are on the higher end.
Related, have you ever tried making a deenz rillette? Probably my favourite use of these delicious fish

>> No.16085386

Never made or had one, /deenz/ or not, but reading about it I would say that it's probably not the best fit for the canned stuff - what's your procedure? I'm interested.

>> No.16085446
File: 90 KB, 850x478, rillettes-de-sardines-beurre-et-citron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's not a rillette in the original sense of the word - not like a potted meat. Not sure why they're called a rillette at all, maybe because the texture is similar to pate?

But basically, mash up a can of sardines into cream cheese, add finely chopped shallots, green onions, dill, lemon juice, S&P, and chill. It's a great spread on top of crackers. Wa la

>> No.16085561


It's just roe

>> No.16085583

>I squirt anchovy paste into some of my red sauces, some deens will just add salt and meat flavor in a similar fashion I think... dont quote me.

>> No.16085831
File: 8 KB, 269x211, 1617337495246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey he asked nicely fren wth

>> No.16086212

What's that?

>> No.16086215


>> No.16086224

All those little bumps on the fish are eggs?

>> No.16086315

Yeah it's the egg sac of the fish

>> No.16086699

Is this a real thread?

>> No.16086820

No it's only inside of your head.

>> No.16086822

I dared to believe.

>> No.16086887

Try portugeese deenz like nuri or porthos

>> No.16087376

Do different types of deenz really taste that different?

>> No.16087406

I've got a can of the king that's sitting at the bottom of my stack as an experiment. It's only a year and a half right now.

KO does it and sells them at premium prices, only in their stores iirc.

>> No.16087748

King Mackerel grow old and are predacious so they accumulate a good deal of mercury. However, big old king mackerel don't get canned, they're filleted and sold like that.
Canned mackerel is young and small. Even in cheap brands I've seen a whole mackerel flank in the tin, of a small fish. Indicative of low mercury.
When it comes to fish, cheaper can be healthier - but the cheapEST (fished in high pollution seas like the Baltic or Yellow) are awful

>> No.16087773

oh boy I just made my own homestyle deenz spread on a lark the other night and I've been wanting to share it
One can sardines
Four green onions chopped thin
Half a red onion diced
Quarter of a lemon juiced
A few grape tomatoes sliced up
2 miniature dill pickles diced
A dollop of chipotle "Aioli" spread (really just mayo with cayenne or whatever)

Wa la
Was facking delicious over crackers and rye toast

>> No.16087775

The only canned mackerel I've found are mackerel fillets in tomato sauce.

>> No.16087781

>When it comes to fish, cheaper can be healthier - but the cheapEST (fished in high pollution seas like the Baltic or Yellow) are awful
North Atlantic and Mediterranean are fine?

>> No.16087809

North Atlantic generally yes, Mediterranean questionable
The Med is an 'enclosed' sea with lots of places dumping shit in it
Really all I can say is do some research on the manufacturers/brands you buy from, and the seas they fish in. It's all brand trust. But Sardines are one of the most resilient species when it comes to these things. They're low on the food chain so they don't accumulate a lot of mercury, relatively, even in high pollution seas.
Probably fine then, unless they're fished out of a toxic waste dump

>> No.16087971
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Yes. There's a big gap between cheap deenz and good ones. Cheap deenz are either overly firm or overly mushy (depending on cooking method) and usually overly fishy (mostly due to subpar cleaning or starving). Expensive deenz are usually more meaty, less fishy, with a more pure texture and cleaner taste.
That being said, is KO worth it? Depends on your budget. If you like deenz due to the affordability, then fuck no. You can buy fresh fish at the same cost. If you like deenz for the taste and texture, and don't balk at the pricepoint, gourmet deenz are great. This thread has shilled Brunswick deenz a lot, but I genuinely recommend them as a middle ground deen. They're as cheap as they come, but the quality is comparable (but not equal by a longshot) to KO or other gourmet deenz. I would try a gourmet deen just so you understand what the high water mark is for the meat, but I don't think they're necessary unless you're eating them completely solo.

>> No.16087986

i've had deenz again today, after a long while, but they are inferior to mackarel and especially smoked cod liver or other canned seafood.

>> No.16088010

Interesting take. Cod liver was absolutely disgusting for me. I like canned oysters and mussels, but worry about their contamination. Canned squid and octopus is quite nice though. Still unsure where I sit regarding mackerel vs deenz - could you tell me what you preferred about mackz?

>> No.16088021

based belaposter. the lemon ones are my favorite.

>> No.16088029

i might not be the best person to ask, i love super strong tastes, i love shit like grilled fresh herring (super fishy). In my opinion mackarels have better flavour, aka, more flavour. I love the oceany taste they have. But if you're open to more foods, you should try spanish and portuguese canned seafood, nearly everything they turn out is great

>> No.16088036

I finally took the Deenz pill, and it was great, but that smell didn't fucking go away for days.

>> No.16088039

What is that? Just butter noodles?

>> No.16088053

Warm baguette with wine

>> No.16088209

There was a hint of caramelized balsamic stirred through the pasta and peas, but it's as good unflavored.

>> No.16089098
File: 76 KB, 768x512, 4BC7B68E-CFE0-456B-B0DD-4FE24FA28A9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys eat your deenz with? I usually eat em by themselves, sometimes with bread but rarely
These are my current favorite, unfortunately the other choices I have are cheap chink soybean oil deenz, unless i go to the good market

>> No.16089770
File: 134 KB, 1007x1379, 71CmGXr0p7L._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally like them on picrel or pita crisps with a dab of hot sauce. I've had them with pasta, on rice, totally solo, in a salad (with lettuce etc) in a "salad" (like tuna or chicken salad - mayo etc all mushed up together), and of course the rillette spread

Always looking for new uses for these buggers. I find if I eat them when I'm drinking, my hangover is much more manageable the next day. There might be something to the talk of the anti-inflammatory qualities of deenz

>> No.16089778

sprats are good nigga wtf are you talking about

>> No.16089801
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That's my cue to gloat about your unfortunate draw in the birth lottery.

>> No.16089834

I wish my pantry looked that way.

>> No.16090063

Are deenz in olive oil better than deenz in tomato sauce? I've only had them in tomato sauce yet.

>> No.16090413

Probably but I've never tried them since only sunflower and rapeseed oil deenz are available here.

>> No.16091064

Anchovies in an egg salad. Based or cringe?

>> No.16091218

whoah, where do you live that KO deenz are under 3 bucks? That's wild

>> No.16091292

How do I into deenz. Never had them but they’re healthier than tuna right? How do I make these bastards taste good.

>> No.16091301


>> No.16091338
File: 1.79 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More deenz just came in, friends.

>> No.16091367

Anon, was this good? I might wanna try this.

They're good, can't find them around where my location, though.

Those are damn delicious. In fact, kippers in general are really good as, to me, they aren't as fishy as almost any of the other canned fish, they're super cheap and they go down easy.

I might buy a pack online. When I eat anchovies, though, I must eat them with a salad or something else.

Absolutely yes.

Short answer, these are what effect taste of deenz:

- location
- species
- oil v water v sauces
- brand name/company (some just do it better than others. cf. King Oscar which is like the cheapest premium deenz you can buy at the grocery store)

To name just a few.

What's a good cod liver brand I can buy online? Would love to try.

>What do you guys eat your deenz with?

- Crackers
- Mayo
- Really good local mustard
- Jalapenos (I buy a jar, take a spoon and just pepper them all over my deenz. Yummy)
- Chipotle sauce
- Rice
- Salads

I also once put some deenz in my New England clam chowder soup and it was even better. You can get really creative with deenz.

>> No.16091381
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Got some good deenz here if I don't say so myself. Can't wait to eat later tonight.

>> No.16091385

*if I do say so myself

>> No.16091427

* actually, don’t, I got it first time ha ha

>> No.16091474

Actually do sorry ha ha?

>> No.16091545

Actually don’t lol I’m so confussled!!!!!!

>> No.16091615

Actually don’t omg guys help

>> No.16091649

Or is it do???? Haha I’m so high right now 420 blaze it!!!!

>> No.16092139
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based schizo deenfren

>> No.16092204

I've only eaten oil based deenz, are the other ones good? How are the one's with water?

>> No.16092221

personally I think oil>tomato sauce>water

>> No.16092832

This thread inspired me to go out and buy some deenz

>> No.16093986

that looks good man

>> No.16094045
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>> No.16094062 [DELETED] 

dang that's beautiful, I live in Misery and we never have sardine shelves like this

>> No.16094549

Oil was my entry level, then I got into some different flavors, but ultimately I came to understand water to be the most sublime of deenz experiences.

>> No.16094794
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Canned fish fans should try some pickled herring. Trust me I'm Swedish we love our fish, it's good. IKEA probably has it if you can't find any in your local stores.

>> No.16095005

I like pickled herring in sour cream with some very finely diced onion. They're great with fries or boiled potatoes.

>> No.16095120

No worries. It's only a 1 day drive each way; probably $65 to return your mom's minivan full of gas.

(If you're coming through Iowa, aim for Madison. If coming through Illinois, aim for Beloit. Woodman's. You'll want to bring a cooler for some cheese, too.)

>> No.16095151

Your breakeven point on gas vs online ordering is probably around 9 stacks; if you're reasonably fond of deenz, this shouldn't be a problem.

I regularly make the drive from Madison to Jef City for work; really - not a big deal. (No. I will not pick you up some. I love you. Fuck off and do for yourself.)

>> No.16095177

Any recommendations for someone who has never tried it? Is the garlic one nice?
t. fellow swede

>> No.16095211
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I am so thrilled to see some love for Spanish products in /ck/ for once. We do like our canned seafood.

I wish there were more threads about spanish food where I could participate.

>> No.16095220

Löksill is the most common/popular basic flavor. Garlic is fine if you like garlic, just try whatever you think seems good.

>> No.16095224
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I'd like to recommend you guys a spanish appetizer if you ever get the chance to try it.

We call it Matrimonio, which means marriage. It's just eating together both a salted anchovie with one marinated in vinegar and garlic (we call that boquerón). Very common pintxo/tapa and always with bread and some good olive oil.

>> No.16095234

Thanks anon.

>> No.16095245

I made something with canned sardines a week ago that came out really good. It was one of those meals you make with whatever the fuck is left on the pantry:
Some leftover tomato sauce that I had made for a lasagna, capers, sardines in olive oil and parsley. Just heated the tomato sauce, cooked linguine and threw the linguine with the sardines, capers and the parsley. It came out really good.

>> No.16095754

Know of any Spanish canneries or stores that ship internationally?

>> No.16095852

A friend brought me a plastic container of "fiskbullar in dillsas" (or something like that), what am I in for, svenskanon? I'm kinda worried it's going to be some fish-based mystery meat shaped into a ball.

>> No.16095913
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Since I live in Spain i am not really sure about which cans are avaliable in other countries. Some anons posted several already and Ortiz is well known. Chances are that if they get exported, it's the more pricey stuff which should be good.

ALBO is another popular one and I just read it might start exporting stuff. I'd recommend trying the ones with "escabeche" which is a very typical sauce that I haven't seen outside of spain, and it goes like a charm with canned seafood.

>> No.16095942
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I dunno I've never eaten that, it's not a very popular fish dish. Always looked nasty to me.

It's some sort of fish/potato ball in a sauce (dillsas = dill sauce). Apparently it's made of ground fish fillets not random fish parts so maybe it's good.

>> No.16096265

They're full of selenium which helps deal with any mercury you ingest, and they're also lower in mercury than a lot of other canned fish due to their position in the food chain.

>> No.16096349

Based, related to this

>> No.16096385

Fiskbullar is one of those things you either love or it makes you vomit. I refused to even enter the food area of the school when they served that when I was a kid because of the smell.

>> No.16096395

Deenz are low in mercury but OP also mentions mackerel and tuna.

>> No.16096412
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dunno what le fug you wiggers are talking about
I've had tons of sardines and mackerel from several different canned brands

mackerel ALWAYS tastes fishier than sardines.
herring tastes the least fishy

>> No.16096420

what am I looking at here?

>> No.16096439

I disagree. Mackerel doesn't taste like anything at all. It's like chicken.

>> No.16096444

Qin Shi Huang. He was a Chinese emperor who thought he could become immortal by consuming large amounts of mercury. He's also known for hating the Confucianism movement.

>> No.16096447

well i tried it and indeed it was pretty based. I fucked up and seasoned it with salt and I really shouldn't have though

>> No.16096513


The queen of /ck/

>> No.16096830

tried some nuri in olive oil as my first out of the can experience a few days ago and they were like crack. i just ate em whole but its fun to break them apart and pull the spines out and snack on them

>> No.16097160

How do you even find this shit

>> No.16097280

Best canned mollusks to try? I love eating fresh oysters but I've always wondered if they taste good canned?

>> No.16097383

Nuri or porthos. You will never go back when you try the portugese stuff

>> No.16097445

God bless Woodman’s. Was a lifesaver for me when I was a student at Eau Claire.

>> No.16097658
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This is damn delicious.

>> No.16097771

Mackerel in oil is less fishy then mackerel in water imo, i like some nice deenz & mackeez in some nice olive oil ;)

>> No.16098041

nice meme

>> No.16098354

any other eurochads ever had lidl's own brand nixe deenz? I picked it up the sunflower oil and tomato ones on a whim

>> No.16098922

To all the Europeans in this thread, send me your deenz, good sirs.

What did I just watch?

Other than the fact that these two are a bit cringe, I bet that meal is actually pretty good as long as they used some good corn (I'd use KO sardines, though).


Won't even ask how you found this.

>> No.16099639


>> No.16100344

What are the worms in the bottom of the pic?

>> No.16100371


>> No.16100409

Baby fish, also called Whitebait

>> No.16100664
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Mackerel in tomato sauce, pretty nice to put on your sandwich

>> No.16100687

one of my first times scrollin through /ck/. super cool theres a canned fish thread, i just finished up myself a can of sardines and sauteed onion and garlic in olive oil with some crusty bread. up late studying for a final, what i had is the best cheap food for me during college, i have it all the time

>> No.16100811

Patagonia Provisions - Savory Sofrito Mussels
It's in OP's pic on the top left.

>can of sardines and sauteed onion and garlic in olive oil with some crusty bread

Garlic? Oooooh, that's a good idea. This would be a great use of my leftover garlic.

>> No.16100857

yeah its great, pretty much the start of a tomato sauce base. fry up the onion, let it pick up color, add the garlic, let that get fragrant and soften, then eat with crusty bread (im lucky ive got a local bakery nearby, bakes these amazing sourdough loaves, it cuts the olive oil and fat from the sardines really well). Pull back on the oil if your tin has a strong oil already. its a great way to use leftover onions and garlic as a quick and delicious snack, learned it from my mom when i was little

>> No.16100944

is this the famed aspie gf?

>> No.16101202


>> No.16102156
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has anyone ever tried blending sardines and drinking them? i got my wisdom teeth pulled out and im sick of pudding

>> No.16102266

Baby eels. I haven't tried them on a can, but fresh they're expensive as fuck in Spain.

>> No.16102734

friend is an amateur bodybuilder who blends in sardines with some weird smoothies he makes. he drinks it quite often. and is ripped as fuck.

tasted it once. tasted better than i thought.

>> No.16103159
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From left to right
>MW polar brisling in EVOO - really nice texture, tail on but not hard or anything and the smoked flavor is good on sandwiches. Holds it's shape well.
>COTS Mediterranean style in EVOO - large sections of bigger sprats, a bit on the soft side but the flavor is good. Good for eating with a fork out of the can.
>COTS mustard sauce - mild mustard flavor that isn't overwhelming. Actually wish the flavor was more pronounced but good nonetheless.
>COTS smoked in EVOO - mild smokey flavor large sections of sprats, good for tapenade or making sardine slaw.
>King Oscar spanish style in EVOO - Firmer medium sections with a nice mild spicy glow, comes with a pickle slice, carrot slice and whole small chili pepper. Great snack.
>Season brisling in tomato sauce - mild tomato flavor and small semi-firm fish, good flavor and price. Good on it's own or with rice.

Not pictured:
>Riga Gold fried brisling in tomato sauce - Extremely rich flavor that goes good with crackers, hard to separate small fish so the texture is more like tuna fish. Good value can and tastes good.
>Season sardines in EVOO - medium firmness medium sections of sprats, mild smokey flavor nothing to write home about but good.
>MW Polar kipper snacks - not deenz and significantly fishy smell and taste, best if used to make a sandwich but alright on it's own

I'm trying to try new stuff when I can get it but so far I'm happy with what I've got access to.