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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16070555 No.16070555 [Reply] [Original]

Who else /fat/ here? Why are you fat?

For me it’s cheesecake and soda. I eat fairly healthy foods for most of my meals, but always have dessert consisting of cheesecake, and a lot of soda through the day. I don’t want to be fat, but food is so good and I don’t want to stop eating it.

t. 5’6” 480lb manlet

>> No.16070566

180cm 105kg, im fat because i hate exercise

>> No.16070574 [DELETED] 

I'm like 120 soaking wet. I don't drink soda, its fucking disgusting. What is the appeal? If I was gonna get fat it would be on deep dish pizza, candy, nuts, and ice cream. I only make cheesecake once a year for my birthday.

You don't really start to like food until your deprive yourself from it.

If you arent willing to eat a nice salad with no dressing you arent that hungry.

>> No.16070580

Fatlet here, 6'1" 205lb

I'm fat mostly due to nuts and nut butter. I'll sit and eat an entire 1lb bag of cashews like nothing, half a jar of peanut butter in a tortilla as a snack while I wait for dinner to cook.

>> No.16070581

*120 lbs

>> No.16070588

post abs

>> No.16070595

6'5" 300 lbs, it's all bread hummus and nuts. And corn chips

>> No.16070606

Lack of self respect and control. When I try to fix myself I eventually go "why bother" and order a cookie dough blizzard. Thinking of taking up vaping to curb cravings and hunger (I tried gum but don't like it).

>> No.16070612

Also forgot, 134kg@157cm / 5'2"@295lbs

>> No.16070618


Are you a girl?

>> No.16070622
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480 LBS.
You're a liar if you say you eat healthy. Post meals now.

>> No.16070624
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No, just a hobbit.

>> No.16070625

True depression is laying in bed, too lethargic to eat. Stop using food to fill the void. Make peace with it.

>> No.16070627

Try chewing Skoal. Easily kills cravings and you'd find yourself having at most, 2 meals a day. Very addictive, but it's a stimulant that's working as long as you are chewing. Also don't let those spit bottles sit for more than a day. They'll stink up the room.

>> No.16070633

I fluctuate a lot. I'm a drug addict so when I'm using I tend to lose a lot of weight and when I'm not I gain a lot of weight. 6'0, least I've gotten to was 125, most was 240. Right now I'm around 200 and trying to lose a few. Generally has to do with the boredom of recovery programs, finally being able to enjoy food again and also the inability to let go of the need for excess.

>> No.16070634

Fat as a kid and it stuck.
Much less fat now, but you don't want to look at a body that's gone through that.

>> No.16070643

I refuse to touch chew, I've grown up around chewers and it's always disgusted me. If I do vaping I'll be doing 0 nic or low nic, I'd rather not change one addiction for another.

>> No.16070646

dude. Just dude. Look, you need to do the elimination diet. Pick one food category per week to quit. Wheat, dairy, soy, sugar, deep fried, etc. and start walking. Start with 10 minutes a day and add one minute per week. You are an addict. You are killing yourself.

>> No.16070666

As I said it’s the dessert and soda. Meals are normal and balanced and contain most food groups.

>> No.16070679

>. 5’6” 480lb
jesus christ your skeleton

>> No.16070688

I thought I was really bad at 225 5'9. I'm down to 175 now since January, the realisation just hit me that I could never be happy unless I lost the weight, I was too acutely aware of my situation and I was beginning to really feel it physically. I haven't lifted or anything yet but even when other things in life are shit I'm washed over with relief when I realise I'm not a fat shit anymore.

>> No.16070690

>t. 5’6” 480lb manlet

>> No.16070691

Same build, I went keto and lost 25 kilos. Its hard the first 2 weeks, afterwards its just kilos sliding off.

>> No.16070700

6'0 145 kg.
I have a large frame so people don't think I'm fat, but fuck, when I'm naked I see the fat.
I eat to cope. I don't do drugs, I don't drink, I don't have any other means of coping.

>> No.16070703

I'm fat because I binge eat, and it's getting progressively worse. I also tend to induce vomiting a lot. I've had sustained periods where I've lost a lot of weight due to bulimia. But now I've got a gf that fucking interrogates me after every time I try to throw up.

>> No.16070704

Good job, bro. You're doing great, just make sure you know how to stop when you get to your goal weight.

>> No.16070723
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I know this is a retarded question but has any alcoholic here manage to lose or maintain weight?
I'm 5'8 220lbs, up from roughly 180 from the start of quarantine.
I drink roughly 3/4 of pic related every night. On a side note, do you guys think I'd have really bad withdrawals if I decide to stop for a day or two? I only drink at night past 7PM but it's quite the binge

>> No.16070728

i had a friend like you. we'd eat normal portions of an entree, but the difference was she'd HAVE to get dessert (and often a second dessert). if it wasn't for the sugar addiction she'd probably be skinner than me.

>> No.16070732

BRO I lost a shitton of weight when I restricted myself to 1000 cal a day on a keto diet. Always drank. But this is not healthy.
I'm starting to face my own alcoholism, and I don't think you'd have withdrawals judging from the quantity you've specified.

>> No.16070734

>5’6” 480lb
>cheesecake and soda
why are yall always lyin?

>> No.16070741

>im fat because i hate exercise
youre fat because youre too stupid to know how fat burning works

>> No.16070745

I thought you couldn't drink on keto?

Also, that liter has almost 2000 calories alone lol, definitely couldn't manage to stay 1000 calories drinking that. What were you eating? Thanks for the withdrawal advice though

>> No.16070787

Most places tell you to eat multiple meals a day or snack throughout the week. I nearly all my calories in one meal, which was basically eggs and spinach fried in butter, maybe with a tiny bit of peanuts on the side. Sometimes I'd add bacon. Maybe intermittent fasting contributed to that, but I wasnt aware at the time. Anyways, when your ketosticks test well, alcohol affects you much greater. I ate 1000, but maybe the alc added more to that, but not enough that I wasn't still at a deficit.
I'm no nutritionist, just a dumbass, but I had a trip to Rio to get to in a few months, and I exceeded my goals, and I was drunk every night.

>> No.16070798

The last year has given me insane anxiety that ends in me just throwing up constantly and that's started to serve as like, a side bulimia thing.
Then I just stress eat to make up for it.

>> No.16070799

I am fat because I cope with food and drink. I have treated my anxiety, depression, loneliness, low self-esteem and such shit with food. For years I was able to keep myself just overweight with lifting and martial sports. But then covid came and fucked shit up. I was not able to use excercising as positive coping mechanism so I fell back to food even harder. I was around 90kg (around 200 burger units) in summer of 2019. In april of 2021 I weighted at 109kg. At 176 (5´9 that was fucking overweigth. Got nasty stretch marks in my belly, on top of those which were faded years ago) My depression got to the point that I would not shower and could not get out of bed until six or seven in the evening. I slept like 12-14 hours a day. I went outside only to buy food/booze or to visit my grandparents once or twice a week. In the end it got to a point in which I would skip even that because I could not pretend to be more energetic and positive for them. Things are a bit better now, I have lost three kilos, down to 106kg this week. Things are still bleak but atleast I have lost some of that excess weight. Still, a long journey to lose that and then to keep it off.

>> No.16070811

Sorry to hear that man. Make sure you brush your teeth after each occurrence. I hope you feel better.

>> No.16070812

why not just sleep through mealtimes

>> No.16070819

i weighed 160 lbs like 6 months ago and i've put on 5 or 6 since. dont know how. think its from soda pop

>> No.16070824

and i drink a lot of powerade/gatorade. crazy amount of sugar in those 2 things, i drink the stuff, and don't exercise beyond walking or jogging. so of course you'll gain 5-6 lbs after a while

>> No.16070845

I still drank back when I was on keto and lost 30+ lbs. You just might have to change up what you drink. I switched to lower carb/lower calorie drinks like gin & diet tonic water, vodka & diet juices, sugar-free/0 carb ginger beer to make moscow mules, and maybe a bit of white wine. Light and low carb beers and seltzers are a bit more common, too. Granted...It's healthier to not drink but fuck it.

Anyway, I'm fat again because I got off of keto and stopped monitoring both carb and calorie intake. I never stuck with an exercise plan ultimately due to excuses and saying I didn't have time. Now I work from home with a bit more free time but no space for a personal gym, and I'm too cheap to pay for a membership.

>> No.16070865

Ahh, that's the thing. Vodka is pretty much the best calorie/alcohol ratio drink you can have. I mean, besides shit like everclear but god damn that shit is too much

>> No.16070867

Besides a really strong urge to drink or wishing I was drunk I've never experienced alcohol withdrawal.
I average about 2 bottles of wine in the evenings.
Basically eat a portion of meat and occasional veg 2x a day. If it wasnt for the wine I'd probably be in ketosis.
Im 5'11 and a steady 210lbs, very inactive, but that's slowly changing as the weather warms up.

>> No.16070876

Nice. What do you usually eat as your meat/vegetables?

>> No.16070884
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5'10 190 lbs here, I'm fat but all my weight is around my ass and thighs. It makes me look very gay and I wear baggy pants because of it. I desperately want to lose weight but I get depressed and sit inside for days at a time just snacking from boredom. It's not a good reason, but that's why I'm still fat.

>> No.16070887

Joie de vivre pilled

>> No.16070908

Chicken thighs and broccoli
Pork loin and Brussels sprouts
Steak and mashed potatoes
Salmon and asparagus

Theres other combos obviously, but I just switch em around whatever the mood suits me.

>> No.16071061
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>tfw McDonald's for the 7th day in a row
after this weekend I'm quitting cold turkey. Fuck bros, why it gotta be so good...

>> No.16071111

>Pick one food category per week to quit. Wheat, dairy,
Nothing wrong with wheat and dairy. You're better off ju trying to give up all processed foods which are typically higher in calories without being satiating.

>> No.16071156

You're better than this bro.

>> No.16071160

>after this weekend


>> No.16071161

165cm and 149lbs I was 160lbs two weeks ago, was 120lbs in september 2019

>> No.16071263

Not sure if retarded

>> No.16071278
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I've been fit all my life, have a disgusting belly right after I started taking medication for my schizophrenia. I feel like human garbage.

>> No.16071280

if you still think you can outrun your diet youre retarded
or a powershitter

>> No.16071309

You know just moderate cardio exercise burns 500kcal an hour right
Confirmed fatty retard

>> No.16071333

>480lb manlet
You took the initiative and ate yourself out of the manlet category, congrats.

>> No.16071354

what burns the most that isn't crazy levels of exercise?

>> No.16071355

are you talking to yourself? people usually get fat over many years, just several hundred extra calories over the course of ten or so years does wonders
it all could be avoided by exercising just a little bit every day

>> No.16071359


>> No.16071367

Swimming for 30 minutes like 3 times a week for like a month and a half and nothing. Got severely demoralized. I also ended up hating swimming. So maybe signing up for gym and spending an hour on that running thingy isn't as bad of an idea I'm guessing?

>> No.16071389

well 1.5h a week isnt a lot, generally its recommended that people do a minimum of 3.5h a week so if you dont have exercise like walking/biking to a job then you should double that amount. has to be brisk walking/biking
swimming is generally regarded as the most efficient cardio as you dont get tired as quickly as you would from jogging, but the most efficient would be those rowing machines they have at gyms

>> No.16071395

interesting, thanks for the info anon

>> No.16071418

no problem
swimming is how i got in shape when i was younger, now ive let myself go and i should get back into it

>> No.16071478

and youre underestimating what an hour of cardio sounds like to fats

>> No.16071513

I did this when I worked as a delivery driver years ago.
#2 from mc'd's for breakfast, 4 jr bacon cheeseburgers from Wendy's for lunch, and hardee's baconater for dinner. Chinese take out on the weekends.
I was active enough that I didnt put in weight but I felt sofa king run down at the end of the day.
I eventually had a nervous breakdown and quit working altogether. Not saying it was my diet, but it was definitely a contributing factor.

My best advice is to start cooking at home and just drink water. It will suck major balls at first. And you definitely will "relapse" but try not to sweat it.

And try not eating anything with wheat for a week or 2. It doesnt sit right with everyone, but that's what made the biggest difference for me. I had a gluten intolerance and my emotions were crazy, diarrhea out the ass, stomach and chest pains, suicidal ideation, the whole nine yards. And it stopped when I stopped eating wheat.

Good luck bro.

>> No.16071538

>people usually get fat over many years, just several hundred extra calories over the course of ten or so years does wonders
agree on this part but look up tdee some time

>> No.16071549

Fucking this

6'1" 205lb here, I'd be 40lb lighter if it weren't for nuts, peanut butter, and hummus. I eat an absolutely retarded amount of hummus every day.

>> No.16071682

switch to flavored unsweetened sparkling water instead of soda.

>> No.16071691

How do fat people have the worst taste? Anyways, god speed to you anon. I think once you get over the initial hump, you'll be disgusted with McD and their "food"

>> No.16071746

Nope, I've only gained weight and now I'm a chunky, drunken slob when just over a year ago I was simply a drunk.


>> No.16072233

>nooooooooo you're not depressed correctly! Only my brand of mental illness is real nooooooo

>> No.16073475

>True depression is laying in bed
Stopped reading. It's "lying", you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.16073490

when i was in elementary school my school was directly next to a mcdonalds.

I never fucking had a chance.

>> No.16073535

175 cm, 100 kg, I'm still on the mother's cooking diet.

>> No.16073537


this >>16070555

>> No.16073544


I'm fat because I drink beer all the time and don't normally exercise. My diet is terrible. The only reason I'm not 300 lbs is because I have a labor intensive job in a power plant that keeps me moving. Honestly, if I just stop drinking, I'd lose a lot of weight. But I'm an alcoholic.

>> No.16073568

>What is the appeal?
Addiction from a young age. I’ve always been about as thin as you but only stopped drinking soda years ago. Once you go a few weeks/months without drinking it you realize just how loaded with sugar it is and how artificial it tastes compared to a fruit smoothie or anything with more natural ingredients. People get hooked on it when they are young and don’t know any better and eventually they start ordering 48 ounce cups of it everyday at the drive-thru while it screws up their appetite.

>> No.16073593

Sorry dude that is shitty

>> No.16073625

huh 6' and 235 also, but I lift all the time and eat a bunch /fit/ tier shit. been trying to do more gains by eating whole milk and yogurt but I seem to have peaked

>> No.16073656

Post bussy

>> No.16073667

Use cocaine between meals

>> No.16073750

god I wish I even had the allowance to be fat if I wanted to be
the only carbs that are 'open' to me are non starchy fruit, a small amount of rice or a small amount of potatoes. any more than that and my psoriatic arthritis flares up

>> No.16073887

No exercise and shit food choices, I don't even eat that much.
Going to start doing something about it because my back is fucked beyond believe from this weight and not moving much.

>> No.16073945

>Cousin is fat as fuck and doesn't seem to give a damn because it just werks
>Turns 30+
>A disc in the spine fucks up because of course
>Goes with ambulance to hospital
>Loses sensation in lower half of his body
>Luckily it was temporary
>Swears off soda, alcohol, shitty food (for now)
All it takes is a really big scare involving risk of permanent paralysis and never ending pain. You should try it.

>> No.16074008

You sound beyond hopeless, just enjoy rest of your (short) life bro

>> No.16074030

Drink zero sugar soda for starters and eat desert in smaller portions/every few days

But you probably have a skewed version of "healthy food" as well, you probably eat like a pig. You won't get 480lb just eating cheesecake & soda regularly

>> No.16074084

There's zero sugars desserts as well to go for if he just wants to try eating the same but with less calories. The side effects of obesity will get you long before the artificial sweeteners.

>> No.16074185

>I eat fairly healthy foods for most of my meals
Eating a whole chicken with a head of cabbage isn't healthy

>> No.16074349

Currently 214 lbs at 5'6". At my worst I was closer to 245.

I don't ever really eat fast food, nor do I drink very often or snack. Liquids are purely water, coffee, or tea.
I generally just have a very large appetite when I eat. I'll keep coming back for seconds or thirds, and even when I'm out to eat and a restaurant and given massive portions, I won't stop until the plate is cleared, even if I'm no longer hungry. I'll eat to the point where I'm uncomfortable and feeling sick, and I think it was some manifestation of my parents instilling the 'eat everything on your plate!' mindset in me

>> No.16074372

Antipsychotics cause crazy weight gain and diabetes and shit. My sister in law was on them for like two years (doctor prescribed seroquel for fucking insomnia lmao) and went from 110lb to 300lb

>> No.16074413
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ex-fatty here, 6'1 went from 240 to 170 in 2019 (currently at 180). I stopped buying food I'd binged eat and autistically counted my calories.

>> No.16074439

literally me, I don’t eat confectionary at all but I do no exercise and I’m old so I gain weight easily

>> No.16074455

I have two ways of eating:

1. Let's do vegan keto with intermittent fasting and water fast every other week for the whole week, now I'm technically underweight
2. Let's have a whole tub of hummus as an appetizer, eat half a jar of peanut butter while dinner is cooking, follow dinner with an entire baguette and half a stick of butter, for dessert make a giant microwave mug cake, eat until I feel like I might explode then smoke weed and as soon as I stop feeling sick I eat some more

>> No.16074476

If you need the caffeine or sugar...
Switch to fresh brewed or the gallons of store-brewed iced tea, add your own sugar syrup to control how much sugar ends up in your glass, or use Equal.
If you need the carbonation...
Switch to all the wonderful varieties of sparkling water on the market today, from Bubly to LaCroix to Pellegrino. Some of the choices are delicious half and half with a bit of orange, grape or apple juice, or a generous squeeze of lime w/some white wine as a spritzer.

If you are a drinks person, you can so very easily get your excess calories from cracking open a cold can of this or that, and if you don't care for diet soda, and can't make yourself go artificial like that, you need to always know that your alternatives needs to be
1)already cold
2) already convenient and read to instantly grab, or it won't compete with your soda habit.

I'd also play a game with yourself to physically down 1/2 glass of water before your first sip of any sugary drink, because your thirst is simple dehydration.

>> No.16074487

I am fueled by hatred.

>> No.16074552

Why not switch to diet soda?

>> No.16074634

6’ 235lbs same weight since high school surprisingly. I barely get exercise and eat fast food daily, all my diets have revolved around starving myself which makes me want fast food even more.

>> No.16074649

Your meals are undoubtedly at least twice as large as they should be.

>> No.16074656

They are just used to everyone being around them being fat, so to them fat means being immobile. You definitely look like a lardass at that weight. Stop coping.

>> No.16074660

try out low carb

>> No.16074662

You are not fat. 6'1" and 205 is a perfectly healthy weight. I am fat. I am 6'0" and 540.

>> No.16074664

Was 230 in 2018, now I'm 160.
Feels pretty much the same in most ways, winter's colder and I hate it now, but summer's much better.
A year at maintenance and none of my skin has shrunk, it's a fucking bummer.
For me it was fast food ice cream drinks- like those slushies at Sonic with the soft-serve mixed in?

>> No.16074666

So, lose weight by giving yourself oral cancer? Fuck that noise.

>> No.16074668

>contain most food groups

>> No.16074671

>You are killing yourself
In many cases, for those who get as big as I am, that is the long term goal.

>> No.16074693

You are both fat. He shouldn’t be close to over 180 at his height unless he’s been lifting seriously for years.

>> No.16074705

5'10" 330lbs here

I used to be fit but I got fat when I got rejected hard by a girl and gave up on life. Stopped exercising, starting drinking vodka and ate fast food every day.

The alcohol is the main thing keeping me fat, even if alcohol by itself doesn't make you fat. I mix it with soda and binge of shit food when Im drunk.

>> No.16074755

>7th day in a row
Jesus christ bro

>> No.16074763

You want these guys to blow out their knees?

>> No.16075068
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Get skinny, bros. My max weight was around 470lbs. 220.2 today. Nothing I've ever experienced is better than the feeling of being even slightly comfortable in your own body, and I still have another 40-50lbs to lose, plus skin surgery.

>> No.16075077

>swimming, biking, rowing
>blow out their knees

>> No.16075100

Do you recommend heroin as a good weight loss solution?

>> No.16075104

>when i was in elementary school my school was directly next to a mcdonalds.

What sort of elementary school kid has enough pocket change to get McDonalds so regularly?

>> No.16075111

5’9”. 150 lbs. i’m “skinny fat”. I have a small gut and love handles from drinking too much beer. I walk an average of 10 miles/day.

>> No.16075122

The “medication” is literally petroleum-based poison, stop taking it immediately. There’s natural ways to deal with mental illness

>> No.16075130
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I’m 6’ 200 down from 360+. I was 180 and went back to 220 last year because I decided I didn’t want to diet with everything else going on. For me it’s volume. I lost/am losing weight by eating only 3 real meals a week and protein shakes the rest with light exercise every day. But for those meals I just eat so much. For some reason I still can’t make myself eat less. I have dinner with my mom sometimes and yes she’s a little old lady with a lap band but I seriously eat 4x as much as her at any meal.

>> No.16075182
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>My sister in law was on them for like two years (doctor prescribed seroquel for fucking insomnia lmao) and went from 110lb to 300lb

>> No.16075184
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Do you smoke cigarettes?
Also diet soda counters the anti psycotics, that's why Terry would buy and drink them by the 2-liter.

>> No.16075491

Is that the reason why his fridge was always full of Shasta? I remember seeing a comment on one of his videos of someone doing the math and he calculated that Terry drank at least 2 liters of diet soda a day

>> No.16075494

Yes, he bought it by the cart load at his local store and always had a bottle by his side

>> No.16075528

I always thought he never took his meds and that’s why his parents kicked him out

>> No.16075553

literally me
I'm so sick of binge eating, man.

>> No.16075592

My only problem from a body shape standpoint is just my midsection. I played three sports from the time I was around 5 until the end of high school, I worked out 4 times a week all through Jr high and high school. College is when I lost my gains and took up drinking and smoking cigarettes instead. It's been a downhill slide since 05. My legs, arms, chest, and traps are still solid and have some definition, but my midsection went from a near-abs state to a beer gut and love handles.

>> No.16075600

business idea: cull all fat people and use their corpses as biomass

>> No.16075673
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Tfw no 120kg gourmet foodie gf

>> No.16075674

>lose weight
>all the weight comes off my ass and thighs
>sitting on a hard bench is uncomfortable now
>still have the useless belly flab
wouldn't mind if the situation was reversed desu

>> No.16075680
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There's nothing wrong with being fat as long as you have the muscle to justify it

>> No.16075708

180 at 6'1"? That would be one reedy montherfucker.

>> No.16076014

>cheesecake and soda

If you weigh that much then you are eating way more than just that. You should take a picture of every time you eat. Not meal. Every time you put something in your mouth take a picture of it.

Then after 1-2 weeks organize all your pics so you can see just how much you are eating. You can even post it here to see what people will say.

>> No.16076022

Weird how people cope with things differently, huh?

>> No.16076441

Even with no "fat" people we will still have millions of people with chronic, metabolic diseases e.g. diabetes, cancer, cvd, etc
obesity is a red herring and you've been fooled by the foodjews

>> No.16076444

cancer and cvd are not metabolic diseases lmao

>> No.16076476
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I don't have enough money to build a pool and maintain it. Anything else?

>> No.16076494

I'm 220 and I thought that I was fat....

>> No.16076495

havent they invented swimming halls in your country

>> No.16076499

Don't think like that. Don't compare yourself to others and think well at least I'm not that bad. It's a terrible attitude to have

>> No.16076518

? How do you swim in a hallway?

>> No.16076529


>> No.16076538

Why does Satan lie to us?

>> No.16076591

Kek I refuse to believe gluten was the evil in your life

Fucking retard

>> No.16076807
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Very American take.

>> No.16076839

You’re a retard, BMI doesn’t factor in muscle mass. Many of the worlds top strongmen are considered “obese” but are absolutely jacked with very low body fat.

>> No.16076843

Steroids (not the fun kind) that increase my appetite and cause athletic injuries

>> No.16076848
File: 332 KB, 1280x958, mussaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what can I say, I eat Jon, it's what I do

>> No.16076897

Do you think people posting on 4chan break the BMI chart with muscle? Aside from roiders on /fit/ the BMI chart applies.

>> No.16076902

wtf why doesnt this chart go under 120

>> No.16076914

>You’re a retard, BMI doesn’t factor in muscle mass

which is absolutely irrelevant for well more than 90% of people

>> No.16076926

>”optimal” weight is 200
A dyel made this chart

>> No.16076931

BMI formula was created to apply to statistical mean populations, any outlier cannot make use of the formula and no BMI chart should go that high or low in height. 6'10 people are tier two outliers from mean.

>> No.16076932
File: 311 KB, 749x413, 1613504298713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>320 lbs
>have eaten fast food for lunch and dinner for 6 straight months
>keep buying boxes of little debbies and eating almost all of them in one sitting

>> No.16076942

Reporting in 5'7, 322lbs as of this morning. I gained about 100lbs since the pandemic started. I eat about 4000-5000 calories a day. For me my downfall is pizza. I have ordered pizza and some sides like cheese bread and potato wedges and chicken tenders or honey garlic wings probably 4-5x a week for the past year. Sometimes I will get a calzone with extra garlic butter. I just don't care anymore. Society drove me to this point I hate all of you. I'm happy with my food and I don't have any intention on stopping. I hope to slowly kill myself before I turn 40 (I'm 27 now).

>> No.16076961

sweet jesus

>> No.16076969

>100 lbs in one year
>its societies fault
Holy shit.
I lost my job during covid and I maintained my weight (which kind of sucks because Ive been trying to lose 10 lbs for like 2 years now).

>> No.16076989

I exercise regularly and don't even eat that much food, but I can't stop myself from pounding beers.

>> No.16076999

Go ham and set a 600 pound end goal for yourself

>> No.16077005

Sir you are extremely based. Enjoy your pizza don’t let the faggots ITT tell you not to. Why live if not for good food? Society is fucked.

>> No.16077015

I’m 6’2” and 350 and I only have fast food once or twice a week, rarely drink soda, and don’t eat many sugarbombs like that. How the fuck did I get here?

>> No.16077024

>tfw you don’t have a beefy laborer bf to make delicious, hearty, protein packed meals for
Life is suffering. Who took this from me?

>> No.16077144

Dont take my word for it, just look up the symptoms of celiacs disease dumb nigger

>> No.16077204

Damn, and I thought I had shit genetics. I drink soda with almost every meal too. I think I probably only drink like half to a full glass of water a day.

>> No.16077218

>start cooking at home and just drink water
It's surprising how effective this is desu.
I did that, without any other restrictions or diets and got to the green zone in >>16076807 within a year without actively trying. And I still eat until I'm full every day and don't consciously diet.

Literally just stop eating out. Unless your metabolism and concept of hunger is completely shot from a lifetime of fast food and soda, in which case I dunno. Try again in another lifetime then

>> No.16077224
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I can't stop drinking. I've gained like 60 pounds over the last two years because of it.

>> No.16077252
File: 629 KB, 840x859, 1580414843485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you me? I haven't been able to go longer than I think 6 or 7 days. I used to be in such good shape but the binge drinking alcohol and $40 uber eats orders ballooned me up 100 pounds in 3 years.

>> No.16077261

It's so fucking depressing. I see pictures of myself from a year or two ago and I just want to kill myself. It's gotten so bad that I actually can't look at myself in a mirror.

Dude, I'd give literally anything to just go back in time 2 years and relive my life from that point.

>> No.16077282
File: 175 KB, 1080x686, 1619640533850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel your pain, anon. We will make it one day bro...

>> No.16077671

You're literally addicted to sugar and if you just stopped eating it for awhile and switch to cooking and eating whole foods only you'd stop being a fattty fat fat fat fat

>> No.16077678

Where do fat people buy their clothes? Some people are not fat but straight up obese.

>> No.16077681

Just stop being an alcoholic

>> No.16077688

i have no doubt you've been eating all the food groups lol

>> No.16077837
File: 43 KB, 512x384, 1296950693890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was fat just because of general laziness and overeating. Not long ago I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and the chemo meds they put me on caused weight gain. Decided I was going to buck the trend, so I put myself on a strict 1600 cal/day diet that hits 100% of every vitamin/mineral, 160g of protein, plus whatever meme foods are supposed to be good for fighting cancer. Also started lifting 3x a week again, and doing cardio/yoga every other day.

Down about 20lbs now and honestly I feel really good. Sometimes I think it may be futile since I'll likely be dead soon anyway, but my quality of life has without a doubt increased substantially so I'm actually rather happy living like this. Cooking for yourself and cutting out sugars, cooking oils, and empty carbs makes a huge difference.

Not having food as a reward anymore is kinda hard though, but I think that's just a sign of an unfulfilling life. I guess that's what I get for doing nothing and expecting something, but maybe I can still make it with what time I have left. Hope you guys can do it too.

>> No.16077900

Honestly admirable. I'm proud of you anon, keep it up.

>> No.16077902

What kind of cancer? What were your symptoms?

>> No.16077907

>Not long ago I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and the chemo meds they put me on caused weight gain
I thought chemo was supposed to make you skinny as fuck

>> No.16077919
File: 58 KB, 1076x160, oysters neet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best of luck anon

>> No.16077922

You need to go the Hoxsey clinic as soon as possible, they’ve been curing cancer for over 70 years without chemo or radiation. They were banned from the US because they were so effective and didn’t make big pharma any money.


>> No.16077924

165cm 90kg

i-i can still be a cute femboy i just need to lose half my weight and stop binge eeating

>> No.16077928

it could have fucked with his metabolism or not made them very nauseous. a lot of chemo weight loss is due to the fact that it makes you nauseous all the time

>> No.16077930
File: 28 KB, 720x436, 1620432580703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hoxsey himself stayed in Dallas, and shifted his attention to investments in the oil businsess. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1967, and when his body didn't respond to his famous herbal treatment, he underwent conventional surgery. After spending his last years in isolation as an invalid, he died in 1974

>> No.16077936

>he believes everything Wikipedia says
Remember the 6 million!

>> No.16077941

imagine gatekeeping depression

>muh mental illness

>> No.16077969

>it contradicts my bias, it's wikipedia and it's fake!

>> No.16077985

Take the vaccine, the government says it’s safe and effective

>> No.16077987

You aren't fat because you hate exercise, you're fat because you eat too fucking much. That goes for everyone in this thread too, no matter what excuses u fatties have.

>t. 183cm and 75kg, barely exercise but don't eat like a pig

>> No.16078014

Lung cancer, and all I had was a bad cough for some months and didn't think much of it. Then I got super sick and wound up with 5+ liters of fluid crushing my right lung which wound up to be caused by said cancer. Honestly I never felt that bad so it came as a surprise.

Thanks lads

It's not literally chemo but it's classified as a chemo drug or something. I just take pills every day and I guess they fuck your metabolism or something I dunno.

>> No.16078058


I gained 40lb between March 2020 and January 2021 from drinking beer, 160lb -> 200lb @ 6'1

>> No.16078065

> start cooking at home

But I got fat cooking at home. My problem is cooking is in no way a barrier to me impulse baking cookies or making a cake or eating 8 baked potatoes in a row. I buy most foods in bulk and sometimes I sit down with a 10lb bag of peanuts and eat like 2-3 pounds at once by the handful. I'll bake and eat an entire loaf of french bread at the drop of a hat.

At least I'm getting fat on homemade food

>> No.16078067

Just cut everything except the soda and cheesecake

>> No.16078083
File: 1.30 MB, 860x1003, 1620296801053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty fat. I'm 5'8" 275. I just started cooking at home and losing weight. Working great for me. My original problem was that I power lifted during highschool and then got fat over senior year+ the year after because I got an income and stopped lifting. Due to this I'm pretty strong and look less than I weigh but am still pretty overweight and uncomfortable. Wish me luck bros

>> No.16078104

Love of a piece of cake with my cup of tea. And probably too big of serving of main meals. I eat pretty healthy, but I think I eat a lot more than other people my height.

>> No.16078115
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Sucks. I really do hope you make it. Maybe read this book or something. It's by that fasting guy. Although, I've heard that cutting out sugars "starve" cancers or something.

>> No.16078533

I see over-eating as no different than any other compulsion, it's just a different manifestation of the same root causes. bulimia, cutting, hair-eating, etc. All process addictions at the end of the day.

Micro-dosed psilocybin completely ended several really sever compulsive behaviours that I had had for 20+ years. It also ended my chronic anxiety and depression.

You never even notice any effects from each dose (a dose of psilocybin mushroom ie. shrooms ie. magic mushrooms about the size of a tictac taken every day or two or three) because the doses are so small but day by day they have a really positive effect that adds up.

Spores are legal to buy in most states. It's criminal that they are not used routinely in this way for mental health care, we evolved using them.

Take the tiny shroom pills bros, they literally cannot harm you at this dosage and they fixed my mental health and the mental health of many, many others in simply and with no negative side effects.

You have nothing to lose but the weight and any other compulsions that you currently struggle with.

>> No.16078614

6'0, 235

Used to be 250 in HS, cut down in college to 200, then back up, then down, then up. Consistently, I reach a point where I feel comfortable and then I stop counting calories and because of that I gain weight.

Each time I notice myself gaining weight, I say "I could get back with just 1 week of good eating" and that turns into a month or so. And now I've been rubberbanding between 235 and 215 every 6 months.

>> No.16079447

Candy and sweets in general. Gave up dairy milk and soda years ago and just drink water except for a few occasions. I can stop bringing it into my house but people bring it into my work daily or there's a surprise potluck with cake and I have no self control once I know it's there.

>> No.16079458

Shut the fuck up, you don't know shit.

>> No.16079629

I'm still fat but lost 40lbs like 4 years ago. I counted calories, did some basic weight lifting 3-4 days a week and did 1 cardio machine for 15-20 minutes after the weight lifting. I also tried to do outings like an easy hike once in a while or riding my bike somewhere when it wasn't 100F outside. Problem was I was eating shit like plain chicken and broccoli and lunchmeat sandwiches all the time, eating the same unenjoyable crap constantly isn't a sustainable life change so don't do that.
Really you just have to find a physical activity you enjoy and counting calories is probably the most important because it makes you aware of what you're putting in your body. You can still enjoy food, likely you're just ingesting unnecessary crap like candy (my issue) or sugary drinks. I can easily eat 600 calories of chocolate in a day if I'm not watching myself because I'm surrounded by it at work.

>> No.16079694

You die quicker from anorexia than binge eating.

>> No.16079706

Cancer fucking sucks, anon, but your reaction to it is pretty based. Kick its ass.

>> No.16079799

dude why the fuck arent you eating vegetables and fruit instead of MacDonald's i worked at one and can tell you that shit is nasty and unhealthy buy a damn air-fryer and make your nuggies/tendies with fries at home bake it in a few table spoons of low fat oil and if you want honey mussy sauce buy vet free/low fat mayonnaise some mustard no sugar free honey some pepper and salt and make that shit

>> No.16079984

I used to be 230 pounds, but through calorie counting, exercise, and medication side effects, I lost it all and got down to 174

then college started and I couldn't exercise, so it went back up to 184
then I turned 21 and started drinking so it went up to 194
then I moved out for the first time and my life hit the fan and now I'm back up to 206

>> No.16080010

I stopped snacking throughout the day and started walking during my lunch hours and doing pushups/situps throughout the day and have gone from 200 to 145lbs since COVID Work from Home Started
Never felt healthier, god bless China's virus

>> No.16080106

I was really skinny in 2019, like 110-120 lbs then went to like 130lbs by January 2020 and when April 2021 hit I was 160lbs lol.

I’m trying to make my way back down to 130 lbs at least because my pants don’t fit anymore, but I don’t have a job so it doesn’t really matter. But I would just over eat everyday, like 5-6 meals a day instead of 2 meals before COVID.

>> No.16080142

>it's wikipedia and it's fake

Didn't they get exposed and now some of the admins have to say on their profile which US government agency they work for?

>> No.16080156

Lose weight

>> No.16080214

You’re a fucking idiot. Useless piece of trash.

>> No.16080224

You’re killing yourself man.

>> No.16080238

Have you seen the vid he goes super saiyan in?

>> No.16080244

>also 27 years old
>lost job, not elligable for gibs, house was broken into and burglarized, became homeless, lived in car, survived on speed, vodka and discounted walmart bakery bread for two months before landing in a city 2800mi away from home
>ff 1 year sitting and reading your post in my warm apartment enjoying a delicious sleeve of saltines and a 24oz modelo negro before I head into my shift at the fish packing plant
>still 5'10" 130lbs

>> No.16080246

/fit/ is gay the only thing their breaking is into each other asses.

>> No.16080254

ima guess you live a sedentary lifestyle, go ride a bicycle ffs

>> No.16080279

Calm down lil fella.

>> No.16080291

I was fat because I used to drink alot. Alcohol slowed down metabolism, lowered my intuition so I didn't care what I ate, and the drinks contained alot of calories. Even after I stopped drinking my eating habits were still the same plus I developed a huge sweet tooth. I was only able to lose all the excess weight I gained from drinking and got back my skinny body because I was staying home all day last year due to covid by doing intermittent fasting combined with omad where I barely ate anything for months. Did two cycles of it but stopped because it became too taxing on the body.

220 to 145

>> No.16080333

>6'2, 170lbs
>22 BMI, smack dab in optimal territory
feels good bros

>> No.16080339

that's wild Bro. glad shit worked out for you

>> No.16080369

This. Food is a drug, but a drug you can't quit.
The fat acceptance movement is the same as the saying it's OK to shoot dope all day

>> No.16080629

185 5'9"
i eat a lot to curb my depression but it makes it worse

>> No.16080694

Death is the only path for you. Do yourself a favor and eat bigger, so you can leave the earth sooner.

>> No.16080751

I have no self-control and I can't make myself care about my own well-being. I will literally tell myself exactly what I need to do to lose weight and then turn around and make oven fries or eat a whole bag of chips order McDonald's or som shit 1 hour later

I will probably die and it is my fault.

>> No.16081120

Ah so you don’t have enough muscle for the BMI chart to be irrelevant to you. Thanks for your response.

>> No.16081128

>I eat fairly healthy foods for most of my meals
>77.5 BMI

>> No.16082695

Jesus christ, you're an inch shorter than me, but almost quadruple the weight.

>> No.16083166

Your weight must also start with a 4

>> No.16083171

Are you drinking just that or what's your mixer? Are you drinking so much because you're up late? I was on only vodka and diet coke. Now I switch to vodka with lemon squash after 9pm, then fill to the rim with water. I fall asleep much sooner and therefore drink less.

>> No.16083178

I'm fat for a combination of reasons obviously but I primarily blame alcohol. I think if I just drank less I'd be fine

>> No.16083195

I'm 150 at 6'1

>> No.16083196

Keep a food diary and record everything. Oven fries aren't that bad if you use a lower calorie oil like fry light or pam. Don't keep the junk food in your house. Throw it all out. You're going to McDonald's because you feel too tired to cook something you like, I imagine.

>> No.16083247

nice glad you're doing better

>> No.16083316

how did you get the apartment? tell me everything i want to follow your footsteps
im 28 live with my parents no job no experience and need ot get out of here now

>> No.16083341

red wine spritzers are the way to go. im down 20 lbs in 4 weeks. i used to drink more bourbon than you do vodka. problem is your inhibitions get way too low and you end up eating trash when youre drunk or hungover. on a lushy night ill have no more than 750 ml of red wine. i particularly enjoy merlot and beaujolais, due to their low tannin content and sweet flavor.

>> No.16083447

You guys ever get that feeling where you've eaten so much you can literally see your face get fatter after the meal

>> No.16083590

do amerifats really eat mcdonalds 7 times in a row? who the fuck would even want to do that

>> No.16083699

Not that anon but I've heard speed is helpful.

>> No.16083708

i am drunk right now bro i will give you so much information
is your relationship with your parents alright and do you have any up-front cash or savings? to save you 7 cont. posts about how to avoid real estate scams

>> No.16083718

In order to lose weight you have to have a C.A.N do attitude

>> No.16083722

as a formet albeit """moderately""" fat person (used to be 115kg 178cm at 15, I can say that you guys aren't fat cause of your favorite treat and sugary / alcoholic illness, but mental problems and fat slippery slope / negative feedback loop

>> No.16083735

that's a positive feedback loop not a negative one.
a negative feedback loop is a reaction that causes a decrease in function. anon eating more food from his mental illness causing him to eat more is a positive feedback loop.

>> No.16083793

meant to say drink and not illness, weird slip

>> No.16083922

t. 6'0" 130lbs
i'm skinny because i think anything "processed" looks and tastes disgusting

>> No.16084114

6ft 290lbs im lazy as fuck and love chips

>> No.16084130

You could probably lose two pounds a week just by switching from soda to La Croix

>> No.16084210

Forget about her anon, quit the alcohol all you will grow bitch tits.

>> No.16084225

I'm a 5'7 manlet and am nearly 300lbs. I'm such a depressed fat fuck. There is no pleasure or happiness in my life I just eat. Today I literally ate 2 pizzas (full pizzas medium sized) and a bag of sour cream and onion chips and a pint of rocky road with oreos. I don't care anymore

>> No.16084290

Pathetic excuses “college happened so I couldn’t exercise” “I started drinking so I gained” “ shtf so I gained weight”
You gained weight because you ate too much you fucking retard full stop

>> No.16084472

This. Great taste and the feeling of drinking soda without actually doing that. I genuinely enjoy it more than soda which I now often find overly sugary (won't even touch sugarless which tastes like poison)

>> No.16084799

You're taller than the average woman. Get your shit together! Rather than scream at you further, I suggest you engage in weight loss hypnosis. There are some on YouTube. Write me back if you can't find them. Otherwise, short guys employ charisma and confidence to attract women. I think the more I understand, the more I wonder if there should just be a short guys dating app so we can save on the server storage space. I wish you well. You have as good a chance as anyone to find a companion.

>> No.16084810

ok its bait im out

>> No.16085779

Have it ever occurred to you that you can literally just stop that anytime you want?
What a stupid way to ruin your life and ultimately probably kill yourself in the process.

>> No.16085862

No I'm going to get fatter fuck off

>> No.16086016

not fat but I unironically agree with and do that

>> No.16086047

I've been with my wife for 10 years now.

We met in high school, and I got her pregnant.
She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did. We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was.
I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up.

Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something. Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you." All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried. Do with this information what you will.

>> No.16086049
File: 75 KB, 1170x564, F425619B-CFF9-44EB-A5EA-771928B634AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lose weight fellow fatties. I believe in you.

>> No.16086089
File: 6 KB, 226x223, images (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright bros, so I didn't have any McDonald's on Sunday but my mom asked if I wanted any for lunch today and I couldn't say no... next weekend for sure

>> No.16086107

>5’6” 480lb manlet
Absolute fucking unit

>> No.16086113

>quitting cold turkey
People die by quitting cold turkey. Their bodies get so used to the fast food that if they don't slow ween their body off of it, they just die from the shock. Be careful fren.

>> No.16086227

Lose weight bro

>> No.16086369

If you can't say no to your MOM with some disgusting mcdonalds, you got a lot of work to do buddy

>> No.16087016

6”1 220 lb

Psychiatric medication. Can’t live with it, sure as fuck can’t live without it.

>> No.16087035

Bros is psychiatric medicine that bad? I’m a bit chubby from COVID and was going to go to my doc for them

>> No.16087069

Depends on what you’re getting. What are your symptoms bud

>> No.16087131

Too many carbs, bread, pasta, chips etc.

>> No.16087162
File: 227 KB, 500x405, iu[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be 18-19, 5'8" 200 lbs, always knew i was chubby but realized i was borderline obese
>working at some local chipotle knock-off, smelling the food all day makes you hungry at first but eventually you lose your appetite as your nose adjusts
>eat for free on 30 minute break but never eat as much as i would if i just went in to buy a burrito
>lose 15 lbs over the course of a year
>decide to try keto b/c all the joe rogan dudebros swear by it
>start tracking calories and not as hungry, keto keeps me sated
>down to 150 when i turn 21
>start drinking beer and abandon keto
>weight has fluctuated but never over 165, 157 currently
it is possible, bros
whether it's 50 lbs or 250 lbs no matter the number it is possible.
also i know keto is a meme at this point but still it is better than junk food and processed sugar.

>> No.16087167

Yes it’s that bad. Never ever take it. Taking prescription drugs every day to feel better is no different than taking recreational drugs every day to feel better. The feeling does not last forever (though may have you zombified and fooled for years), and the drugs will have done irreparable harm by the time you realize they were a mistake. Then you will be dependent on them mentally and physically, which is a nice way of saying you will be addicted to these drugs. Many people find it impossible to get completely off of them or that it takes them 5+ years getting off them in stages. I was lucky enough to go cold turkey with one and only take a few months to get off others. After the initial first 2 weeks of detox I felt like I had been in a waking nightmare for over 3 years. It was as if I had been entranced the entire time and had been transformed into a different person in a way that I did not like. It took a full year off the meds for my brain to feel like it was function normally again with the feeling of being “sharp”, “quick”, and motivated. It has taken over 2 years to lose the weight gained on the drugs as I’ve been doing everything slowly but steadily out of the determination to make permanent life changes. I have unfixable, deep stretch marks, because I blew up about 55 pounds in about 2-3 months. Once you go on the crazy pills, anyone close to you may very well deem you crazy and scrutinize all of you behavior forever even if you get off the pills. I am not the same person I was before the pills at all. I wouldn’t say I’m angry with the world, but I am deeply cynical/blackpilled (realistic really) despite being content and at peace. I would describe myself as no longer having depression, anxiety, mood swings, and other mental issues. The drugs did not fix these things. I did.

>> No.16087184 [DELETED] 

>tfw drinking craft beer and ordering my second dinner of McDonald’s and on antipsychotics

Hold me

>> No.16087197


Are you suggesting someone who is bipolar and on medication to stop? What about symptom return? You can’t “man up” and “fix” an underlying psychiatric problem.

>> No.16087200

>Cheescake and soda every meal
>5'6 weighs 480lbs
Do Amerimutts really?

>> No.16087219
File: 40 KB, 500x347, 1619156409845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fairly healthy
Iceberg lettuce smothered in mayonnaise is not healthy
Put the fork down and go for a walk you fat fuck

>> No.16087268

I thought I was bipolar. I had bipolar symptoms even paranoia and light psychosis, but i do not believe it was not a hardwired malfunction that I was born with. I believe that it was my reaction to living in a modern nightmare society and the way I was treating my body. At the onset of symptoms symptoms in my teens I would never have thought I wasn’t treating my body well (sober and active), but there were several issues at play that got the ball rolling. I had troubles with sleeping due to issues relaxing enough to sleep such as sadness from the loss of a parent, TV, computer, handheld video games, and teenage hormones. I was introduced to taking gentle over the counter sleep aids, which was actually just Benadryl. This was the first major cause of mental problems. I did not associate the Benadryl with the onset paranoia and symptoms of psychosis at the time nor depression since I was in mourning. Then I was pushed into taking accutane by the same person (step parent) which made things far worse. By 19 I was having full on meltdowns and manic depressive cycles. I was then pushed into taking “gentle” psych meds, which made things better at first then made them worse. I was basically gaslit into drug dependency: sleep aids, psych meds, caffeine and stimulants, to counteract the psych meds, stronger sleep aids plus alcohol to combat the growing issues from the other drugs, and so on. Eventually I got off everything and got sober, which made everything better, however being young and stupid I fell into the same trap again starting with “gentle” anxiety meds and sleep aids (again not understanding the effects of the OTC antihistamines). It let to bad enough of a meltdown to be pushed into voluntarily checking myself into a hospital. I was then deemed fucked for life and put on an insane slew of drugs to the point I could not function like a normal person anymore. It fucked me up badly, and I decided that I would rather become (cont)

>> No.16087279

Yea well I’ve had depression in hospital and mania in hospital so im pretty sure I’m bipolar and need medication

>> No.16087316

(cont) a crazy hobo, die, or face jail due to erratic behavior rather than stay on the meds. It wasn’t worth living the way I was living, and I still believe it would be better to face the consequences of getting off them than staying on them. This time around I changed everything in my life. I had heard several times that bipolar people supposedly would be fine in a pre-industrialized world in which their sleep cycle fell in line with natural light cycles, they had no exposure to artificial lights especially flashing ones, they ate an unprocessed balanced diet, they were physically active and busy by necessity, didn’t have interactions with modern recreational drugs and limited alcohol exposure (I’d say ALL modern drugs), and generally lived in a “natural” way. So I set out to get as close to that as possible without renouncing myself to isolation or trying to find a Mennonite clan that rejects most modern life. I stopped taking any and all drugs (including caffeine) and supplements aside from a multivitamin and iodine. I forced myself to fix my sleep cycle by forcing myself up with the light every day no matter how I felt. I made myself do intentional exercise as well as stay active all day long by being productive- little downtime on TV and computer. I don’t play any kind of games on electronic devices anymore and limit TV watching to cooking shows and 1 sci-fi series at a time. I also stopped listening to anything but classical and Christian worship music. I do believe that pop music has a programming effect, and there are even songs about being bipolar and no giving a fuck. I developed hobbies and reduced my socializing away from anyone with a possible negative influence. I’ve learned to live quietly, eat clean, respect myself, and listen to my body, mind, and soul. It has worked for me. I wouldnt encourage anyone to try getting off their meds unless they also feel they would truly rather die or fuck up irreparably than stay on them.

>> No.16087321

Anyway I was telling that anon not to start the meds with my point being that he’s fucked if he gets on them. Getting off them can be impossible, which seems to be the case for yourself and most people who go down that path. The meds almost took my life, and I would warn everyone to stay away if they aren’t already hooked.

>> No.16087400


>> No.16087546

If the soda fountain has plain soda water, do like 1/4 sprite and 3/4 soda water. Still really good and eventually just do >>16071682

>> No.16088158

You know what gets on my nerves is every fatty here posting is a young cunt who has the world at their feet.

>> No.16088471

Shut up you absolute faggot

>> No.16088824

176 cm and 81 kg. I'm not really fat, I just have heavy bones for some reason.
When I used to go to the doctor he said "strange, you are indeed a little overweight but you don't look overweight" then I explained him that my bones were heavy as fuck, we even tested that on his desk. I let my arm fall and everything shook, I even dropped my water bottle so RIP water I guess.

>> No.16088852

god damn dude i hope this is some kind of bait or something. Thats fucking depressing.

>> No.16088864
File: 149 KB, 1353x1159, 1604724911796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about these two?

>> No.16088907

I eat twice a day, only two meals and never any desserts or soda or sweets
I'm still overweight though because my portion sizes are so huge
Feels really fucking awful

>> No.16089030
File: 40 KB, 720x676, EfYzyiZX0AA-0rT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being fat

>> No.16089036
File: 8 KB, 259x194, homer upchuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Literal tubs of lard.

>> No.16089304

ethanol has around ~700 kcal/100 mL
if you drink that much you'd have to be starving yourself to not gain weight

>> No.16089351

For me it's overeating and sedentary lifestyle

>> No.16089510
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>> No.16089523
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>> No.16089630

Im fat because I love crisps.