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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 87 KB, 720x720, Bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16072217 No.16072217 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16072224

Ultimate bacon recipe:
1. Unwrap the bacon
2. Throw it directly in the trash

>> No.16072227

>burnt sugared bacon
>undercooked regular bacon
probably why

>> No.16072347

>Heston Blumenthal
Not even going to watch this shit.

>> No.16072357

Shills for big gay

>> No.16072358

surely thats burnt

>> No.16073356

I dont know a perfect bacon recipe but I know once I learned about oven baking bacon I didn't look back

>> No.16073362


>> No.16074370

nice catch

>> No.16074626

I don't get it.

>> No.16074635

then it means you lack the gift of the third eye

>> No.16074638

>It is important to butter the toast when it is hot

What other great sage advice do you have, oh wise one?

>> No.16074643

That's perfectly fine, my friend. While we're at it, may I interest you in a low-interest™ loan?

>> No.16074686

literally the worst post ive ever seen

>> No.16074864

i find bacon in the oven comes out great, it's crispy but not burnt

>> No.16074977

the "crispy" bacon doesn't even look that crispy

>> No.16075125

>Making toast
>Take it out of the toaster
>Put toast in the freezer for tomorrow
>Wait a day
>Defrost toast under the sink
>Heat it back up
>Let it rest 15-20 minutes for it to cook internally
>Wait an additional 10 minutes to cook bacon
>Wait 30 minutes for the bacon to cool
>Wait 2 hours for the butter to warm up to room temperature
>Butter won't spread on my cold toast

>> No.16076080

Under the grill until it's crispy, on white toast with butter and hp brown sauce and a cup of tea with milk and 2tsp of honey.

That's all there is.

>> No.16076108

Merchant poster

>> No.16076471

Honestly jews that don't keep kosher have some sense of trustworthiness imo, like that instapot faggot.

>> No.16076681

After all these years I'm still not sure which is gayer. The reddit tier internet bacon circlejerk or guys who pretend to hate bacon so they don't seem like guys from said circlejerk.

>> No.16077600

and bacon strips
and bacon strips

>> No.16078089

this only convinces me that british people (and more europoors in general, other than italians who can cook) have no souls

>> No.16080033


>> No.16080091
File: 102 KB, 454x452, A87F9E61-5274-4246-8BF4-FD739460AC32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>British burned to a crisp bacon
I’ll take a hard pass. That toast is just sad too