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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16060601 No.16060601 [Reply] [Original]

Which banana would you prefer to eat?
At what number does a banana go from "eating banana" to "banana bread banana"?

>> No.16060619

>Which banana would you prefer to eat?
>At what number does a banana go from "eating banana" to "banana bread banana"?

>> No.16060620



>> No.16060622

>Which banana would you prefer to eat?
>At what number does a banana go from "eating banana" to "banana bread banana"?

>> No.16060625

9-10 for eating.
Beyond that banana bread.

>> No.16060640

Eating between 5-9, bread 10-12, after that its compost

>> No.16060646

6 or 7 is where I
d eat it.
I'd consider anything at 11 and past bad.

>> No.16060678

CORRECT ANSWER: They're all perfect for eating.

>> No.16060681

Eating: 7-10
Bread: 12+
Frying: 1-7

>> No.16060685


everyone else go the fuck home

>> No.16060691


>> No.16060695


>> No.16060696

I hate bananas.

>> No.16060709

alright you sickos better explain why you like eating green bananas

>> No.16060788

Green bananas are for pedos.

>> No.16060794

>Not taking nature's dildo deep inside for the elusive prostate orgasm

>> No.16060796

5/6 for eating, Anything after 10 is mush.

>> No.16060804

>prostate orgasm
These don't exist.

You're just a gay in the closet.

>> No.16060818

>in the closet
You don't know me, bitch. I'll have you know I'm a big deal on the scene.

>> No.16060822

Gross. Literally. Don't ever talk to me again and keep your perversions to yourself.

>> No.16060831

6,7,8 are ideal. 9 and 10 if nothing else was available.

>> No.16060856

1:6 are objectively unripe (for tastelet). No use
7:8: ok for eating but not optimal
9:12 perfect for eating
13:15 eat/bread

>> No.16060877


>> No.16060890

7,8,9,10 is ideal for me

>> No.16060993
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>Which banana would you prefer to eat?
11 to 14.
>banana bread banana
No such thing.
It's either a garbage banana, or an eating banana.

>> No.16061008

I would eat 6-12. Maybe even 13 if I was really hungry.

8 is my preferred, especially cold. Idk but bananas taste so much better cold.

>> No.16061093

eating: 9.5
stimulating my prostate: 1

>> No.16061217


>> No.16061238

10-11 is perfect

>> No.16061502


>> No.16061847

6-9 eatin bananas
everything else goes in the freezer till it turns black. then you make banana bread with it.

>> No.16062218

For eating: 1-5 or 6
For banana bread: 11-15

>> No.16062225

I eat my bananas at 9/10/11. After that I wait till they reach 23, and then freeze them for baking.

>> No.16062228

1-8 i like my bannanas firm not mushy

>> No.16062252


anything in between is for literal faggots

>> No.16062299

None, I don't put phallus-shaped food into my mouth, for obvious reasons.

>> No.16062337

8-10 are perfect

past 12 is banana bread

before 4 is gross and sandy

>> No.16062356

>obvious reasons
so either sexual insecurity or closeted homosexuality lmfao

>> No.16062388

swing and a miss, libtard

>> No.16062394

This is correct

>> No.16062417

1 looks half-green which is perfect for eating IMO.

>> No.16062421


>> No.16062433


>> No.16062467

8 looks perfect
13 for banana bread, 12 if the skin is starting to feel wet or mushy

>> No.16062474

love a 4 but ill eat anything below an 10

>> No.16062602

They need to invent a banana with the firmness of 1-5, the look of 6-9, and the flavor of 10+. Until then, i consider them inedible.

>> No.16062683

>Which banana would you prefer to eat?
>At what number does a banana go from "eating banana" to "banana bread banana"?

>> No.16063026

>I-I-I'm not gay!!! This must be the DEMOCRATS FAULT!!

please say some more shit lol

>> No.16063084
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I would pref 15-11
I would be okay with 10-8
I would eat but not enjoy 7
The rest can either ripen or become compost as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.16063092
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nine and fourteen

>> No.16063102

4 to 9 would be my eating range, 10 to 13 banana bread range, 14 & 15 are probably completely rotten inside.

>> No.16063105

11 looks perfect for eating, but cant really tell til you peel it, I always found the sparse speckled brown spots on the skin lead to less mushy brown parts on the flesh, whereas the denser blotchy spots on the skin means more brown flesh, I think 11 would be less ripe than 10

>> No.16063170

13 is perfect.
Just because there's spots on the skin doesn't mean there's spots on the flesh.

>> No.16063201

6 to 11 are fine. 8 looks perfect.

>> No.16063215

i prefer 5-7 and after 9 its honestly banana bread tier

>> No.16063256

i dont know what banana bread banana is, but optimal is 10 - 12. 6 and below is inedible. i could eat up to 15, soft and sweet

>> No.16063269

6-8, I prefer slightly younger bananas

>> No.16064165

1-6 and 6 is pushing it. Anything past a 6 and the sugars in the fruit taste like alcohol to me and I hate it.

>> No.16064176

>Which banana would you prefer to eat?
>At what number does a banana go from "eating banana" to "banana bread banana"?

>> No.16064495

A banana that's used for banana bread. A banana bread banana.

>> No.16064845

6 - 8 for eating
11 - 13 for banana bread

>> No.16064860

eating 6
banana bread/trash 7
Not down with melanin enriched bananas

>> No.16064875

10 is perfect, 9-12 edible. anything below 8 and you may as well be eating a tree branch

>> No.16064903

I like bananas underripe but I'll eat them until they get black and the tops start falling off. At that point it's for oatmeal or cereal or yogurt. I don't just make banana bread every time my bananas go bad because I'm not obese

>> No.16065228

Actually green bananas are better in banana bread because they have more starch. So i would eat or make icecream from 10-15 and do banana bread from 1-5. 6-9 are only fit for dogs.