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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 151 KB, 943x1000, d929cb9bdeb9563e27a08a019ea35008[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16055713 No.16055713 [Reply] [Original]

Post questionable retail food products

>> No.16055741

What's the market for canned bread? Shut ins? Preppers?

>> No.16055748

Prolly the british

>> No.16055749

There's nothing wrong with brown bread. I always bring a can or two to cook over the fire when I go camping.

>> No.16055757


>> No.16055763
File: 879 KB, 2104x3741, WuZYJVv[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically everything in this image

>> No.16055786

>BM brown bread
appropriate name because it looks like a giant turd

>> No.16055791

I don't follow.

>> No.16055797

The oreo churros are probably no worse for you by volume than regular oreos.

>> No.16055808

BM stands for bowel movement

>> No.16055815

it says Burnham & Morrill right there on the can though?

>> No.16055816

The velveeta bites almost look attractive

>> No.16055824

That is not questionable. Try it toasted with butter.

>> No.16055829

very appropriate that their initials are BM and their product is a big brown log that you squeeze out of a can

>> No.16055831

it's nasty. tastes like sulfured molasses

>> No.16055835
File: 182 KB, 1000x660, franks-and-beans-with-brown-bread-1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's eaten in Maine.

This is one of those things that's going to seem really weird to anyone who's not from the region, but it's not. It's brown from molasses, it's sweet. The can keeps it moist and fresh. You put hot dogs and beans on top. It's good.

>> No.16055839

desu I would eat this.

>> No.16055859

Used to eat this all the time when I lived in New England. Never even seen it for sale here out in the Midwest.

>> No.16055869

This is what Squidward eats.

>> No.16055870
File: 6 KB, 203x249, Your Mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mom is nasty. Tastes like old pennies

>> No.16055884

Fuck you, White Castle burgers are god tier.

>> No.16055894

Did you work on a boat?

>> No.16055908

No. Used to camp a lot. It's not some sort of "weird" food. It's just a dense bread made with molasses. Toast it and spread butter on.

>> No.16056004

Sounds nice. Would eat while camping

>> No.16056027
File: 615 KB, 720x720, WF18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Walden Farms products

>> No.16056032

looks like the slop they eat in britan

>> No.16056037


>> No.16056047

i'm a 60 year old gay man from san francisco and i have hiv

>> No.16056106
File: 158 KB, 878x1500, Walden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did they do it, bros? Are the guys over at Walden master chemists?

>> No.16056224

so that's what it is. My girlfriend kept saying she wants to get brown bread lately

>> No.16056234

Ok, so you're typical for the area- so what?

>> No.16056241

Yes, she was def talking about this and not tricking you into raising a half breed

>> No.16056339

they flavor corn husks or other stuff that isn't technically digestible by humans so they scoot by with 0 calories

>> No.16056375

How is that even possible? Sugar free I get, but calorie free? What is it fucking packing peanuts?

>> No.16056463
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>> No.16056473

Why are the English like this?

>> No.16056483
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>> No.16056539

When I first saw OP's pic I thought "Oh, it's something made for outdoorsmen." Can keeps it fresh and prevents it from being crushed in your backpack. The anons ripping it are probably city dwellers whose closest experience with nature is watching the squirrels from a bench in their neighborhood park.

>> No.16056558

jesus do amerifats really eat this slop

>> No.16056687

If somehow those sosijes aren't all soggy and limp, this might not be that bad of a product.

>> No.16056700
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>> No.16056737 [DELETED] 
File: 1.70 MB, 750x1334, A1DDA7E8-3C51-4C36-AC77-6AD36B01238E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently in New England they eat this every Saturday night

>> No.16056738

Deep fried Twinkies: Pain in the ass and not even good.
Doritos loaded: Dogshit
Oreo Churros: Completely fine. Not that good.
Mac n' Cheetos: Pretty good
White castle burgers: Pretty good
Pizza Rolls: Ok, not that good.
Never tried the other stuff.

>> No.16056743
File: 194 KB, 1000x531, DA111797-7A63-4935-B3C8-ACEFED6E6A06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently in New England they eat this every Saturday night

>> No.16056749

You prob need that head fixed anon

>> No.16056758
File: 49 KB, 640x640, 7F57CFC3-82BB-42EB-9D32-592B365BBB0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They sell this at my local Big Lots. It’s from Germany. I haven’t bought them as of yet. I’m not sure how to prepare them thought. Can I fry them up in a skillet and put them on hot dog buns?

>> No.16056788

This doesn't seem too bad, but I'd have to make my own hot dog and beans so they come out more savory. Store bought is already sweet as hell, don't want to dump sweet on sweet.

>> No.16056797

>haha doodies

>> No.16056815

my dumb ass would want one of each

>> No.16057689

>sugar free
>calorie free
>fat free
so they created a substance that defies the laws of physics

>> No.16057696

They look like cysts leaking puss

>> No.16057795

Americans don't do beans on toast like the demonstrated usage

>> No.16057814

Yeah, it's basically hot dogs. I prefer eating them like that from the glass though.
Protip: Save the water and mix it with vodka. Great for busting parties.

>> No.16057815

i dont fuck with hotdogs, theyre disgusting. could this be done with other sausages? looks like it could be pretty good.

>> No.16057854
File: 2.94 MB, 540x304, Anna Is Angry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Argh, I want to tell you that you're wrong, but my Mother always kept canned bread in the pantry.

>> No.16057983

throw away the sausages, drink the brine

>> No.16057992


Indigestible plant fiber, plant gums, artificial sweeteners, flavor extracts, artificial colors

>> No.16058084


>> No.16058106

Who's taken these photo's. It's like they specifically waited until the sunset on a dark and gloomy day and then went into their bathroom to take the picture. It's just depressing.

honestly though i'd give it 6.5/10. The beans with just the sausages are probably an 7/10.

>> No.16058114

How long are your camping trips?
Would regular bread not keep?

>> No.16058132
File: 71 KB, 851x1017, 3019E669-726A-4383-9831-533CC7AC06E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw “New England”

>> No.16058142

Good lord I fucking hate Amerilards.

>> No.16058146

Usually just a few nights. Regular bread would keep, but the canned bread got to be part of my family's tradition. A lot of food I wouldn't go out of my way to eat at home was somehow made "special" while camping. We'd take some cans of soup and some bisquik and make hobo stew with dumplings.

>> No.16058170
File: 1.41 MB, 678x482, Elsa Is Very Confused.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, strictly hotdogs, you'd be castrated otherwise.

>> No.16058173

Frozen White Castle burgers are good if you fry them

>> No.16058185
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Of course she did, fool. We all did!

>> No.16058197
File: 535 KB, 1121x900, 1921_KunzlerScrapple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit. Fuck you, Delaware.

>> No.16058251
File: 148 KB, 360x350, Anna Is Unamused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't even be surprised if I had a few cans in the darkest reaches of my pantry.

>> No.16058267
File: 42 KB, 603x566, Screenshot 2021-05-05 174938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no fat!
>no cholesterol
>adds in 14g of sugar out of a serving of 56g
In hindsight, America is the biggest mistake in human history.

>> No.16058271


>> No.16058283

Holy fucking- You sir, are entirely, thoroughly, through and through, bing-bang-bada-BASED! Someone, anyone, call the police department and have this man arrested for being overly BASED! No normal person could handle such power! Not Timmy, not Bob, not Amy, Not Sandra, no one can handle how BASED this is. I'm falling apart like sand through hands because you're so fucking BASED! BASED! BASED!

>> No.16058287

in your case you use Gay-cups

>> No.16058289

Scrapple is cheap and delicious. I'd eat it every day if I could.

>> No.16058307

I remember going to visit family in the US when I was a kid and being confused, even as a child, by bags of skittles and jolly ranchers all proudly boasting that they contained no fat. Who do they think they're kidding?

>> No.16058330

There was a bit of a feud between different camps of nutritional scientists in the 1970s. One camp thought sugar was bad for you and can make you fat in excess. The other thought that only fats can make you fat.
Three guesses which one the sugar and fad-diet industries latched on to.

>> No.16058337

It's fine to make a mistake, but now the US is reaching the point where teenagers are becoming diabetics. Maybe it's time to admit that mistake and go back to a diet that doesn't have processed sugar in it?

>> No.16058354

The mistake has been noted but it's a big country with big systems, change doesn't happen overnight. And of course the lobbyists would prefer that we didn't.

>> No.16058388

Because of lobbying America is positioning its children

>> No.16058410

Yes, among many other evils.

>> No.16058438

Just get a good brand of hotdog idiot.

>> No.16058471

I don't see why not. No one would stop you. Consistency and some flavors would be different, but that's just you cooking

>> No.16058488

Not just Maine, franks and beans with brown bread is a common Saturday night dinner in most of New England. If you don't like hot dogs a ham steak will do as well.

>> No.16058490

I've heard the brine makes hair grow on your chest and will make your testicles larger.

>> No.16058497


>> No.16058500
File: 13 KB, 362x346, ne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait so it's brown because molasses-drenched bread?
not because it's rye bread?
in a country which is often mocked for their oversweetened bread?
canned bread isn't as weird as canned cake that's for sure

>> No.16058508

I did growing up. My Dad insisted on it.

>> No.16058516
File: 49 KB, 640x501, Meat Clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16058529

Amerilard education detected

>> No.16058553

>wait so it's brown because molasses-drenched bread?
>not because it's rye bread?

>> No.16058783

Who the hell thought that covering pasta with cheetos powder was a good idea?
>Its the flaming hot version.
Even worse.
Excepting the ranch, the doritos look tasty; as well the velveeta and pizza rolls. As for oreo, I think that if you make them yourself it would taste better, just mix the powedered oreo cookies into the churro mix

>> No.16059004

Busting parties?

>> No.16059008

We don’t care what you think, faggot boy.

>> No.16059020

I’m not poisoning my kids, I don’t buy that crap. Maybe people should try learning about basic health and nutrition. The government can’t protect you from every little difficulty in life. Non-Americans seem to have trouble understanding this concept.

>> No.16059027

Tell me that you never use slang, I will not believe you.

>> No.16059029

this looks really comfy honestly

>> No.16060059

i've had the doritos and as someone who loves both melted cheese and doritos, I can tell you they were fucking terrible. I've never heard someone who's had them say something good about them.

>> No.16060110

In-N-Out > shit castle

>> No.16060232

>people shit on beans on toast
>oh wow this look amazing!!

can you all just admit you have an anglo inferiority complex

>> No.16060268

It doesn't even make sense for those all to be in one freezer door unless it's a meme section in a gas station or something.

>> No.16060290


>> No.16060295

this is british you faggot euro

>> No.16060322
File: 2.70 MB, 2500x1407, fairy-bread-today-161028-tease_4a773edfde97fb1ce9314cd64e4841ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans eat beans in a completely different dish
>Why do Americans shit on beans on toast??
Do you understand why Americans make fun of you for pic related?

>> No.16060327

That's the joke retard
His girlfriend wants to be "brown bred"

>> No.16060464

>new england
>just as bad as regular england
Unsurprised but still appalled

>> No.16060820

he said bread

>> No.16060837

What section is this stocked in?

>> No.16060962

The joke is that he thought his girlfriend was saying bread. They're homophones

>> No.16060991

No, fuck off. This is not comfy or appetizing. This dish is a pile of shit.

>> No.16060999

>That is not questionable. Try it toasted with butter.
great with cream cheese

>> No.16061843

somewhere between the canned food aisle and the bread aisle haha

>> No.16061859

Like salty milk and coins?

>> No.16061908

rent free

>> No.16061928

Same here, and my Dad baked the beans, too. With Kayem natural casing hot dogs.

>> No.16061933

One image has never contained this much sadness.

>> No.16062182

do coasties really?

>> No.16062222
File: 72 KB, 460x460, takis-fuego-mini-snack-bites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in the frozen department in a grocery store. We carried those Oreo churros, Cinnamon Toast Crunch bites (and oreo bites), and a few of the doritos, cheetos, and velveeta things. A few people bought them when the first came out to try them, but after that no one really bought them and they sat until they expired, and then we stopped carrying them.
Somewhat surprisingly, we started carrying these recently and they sell really well.

>> No.16062254
File: 61 KB, 1200x947, D-wyZfYUEAIwRtM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... I need to head down to Walmart more often.

>> No.16062303

This looks like one of those "future food" type things that you stick in a machine and becomes a full meal.

>> No.16062774

god i want to fucking rape elsa and anna and forcibly put my dick in annas mouth as she cries for help in my dimmly lit basement deep underground where nobody will ever hear her, then put my dick up her not because i like it (i dont), but just to humiliate and abuse her and then have her suck it clean knowing this will be her life from there on out with zero hope whatsoever. of course ill keep her well fed so she doesnt become an auschwitz victim cause theyre ugly and yucky and maybe gently carress and cuddle with her as she shivers and cries but eventually develops stockholm syndrom and comes to see me as a god and is greatful for all the food i bring her, eventually broken in enough that i can release her and have her bear 7 children for me and raise them into outstanding people and live happily ever after.

>> No.16062903

>fairy bread
>not god tier
Fuck off seppo

>> No.16062920

They have the audacity to call themselves Walden farms when their "food" is made in a fucking lab

>> No.16062955

Get a load of this fag, awww does someone twink deys a wittle pwinces?

>> No.16062962

sweet bread + processed meat made me want to puke

>> No.16062990

Wow this is true desu

>> No.16063061

it's brown because of the can, anaerobic process or some shit.

>> No.16063188

selling foods to people so unhealthy and addictive that it creates a diabetic epidemic is precisely when the government should step in and regulate it.
Sorry if you think infringing on fast food is a cornerstone of tyranny but your ideal world of perfectly-informed consumers will never happen, so compromises have to be made.

>> No.16063190

No, they're just selling something that is essentially inedible.

>> No.16063223 [DELETED] 

They use brown sugar to make it you fucking retard

>> No.16063251
File: 31 KB, 340x470, Yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16063266

Seriously dude. Your that fucking delicate you can't take a joke about a food you like? You've got to defend a can or bread? If I were you I'd save my energy to defend your microdick and just let people have a laugh at your bread.

>> No.16063280


>> No.16063284

I always ate them right out of the can

>> No.16063289

Where did he say they hated gay people?

>> No.16063321

The OP literally demonstrates them doing it in Maine with the thread starter

>> No.16063375

That's Jolly Old England for you.

>> No.16063379

Keto is a meme diet that will kill you. Eat your healthy sugar like a good little NPC.

>> No.16063418
File: 239 KB, 1280x720, 58A984CC-54D9-47CE-8C30-58B33F7009A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16063422

Yes, Americans really.

>> No.16063543

I don't think about you at all, Pajeet/Chang.

>> No.16063546

wait adults actually eat cereal for breakfast? what the fuck is wrong you, literally eating sugar as a meal no wonder you are so fucking fat

>> No.16063549

Not all cereal is high in sugar dum dum.

>> No.16063570

Fuggg don't take my hotdog cause I don't like hotdogs

>> No.16063573

There are no good brands of hotdogs for me, they all fucking suck. The brown bread and beans seems like it'd be good with kielbasa actually

>> No.16063591

I hate my own countrymen too

>> No.16063598

It was my understanding that this is actually cooked inside the can, regardless if its a retail product or homemade. When I moved in here, the Boston native woman next door gifted me a can of homemade bread that resembled this. It was a re-used can from a large baked beans or something. I'm not sure what the hell it was, but it was sweet, dense, and cake-like, more like zucchini spice bread. It was nice but not something I would seek out, given a whole bakery full of better choices.
Can any New Englanders confirm?

>> No.16063786

Aren't even the sugar-free "non sugary" cereal brands kinda unhealthy?

>> No.16063798

When adults say "cereal" they mean like granola or bran flakes, not fruit loops and honeycrisp.

>> No.16063826

>he calls it an epidemic
Which vice documentary did you watch this time

>> No.16063832
File: 2.18 MB, 2048x1375, Screenshot_20210506-101259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup rye flour
1/2 cup corn meal
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon allspice
1/2 cup molasses
1 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup raisins (optional)

Mix dry ingredients, mix in wet ingredients, pour into a coffee can and cover it in foil. Put the can in a big pot with a bit of water and steam it on the stove. Takes about 2 or 2.5 hours to finish. Wa La

>> No.16063842
File: 134 KB, 900x600, coffee-can-brown-bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16063924

Christ, do bongs really?

>> No.16063957

Thats what i was thinking, i work at one and that would be a retarded setup

>> No.16063985
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>> No.16064000

But wait, what if I told you there's brown sugar coated beans in the mix too?

>> No.16064009


Blood pudding, yummy

>> No.16064205

You wanted to puke just from seeing an image of food? You have a very weak stomach, don't you

>> No.16064353


>> No.16064416
File: 976 KB, 255x190, 1575503601210.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capitalizing ''mother''

>> No.16064475

There are so fucking disgusting, it's unreal

>> No.16064543

imagine the smell

>> No.16064561

It tastes really good though, try it

>> No.16064657
File: 100 KB, 177x185, 1598290378006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me more about the deep fried twinkies, i fucking love twinkies

>> No.16064682

based. tl dr though

>> No.16064702
File: 135 KB, 275x183, 1608503441617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the food itt looks so fucking good

>> No.16064704

The village shop sells these, and every time I walk past I get this morbid curiosity and want to see what it's like. I remember back in the day Ashens did a vid on this and, if the comments were to be believed, this tastes as good as it looks and that's not a good thing.

>> No.16064722

>make fun of you
That's an aussie thing, not an anglo thing. I'm from England and even I think fairy bread is pathetic.

>> No.16064846

This shit keeps happening.
>A singular piece of food is presented
>Someone wonder what's wrong with the people that eat it
>Dude from an area where it's common steps in and presents how it should be, sides or topping to add and it actually goes well with x, y or z
>A few people turn around somewhat and say they'd try it at least

Even Jamie Oliver managed to not shit on Surströmming. Probably commonly known to smell and taste like shit and only viral videos where people gag forcing it down raw surface at the top.

>> No.16064857

What's wrong with 'Argh' and capitalizing 'Mother'?

>> No.16064969

What a shame. The box makes it look pretty damn tasty.

>> No.16064999

You cook those in water. Don't boil them, though. You'll rip the skin.

>> No.16065072

Mother is not a proper noun, ESL retard

>> No.16065126

Cept they call it "bread puddin'", serve it with salt meat and turkey dinner, and gravy. It's fucking gross. Who wants dense thick sweet bread with a turkey dinner. Heathens. No wonder they're drunks

>> No.16065152
File: 114 KB, 660x431, truffle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truffle brother

>> No.16065195

Okay, I capitalize it because M looks better than m, and what's wrong with 'Argh'?

>> No.16065203

I'm not wasting my time trying to explain basic shit to autistic trannies

>> No.16065214
File: 1.31 MB, 415x498, Anna Is Worried For Elsa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God speed then, for whoever you do decide to explain it to.

>> No.16065339

In English, you can capitalize terms like "mother" if used as a pronoun-like way to stand-in for their actual name.
Not capitalized:
"My mother went to the store."
"I wonder if that's true... Mother, do you agree with that man?"

Nothing is wrong with your use of 'argh'. It just sounds a little cringy/unnatural to put vocalizations like that into text. Especially 'argh', which is usually used like ARGGHH and is used for things like a wounded warrior's cry of enraged despair upon waking to see his fallen army around him. It's a little "much" for a routine conversation. Two exceptions here are "hmm" and "umm" which are not too eyebrow-raising when written (in informal situations).

>> No.16065351

Absolutely seconded. I ate these fucking things while completely baked and a little drunk. Me and my bros were looking for something disgusting yet delicious in that typical stoner junk food way and these were just straight up revolting. Even high as shit in the mood for Hot Pocket level cuisine they were some of the grossest things I'd ever had.

>> No.16065368

Oh thank you for explaining. I guess I should've used 'agh' or something similar instead, but as I said I only capitalized it because I like how M looks when compared to m.

>> No.16065376

Red hot dogs, baked beans, and canned brown bread. Yessah.

>> No.16065698

>Cinnamon Toast Crunch bites
>Doriots Loaded Cool Ranch
Is american branded food always that expensiv?

>> No.16065843


>> No.16065883

grug hit young woman on head. grug take her to cave, then grug put pee stick in her stinky fish hole. woman dont like, but then do. woman have grug children. happy.

>> No.16065905

When you camp, bring flour and baking powder. Cans are bulky rubbish to carry back.

>> No.16065994

Sweet mother of god.

>> No.16066283

wtf there's actually a brand called that?

>> No.16066301
File: 159 KB, 860x600, soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The connotation you perceive hasn't penetrated the real world.

>> No.16066318

>ohh say can you seeee

>> No.16066326


>> No.16066360

This looks pretty comfy ngl

>> No.16066401

>npc responses
like clockwork
years of amerilard corn syrup diet and fluoride has robbed you of any capacity for original discourse

>> No.16066464

>white castle 16-pack
>everything else

>> No.16066560

>I hate Americans
>original discourse

>> No.16066637
File: 115 KB, 1280x960, beans and dogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing this thread this morning inspired me. Ain't fancy, but it's dinnah!

>> No.16066689

Don't ever use the word "compromise", shitstain. "Compromise" to you people means "Be glad I didn't take more."

>> No.16066726

Top Jej. Would buy for memes

>> No.16066739

Man I wish Ashens would try the whole line.

>> No.16066880

For me, it's the Full Monty.

>> No.16066926
File: 817 KB, 2668x2401, Expression_of_the_Emotions_Plate_V,_2+3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything already looks bad about it, but that just clinched it for me

>> No.16066943


damn looks good

>> No.16067028

>brown bred

>> No.16067054
File: 875 KB, 250x231, daddy gave you good advice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16067056
File: 35 KB, 493x189, whatthecaska.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds more like a cake than bread.

>> No.16068508


>> No.16068612

This shit is insane. Fucking 1000 calories for 19 grams of protein. That's about the same ratio of protein to calories as fucking icecream. 56 grams of fat in that one thing, just fucking eat cookies instead.

>> No.16068857

its probably soybean oil fat too

>> No.16068865

it probably wouldn't be bad with cream cheese icing desu senpai

>> No.16068870

it's what we call grub


>> No.16068873

Ramen, tilapia

>> No.16069021

My mother in law eats cereal for dinner because she’s too lazy/a bad cook to do anything else. It’s not that she works a hard job or has no money, just lazy

>> No.16069032

"This is something you can make quickly after a long day at work. Now simmer a can of beans for three quarters of an hour"

I never actually watched any of their videos before. I hope their BBQ is better than this bullshit.

>> No.16069073

Is she pretty?

>> No.16069124

I have a friend who eats this cold from the tin

>> No.16069126

Of course not my wife gets her looks from her mom.

>> No.16069135

I'm a bit retarded, are you calling your wife ugly or something else?

>> No.16069147
File: 35 KB, 434x280, English Lessons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16069192

No wonder the US has so much obesity

>> No.16069364

Not that guy but yes, he is. It's a joke, my autistic friend.

>> No.16069375

Oh ok. Haha that's funny.

>> No.16069403

I like that the logo is a big pair of tits in a low slung top.