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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16059446 No.16059446 [Reply] [Original]

get you a latina gf

>> No.16059457

those empanads better have a good amount of tomato sauce and salt in them

>> No.16059468

Why, I'm perfectly able to cook, can clean, can extract my seed, all while not having to listen to her or deal with a shitty doily covering the table.

>> No.16059476

While you stuffed yourself on that shit she was eating someone else's chorizo con huevo

>> No.16059483

they're filled with cream cheese and guava paste

>> No.16059497

huh, that is a weird blend to put on protein.
seems like a nice beach meal

>> No.16059500

one kind should stay with its own

>> No.16059502

no thnx

>> No.16059509

They have ground beef and like 8 different spices and sauces

But that's my tablecloth...

>> No.16059529

>get a loud nagging crazy bitch that’ll hit the wall at 22 and become grossly obese

Yeah I’ll pass

>> No.16059547

in one year you will be doing all the cooking and she will just bitch at you constantly about everything and you will turn into a browbeaten shell of a man. do NOT get you a latina gf if you value your sanity. This kind of shit is just pure bait and switch. it aint going to last long. ignore my warning at your peril.

>> No.16059560
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>tostones maduros/de platano
>starch within starch
>and then fried
>and that's just the guarnición
>plato principal is
>more fried starch


and we wonder why they are so fat

>> No.16059565

White girls hit a wall at 20, and become karens.
I think I'll just take the latina.

>> No.16059577

i wish someone would of told me this earlier.OP heed this wise anons words, because its all true

>> No.16059601

fucking this, jesus.

>> No.16059679

Incredible cope

>> No.16059737

>All that fried food
She's trying to kill you.

>> No.16059767

This, that’s fucking disgusting. Is that seriously one serving to you, >>16059446

>> No.16059775

but i'm ugly, broke, and lazy can you point me to some takeout instead

>> No.16059816

The second they turn 30 they turn into Danny DeVito in a wig.

>> No.16059868

>on protein
no protein, just cheese and guava
also I am not OP, I have nothing to do with OP, and I will not get a latina GF. But, creamcheese-guava empanadas are great. Cuban friend made them once.

>> No.16059879

is this that commonplace? this DOES sound like my coworker's situation, would always tell me never to get married, and I think they divorced maybe 2019ish.

>> No.16059884

So much this. Ever wonder why hispanic kids in school talk nonstop about their dad's rice and beans? That's why.

>> No.16059889

You could say that you make your own feed and deal with your own seed even.

>> No.16060095
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>one kind should stay with its own >-:)

>> No.16060166

>le 56% face

>> No.16060178

Honestly the girl in all black on left is not bad

>> No.16060180
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lmao do Americans really. Maybe one kind should stay with their own lel

>> No.16060198

...Holy fucking hell. Who are you and how do you know my experience?

No seriously

>> No.16060203

>that is a weird blend to put on protein.
That is a dessert, it is a filling combination usually called "romeu e julieta".

>seems like a nice beach meal
It is.

>> No.16060208

>latina gf
Any woman will do this not just latinas. Avoid them at all costs

>> No.16060219

my latina gf makes 6 figures and lets me touch her boobs/butt.

we order take out a good deal tho cuz we both hate cooking. shes a vegetarian so none of the classics, but some dishes are good

>> No.16060236


>> No.16060246
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>> No.16060273
File: 905 KB, 4672x2232, AA7AC581-6F34-4D5B-8DBA-913896F3C292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s latina asshole taste/smell like?

>> No.16060289

But not get to hear her conversation or enjoy her decor, you mean.

>> No.16060306

I meant precisely what my program was constructed to do for me

>> No.16060312

I keep coming back to this thread to admire this meal it looks good OP fuck

>> No.16060329

OP detected

>> No.16060334

Nope I'm jealous of OP's meal and his ability to have access to Latina tits and ass whenever he wants

>> No.16060343

good goy

>> No.16060359
File: 2.14 MB, 3456x3705, IMG_20210502_173123774_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, it was delicious. She knows I love her empanadas so this was my birthday meal.

>> No.16060383

you just posted the same thing from a different angle. i'd be fine if it was different angles of some latina but dont get the point doing it with the food

>> No.16060387

nice can I see inside the empanada

>> No.16060392

Yeah, your point?

>> No.16060402
File: 2.84 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20210504_175513083_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can just ask me for pics of my gf, damn

>> No.16060403

>somebody drew that

>> No.16060412

Girls are gay

>> No.16060414


>> No.16060419

Nice, more?

>> No.16060420

What does her ass taste like?

>> No.16060424

definitely a man

>> No.16060427

Latina girlfriend age 14: Looks like a 29 year old, thin and curvy

Latina girlfriend age 20: Squirted out 4 little brown beamer children by now, 5'1 290 pounds, looks a 63 year old bowling ball on stilts

>> No.16060428

Can i get some fries with that shake

>> No.16060439

>bottled water

>> No.16060454

Id smash her tiny window and unlock her deadbolt, if you know what I mean ;-)

>> No.16060488
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Somebody patented that.

>> No.16060517

how much air would be back there?

>> No.16060545

Infinite. It would back up without venting. As for it being breathable, I'm less confident.

>> No.16060551

thx i like ur gf

>> No.16060570


>> No.16060583
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>can extract my seed
idiot, you need to let the seed grow into crops

>> No.16060628

>always hear that every mexican family has their own mole recipe just like how italian families have their own way of making red sauce
>also hear that all their women cook
>start dating mexicutie
>tell her I'll teach her my family's red sauce if she'll teach me her family's mole
>"I don't cook"
/ck/ and /pol/ both lied to me

>> No.16060671

Weren't they Antifa?

>> No.16060711

>get you a latina gf
Had one like 10yrs ago when work took me to South Texas.
Now I have a much more reliable and efficient JDM model that I’m about to sign papers on.
The empanadas were good tho.

>> No.16060726

Hey, could you let her know that an anon in NZ just finished rubbing one out while staring at her rear? I climaxed about one minute before the timestamp on this post. Thanks.

>> No.16060752

Roasty toad woman detected

>> No.16061140

As opposed to?

>> No.16061176

That salad is not latina. It's disgusting.

>> No.16061185

>Iron cross
>Gigantic gadsden flag
What do you think?

>> No.16061231
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>> No.16061254

What is JDM

>> No.16061260

Jewish Dance Monster

>> No.16061311
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>> No.16061324
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>> No.16061333

>zero definition
Wow she’s already hit the wall. I can’t imagine the rolls when she turns around.

>> No.16061348

that just means you arent fucking her hard enough

>> No.16061374

Japanese domestic market

>> No.16061408

Found the fag

>> No.16061459

left? girl? are we looking at the same image? wtf

>> No.16061511

Not that anon, but c’mon bro. I’ve dated enough low/mid-tier fatties to know that’s how they look from that angle.
Not saying there’s anything wrong with it. But you’re nuts if you think she doesn’t have a visible roll situation.

>> No.16061516

>smoke doesn't bubble through the water at all
idiotic design, worse than i would expect even

>> No.16061666
File: 865 KB, 1000x750, fat-guy-with-girlfriend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer my White gf, tyvm

>> No.16063270

Because a grown man should be able to hold the company of a good beautiful woman, and communicate with her well enough so that the relationship is healthy and pleasant. If your girl is annoying/bothersome, its because you failed to setup proper boundaries.

>> No.16063304

I recommend you read about borderline personality disorder anon

>> No.16063378

To help diagnose me, or the woman?

>> No.16063382

You are a nigger

>> No.16063518

No, most of them hit the wall at 30 because of their shitty college and post college lifestyle of going to bars late into the night every week then spending the whole weekend with their "furbabies" alone drinking wine and eating shitty takeout

Latinas hit the wall at 20 because they've already spent 20 years eating deep fried carbs on a daily basis.

I noticed the same thing about south Indians, they are all fat by 30, but I've literally never seen a fat north Indian but that might just be selection bias because I've met a lot less of them.

Orientals won't hit the wall until 50 because they are publically humiliated for gaining 2 pounds by their family, but once they hit 50, they begin to shrink in height rapidly.

It's a law of nature women will never understand. Their best years are before 30, which is the opposite for most traditional men.

>> No.16063527

Men hit the wall at birth. They're inherently disgusting, and only get uglier as time goes on.

>> No.16064055

Is that guy unironically wearing an Iron Cross? What the fuck??

>> No.16065196

My partner makes really good tostones and sometimes mofongo

>> No.16065278

I wifed mine :)

Good goyim, never reproduce. Stay in the pod and jerk off to anime instead, heh heh heh.

>> No.16065283

You forgot about how much Coca-Cola they drink in Mexico too

>> No.16065299
File: 10 KB, 219x230, A8B791C9-5C68-4087-8AFF-FB14621098EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that guy unironically wearing an Iron Cross? What the fuck??

>> No.16065374

wait, we can jerk off to anime

>> No.16065552

im 26 and never had a gf

>> No.16066015

first sneedpost to make me laugh

>> No.16066051

Let me give you some personal insight on the matter.

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant.
She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

Do with this information what you will.

>> No.16066072

looks like my shit after i eat 3 double quarter pounders with cheese from mickeyDs
no thanks.

>> No.16066223

enjoy jail

>> No.16066251

You need to go back.

>> No.16066274

As a man I've never dated a women who makes more than me, and rarely do I encounter women with ambitions higher than mine.

Why is it that women like dating older men who are accomplished, dominant, and financially secure? Why is it that men dont give a shit about a woman's income/ambitions, and that her looks are the first directive? Simple. Women arent expected to be ambitious accomplished leaders, though men are conditioned for exactly that purpose. I bet you I volunteer more than you, and donate more from my paycheck, and work more hours, and make more hourly. (Hint: it's not because of systematic sexism, you could've also gotten a degree in math, you chose not to.)

>> No.16066335

go back faggot

>> No.16066357

Old pasta still chad-tier.

>> No.16066495

enjoy jail enablers

>> No.16066518

If it were truly old it would be alpha as fuck, not chad.

>> No.16067763

We get it, you like dick. Are you fucking incapable of keeping it to yourself for more than 5 minutes? This is why more and more people are concluding that faggots are insufferable.

>> No.16067780

thank you my friend, very wise as well. however if you do this with a latina gf all her cousins and uncles and shit will show up at your house and beat the hell out of you, possibly worse. not advised.

>> No.16069281

had one, but she met a black guy