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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16056281 No.16056281 [Reply] [Original]

why do asians put eggs on their burgers...what the fuck...

>> No.16056286

it's yummy

>> No.16056301

that's not the problem. the problem is the egg is RAW

>> No.16056302
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>imagine not eating breakfast burgers
i feel bad for you

>> No.16056312

I agreed with you until I tried it. An over-easy egg on a burger is a top-tier topping.

>> No.16056316

What kind of asian? Here is a link to a list to help you correctly identify the type:

>> No.16056374

The patty cooks the egg

>> No.16056412

Have you tried it?

>> No.16056487

japanese. i do not use ethnic slurs

>> No.16056495

Australia is a part of Asia now?

>> No.16056511

What's meant to be wrong with this?

>> No.16056522

come on, all of the cool kids do it

>> No.16056527

FUCKING SLANT EYED GOD DAMN FUCKING JAPS!!!!! Come on eileen you know ya wanna

>> No.16056529

Be better

>> No.16056596
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>Seppo pooftas dont put eggs on their burgers
>Seppo pooftas dont put beetroot on their burgers
>Seppo pooftas dont put pineapple on their burgers
I knew /ck/ was a secret gay club like /fit/, but come the fuck on cunts

>> No.16056603

It tastes better.

>> No.16056610

Looks cooked to me senpai

>> No.16056663

what a faggot

>> No.16056672

>Seppo pooftas dont put eggs on their burgers
Done it, delicious

>>Seppo pooftas dont put pineapple on their burgers
Done it, delicious

>>Seppo pooftas dont put beetroot on their burgers
Never done it. Will do next occasion

>> No.16056675

>tHe EgG iS rAw

>> No.16056706

Because they're smart

>> No.16056723

Many a time it's because of either making more money (eggs are cheap, so cheaper to make the burger and easier to sell for a profit) or saving money (eggs are cheaper, cheaper to make a filling burger). Or maybe it just tastes good. Or all three reasons.

>> No.16056909

First time i ate this was at a fatburger with chili on top of the egg, was bomb as fuck, this was in the early 90s... When did this become an asian thing?

>> No.16056914

I love eggs on my burger. Onion Jam and duck breast too when it's an option

>> No.16056918

I didnt know dennys was an asian restaurant.

>> No.16057141

never heard this word in my life and im australian.
>come the fuck on cunts
nobody talks like this. youre a loser.

>> No.16057477

Septic tank = Yank, it's aussie and british slang you retard.

>> No.16057503

Gotta go pineapple if you're going eggs.
Beetroot works on almost any burger.
Based chippie burgz.

>> No.16058294

>I do not use ethnic slurs
>but I’ll single out an ethnicity of people and disparage their culture and customs
What does your colon smell like?

>> No.16058481

In Cryptonomicon Neal Stephenson makes the case that nip was not meant to be racist, just that marines stationed in Asia knew that nipponese was more correct than Japanese to describe their enemy and that marines never bother with 3 syllables when one would get the point across. Same with gook in Vietnam, the Korean War vets were just using a word they remembered from a previous conflict.

>> No.16058567

ok, chud

>> No.16058569

beetroot should be shredded along with garlic instead of putting full slices

>> No.16058578

Still surprises me that nip is considered a slur, it’s just short for nippon how is that offensive

>> No.16058579

Because it's good.

>> No.16058596
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>> No.16058612

it's like saying oriental or chinamen, also confusing terms

>> No.16058658

>half done yolk
We have to talk.

>> No.16058664
File: 157 KB, 960x720, 35ing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that looks like an american burger to me, think you need to work on your anthropology degree a little more.

>> No.16058677
File: 44 KB, 550x309, 64466B17-AF93-4327-AAEA-D592F0EC9E86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its actually a lot more common than you think. In france there’s this dinner called “steack hache a cheval” or “horserider’s steak” which is a half pound (beef) burger patty topped with a sunny side up fried egg and usually served with frites. It’s a very pleasant meal served at most respectable Parisian brasseries and probably where the Japanese got the idea from, since they seem to be in love with france

It’s also pretty commonplace in texas to put fried eggs on burgers, as is the classic “steak and eggs” breakfast combo, which is also delicious and good for a brutal hangover

Pic related is the French “horserider’s steak” meal I mentioned

>> No.16058680

most slurs are just normal and appropriate words that became offensive through context. Like jap is considered a slur even if its just the first 3 letters of japanese because of it's use in wartime propaganda.

>> No.16058774

You will never be a woman.

>> No.16058847

overcooked yolks are a sin

>> No.16058851

>npc dialogue tree
good job proving his point retard

>> No.16058918

It just explodes out the back end as soon as you bite into it.

>> No.16058949
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>> No.16059434

Yeah, then you dip the burger in the egg mess and it tastes even better.

>> No.16059574

why do people eat beefburgers?

>> No.16059615
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>> No.16060397
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faggot Melbourne-dweller detected
not our fault you grew up sipping soy lattes.

>> No.16060465

looks like pork?

>> No.16060470

You've never had it? It's good.

>> No.16060519


>> No.16060527


>> No.16060533

because they like heart disease

>> No.16060811

Underrated post

>> No.16060835

Americans put eggs on their burgers all the time and it is a common "addition" staple at places that serve hamburgers.

>> No.16060839

>getting angry talking to bots

>> No.16060841

Yeah, this isn't an Asian thing, I even see this at flyover places

>> No.16060849

I know Chinese own my country but fuck off cobba us aussies put eggs on every classic works burger and basically any breakfast burger

>> No.16061741


>> No.16061752

funny because I've come across multiple people who have this general personality archetype.

>> No.16061794

they call it a royale burger around here and its delicious. the runny egg soaks into the bread and patty, delicious

>> No.16062205

Are you talking about eating a burger or sucking your boyfriends cock?

>> No.16062255

That looks great but a little simple.
How do you make it more interesting? Mushrooms would be a good start imo

>> No.16062316
File: 64 KB, 634x442, 26767712-8184075-image-a-17_1585911803271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the problem with that?

>> No.16062728

fried egg on burgers is great, it's not an asian thing

>> No.16062747

This is not an Asian thing

>> No.16062873

Oi cunts get a load of this fucking wanker

>> No.16062876

Damn you saw Fighbird? What did you think? I thought it was extremely weak compared to GGG or Da-Garn

>> No.16062924

haha whit e

>> No.16062944

daily reminder australians are the niggers of white people

>> No.16062947

Only bogans and people that live in Ipswich

>> No.16062960
File: 104 KB, 492x600, 1600436882500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butthurt south american mad that a 100 year old Anglo country outperforms them on every level
stay mad, my guy

>> No.16063934

that's a muffin not burger

>> No.16064011

I personally think the beauty of the dish is its simplicity. It’s effortless, French casual elegance. But if you make it for yourself you can obviously do what you want. Mushrooms won’t be traditional, but it would definitely be a delicious addition

>> No.16064022

Oh shit is that a tranny?

>> No.16064096

oohhh the chinks right