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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 343 KB, 2250x1266, tongue-57bb83275f9b58cdfd681252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16054390 No.16054390 [Reply] [Original]

why the fuck is offal so expensive now...

>> No.16054395

Lengua got big on tik tok so a bunch of zoomers drove up demand

>> No.16054397

hipsters and rich white liberals

>> No.16054412

Most of it is used for pet food.

>> No.16054419

Would you say it's offally expensive?

>> No.16054428
File: 30 KB, 400x400, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meat is expensive
>offal is expensive
what am i supposed to eat for protein now

>> No.16054506

Chicken, fish, shellfish. Good clean meat

>> No.16054597

A lot of offal parts are technically 'low supply', as in you only get one tongue per cow, similarly to one tenderloin per animal.

Demand by social media as >>16054395 >>16054397 both indicated is a factor too. But it's mostly a matter of supply and then use cases. Beef guts are usually sold as sausage casings, i believe. Liver (one only) gets used up pretty quickly by the growing demand for liver products. Again, there's a ton of BEEF MEAT on a cow which can be used any different way, but the offal and discrete components of the animal are limited in supply and generally have more specific uses. Also if they aren't in super high demand, as I understand it, the factory slaughterhouses won't keep those components or sell them to do what >>16054412 said and make pet food.

>> No.16054689

First they came fro the skirt steak. That shit used to be so cheap. And bones ,knuckle, all that kind of stuff used to be free! Now lengua and even the damn necks are expensive

>> No.16054707

Chicken hearts are pretty expensive in Brazil, but only because it's a staple of our barbecues. I've never met anyone who didn't like it, actually.

>> No.16054708

no I wouldn't say that

>> No.16054940

>paying capital quids for dodgy offcuts

>> No.16055049

go out in the yard and find some bugs, loser. you will do this right now

>> No.16055366

Now I know how it feels to be a hipster. I bet a week ago those zoomshits were gagging at the thought of eating tongue but now that it’s cool on tiktik they’ll slurp it up. I swear if you could make drinking windex look “cool” they’d do it.
‘ate zoomers
‘ate niggers
‘ate reddit
‘ate kikes
‘ate tiktok
‘ate china
‘luv lengua
‘luv kidneys
‘luv liver

>> No.16055380


>> No.16055468

just hurry up and die already, sheesh. but maybe beens...other humans...humans are expendable and plentiful...eat yourself

>> No.16055528

They only have one tongue per carcass. Liver, kidney, and heart are usually cheap though.

>> No.16055533

>cow tongue

>> No.16055547
File: 228 KB, 1440x1800, 1600909442502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will eat ze bugs, you will live in ze pod, you will own nothing, and you will be happy

>> No.16055569

It is offal, is it not? Offal is defined as “ the entrails and internal organs of an animal used as food.” Tongue is an internal organ

>> No.16055594

Because of 3rd worlders moving in.

If oxtail gets expensive in your area it's time to look into moving.

>> No.16055624

>65% protein
If that mattered the people who eat them would all be jacked but I'm pretty sure they're mostly anorexic looking.

>> No.16055643

Bioavailability is a huge part of protein. Insects are mostly trash protein and you have to eat them together with all their shit and chitin that drastically reduces the effective amount of protein you get.
10g of protein from cooked eggs isn't comparable to 10g of protein from crickets.

>> No.16055737

in Australia at least, 10/15 years ago you could get pork tenderloin for the same price as boneless chicken thigh/breast. then all those cunts like jamie oliver and masterchefs started using it, and it's now it's double the price of chicken breast.

>> No.16055783

Lengua balls

>> No.16055848


>> No.16055928
File: 193 KB, 614x1017, imagepng_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go in half on pigs with my brother. My brothers family raises them so I know whats going into it. I find that the pigs my brothers family raise taste way better than the shit you buy in the store. Costs me $300 total and I get a shit ton of meat that lasts at least 1 year. The mesquite smoked bacon is off the charts!

>pic related I get half of that in two weeks.

>> No.16055956
File: 993 KB, 2016x1512, 20170225_174655-2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you're not eating GRILLED CHICKEN HEARTS you should be

They're currently about $0.85 per pound IT'S A STEAL! GET OUT THERE AND BUY THEM!


I WOULD PAY UP TO $7.99/lb! YES $8.00 for a pound!

>> No.16055962

Cant wait for the soylet green to come out.

>> No.16055991

Why'd you do that to your Garloid, anon?

>> No.16056006

Peanut butter, eggs, milk.

>> No.16056035

Fuck off Dad!

>> No.16056054

Chicken heart is the only meat I've ever had from a Brazilian barbecue and they were great until they got cold and then it was like eating rubber bands- delicious rubber bands that I chewed and chewed on.

>> No.16056065

>I swear if you could make drinking windex look “cool” they’d do it.
> Tide Pod challenge
> Windex challenge

>> No.16056091

'ate you and they way you fucking talk you Marmite loving cunt.

>> No.16056101

we're in a global food shortage and no one seems to notice or asking why suddenly food and other essentials are shooting up in cost

>> No.16056206

nope, you're the only one. The world is totally fucked and you're the only one that has the foresight to see it. Everyone else is busy playing with their foreskin.

>> No.16056616

He's right though. People are in la-la land

>> No.16056693


>> No.16057377

What's that burnt detritus on the outside?

Chicken hearts need salt only.

>> No.16057399

I used to live next to some sort of cattle ranch that was transitioning to just dairy and my parents 'bought in' for a steer they were slaughtering or something like that, along with a bunch of the neighbors. We had a chest freezer full of steaks for a fuckin year. Wish I hadn't been suck a tasteless retard when I was ten, I only liked Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches then. Even so, that was some good meat.

>> No.16057433

Anyone else prefer pork tongue to beef tongue?

>> No.16057706

Low demand.

>> No.16057712

I've never seen it sold anywhere around here. How does it compare to beef tongue?

>> No.16057726

Smaller, tastes like pork
Less disgusting to peel the skin

>> No.16057833

I flayed my heart's flat when I did yakitori. Probably won't do that again, too time consuming.

>> No.16057927
