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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16050205 No.16050205 [Reply] [Original]

you may find it hard to believe but the nordic diet is the healthiest diet you can find.

>> No.16050225

Nordic females have insanely bad smelling pussies

>> No.16050240


My ex was from Copenhagen and she smelled really nice down there. Even her fucking armpits smelled good after she jogged, and I’m the furthest thing from an armpit fetishist.

>> No.16050246
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berries are the penultimate means of regulating blood-sugar, getting your daily vitamins & minerals, etc; fish is one of the best proteins. you won't hear me arguing, OP

>> No.16050272
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Not even once.

>> No.16050284

was she crazy or are you just a loser who ruined it?

>> No.16050301


Her student visa expired and we agreed neither of us wanted to try long distance, plus we had only been together for 8 months, didn’t seem to me like it was long enough time for us to seriously consider getting her permanent residency based on less than a year of being exclusive.

>> No.16050304

Must be your inferior genes

>> No.16050457

you lose

>> No.16050470

Only experienced one but was completely smell-less from what I remember, somewhat surprisingly all the American girls I've gone down on had probably the worst, maybe poor diet over there or something

>> No.16050563


I love naturally rock fermented penguins and other birds rotted in a bag under stones. Nothing better. Nordic food is about survival, not health. The cuisine is about natural selection, that's why norsemen are healthy, everyone else just died from food poisoning and lead to a hearty bloodline.

>> No.16050582

Sorry, I meant Puffins, not Penguins.

>> No.16050838

thats inuits you mong

>> No.16050848

>Be nordsman
>Eat frozen pizza and ice cream all day
>Eat traditional rotten fish on holidays
Does it really work?

>> No.16050938

>Does it really work?
Seems to considering Nordic countries are superior in nearly all metrics especially versus the US

>> No.16051074

Alcohol isn't food, anon.

>> No.16051081

It sure helps to have a functioning universal healthcare system too.

>> No.16052299

True, it's so unappetising you'll rather remain hungry and stay in shape

>> No.16052316

>root vegetables
what's not healthy about this?

>> No.16052377

>functioning universal healthcare system

>> No.16052420

send them here >>>/x/

>> No.16052434

Their bodily fluids bleach their underwear over time, if it isn't the diet, then the entirety of America is simply just cursed.

>> No.16053233


>> No.16053263

>only 8 months
If 8 months isn't enough time to decide to keep some prime Dutch pussy, then you're just forever alone bro

>> No.16053370

>tranny hands wrote this
Making more fags won't get you better opportunities.