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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16044935 No.16044935 [Reply] [Original]

Do cashiers judge customers based on groceries?
I would order through pick up if they let me get alcohol...

>> No.16044946

Of course. Why do you live like that?

>> No.16044964

why would they care about some fatty buying junk food

>> No.16044969

So you're what, 240 lbs?

>> No.16044976

Post pic.

>> No.16044977

no because 90% of fat boomers buy this same shit.
if anything, you'd be less memorable as long as you weren't some karen bitching about expired coupons

>> No.16044980

I was a cashier in high school, and yes we do talk shit about customers who eat like garbage

>> No.16045003

holy shit imagine how fat this midwestern retard is. the pic's creator but also op i guess

>> No.16045015


>Tennessee pride

Not gonna make it

>> No.16045019

One time I bought like $40 worth of snacks, regretted it and went back in like to return them and didn’t feel embarrassed for some reason because I always felt like a social retard

>> No.16045020
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only buy a couple things at a time if you're so insecure

>> No.16045025

No. We don't give a flying fuck about you and just want your stupid ass to leave as soon as possible. We forget you even exist in less than 5 minutes and never think about you again unless you become the annoying regular who thinks you're everyone's friend and refers to everyone by name.

>> No.16045027

yeah but nobody should really care what a wagie thinks. especially a high schooler wagie

>> No.16045028

not one of those items lacks poison. you're such a good little consumer! good job :3

>> No.16045033

this guy didnt drink isopropanol did he

>> No.16045114

Not anymore than I'd judge them on their look, which more or less lined up with they bought. You 100% can judge a book by its cover

>> No.16045220
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No, I judge them based on their form of payment. EBT niggers, spics and other trash had identical garbage in their carts.

>> No.16045245

One time I bought a bag of tootsie pops and I went back two days later and bought another and it was the same cashier and she laughed when she saw them

I'm traumatized now and have flashbacks every time I see a tootsie pop.

>> No.16045264

there was a tranny that would walk around the store for about 30-40mins then walk about with a single chocolate bar at the register. she would do this once a week. probably the only person i ever kinda judged, other than that, no.

>> No.16045272

Before covid? Yeah
Now? No, not really.

>> No.16045326

Lamo, that just means you got "je ne sais quoi" it's a good thing.

>> No.16045329

>I would order through pick up if they let me get alcohol...
You can. What shithole grocery store are you using that they don't let you do that?

>> No.16045364
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>NEETbux day
>Go to grocery store at 9am
>$150 worth of booze, box of saltines, 14 tins of smoked oysters

Those were the days.

>> No.16045383

You are obviously a fat person with bad eating habits. All that shit in the middle is garbage versions of stuff you should be making yourself. You're wasting a fuckton of money on this premade stuff.

For the same money you could have 4-6 nice homemade pizzas.

>> No.16045405

No one actually eats like this, right? R-right?

>> No.16045483

Well it depends. Are you having a party? Or are you a disgusting grease monster

>> No.16045492

What the fuck do you think retard. Do you even know where you are?

>> No.16045503

>nobody should really care what a wagie thinks. especially a high schooler wagie
You would think that, but we were asked to keep reports on suspect customers. Specifically ones with mental illness. Every time “one of them” came through our line we were asked to call a number to keep them updated on what they bought.
Apparently this was the status quo for just about any establishment where money exchanged hands. They really liked to keep an eye on a certain list of people.

>> No.16045513
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fuck... i have a feeling i'm on that list

>> No.16045542

Cashiers are used to alcoholics, if that's your concern.

>> No.16045547

The fact that you even have the self-awareness to think you might be is a pretty strong indicator that you're probably not.

>> No.16045556

No, most of these people always felt like they were being watched

>> No.16045566

>walk to the store everyday to buy a bag of peanuts
>stockboy assumes I'm stealing
>just wanted my peanuts and to eat them in peace outside

>> No.16045661

So that the asshole they make assemble your order can judge you instead?

>> No.16045677

huh? when you buy groceries do you eat them all that same day?

>> No.16045686

I worked as a cashier for about 8 months and I can remember about 3 customers. I dont care at all what you buy. The only people I noticed were the alcoholics, but i was one too so hey.

Also I judged the blacks but thats because I'm racist

>> No.16045738

This is the sort of diet that makes you end up on an episode of House MD where the diagnosis requires them to break into your house and find the piles of smoked oyster cans and come to the realization you have some really weird and specific nutrition deficiency.

>> No.16045959

Can confirm
C*stomers don't deserve human rights

>> No.16045960

I judge people for buying sugary drinks in general

>> No.16045965
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i judge you for sucking dick.

>> No.16045968

Why don't you ask the cashier next time you go?

>> No.16046121

I'm happy to see you've embraced the endless apps lifestyle. Namaste.

>> No.16046380

I do suck dick though

>> No.16046402

I know, and I judge you for it.

>> No.16046518 [DELETED] 

i used to work at frys electronics and this boomer straight up bought two porn DVDs, i definitely judged him for being a degenerate bastard

>> No.16046537

And stoners

>> No.16046578

Why don’t you cook? I only ate like this when my wife was recovering from having our baby

>> No.16046870

what in the world for? Is this for groceries or a gun store?

>> No.16047834

Grocery, hardware stores, gas stations, movie theaters, etc. All my high school friends with jobs in all sorts of fields/businesses had the same list of people to report on.
Never really questioned it.

>> No.16047856

I'm sure many do just out of pure boredom. Better question is why you care about the judgement of a cashier? It's a bottom of the barrel job done by students or burnout losers

>> No.16047859

only if u steal or give them problems like taking too long and asking them to hold ur groceries or paying with stolen cash or go their to hit on workers or ask for free food.

then yeah they judge you. they even close early or put diff ppl on shift or corporate changes locations.

>> No.16047869

He's making it up obviously

>> No.16047873

Yes, definitely. Why would you care about the opinion of a grocery store clerk though?

>> No.16047886

It's not a larp

>> No.16047898

So yes then? 240 or 340? How fat are you exactly

>> No.16047905


>> No.16047918

I am not op but I am 190 6'2"
you do realize that you can exercise to use the calories that you consume for energy, which negates several hundred daily calories
also, post body

>> No.16047922

Most carts are full of that same shit. In America you're more likely to be judged for buying healthy food. I get comments from cashiers all the time for getting no processed shit. Just 20 pounds of meat, dairy, veggies and fruit. Maybe they're just flirting with me because I'm 6'3", handsome and muscular with an 8" dick idk

>> No.16047974

Wow youre so thin and lanky. Disgusting. Put on some muscle weight twerp.

>> No.16048316

How fat are you?

>> No.16048390

Cashiers have already forgotten what you bought when they hand you the receipt

>> No.16048404

my pb mm brother

>> No.16048406

who gives a fuck they're working in a grocery store doing a job a retard could do

>> No.16048424

This screams depression, you okay OP?

>> No.16048451

not him but i dont think you're quite used to american units

>> No.16048470

Why do people automatically assume just because someone eats like this they are fat? I was fed the equivalent of this throughout adolescence and was underweight for my age, because I walked a lot and ran often not everyone has the same lifestyle you idiots.

>> No.16048795

the mind is configured to create/recognize patterns

>> No.16048803

chud detected

>> No.16048809

you can be a woman if you want desu

>> No.16049841
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>> No.16049847

the worst part of being a cashier was EBT poorfags who didn't know what they could buy with EBT and complained when they were charged for booze or whatever

>> No.16049848

I hope not, I go through 2 jars of peanut butter a week since I eat it 4 times a day and would be weird if they noticed why this guy keeps buying peanut butter like does he spread it on his dick and suck it haha

>> No.16049850

imagine caring what some bagboy thinks about you

>> No.16049852
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I feel like we’d get along well, and yeah self checkout is a blessing.

>> No.16049866

Why is that cheesecake cut like that?

>> No.16049886
File: 28 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that fucking sodium
it's the lighting, if you look closely it's sliced evenly

>> No.16049908
File: 1.62 MB, 3264x2448, F279313D-1B04-4686-9F57-3B6D661A6AA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you tell what has sodium

>> No.16049919

You seem really fucking dumb.

>> No.16049931
File: 57 KB, 261x193, 1544462048573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire haul of "groceries" is high blood pressure in the making.

>> No.16049937

Normally, no, but that much milwaukee's best makes you an alcoholic for sure. If it was for a bunch of college kids at a party it'd be natty light or keystone light

>> No.16049959

God I hope so

>> No.16049966

why bother buying Diet Coke at that point lmao

>> No.16050019

common sense?
>processed hot pockets
>processed microwave burritos
>processed frozen chicken patties
>frozen preserved waffle fries
>fucking MARUCHAN
>frozen pitzer
>preserved pasta with room-temperature cheese product
I don't even necessarily dislike the products but that's a LOT of fucking sodium if that's all your buying

>> No.16050026

salty shit that taste good and has long shelf life, aka any microwaveable fast food or type of ramen noodles/premade pasta

>> No.16050027

Now im gonna call all the wagies by their first name and tell them about my day

>> No.16051185

>double take
>Oh, wow. That's a really good price.
Almost every time. Cashiers at my grocery store probably copy me after their shifts. They definitely remember me. Stockers are probably aware of retarded low sales prices in their sections, but the cashiers aren't.

>> No.16051204

>you're the dumb one for pointing holes in my logic!
kys retard

>> No.16051217

How do you find ur dealz?

>> No.16051282

I didnt give a fuck when I worked retail, I gave away free shit if I couldn't find the SKU number. I was doing it for a summer job though and knew I wasn't going to be there forever.

>> No.16051297

Those aren’t groceries anon, those are prepared foods

>> No.16051303

LMAO based anon fucking with the schizos

I’m a grubhub driver and the app tells me when I have one of them. So I remove one item from their order before delivering and eat it myself. Just doing what I’m told. I love those orders cuz I get an extra $5 to remove an item so their order is delivered incomplete

>> No.16051310

I just go through the store by my list and scan the shelf by item type. No brand loyalties. Sometimes switch exact item for a similar one if it's a good sale. This different vegetable is a good price this week, this cut of meat is on sale today, if the price of that thing is jacked up for some reason today I avoid. Just regular shopping, but I average 10% lower bills than otherwise. I don't usually use coupons because they tend to only manifest for items I wouldn't have otherwise bought. Sometimes magic happens and I find them for sale items also on my list and it triggers the manager override procedure at the checkout.

>> No.16051326

And it just happens for random stuff on the list. I'm not really planning it. For instance, this past week the winning item was a $13 bottle of EVOO that was labeled for $4. What the fuck?

>> No.16051349

Cashier here, I say this shit, but even for stuff I would never even consider buying
Though sometimes customers jack all the good deals right in front of my eyes from the clearance section and I'm pissed, often on marked down produce or weird niche items we're not even supposed to carry in our small rural store

>> No.16051357

I judge you but you're not special. Sadly.

>> No.16051363

If it makes you feel any better, I don't take more than I had on my list.

>> No.16051441

Nigger just use the self-checkout if you're such an awkward spazoid

>> No.16051629

Do you go to the grocery store everyday?

>> No.16051645
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>buy alot of maruchan yakisoba
>cashier says "lol oodles of noodles"
>have to drive an extra 10 mins to the other walmart now

>> No.16051651

Back to work wagie, my gibs arent going to pay themselves

>> No.16051659

Why would you care what a fucking cashier thinks?

>> No.16051674

Because she is cute

>> No.16051687

No. Every two weeks.

>> No.16051689

Your diet looks like shit.

>> No.16051715

Is Red cosplaying Donald Trump on that M&M's bag?

>> No.16051727

you didnt see the m&m trump commercial?

>> No.16051730

As someone who used to cashier. I judged during the transaction as something to make the mindless job more exciting but I would instantly forget you.

The only people I remember are the people who made a scene. I have fond memories of someone screaming at the top of their lungs at my manager when they tried to return alcohol and ammunition. That fat fuck was so angry that she wouldn't do it no amount of proof of the law, policy, or anything would calm this guy down. You could hear him across the entire store which was impressive and it lasted for about an hour.

I never knew people could get so mad over something so minor.

>> No.16051733

I am a cashier. I wouldn't say "judge" but I definitely notice. You can tell real easy who's an alcoholic or who's trying to be healthy or who's really not, etc.

>> No.16051743

Brand loyalty is a fucked up concept if you think about it.

>> No.16051747

Its a natural thing to do but it is fucked in the sense that its exploiting the default nature of sticking to your group.

>> No.16051749

Sometimes you ever notice the cart full of stuff that's "healthy" but really isn't , i mean junk food that advertises "whole grain", "loads of fiber", etc

>> No.16051754

Especially when 90% of what I buy is a single-ingredient item.

>> No.16051801
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>14 tins of smoked oysters

>> No.16051993

How long does it take you to drink the 60 beers?

>> No.16051997


>> No.16052016

If anything cashiers in general are the most compassionate members of society, as long as you don’t fuck their efficiency up. I actually actively welcomed some light alcoholics, degenerates, and other weirdos because they never slipped; they kept everything going full speed and even faster than full speed since they knew up front what everything cost. To this day I still fondly remember the gentleman who bought whiskeys and citrus fruit because he liked eating citrus after whiskeys. Really nice guy, never fucked my line even once. Honestly I wish I could down a few glasses, tear into a cara cara, and eat it while getting wrong advice.