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16048139 No.16048139 [Reply] [Original]

Making a copypasta for the copypasta of what vegans are supposedly deficient in so i don’t have to repeat these talking points.

Converted by gut bacteria from K1 which is found in practically all greens to K2
Produced by your liver in easily sufficient amounts.I don’t understand why you would want to increase this significantly as high cholesterol blocks your blood vessels
>vitamin A
Converted from carotenoids in your body. One famous example of a source of caretenoids is carrots, which since these give you vitamin A supposedly improve your eyesight
>vitamin B12
Found in soil, don’t get dirt on our food anymore so we lack it. Only get it in modern meat production due to supplementing the animals which is you taking supplements with extra steps
>vitamin D3
Literally just stepping out into the sun for about 10 to 30 minutes three times a week, otherwise mushrooms
Vegans get enough iron from beans, spinach and lentils and have been shown to be no more likely to suffer from iron deficiency anemia than any other person. Funny for you to specify heme iron which is rich in red meats instead of plant non heme iron as the risk has been quantified as a 27% increase in coronary heart disease risk for every one milligram of heme iron consumed daily.

There you go hopefully these things don’t have to be repeated

>> No.16048173

Include your sources.
>the heme iron shit
>a 2013 chinese meta analysis
>wide as fuck confidence interval
>low as fuck p value
>cited fuckin' 6 times in 8 years

>> No.16048177

>takes a multivitamin
oh no no no

>> No.16048212

Don’t take multivitamins, I’m 6 ft 3 and well built
Here’s another study for that
Cant be asked to source all these shits since tabs closed and I’m lazy

>> No.16048218

Joke's on you, I don't have a colon

>> No.16048343

>Don’t take multivitamins, I’m 6 ft 3 and well built
So what? Call me when you're 50 and starting to feel the effects of long term microdeficiencies.

>> No.16048379

>>vitamin B12
>Found in soil, don’t get dirt on our food anymore so we lack it. Only get it in modern meat production due to supplementing the animals which is you taking supplements with extra steps
this is so blatantly false
t. Deficient due to liver problems

>> No.16048392

Call me when you're 50 and struggling to breathe from all the fast food you "can't" give up

>> No.16048431

ok but post body with timestamp lol

>> No.16048448

>everyone who isn't vegan is a fast food diet subhuman

>> No.16049335

>Vegans get enough iron from beans, spinach and lentils and have been shown to be no more likely to suffer from iron deficiency anemia than any other person

I couldn't donate blood when I was vegetarian and I loaded up on all that shit the day before. My iron was too low.

A few years later I tried again. Ate liver and eggs the night before. Blood iron was on the upper end of normal.

Id rather die quickly of a heart attack in my 60s than slowly deteriorate and die after begging for death while my loved ones circle me like a fucking vulture in my 80s-90s. Fuck this gay earth. Knowing my luck I will live a long time even though I eat animal products because I love vegetables and fruits and shit, I don't drink or smoke, am active, go outside for several hours a day, and have a normal bmi.

Also your b12 soil shit is retarded. Anyone who works with soil knows that all soil is different. Some of it is pure clay or sand, and some of it is rich in animal shit and lots of dead material. Its context sensitive

>> No.16049550

>day before

>> No.16050612

>making a copypasta
reevaluate your life choices and fix your life, mate

>> No.16051047

Holy based

>> No.16051265

All of these nutrients have to be converted from precursors at low conversion rates or aren't found in plants at all. Great argument, vegtard.

>> No.16053134

It is true that you get less iron typically from a vegan diet, yet vegans also have more vitamin C on average which increases its absorption. As with everything its about having a balance of foods.

As for soil I don't see how it's retarded, the vast majority of animals live in factory farms where they dont get B12 from the soil. If you're vegan and you want B12 simply don't wash vegetables so much. True soil differs from area to area but that doesn't affect my point.
Low conversion rates? I don't see why.

I gave a source for each and every one for a vegan diet. I Don get your point

>> No.16053631

>,which since these give you vitamin A supposedly improve your eyesight
No that was bullshit made up to cover up how we created UAV's to combat the luftwaffe

>> No.16053727

You know you can fix a deficiency in a day right? You need to build up and maintain those nutrients in your body first to have good levels.

>> No.16053925

Lol, retarded vegans.
Get fucked, brainlets. Enjoy your shit thread.

>> No.16053965


I know you have selective reading skills because you want to believe you are always right. But I wrote "A few years later I tried again" Implying I tried to donate blood a few years later. I fixed up my iron deficiency during that time. Also within those few years I also started eating meat again.

It would be a bad idea to not wash your produce. It is sprayed with pesticides and if its organic its covered in animal (and possibly human) feces. I grow my own crops in homemade compost and fertilizers from a variety of sources and even then there is no way in hell I wouldn't wash my produce.

Your soil b-12 shit is ridiculous. But I mean, you're not even vegan. You're just psyching yourself up for vegansim as soon as you graduate high school (except for when you visit home and have good nutritious home cooked meals by your mom who cares about your well being).

>> No.16053981

I hab wached a vijeo on intermet! It has the same position i do! I'm right! I'm so happy. If there is a vijeo, it's true! I'm right! HAHAHA!

>> No.16053990

Lol. A failed vegan assumes everyone else is the same weak loser he is.

>> No.16054002



>> No.16054183

You don't have to be vegan to not be a fast food gulping trucker. I eat meat but, at most have fast food once a week and eat out twice a week.

>> No.16054190
File: 94 KB, 680x847, 4ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah uh huh its the meat eaters who thirst for fast food.

>> No.16054195

Your anecdote proves nothing. You fucking up your diet means nothing at all. You thinking you can fix fucking up your diet by megadosing the day before a test shows you were too stupid to ever get it right.

>> No.16054220

You think I didn't eat any spinach or iron rich plant foods in general? Yeah I ate more the day before but I didn't think I would be fucking borderline anemic.

Anyways, I fixed up my diet by eating meat. Cope. You can't be vegan for health anyways. It's either for the animals™* or you are a selfish plant based poser. :3


*terms and conditions may apply

>> No.16054251

Everyone in this thread got molested when they were 13

>> No.16054266

I'm sorry to hear that anon kun, did you talk to a theapist about it?

>> No.16054272

What's the point of veganism? You eating this diet makes zero difference to animal welfare, and in fact makes your own welfare worse because the diet is annoying, low in nutrients, and inconvenient.

I just don't get the point. You're just depriving yourself for no reason. If you want to actually help animals, buying just egg instead of actual eggs won't do shit. You need to go to uni, get a doctorate, go into politics, bring about law changes and regulations to the farming industry etc.

Honestly I think veganism could well just be a psyop from these polluting industries to make people believe that it's consumer choice that is where the power is held and its the consumers who are responsible for the lives and deaths of these animals, and not, the industries that actually do this shit.

It's like telling people if you don't like plastic pollution, stop buying coke. If only we just convince enough people to stop buying plastic coke bottles the world will be saved. Not a chance. You need to regulate these industries with laws and punishments - putting the responsibility of plastic pollution onto the consumer, the very end stage of the supply chain, just obfuscates the responsibility away from the producer, and really just allows them to get away with it more.

If veganism wants to succeed as a political/social movement it needs to move away from being a diet, and turn itself into an actual political movement, with vegan lawyers and politicians and political parties etc. They need to look normal and wear suits and not be treehugging cuddly wuddly animal loving faggots.

Until that happens the "movement" will just remain a bunch of losers whinging on YouTube and tiktok, thinking "beyond meat" is a win for veganism when animal agriculture as an industry is exploding worldwide.

I'm not gonna suffer a stupid diet for a failed movement.

>> No.16054274


>> No.16054301

He's not wrong though

>> No.16054427


>> No.16054697

Cope harder, seething autist.

>> No.16054823

You still don't have an argument for it, sounds like you're the one getting annoyed

>> No.16054831

hail satan

>> No.16054988

>>vitamin B12
I drink red bull

>> No.16055012


>> No.16055352

I have monsters usually and I've heard the vitamins and stuff aren't absorbed as good. As long as it tries

>> No.16055361

Make it into a pic or else nobody's going to save/share it. Copypastas only propagate from extended use and even then they die out

>> No.16055466

He shouldn't bother, he thinks we get b12 from dirt and stagnant water because thats what some vegan ghoul regurgitated to him on youtube so it must be true. He probably doesn't even realize vegan doctors are debating over whether supplemental b12 is actually safe or not,.

>> No.16056699

>the vitamins and stuff aren't absorbed as good. As long as it tries
That's basically for ALL LIQUIDS. That didn't stop gym rats from drinking protein shakes anyway.

>> No.16056744

>Make it into a pic
This. It's easier to filter schizotrash by MD5 data instead of common phrases.