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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16047358 No.16047358 [Reply] [Original]

What do you usually put in your coffee, /ck/?

>> No.16047363

half and half

>> No.16047365

>7 Add Frapp Chips
I'd prefer the cute barista's Brapp Chips instead

>> No.16047370

That isn't coffee, it's a milkshake.

>> No.16047382

That's a 5000 calories dessert.

>> No.16047390

Based brapfriend

>> No.16047396

I kinda ordered something like this on my free birthday drink because it was free you know

>> No.16047407

Used to do double double, now I do black coffee with almond milk cream no sugar

>> No.16047423

Milk and half a sugar.

>> No.16047430
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Coffee goes in my coffee

>> No.16047436

I can't see that on the list

>> No.16047519

Black, like your mother's boyfriend.

>> No.16047582

Pic unrelated, then?

>> No.16047780

stop being a coffee snob

>> No.16047788

I'm not being a snob, I don't even like coffee, but that ingredient list literally does not contain coffee.

>> No.16047792

it's not an ingredient list, it's a list of extras added to the coffee

>> No.16047801

I ask the cute barista to spit in it and stir it with her fingers.

>> No.16047809


>> No.16047812

black coffee or cold brew w 0 sweetener

>> No.16047814

Only honey.
Learnt from a french gf (not flexin).
Coffee + honey +milk is disgusting, but cof+honey is delish.

>> No.16047846
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>french gf
Was she hairy?

>> No.16047855
File: 49 KB, 600x1534, (JPEG-kuva, 600 × 1534 kuvapistettä) - Pienennetty (63 % alkuperäisestä).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cut brandy

>> No.16047940

Condensed milk

>> No.16047967

better yet drink your coffee then drizzle honey on her and lick it off

>> No.16047981

Cardamom, saffron and rosewater.

Or Grappa, Cognac, Whisky.

>> No.16048007

Why is everyone itt so horny

>> No.16048008

the caffine

>> No.16048016

Not a damn thing

>> No.16048494

Maxwell House and half and half. I'm not a coffee snob.

I like a nice latte now and then, but I don't line paying $5 to $10 on my morning caffeine fix, when I can brew a pot for 30 cents.

>> No.16048531

Barely boiling water.

>> No.16048553
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>all that unincorporated mix of syrups at the bottom of the cup

>> No.16048565

this but with her penis

>> No.16048579

That's not coffee.

>> No.16048583
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>he thinks a min wage employee is going to try after getting that monstrosity of an order
I'd do the same thing

>> No.16048584

A shot of espresso and sometimes milk.

>> No.16048589

what is that? which part of tht is coffee?

>> No.16048598

Cream only and cinnamon sometimes ugar if hot if iced cream and caramel sauce or chocolate sometimes both

>> No.16048621

It's been double mixed already, the problem is that this abomination is so over saturated it physically can't incorporate any more flavour shots so it all seperates out at the bottom

>> No.16048629

I guarantee they did not actually double mix it just like they didn't add 5 bananas because that would be impossible

>> No.16048636

10mg nicotine in unflavored/unscented PG solution

>> No.16048664

that baby is jacked

>> No.16048701


>> No.16048838
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Folgers, White sugar, 2% milk
like God intended

>> No.16048843

Cinnamon and milk

>> No.16048945

That's the most obnoxious shit I've ever seen, fuck this coffee culture

>> No.16048961

almond milk is inferior trash, drink soy milk

>> No.16048975

Either small shot single malt or nothing

>> No.16048994
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>cof+honey is delish
Someone confirm this

>> No.16048996

>heh, can't start the day without my morning coffee ;)

>> No.16049007
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Anyone ever used molasses as a sweetener? I have a bit left over that I have no other use for and thinking of trying it out.

>> No.16049018

I always enjoy making a pumpkin spice latte with a nice dusting of cinnamon sugar on top. I dont care if it makes me a basic bitch

>> No.16049061

the few times i sweeten my coffee, i use honey. Best results I ever got was with tupelo honey. Gotta import that shit from florida which cost a cock and a ball so i never did it again but it was fuckin tasty

>> No.16049066

Oh maple syrup too, good as fuck

>> No.16049079

You've never tried it? I've been doing it since childhood. Coffee + honey, mix well, add a splash of heavy cream. Coffee of the gods when I am feeling like a sweetened coffee.

>> No.16049219

Would you like some coffee with that sugar?

>> No.16049228
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I like sugar in espresso but only sometimes. I don't like anything in coffee cause I never get the proportions right.

>> No.16049242

If I'm having real coffee, I take it like your sister takes it, black and strong. If I'm being made instant, I have milk in.

>> No.16049386

"baristas" at this point they are making milkshakes

>> No.16049506

Ceylon cinnamon.

>> No.16049510

Brown sugar and nothing more.

>> No.16049641

At Starbucks? They got rid of white tea so I don't go there anymore, but for coffee I used to get iced coffee, no classic syrup, peppermint, add mocha. If it's just coffee at home it depends what's in my fridge; could be a flavored creamer or just half&half. If it's a stellar blend of coffee I usually drink it black.

>> No.16049924

I like my sugar with coffee and cream

>> No.16049940


>> No.16049956
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>> No.16049970
File: 37 KB, 246x235, Bird up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get a hazelnut latte every single day from Starbucks, but I get it for free. How much of a fag does that make me?

>> No.16050219

>How much of a fag does that make me?

>> No.16050221

how does this guy like his coffee?

>> No.16050744

>Anyone ever used molasses as a sweetener?
It's not bad, but the bitter aftertaste kinda ruined it.
Might as well drink it with nothing sweet.

>> No.16050748

>but I get it for free
You didn't actually pay for it, so it doesn't make you a fag.
You're a fag if you actually pay money for it.

>> No.16050799

Just remembered I got a $15 starbucks gift card a couple christmases ago. what's one drink I should get that gets me closest to using the whole amount?

>> No.16050846

Is this just one guy or is /ck/ the premier brap board?
I personally welcome this development

>> No.16050854

Third party nespresso pod double pulled for one long shot and 1 short.

Works out to .35cents CAD per shot.

>> No.16050907
File: 37 KB, 750x730, we're hitting thinking levels that shouldn't even be possible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>food causes brap
>/ck/ is a food board

>> No.16050923
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>five bananas

>> No.16050942

Serving of ovaltine (2 tbsp), scoop of collagen powder, dash of cinnamon, serving of heavy whipping cream (2 tbsp). Every day. Tastes great, costs me about a buck or just over in ingredients and would probably cost 6+ for the same thing at a coffeehouse

>> No.16050943

>I have no other use for
bbq sauce

>> No.16051453
File: 92 KB, 990x660, beignets and cafe au lait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

evaporated milk and a bit of sugar. it's the closest I can get to a proper cafe au lait at home

>> No.16051494

Women drink coffee, son.

>> No.16051609


>> No.16051621
File: 30 KB, 960x960, blurry disgusted pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that sugary concoction is for a guy
>there are guys that drink this

>> No.16051631

How much would that cost?

>> No.16051725

Woman avoid sugar these days

>> No.16051786

What's the best way to sweeten a cold brew? I made a pitcher recently and am just using a splash almond milk creamer. I'd imagine honey wouldn't mix well?

>> No.16051791

>Woman avoid sugar these days
If that's true, then they have good reason to.

>> No.16051797
File: 62 KB, 801x527, 1614142125165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either heat the sugar in the coffee separately before icing and adding milk or otherwise use a simple syrup
They use mint between the gunpowder

>> No.16051810

Milk and either honey or maple syrup

>> No.16051814

Milk 2%
a couple drops of vanilla extract
Cocoa powder if I'm feeling it that morning.

>> No.16051820

Usually just sugar.

I also like whiskey or amaretto on special occasions.

>> No.16051824

do americans really?

>> No.16051831

Splash of milk

>> No.16052017

Americans really did this

>> No.16052086

Predict Edward's weight.

>> No.16052101


210 - 220.

btw he's 5 foot 7

>> No.16052241

Real cream is all you need

>> No.16052274

You got a bad habit there Halt.

>> No.16052438

Its good for ya brain!