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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16047572 No.16047572 [Reply] [Original]

My wife has gone to visit her family for a couple of weeks so I can finally cook some pork (she doesn't let me keep it in the house).

What are your best pork recipes? I'm thinking pulled pork and a full English breakfast, anything else?

>> No.16047598

>she doesn't let me keep it in the house
is this what marriage is all cracked up to be?

>> No.16047608

>My wife has gone to visit her family for a couple of weeks
>visit her family
she is getting fucked by another guy she met on tinder and the fact that she doesn’t let you keep pork AND that you fucking listen to her allows her to do this

>> No.16047610

Marriage is about compromise, yes

>> No.16047828
File: 45 KB, 680x708, C O O M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quality ham
>pulled pork
>pork ribs
>pork sausage
>Italian meatballs

>> No.16047865

>pulled pork
no, make chef john's carnitas. extremely based and much better than dry pulled pork

>> No.16047874

>English breakfast
Black pudding, which is made from the blood of a pig.
That's the final hurdle to experiencing the full English breakfast.

>> No.16047893
File: 180 KB, 712x745, COOMA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chef john's carnitas
Based as fuck. This and barbacoa

>> No.16047951

What do you not let her keep in the house then?

>> No.16047958

That just sounds like a coping mechanism for people pussywhipped by their wives. You are a man. Take control.

>> No.16047963

Your wife is getting porked you fucking cuck

>> No.16047972
File: 32 KB, 636x477, stogie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pussy-whipped cope

>> No.16047991

Good wife, she know how intelligent pigs are and how much they suffer in farming

>> No.16048003

Vegan or Muslim?

>> No.16048044

>she doesn't let me keep it in the house
this kind of weakness and lack of assertiveness digusts me

>> No.16048257

What has she compromised then, anon?

>> No.16048357

She compromused by marrying a beta faggot

>> No.16048475


>> No.16048486


>> No.16048630

Thank you for the suggestions. Since I'm from England I'm not too familiar with food from the Americas, so it would be interesting to try it. I think barbacoas is beyond my capability but I'll definitely give carnitas a try

As for those calling me pussy whipped or suggesting she's sleeping with another man, if only you met my wife you'd know what a ridiculous thing that is to say.

>> No.16048704

>no pork wife
>from England
>visiting family
She muslim?

>> No.16048714

I don't get to keep pork in the fridge and I get to fuck her in the shitter

>> No.16048757

Yes, she's a muslim from a Berber family in Morocco. Why does it matter?

>> No.16048767

imagine the smell???

>> No.16048773

It matters not even one bit. You do seem defensive, though.

>> No.16048919

If you think I'm being defensive, just look at how half the posts in this thread are needlessly insulting me. I had unfortunately forgotten what a toxic place this website was.

>> No.16048928

You're from england, but you're not actually english, are you?

>> No.16048936

I consider myself English. My mother's family is English going back as far as I know, whereas my dad's family is from Northern Ireland.

>> No.16048937

Why didn't you ask on your safe space called reddit then? They would have been happy to answer and you wouldn't have had to see mean words.

>> No.16048947

This. We're proud racist incels here. We hate women. And all nonwhites. And sex-havers. So do the math with your post about your wife, you nonwhite wife. You will never be accepted on /pol/ and /r9k/

>> No.16048968

And now you're browning up your lineage. Way to go. And you're cucked by her too. Damn, I always thought it was supposed to be the french that were good at surrendering.

>> No.16048979

>bring up wife for no reason
>expect anything but shitposting
I think OP doth baited this thread, and knew exactly what he was doing

>> No.16048981

This. Praise Kek! and Deus Fucking Vult

>> No.16048982

I'm almost sure a majority of people who making these posts don't actually feel strongly about any of that. They just know you can make an easy "epic shitpost" with just about anything.

>> No.16048986

I used to be like you. Tragically I browsed /r9k/ from 2011-2012, and /pol/ from 2012-2014. It's a time of my life I'm very ashamed about.

I sincerely hope that one day you meet your soulmate like I have, and that you're open to loving her even if she isn't of the same ethnicity as you.

>> No.16048990

Almost every thread and post I make is a shitpost which is built specifically to elicit typical 4chan replies.

>> No.16049001

I met my soulmate many years ago. I didn't have to dig through the mud for her either.

Nor did I have to make compromises. If anything, she is the one who does whatever I say. You are pathetic. All british people are. I'm glad your sad excuse for a nation is becoming more and more of a dystopian shitstain every year.

Again, you're a pathetic little cuck.

>> No.16049010

Summer keeps coming earlier and earlier every year

>> No.16049011

Absolute mad lad.

>> No.16049013

The anger in your posting style suggests you're not truly happy, so I suspect you're lying

>If anything, she is the one who does whatever I say
This actually doesn't make for a healthy relationship. Ultimately you both need to respect and listen to each other.

>> No.16049014

Based. I too have a wife and I beat the fuck out of her if she steps out of line. Same with my kids. Not like some cucked liberal loser like the nigger lover you're replying to. I hate women, but I need one to do my laundry and make me a hot dinner. Just trying to save the white race. Not like that cuck. /pol/ and /r9k/ shaped me. And thank fuck for that

>> No.16049039

The fact that you're super defensive means you are the one who isn't truly happy.

Also, judging by your history I have been with her longer than you have been on 4 chan. It seems I have figured out at least how to have a long term relationship, and you assume its unhealthy, meanwhile your wife has left you alone to visit family. No way in hell would my woman leave me to see her family, not without me with her.


>> No.16049054

I chose not to go with her because I'm not interested in spending 2 weeks in a mud hut in the Atlas mountains surrounded by people whose language I don't speak. I've done it before, twice was enough.

Also if you've been married over 10 years as you say, presumable you're in your mid-to-late 30s by now. Why are you still acting like an angsty teenager on 4chan?

>> No.16049055

Couldn't find a nice English girl? Pathetic

>> No.16049111

Based I wish my wife and kids would fuck off for 2 weeks

>> No.16049142

idk why are you here?

>> No.16049496

What can I expect from deep frying an entire, sanitized dead pig? Not even gutted

>> No.16049640

Any of y'all has the chart of beef which tells you which part to marinade and which to season?

>> No.16049674

Tbf what else did you expect by revealing that your wife doesn't let you keep pork in the house? It was completely unneeded information. Let that be a lesson to you not to overshare.

>> No.16049699

Pork doesn't actually smell that bad

>> No.16049725

Anon I'm sure your wife is smokin hot

>> No.16049728
File: 407 KB, 1500x1125, 20160510-cochinita-pibil-recipe-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cochinita pibil. Earthy citrusy marinated pork shoulder. Shred over rice or make tacos. Usually accompanied with pickled red onions.