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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16043262 No.16043262[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Trudeau is trying to starve me

>> No.16043266

Do canucks really?

>> No.16043275

Remember when mum dropped a hundo on groceries, you felt like a king? Yeah me too.

>> No.16043288

Unless they want to die, yes

I am like 99% sure my parents never had to spend more than $100 on a single trip; this is just Canadian post-nationalism

>> No.16043303

>buying breadcrumbs
>buying premade hummus and ravioli

>> No.16043305

None of that seems too out of the ordinary. Maybe don't spend $20 on paper towels next time.

>> No.16043306

you’re a retard, you could just drive to Freshco 9 minutes away on Westmount which is owned by the same parent company that owns Sobey’s, could have saved at least ~$40, 2L soda is only $2 and your dumb ass spent $4 on a bag of pita chips.

You do know Sobey’s is targeted toward upper middle class, people who don’t give a fk about deals so stop complaining.

Download the flipp app and start saving money

>> No.16043310
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Laugh at this poorfag

>> No.16043315

if you're that poor, then shop accordingly

>> No.16043324

serves you right for shopping at sobey's. if you're on a budget go to no frills nigga

>> No.16043331

come visit me in Huntsville bro

>> No.16043335

Complaining about being poor and buying
>premade bread crumbs
>baggies when you could be washing and reusing the ones from the previous 100 pack
>more bread products you can make yourself
>cleaning supplies other than pure bleach, vinegar, salt, and dish soap
>paper towels instead of rags
>premade iced tea
>premade coffee
>premade pasta
>premade dessert
I’ll give you a pass on the other stuff. You shop like a nigger and deserve to live like one.

>> No.16043344

The thing that grabs me here is the 3 fucking dollar dozen of eggs. They basically beg you to buy them here in the states. $.69 dozen for grade A large is common. I know it's Canadian Monopoly money we're talking about here but the exchange rate isn't so fucked up to where $3 for a dozen of eggs becomes remotely possible.

>> No.16043367

I usually pay at least $3/dozen for organic eggs.

>> No.16043372
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While I admit I’m lazy, the Canadian taxpayer deserves the ability to be able to buy things to live, not be forced into eating reconstituted bug protein bars. America needs to save us from the choice between Trudeau, some loser, and a literal bearded foreigner

Consider pic related, no paper towels in sight

I don’t know what you’re talking about. Ira Needles Sobeys is surrounded by middle-income tract housing, people who shop at zehrs or whatever shop there.

So that the Americans know: there is no major price difference between various cucknadian grocery chains

Progressive interests want you to not eat the egg

I’m not sure how I can be a black fella; do we even have foodstamps? I don’t think so

>> No.16043380

>buying into the organic meme

How do like throwing away money? Does that make your farts smell better?

>> No.16043383

>$34 on coffee
The point is you spend too much on completely unnecessary shit.

>> No.16043385

you shop like a lazy cunt so expect to pay more for convenience

>> No.16043389

Coffee is quite necessary; are you one of those straight-edge kooks? Or even worse; do you buy Tim Hortons products?

The point is these prices are ridiculous and Canada deserves American annexation so I can get cheaper groceries

>> No.16043392

The fuck kinda yuppie coffee are you buying, A can of folgers is like $7

>> No.16043395

>Don't talk to me before I had my coffee XD
Fucking leafs.

>> No.16043398

Mid-range; Illy dark roast. Folgers is like $10 in benighted Canada so adjust your prices accordingly

>> No.16043399

Dumbass I just picked up a can from foodland the other day, was like $7

>> No.16043401

So there is a cheaper choice nice argument retard

>> No.16043403

I agree, unfortunately I have to live here

>> No.16043404

My bad is was maxwell not folgers but it was still $7

>> No.16043408

did you know you can move?

>> No.16043411


Yeah but I don’t like Folgers, I should be free to purchase the coffee I like at not overinflated prices (it’s gone up $4 since corona started)

>> No.16043412

You buy outrageously dumb stuff. Make your own risotto and bread you ultra mega turbo nigger. Get off addictive drugs that cause you to waste $35 of your paycheck on shit you don’t need (yes I’m talking about caffeine you consoomer slave).

>> No.16043419

They taste better, and I have enough money to spend $7/dozen eggs and not think twice about it so I don’t mind.

>> No.16043420

People will snitch on me and the government will give my property to refugees

To friendly Americans: these aren’t prices ‘up north’, but in a major urban area 3 hours from the Michigan border (yes, these are in-store prices)

>> No.16043424

Ah, so the modern leaf must deny himself even coffee, and be content with reconstituted locust bars and adulterated ‘butter’

>> No.16043425

it all does the same thing you stupid fucking moron, caffeine is caffeine

>> No.16043429

>$34 on coffee
Are all Canadians as retarded as you? Please anon post more shitty purchases so we can laugh at you some more

>> No.16043431

Then just buy caffeine pills; they’re cheaper than Folgers and Maxwell per mg

>> No.16043435

> I have enough money to buy this
> starts thread to cry about spending

>> No.16043439

This time last year it’d be $20, quite reasonable for like a pound

>> No.16043440

do canadian americans eat this?

>> No.16043446

>Download the flipp app and start saving money
Based shill

>> No.16043450

Naw he's just a retard. Here is a local flyer so you can see how dumb he is. https://f.wishabi.net/flyers/25511417/fc07ff7f2bb2df83.pdf

>> No.16043451

>The point is these prices are ridiculous and Canada deserves American annexation so I can get cheaper groceries
I hope you get beheaded by one of your paki friends in Brampton. Keep the fucking yanks out of my country and send all the poo in the loos back where they came from.

>> No.16043460

I’m content with building a wall around Brampton and making them pay for it; our American friends should come help with that, among other things

The fuck is a Foodland

>> No.16043465


>> No.16043466

Why didn't you move to the US before COVID?

>> No.16043472

A grocery store owned by sobeys.

>> No.16043479

I’d rather America come to me
So it’s the same

>> No.16043480

No poor people who can’t afford $120 in groceries without complaining need to cut out retarded addictions. Buy whole foods only and make your food from scratch. Render fat from fatty cuts of meat instead of buying oil. Buy whole chicken, break them down, make stock from the bones, render fat from skin, get skin crackling from the renders and fried skin, use the meat for your meals. I’m not poor, and I do this. But I’m also not a consoomer, so I don't consoome addictive caffeinated products.

>> No.16043481

>send all the poo in the loos back where they came from
keep seething

>> No.16043483

>buying shit like ajvar, hummus, paneer at the deli
are you a paki

>> No.16043487
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tfw you don't understand that you're in trouble even though your mom didn't see you do it

>> No.16043489

Canadians really are suggesting people stop drinking coffee to save money

Next stop: bug bars

>> No.16043494

No, but I do like me some paneer
Ajvar is Balkan anyway

>> No.16043502

Just how much coffee per day are people drinking? One 6 ounce cup of coffee each morning, even mid priced grounds/beans, wouldn’t break the bank.

>> No.16043506

I hope you murdered.

>> No.16043522

I murdered whom?
2, maybe 3 cups? One can lasts a bit over a week

>> No.16043523


>> No.16043532

For legal reasons I completely disavow such actions and have not participated in the planning or execution of the same

>> No.16043596

Nobody suggested that you maple brained retard. OP is intentionally paying higher prices on staple items just to piss himself and obtain clout with American posters who don’t give a shit about what he has to say

>> No.16043602
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>kitchener fag

>> No.16043613

I'm not doing that you silly cucknadian, prices have gone up to feed the greed of the eternal Trudeau

Nah I live in Waterloo

>> No.16043850

>fresh tomatoes

sure looks like premium items, i'm in alberta and shit is way worse here, it's like $30 for a kg of chicken thighs, $35 for breasts, trudeau is literally forcing current citizens to eat like shit while bringing in millions of immigrants on our dimes

>> No.16043855

>Paying someone to slice your cheese for you
Okay retard.

>> No.16043860

A sandwich bag in my local Poundland costs a tenner.

>> No.16043871

>literal bearded foreigner
Didn't know Scarborough, Ontario wasn't a part of Canada prior to 1980.

>> No.16043880
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>> No.16043887

i only buy eggs when theyre on sale for 1.89 each if u buy 2 at various stores. if they are on sale for 3.99 or more i just don't buy eggs cos that's too much cos i need the money to buy other stuff and i only allocate a small amount for products from grocery stores.

>> No.16043987

Based thrifty shopper

>> No.16044009

Welcome to a country entirely self propelled by unwarranted self-importance. People unironically vote for this.

>> No.16044082

your shopping list is insanely wasteful considering how expensive canada already is.

>> No.16044198

Based and Welles-pilled

He has a beard and a turban and dangerous leftist ideas

My point is it shouldn’t be expensive

>> No.16045104

>buying pre-made burger patties
what the fuck are you doing???

>> No.16045125

I do this
When I make burgers it's for breakfast, so anything that speeds up the process is appreciated. Also, the premade patties are ground much finer than a package of ground beef would be - trying to form supermarket ground beef into patties without overworking them has a really offputting wormlike texture.

>> No.16045291

Hey! What up localbro, St Jacob's here

>> No.16045313
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Why would you spend $20 on paper towels? How many fucking paper towels do you need?

>> No.16045496

Based and stone crock-pilled

That’s the price for just 6 rolls in this land

>> No.16045504

lmao yup

>> No.16045519

What like six bounty triple rolls? Seriously, why aren’t you using wash clothes? Do you live in a trailer park? Do you eat with disposable cutlery too?

>> No.16045527

>mfw left Canada two years ago
>somehow end up in NZ
>mfw food is cheaper overall in NZ when you buy in season
>mfw top quality 1kg cheese

>> No.16045551

Good coffee is absolutely worth spending the money on. Bad coffee tastes like rancid shit and isn't worth the caffeine boost in the slightest, it's a total waste of money

>> No.16045573

you're literally a worse but more expensive version of the usa

>> No.16045854

No, regular rolls not the big ones

>> No.16045873

Fuck off trip faggot.

>> No.16045899

If you need to be frugal you shouldn't spend $12.50 on cold coffee and tea that you can make enough of for a week in thirty minutes for thirty cents.

>> No.16045930
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I was a cashier at Jewel (chicagofag) in the early 90s. If someone spent a hundy, they either had two carts or a whole cart of meat. Nowadays--waves cane-- a hundred bucks barely covers basics for four people for two weeks.

Picture is not related

>> No.16046068

I don’t need to, I just want reasonable prices, like in America

>> No.16046078

Given the exchange rate, your prices aren't out of whack.

>> No.16046098

$100 isn't going to feed 1 Canadian for 2 weeks unless they are eating rice and peanut butter sandwiches.
I make my own bread and everything else; literally nothing frozen or premade and there is no way I'm under $200/month.

>> No.16046491

Is that a sugar tax?

>> No.16046494

Oh ok, whew. I was worried as an american because the prices he is paying are very similar to the prices I pay here.
I don't typically walk out of the grocery store on a big week supply run spending less than about $130. I supply run is about $50

>> No.16046506

Harmonized Sales Tax

>> No.16046512

that doesn't seem that overpriced aside from the paper towels.

>> No.16046520

This is the same price as the US (yes I converted money), how fucking poor are you?

>> No.16046530

these prices seem similar to here in Australia

>> No.16046532

maybe he got the 24 pack or something

>> No.16046535
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Guy, stop it. You're supposed to play along like the heckin epic memerino. Pay no attention to the fact that OP spent $20 on paper towels and $40 on coffee. Canada is collapsing and they're going to put us all in camps somehow despite the gov't being too poor and inept to even act on a year-old gun grab.

>> No.16046557
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Tbh prices on pt/tp rarely go on sale since covid. This is a current sale at my local grocer and it's kinda meh compared to precovid days.

>> No.16046563

No Frills, all the same shit now. Food is getting expensive.

>> No.16046566

>if you're on a budget go to no frills nigga
Prices are not that much better desu.
>This is the same price as the US (yes I converted money),
It's literally not, food is much cheaper south of the border.

>> No.16046568

>all these unironic leaf simping for our inept government

This is why this country is fucked.

>> No.16046581

>food is much cheaper south of the border
Maybe if you're buying in bulk at Costco, or getting doghit repackaged as food at a dollar store. These are the same prices at a mid tier grocery store in the US like Kroger.

>> No.16046588

6 pack, regular size

No it isn’t. I used to live in WA and Safeway was never this expensive. Better quality and selection, too

Continue thinking they’re inept and Canada is a perfectly fine place to live, right until they cone to your door and frogmarch you to a re-education centre

Our only hope is America, god’s own country
Please help us

>> No.16046597

>Safeway was never this expensive. Better quality and selection, too
Then I feel sorry for Canada because Safeways are shit tier grocery stores here in the US, so if the quality is better they must really be third world.

>> No.16046604

Yes, yes it really is. ‘Responsibly government’ is a bad meme and needs to end. I’d prefer American rule but at this point even open PLA annexation would be better than the gong show of a ‘country’ we have now

>> No.16046616

fuck off pack to your containment board tourist.

>> No.16046624
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I literally only post on here and occasionally /k/, I’ve made cookalong/question threads before

>> No.16046646

>20 leafy dollarydoos for paper "towels"
>Buying bread crumbs
You are an idiot.

>> No.16046658
File: 357 KB, 1280x958, 3C91D5D5-60A4-455E-8F29-62E54320ADFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I eat my bread I eat the crust too, so I have nothing left to make breadcrumbs with