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16039063 No.16039063 [Reply] [Original]

>See this in the International section with things like Heinz Baked Beans, Mars Bars, and Blackcurrant Soda.

No bad Bongs, not bad at all.

>> No.16039176

It's pretty good with fruit / nuts

>> No.16039950

Wait, those are real? I had always assumed C. S. Lewis just made them up.

>> No.16039955

Turkish delight is real, but OP is not real turkish delight.

>> No.16039990

Look up lokum if you want real turkish delight.

>> No.16040009
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Turkish delight is absolutely real, but it's not usually covered in chocolate.

>> No.16040018

It's real and it tastes like shit. I think that kid was just looking for any excuse to fuck over his siblings. The witch could have given him a can of deez and he would have sold them out

>> No.16040031

Id sell your brown hole for a can of deenz

>> No.16040038
File: 227 KB, 1600x1200, nestle big turk turkish delight bar canadian 2 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a divisive candy bar in Canada.

>> No.16040049

If I drive up there to buy some of those, Tylenol with codeine, and dude weed lmao can I crash at your house?

>> No.16040056

Grab some Coffee Crisps and it's a done deal

>> No.16040090

I really like these but I totally understand why people don't think they're good

>> No.16040114

Turkish delight is delicious but topkek sucks ass sadly

>> No.16040255

Aslan would’ve understood if Edmond had sold them for a can of deenz

>> No.16040263
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knusperkek > topkek

>> No.16040518
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Here in Australia Turkish delight chocolate is everywhere. I mostly know the Cadbury/Fry's one, but other companies make it too. It's popular as small bars, blocks and normally comes in the Cadbury mixed Easter egg packs for kids.

>> No.16040539

why do australians always feel the need to announce themselves as such? do you understand australians are the niggers of white people?

>> No.16040542

I bet those are pretty much just jelly covered in chocolate

>> No.16040544
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>Here in UNNAMED COUNTRY Turkish delight chocolate is everywhere. I mostly know the Cadbury/Fry's one, but other companies make it too. It's popular as small bars, blocks and normally comes in the Cadbury mixed Easter egg packs for kids.
Also, you are thinking of Irish people

>> No.16040548

What the fuck is turkish delight and why don't we have it in america?

>> No.16040553
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Thanks Türkiye

>> No.16040606
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It's these for me

>> No.16040613

So much better than that awful rosewater garbage.

>> No.16040618

We do, mostly in the form of >>16040606 since americans don't like rose as a flavor.

>> No.16040689

based. i always liked that liquind turkish delight in chocolate.

>> No.16040695

>turkish candy
>looks like a turd
coincidence? i think not

>> No.16040702

How you do smooth rectangle robo poops?

>> No.16040719

aren't turkish delights already 99% sugar? why do those have a chocolate coating making them even sweeter?

>> No.16040738

The filling is gooier than real turkish delight. It wouldn't hold shape without casing.

>> No.16041114

pretty much. They're still great candy bars in their own right though.

>> No.16041125

The chocolate coating is less sweet though. The flavours go really well together.

>> No.16041201

Love these. Shame they're so small and only come in packs of 3. I could eat a massive bar of it.

>> No.16041679

Suck a cock you poof. You will never be white

>> No.16041696

When i was young i used to suck off the chocolate so i could eat just the jelly stuff. Could be why I'm gay

>> No.16041704

Dumb amerimutt

>> No.16042026

KYS tastelett, real Turkish delight is wonderful; sweet and gooey with a hint of fruit flavour.

>> No.16042049

yeah man, knusper is superior kek

>> No.16042126

those aren't turkish delights they usually have pistachios and powder sugar to dust it. not choco and flavored jellies.

>> No.16042238

I need to try a turkish delight. All I remember is from reading The Lion, The Witch And the Wardobe about them being so tasty the character was cursed to eat them until he died.

>> No.16042392
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>extra nut

>> No.16042409

my mother hates it so she never got it for me when I was little until requested it after hearing the story. It's ok, but that book way over sells it.

>> No.16042477

My sister used to say this tasted like perfume, but I like it.

>> No.16042483

I love Turkish Delight...a nice cross between cadbury creamy chocolate, that gummi texture and hint of rose. Not too sweet. Certainly, they are not to everyone's taste, for sure.

I also pick up the wine gums, Crunchie bar, hot mango chutney that I use in chicken salad, and the Sharwoods simmer sauces. The pickled onions are great, since they have that malt vinegar goodness. Near Christmas, I buy the Birds custard mix, which has a unique flavor for the trifle making. Cut the liquid in half to get it pudding texture, because the canister makes custard sauce from the back recipe, a good side for bread or fruit pudding, but not so much for trifle pudding. Banofee pie is delicious, and you need those mealy Digestives for the right piecrust though Maria crackers + wheat germ will stand in for them in a pinch.

>> No.16042491

It's one of those things where I eat it but I can't tell if I like it or not... kinda like blue cheese.

>> No.16042508

The first book of the series is The Magician's Nephew, dumbass.

>> No.16042511

Whatever gay shit they made me read in middle school I guess my dumb ass teacher started with the wrong book.

>> No.16042585
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The rest of the world is definitely missing out by not having blackcurrants readily available.
Shame that the business is closing in a month because they couldn't find a buyer though.

>> No.16043164

whats deez

>> No.16043168

you can just buy s'up?

>> No.16043181
File: 325 KB, 1280x720, pecador.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part of the allegory of Narnia is that sin is stupid, pointless, and not worthwhile. Consider how many times you (and I) have betrayed our Lord for some small trifle. Hence, turkish delight- it's not that Edmund sold out for something magnificent, but for something almost nonexistent.
He meant deenz, ie sardines

>> No.16043192

TMN is the first one chronologically but like the 5th or 6th one in publishing order. Kind of like you arent' supposed to start watching Star Wars with Episode I The Phantom Menace

>> No.16043254


>> No.16043279

When I was a kid I thought the kid was eating fried chicken I stg

>> No.16043302

Border is still closed.

>> No.16043321

this 100%

shit fucking sucks

>> No.16043340
File: 99 KB, 500x500, Knuspi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Knuspi

>> No.16043353


>> No.16043490

>backpedaling this hard
Yea your dumbass teacher ok retard

>> No.16044811

C. S. Lewis was pretty based, even if he was a filthy Angl*can.

>> No.16045316

It's made with rose water. A lot of the flavors our ancestors cherished are now consider shit. Malted milk powder, for example.

>> No.16045880

>Shame that the business is closing in a month because they couldn't find a buyer though.
Damn, these are great but it seems like a company that should have done more to innovate so I’m not surprised.

>> No.16045893

Feels good being American and looking at all this disgusting bullshit from third world countries.

>> No.16045897

What the hell does rosewater taste like anyway? I can't imagine it being good enough to bother steeping roses of all things.

>> No.16045914

tastes like Turkish delight

>> No.16045916
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>> No.16046100

>What the hell does rosewater taste like anyway?
Asian pussy

>> No.16046124
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>> No.16046250

Malted milk powder tastes great though and is still a fairly common ingredient.

It tastes like roses. When used sparingly it adds a light floral taste, and when used in quantities greater than a drop or two tastes like getting punched in the mouth with a bouquet of flowers.

>> No.16046275

>It tastes like roses
I hate when people say this as though eating flowers is a thing that normal humans do.

>> No.16046463

there's shitloads of edible flowers, I doubt you've never had violets on a dessert or something

>> No.16046633

I dunno, why do seppos assume everyone on the internet lives within cousin fucking distance of Misssissass County ZB ZZG FD GF GFHGHFG and insist on giving zero contextual information on any of their posts?

>> No.16046688

>bunte vielfalt
I'm sorry, but that's not allowed on 4chan(nel)

>> No.16046714

rose water isn't technically a flavor, but an aroma. you don't taste any of the basic tastes from it, but instead smell it while you eat the rose water infused food.
if you know what roses smell like, you know what eating rose water infused food tastes like.
same goes for other aromatic components like vanilla, or lots of fruit aromas which make fruit taste like more than just sugar and acid.
rosewater is also used sparingly in marzipan. pretty good desu.

>> No.16046720

>rose water isn't technically a flavor, but an aroma.
that's like saying a fart isn't technically a smell, but a sound.

>> No.16046730

no it's not.
you perceive flavors with your tongue. you perceive aromas with your nose.
with an aroma you can tell what it would taste like by smelling it. with a flavor you can not.

>> No.16046749

Good man

>> No.16046774

this isi the funniest shit ever
i want a chornicles of narnia were the witch haggles him down to deez

>> No.16046783

real turkish delight is absolute nectar, the bars are decent though

>> No.16046808
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Best Ritter Sport coming through

>> No.16046881

is your entire trolling schtick just quoting fragments and then pretending to be a retard that doesn't understand anything?
there's a reason why this kind of routine is looked down upon dude

>> No.16046957

I also concern troll sometimes. I get results so consistently I see no reason to change the routine up.

>> No.16047429

Edmund was made up specifically so that C. S. Lewis could feel persecuted for being a christcuck. He reveled in martyrdom.

>> No.16047668

>The witch could have given him a can of deez
deez nuts

>> No.16047766

that kid made them look like they were the best shit in the world

>> No.16047786

he's a heckler but he thinks he's a comic cos he says he heckles cos he can do better than those guys... don't be fooled he's not pretending to not get it or pretneding to be retarded hes actually like that. he does that to try to get ppl to give him a chnace since hes so lonley that way ppl still talk to him. not only that but his entire family is broke so he thinks heckling on stage is a new thing and will make him famous and get his family out of poverty. he's begging on the sterets but he doesnt think so cos he doesn't understand comedy he doesn't understand literature. those are pivotal aspects of culture but he is too poor for it.

>> No.16047804

yeah his family was really poor could never afford to buy them every time he asked his mother she would say they do not taste good. when he was starving the witch came by to offer him some and he thought they were so good. that's all he would eat since the witch would give him as many as he wanted. then he trusted the witch and did whatever she asked of him because she was nice to himafter his family members stopped talking to him and gave him turkish delights his mother never allowed him to eat.

>> No.16047871


real tukish is cum but turky bars are shit and piss

>> No.16047984

Those things are like crack. I can't buy them because I devour the whole packet in less than 5 minutes.

>> No.16048054

I thought meat loaf was a made up TV food.

>> No.16049719

That's slavs retard

>> No.16049773
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for me it's pop kek