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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16038104 No.16038104 [Reply] [Original]

is eating takeaway everyday a good way to grieve for a dead wife?

>> No.16038120

it's a good way to an hero, so yes

>> No.16038127

I hate this fat fuck

>> No.16038128
File: 75 KB, 788x571, rmt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Have a grief party for her.

>> No.16038134

i want to drive 3 hours to shitforshire hill to eat some random english takeaway and discuss the weather with this guy

>> No.16038146

I assume his wife used to cook for him.

>> No.16038269

did she make quadruple patty + bacon + 3 sauce + chicken breast + some hashbrown burgers for him with some loaded fries and ice cream shakes everyday?

>> No.16038385

how are euros not as fat as americans when they have all these deep fried themed restaurants?

>> No.16038534
File: 6 KB, 250x239, angrycat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who died?

>> No.16038543


Have you been to the UK? They’re just as fat as we are which is surprising because their teeth are too shit to chew the food.

>> No.16038544

his fuckin left and right arm

>> No.16038550

>They’re just as fat as we are
Thats just plain false

>> No.16038567

post the webm. you know the one

>> No.16038624

Only 3 hours? That would'nt even get you out of Florida

>> No.16038636

why the fuck would i ever set foot in florida proper

>> No.16038662

If that Facebook post was real, his attitude towards the whole situation was surprisingly casual. Lots of spelling mistakes. He even made a pun out of her name.

It was a bit like, "Bad news, me wife died. Sometimes they do that. Me and our four kids were sad about it but we got over it. Anyways, be good to one another, it's what she would have wanted."

>> No.16038677

>oh, there's a thing three hours from you?
>lol I can't get out of my state in three hours, there's literally nowhere I can go to within three hours
Sounds like a nice state, buddy. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.16038712

Post body. We will see whose fat, nigger. Or are you too gay to post body?

>> No.16038821

Just recently knew about him, seems like a good guy. Life goes on, am shure he still cries about her every night.

>> No.16038839

Your a good man anon, am shure he would enjoy a pint with you.

>> No.16038844
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>Your a good man anon
not really i just like food

>> No.16039173
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wonder if itll keep increasing at the same pace

>> No.16039200

I would subcribe but he has such a thick accent that makes it hard to understand and YouTube subtitles dont help.

>> No.16039206

Why does Florida get such a bad rap? Only thing I don't care for are hurricanes and snakes. Hot weather, beaches, disney world, good oranges, etc. seem nice.

>> No.16039213

It's really not that difficult. I'm an Amerifat and understand him just fine if I focus a bit.

>> No.16039216

is his wife dead?

>> No.16039221

Fuck you ill punch you in your mouth faggot

>> No.16039226

is being a faggot good

>> No.16039228
File: 186 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do British streets really just have mold growing on them?

>> No.16039264

id tell you to go touch grass but you dont know what it is

>> No.16039290

That's pretty sad, honestly. He probably tries to kill himself in the process.

>> No.16039443
File: 311 KB, 1511x2015, EzaryAzVIAM3qAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow there is some serious sloppa on the rate my takeaway twitter

>> No.16039455
File: 40 KB, 567x366, CE931D3C-89A6-4CCA-A20A-B5D219DE3871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that like a cheesesteak inside of a waffle? Do britbongs really?

>> No.16039460

>Chicken and Beef Mixed Kebab in dill waffle bread with lettuce, cabbage, red onion, yoghurt, mayo, spicy sauce and extra cheese sauce by Jess W

>> No.16039490
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>> No.16039497

you mean carry out?

>> No.16039641

You could have fooled me

>> No.16039694

britania is lost. in 20 years half their population will be morbidly obese.

>> No.16039704

Look at the lad, he honestly seems like the type to just enjoy life with how he doesn’t give a fuck what he puts in his mouth, either that or he’s trying to cope

>> No.16039984
File: 626 KB, 791x1074, wouldya lads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the slampigs are everywhere in britain oh my gawd

>> No.16039994

It's really not

>> No.16040012

What facebook post?

>> No.16040044


>> No.16040057

Really not too far behind.

>> No.16041558

anglos are not european

>> No.16041636
File: 139 KB, 811x480, F4170301-3F22-4DB5-A089-564E4BEA6AD8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That place looks depressing and dirty. It’s like their “nice” area is a white trash trailer park but everywhere

>> No.16041644

Yeah, Leeds looks like a Detroit slum.

>> No.16041672

That's not mold, plus not everything has to be pristine and sterile. I'd rather see grass than niggers