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File: 401 KB, 1200x800, infinity_whiskey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16033938 No.16033938 [Reply] [Original]

anyone here have an infinity bottle?
seems like a fun idea

>> No.16033952

How the Infinity Bottle Became a Whiskey Nerd Obsession

In the past few years, the "infinity bottle" has become a phenomenon among whiskey nerds. Aaron Goldfarb mines Reddit to understand the allure of the at-home, ever-changing whiskey blend.

JANUARY 18, 2017

>> No.16033976
File: 204 KB, 1263x709, redscotch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't see the appeal of a bunch of bottom pours getting blended together into a large puddle of leftover piss but i guess it's the reddit fad of the day.

>> No.16034120

idk man seems kinda lame because its just the tailings of all the other good stuff, its kinda like race mixing when you think about it. Very reddit

>> No.16034588

So its just a fancy bottle and maybe glasses to store you Whisky? I mean sure if you wanna be classy but I have no need for it.

>> No.16034592

No it's like infinity soup but whiskey

>> No.16034770

I actually have one, but for clear spirits.

started with pouring some leftover Vodka in this fancy ass bottle I got, for no reason.
one party later, there was some bottom shelf white rum left, so I added some of this.
few partys later, I got gifted some high end vodka, and later got shitfaced with the girl, I had a crush on.
the next morning we put what was left of the vodka into the fancy Infinity bottle.
a while later I got home from some party, and woke up on my floor, with half a bottle obstler (clear fruit booze) no idea where it came from, or how I got it.

did this for 4 or 5 years now, and have now a fancy bottle full of random alcohol and great memories of the girls, and partys, I had.

I like it.

>> No.16034850

jungle juice but for hipsters!!

>> No.16035019

Infinity bottle is gay. Selective Blending is much better. Last one I had success with was the last few ounces of Mellow Corn that was mostly air for a couple months, half as much Jameson and half as much McCarthys American Peated Single Malt Whiskey. The Mellow Corn has plenty of sweet, the Jameson adds the fruityness and McCarthys has a particular smokey note. Very enjoyable.

>> No.16035074

you browse reddit, dont you faggot?

>> No.16035098

Gay as fuck and a meme.

>> No.16035920


>> No.16036222

Take your meds transcel

>> No.16036250

It's a game changer.

>> No.16036281

It sounds like a fun little project for people who drink a lot of the same type of spirit. Nothing worth getting mad over.

>> No.16036316

Why give a fancy name for jungle juice? Fucking reddit

>> No.16036341

You know what? Even when I'm reduced to pouring drink dregs into a glass because I'm a sad drunk fuck, at least I can take some pride in knowing that what I'm doing is drunken schlubbery, and not trying to tart it up with a fancy name,

>> No.16036345

How is it a fancier name than jungle juice? Your mind is spazzed out, man.

>> No.16036380

So it's for soy faggots who think they know better than professional blenders who are doing it for generations and mix few bottom shelf whiskeys to make an ultimate abomination blend? That's the most retarded whiskey fad since the plastic whiskey stones. Why do these numales always pursue the "craft" element? Isn't whiskey usually crafted well enough to not ruin it at home by randomly mixing it?

>> No.16036405

No, they're just throwing the last pours in together to see what happens. Don't be so proud of having a joyless life. It's nothing special.

>> No.16036623

why not just pour the leftover bit into your final glass of whiskey? it's not like you're trying to mix a cocktail

>> No.16036628

calling somebody fat doesn't make you skinny, anon

>> No.16036634

Because fun.

>> No.16036658
File: 154 KB, 928x1080, fruits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are just mixing together the last part of whatever they drink.
Like, even if you are a professional blender I don't see why someone would get angry at this, it's as innocuous as pet projects can be.

>> No.16036675

Funkopops are "innocuous" too yet I would still behead anyone owning one.

>> No.16036797

Funkopops are disgusting but we all know that you’re an ineffectual faggot who could never physically harm, much less behead, anyone. Keep up that cool tough guy internet posturing though, Susie.

>> No.16036802

Nice projection, weeb.

>> No.16036807

So you've never met anybody who owns Funkopops, or are you admitting to having beheaded people before?

>> No.16036810
File: 140 KB, 831x1024, 1616759089751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its kinda like race mixing when you think about it
Even when it comes to drinking all you think about is the BBC. You need help

>> No.16036815

Nice being a limp wristed faggot, faggot.

>> No.16036842

Based proud drunkfag

>> No.16037710

thoughts on this?

>> No.16037744 [DELETED] 

Never heard of this and figured it was some bottle with a tube in the bottom that kept it constantly full. Look it up and find out it's literally just a bottle that you refill manually.

>> No.16037805

Lol ok, I thought they are trying to make a "better" whiskey from bottles they buy just for that purpose.

>> No.16037817

I would die much faster
So I suppose I wish I did

>> No.16037884

>all racemixing involves black men
youre the only one who said that